%% $Id: pst-tools-doc.tex 1163 2020-03-24 09:47:58Z herbert $ \documentclass[11pt,english,BCOR=10mm,DIV=13,toc=bibliography,parskip=false, headings=small,headinclude=false,footinclude=false,oneside]{pst-doc} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \usepackage{pst-tools} \let\pstToolsFV\fileversion \usepackage{xltabular} \usepackage{pst-plot} \renewcommand\bgImage{} \lstset{language=PSTricks, morekeywords={psPrintValue},basicstyle=\footnotesize\ttfamily} % \usepackage{biblatex} \addbibresource{pst-tools-doc.bib} \begin{document} \title{\texttt{pst-tools}} \subtitle{Helper functions; v.\pstToolsFV} \author{Herbert Voß} \docauthor{} \date{\today} \maketitle \begin{abstract} This package defines some tools which are useful for all packages not only the PSTricks like packages. Since the version 0.10 it includes the macros from \texttt{random.tex}. \vfill \noindent Thanks to: Rolf Niepraschk; \end{abstract} \newpage \tableofcontents \psset{unit=1cm} \section{Predefined styles} The style \Lkeyword{mmpaper} is defined for \Lcs{psgrid}: %\newpsstyle{mmpaper}{subgriddiv=5,gridlabels=0,gridwidth=1pt,gridcolor=orange,subgridwidth=0.1pt,subgridcolor=orange!90} \begin{LTXexample}[width=0.5\linewidth,frame=,pos=r] \begin{pspicture}(6,3) \psgrid[style=mmpaper](6,3) \end{pspicture} \begin{pspicture}(6,3) \psgrid[style=mmpaper, gridcolor=blue,subgridcolor=blue!80](6,3) \end{pspicture} \end{LTXexample} \section{\Lcs{psPrintValue}}\label{sec:printValue} This macro allows to \Index{print} single values of a math function. It has the syntax \begin{BDef} \Lcs{psPrintValue}\OptArgs\Largb{PostScript code}\\ \Lcs{psPrintValue}\OptArg{algebraic,\ldots}\Largb{x value, algebraic code} \end{BDef} Important is the fact, that \Lcs{psPrintValue} works on \PS\ side. For \TeX\ it is only a box of zero dimension. This is the reason why you have to put it into a box, which reserves horizontal space. There are the following valid options for \Lcs{psPrintValue}: \noindent\medskip \begin{xltabular}{\linewidth}{@{}l|>{\ttfamily}l>{\ttfamily}lX@{}} \textrm{name} & \textrm{value} & \textrm{default}\\\hline \endhead \Lkeyword{PSfont} & PS font name & Times & only valid \PS\ font names are possible, e.g. \Lps{Times-Roman}, \Lps{Helvetica}, \Lps{Courier}, \Lps{Helvetica}, \Lps{Bookman}. If you want to embed the fonts use always the URW names NimbusRomNo9L-Regu, NimbusSanL-Regu and NimbusMonL-Regu. However, the names may vary on different operating systems.\\ \Lkeyword{postString} & & \{\} & will be appended to the number string\\ \Lkeyword{trimSpaces} & & false & will strip spaces on the right\\ \Lkeyword{fontscale} & & 10 & the font scale in pt\\ \Lkeyword{valuewidth} & & 10 & the width of the string for the converted real number; if it is too small, no value is printed\\ \Lkeyword{decimals} & & -1 & the number of printed decimals, a negative value prints all possible digits.\\ \Lkeyword{xShift} & & 0 & the x shift in pt for the output, relative to the current point.\\ \Lkeyword{algebraic} & & false & function in algebraic notation.\\ \Lkeyword{VarName} & & \{\} & saves the value in / for further use\\ \Lkeyword{comma} & & false & comma instead of the dor for decimals\\ \end{xltabular} \begin{center} \psset{fontscale=12} \makebox[2em]{x(deg)} \makebox[5em]{$\sin x$} \makebox[4em]{$\cos x$}\hspace{1em} \makebox[5em]{$\sqrt x$}\makebox[7em]{$\sin x+\cos x$}\makebox[6em]{$\sin^2 x+\cos^2 x$}\\[3pt] \multido{\iA=0+10}{18}{ \makebox[1em]{\iA} \makebox[5em]{\psPrintValue[PSfont=NimbusRomNo9L-Regu,xShift=-10]{\iA\space sin}} \makebox[4em][r]{\psPrintValue[PSfont=NimbusMonL-Regu,fontscale=10,decimals=3,xShift=-20]{\iA\space cos}}\hspace{1em} \makebox[5em]{\psPrintValue[valuewidth=15,linecolor=blue,PSfont=NimbusSanL-Regu]{\iA\space