Readme.txt file for the latex package "pst-uml"


who:            Maurice Diamantini  <Maurice.Diamantini at ensta in fr>
Maintained by:  Herbert Voss        <Herbert.Voss at alumni.TU-Berlin in DE>

                (and CTAN)
when:           Package "pst-uml":          27/04/98
                FRENCH doc "pst-uml":       27/04/98    
                this readme:                18/12/98 :-)
                see "Modifications" for more recent changes
pst-uml is in Alpha version, and not yet cleanly packaged.
I hope to be able to continue it before juny 1999.
(27 oct 99 : sorry, pst-uml is unchanged!)

********** (But any remarks are welcome :-) ****************

What is pst-uml

pst-uml.sty is a latex package written for my need to draw some
UML diagramms using pstricks package.

"pst-uml" rely on pstricks (pst-xkey.sty) and some other standard 
packages. In particular the following files :

  - pst-xkey.sty : use by pst-uml.sty
                   but include in recent standard latex distribution.
  - fancyvrb.sty : NOT USE by  pst-uml.sty, but requested for compiling 
                   the documentations.
  - fvrb-ex.sty :  idem above 

How to use pst-uml?

Copy the file pst-uml.sty in your working directory (latex project)
or in the PATH of TEX input file.
Normaly, this is the only thing to do...

All documentation is IN FRENCH. It is based on the two top files:

  - pst-uml-doc.tex: 
        reference doc for pst-uml.sty
        (description of the differents commands provide by pst-keys.sty)
  - pst-uml-exemples.tex: 
        some examples of UML diagramms using "pst-uml"
        This file use secondary files such as :
           - diagCase.tex
           - diagClass.tex
           - diagState.tex
           - diagSeq.tex
   - pst-uml-encapsuled-pdf-fig.tex:
     A seldocumented  exemple for creating encasulated pdf file for using with
     psdlatex. This feature make use of:
        - "-E" flag for dvips tool
        - epstopdf unix filter
        - \usepackage{pst-eps} from pstricks
        - \TeXtoEPS and \endTeXtoEPS commands from pstricks

Compiling the documentation files require the packages fancyvrb.sty and 
fvrb-ex.sty in addition to the pst-uml.sty package.
There is postscript version of the two documentation files above with
the "pst-uml" distribution.

With unix (or macosX), you can use Makefile for compiling documentations to pdf
(require ps2pdf utility):
     => compile the two documentation files to pdf format
  make distcleen 
     => remove all generated files
  make tgz (ou tbz or zip for other format)
     => make a snapshot with date and time of the directory, and put it in the 
        parent directory
The Makefile can be used to see he various needed unix commands (in particular
for making encapsulated pdf figure).

28/08/06 : - using pst-xkey for the key handling, 
           - add exemple for creating encapsulated pdf figure
           - exemple file renamed, and cleanup Makefile and README
14/05/03 : apply licence lppl before putting  pst-uml
           on CTAM (by Herbert Voss)
18/12/98 : modif Makefile and remove out-dated packages from pst-uml 
27/04/98 : last update of pst-uml and its documentation