sqrt}} \makebox[7em]{\psPrintValue[comma,PSfont=NimbusRomNo9L-ReguItal]{\iA\space dup sin exch cos add}} \makebox[6em]{\psPrintValue[PSfont=Palatino-Roman]{\iA\space dup sin dup mul exch cos dup mul add}}\\} \end{center} \bigskip \begin{lstlisting} \psset{fontscale=12} \makebox[2em]{x(deg)} \makebox[5em]{$\sin x$} \makebox[4em]{$\cos x$}\hspace{1em} \makebox[5em]{$\sqrt x$}\makebox[7em]{$\sin x+\cos x$}\makebox[6em]{$\sin^2 x+\cos^2 x$}\\[3pt] \multido{\iA=0+10}{18}{ \makebox[1em]{\iA} \makebox[5em]{\psPrintValue[PSfont=NimbusRomNo9L-Regu,xShift=-10]{\iA\space sin}} \makebox[4em][r]{\psPrintValue[PSfont=NimbusMonL-Regu,fontscale=10,decimals=3,xShift=-20]{\iA\space cos}}\hspace{1em} \makebox[5em]{\psPrintValue[valuewidth=15,linecolor=blue,PSfont=NimbusSanL-Regu]{\iA\space sqrt}} \makebox[7em]{\psPrintValue[comma,PSfont=NimbusRomNo9L-ReguItal]{\iA\space dup sin exch cos add}} \makebox[6em]{\psPrintValue[PSfont=Palatino-Roman]{\iA\space dup sin dup mul exch cos dup mul add}}\\} \end{lstlisting} With enabled \Lkeyword{algebraic} option there must be two arguments, separated by a comma. The first one is the x value as a number, which can also be PostScript code, which leaves a number on the stack. The second part is the function described in algebraic notation. Pay attention, in algebraic notation angles must be in radian and not degrees. \clearpage \begin{center} \psset{algebraic, fontscale=12}% All functions now in algebraic notation \makebox[2em]{x(deg)} \makebox[5em]{$\sin x$} \makebox[4em]{$\cos x$}\hspace{1em} \makebox[5em]{$\sqrt x$}\makebox[7em]{$\sin x+\cos x$}\makebox[6em]{$\sin^2 x+\cos^2 x$}\\[3pt] \multido{\rA=0+0.1}{18}{\makebox[1em]{\rA} \makebox[5em]{\psPrintValue[PSfont=NimbusSanL-Regu,xShift=-10]{\rA, sin(x)}} \makebox[4em][r]{\psPrintValue[PSfont=NimbusMonL-Regu,fontscale=10,decimals=3,xShift=-20]{\rA,cos(x)}}\hspace{1em} \makebox[5em]{\psPrintValue[valuewidth=15,linecolor=blue,PSfont=NimbusSanL-Regu]{\rA,sqrt(x)}} \makebox[7em]{\psPrintValue[comma,PSfont=NimbusRomNo9L-ReguItal]{\rA,sin(x)+cos(x)}} \makebox[6em]{\psPrintValue[PSfont=Palatino-Roman]{\rA,sin(x)^2+cos(x)^2}}\\} \end{center} \bigskip \begin{lstlisting} \psset{algebraic, fontscale=12}% All functions now in algebraic notation \makebox[2em]{x(deg)} \makebox[5em]{$\sin x$} \makebox[4em]{$\cos x$}\hspace{1em} \makebox[5em]{$\sqrt x$}\makebox[7em]{$\sin x+\cos x$}\makebox[6em]{$\sin^2 x+\cos^2 x$}\\[3pt] \multido{\rA=0+0.1}{18}{\makebox[1em]{\rA} \makebox[5em]{\psPrintValue[PSfont=NimbusSanL-Regu,xShift=-10]{\rA, sin(x)}} \makebox[4em][r]{\psPrintValue[PSfont=NimbusMonL-Regu,fontscale=10,decimals=3,xShift=-20]{\rA,cos(x)}}\hspace{1em} \makebox[5em]{\psPrintValue[valuewidth=15,linecolor=blue,PSfont=NimbusSanL-Regu]{\rA,sqrt(x)}} \makebox[7em]{\psPrintValue[comma,PSfont=NimbusRomNo9L-ReguItal]{\rA,sin(x)+cos(x)}} \makebox[6em]{\psPrintValue[PSfont=Palatino-Roman]{\rA,sin(x)^2+cos(x)^2}}\\} \end{lstlisting} \begin{center} foo \makebox[2em][l]{\psPrintValue[comma]{3.14 10 mul round 10 div}}bar\\[3pt] foo \makebox[2em][l]{\psPrintValue[comma,PSfont=StandardSymL, postString=\string\260]{3.14 10 mul round 10 div}}bar\\[3pt] foo \makebox[3.5em][l]{\psPrintValue[PSfont=StandardSymL,decimals=6, postString=\string\260]{3.14 dup mul}}bar \end{center} \bigskip \begin{lstlisting} foo \makebox[2em][l]{\psPrintValue[comma]{3.14 10 mul round 10 div}}bar\\[3pt] foo \makebox[2em][l]{\psPrintValue[comma,PSfont=StandardSymL, postString=\string\260]{3.14 10 mul round 10 div}}bar\\[3pt] foo \makebox[3.5em][l]{\psPrintValue[PSfont=StandardSymL,decimals=6, postString=\string\260]{3.14 dup mul}}bar \end{lstlisting} \clearpage \section{\nxLcs{psRegisterList}}\label{sec:getElement} The macro defines for every list item an own macro for an easy access to the items. It must be a comma separated list. \begin{BDef} \Lcs{psRegisterList}\Largb{Name}\Largb{value list}\\ \nxLcs{\Larga{Name}}\Largb{Index} \end{BDef} \begin{lstlisting} \psRegisterList{Color}{yellow,blue,green,red}% defines macro \Color \begin{pspicture}(-7,-4.5)(7,5.5) \psaxes{->}(0,0)(-6.5,-4.5)(6.75,5) \psset{plotpoints=400,algebraic,linewidth=1pt,fillstyle=solid,opacity=0.4} \multido{\iA=1+1}{4}{% \psplot[linecolor=\Color{\iA}, fillcolor=\Color{\iA}!60]{-6.283}{6.283}{\iA*sin(\iA*x)}}% \psset{plotpoints=400,algebraic} \psforeach{\iA}{1,2,3,4}{% \psplot[linecolor=\Color{\iA}]{-6.28}{6.28}{\iA*sin(\iA*x)}} \end{pspicture} \end{lstlisting} \psRegisterList{Color}{yellow,blue,green,red}% defines macro \Color \begin{pspicture}(-7,-4.5)(7,5.5) \psaxes{->}(0,0)(-6.5,-4.5)(6.75,5) \psset{plotpoints=400,algebraic,linewidth=1pt,fillstyle=solid,opacity=0.4} \multido{\iA=1+1}{4}{% \psplot[linecolor=\Color{\iA},fillcolor=\Color{\iA}!60]{-6.283}{6.283}{\iA*sin(\iA*x)}}% \psset{plotpoints=400,algebraic} \psforeach{\iA}{1,2,3,4}{% \psplot[linecolor=\Color{\iA}]{-6.28}{6.28}{\iA*sin(\iA*x)}} \end{pspicture} \section{Random numbers} The file \LFile{random.tex} from Donald Arseneau is no more part of CTAN due to a missing licence statement. \LFile{pst-tools} at version 0.10 includes the code. The documentation was inside the package otself: Random integers are generated in the range 1 to 2147483646 by the macro \Lcs{nextrandom}. The result is returned in the counter \Lcs{randomi}. Do not change \Lcs{randomi} except, perhaps, to initialize it at some random value. If you do not initialize it, it will be initialized using the time and date. (This is a sparse initialization, giving fewer than a million different starting values, but you should use other sources of numbers if they are available--just remember that most of the numbers available to TeX are not at all random.) The \Lcs{nextrandom} command is not very useful by itself, unless you have exactly 2147483646 things to choose from. Much more useful is the \Lcs{setrannum} command which sets a given counter to a random value within a specified range. There are three parameters: \Lcs{setrannum\{\}\{\}\{\}} For example, to simulate a die-roll: \verb|\setrannum{\die}{1}{6}| \verb|\ifcase\die...| . If you need random numbers that are not integers, you will have to use dimen registers and \Lcs{setrandimen}. For example, to set a random page width: \Lcs{setrandimen} \Lcs{hsize\{3in\}\{6.5in\}} The »\Lcs{pointless}« macro will remove the »pt« that TeX gives so you can use the dimensions as pure `real' numbers. In that case, specify the range in pt units. For example, \verb|\setrandimen\answer{2.71828pt}{3.14159pt}| The answer is \verb|\pointless\answer|. The random number generator is the one by Lewis, Goodman, and Miller (1969) and used as \texttt{ran0} in »Numerical Recipies« using Schrage's method for avoiding overflows. The multiplier is $16807 (7^5)$, the added constant is 0, and the modulus is $2147483647 (2^{31}-1)$. The range of integers generated is $1 - 2147483646$. A smaller range would reduce the complexity of the macros a bit, but not much--most of the code deals with initialization and type-conversion. On the other hand, the large range may be wasted due to the sparse seed initialization. \section{List of the defined PostScript functions} \footnotesize \begin{verbatim} /Pi2 1.57079632679489661925640 def /factorial { % n on stack, returns n! /MoverN { % m n on stack, returns the binomial coefficient m over n /ps@ReverseOrderOfPoints { % on stack [P1 P2 P3 ...Pn]=>[Pn,Pn-1,...,P2,P1] /cxadd { % [a1 b1] [a2 b2] = [a1+a2 b1+b2] /cxneg { % [a b] /cxsub { cxneg cxadd } def % same as negative addition /cxmul { % [a1 b1] [a2 b2] /cxsqr { % % [a b]^2 = [a^2-b^2 2ab] = [a2 b2] /cxsqrt { % /cxarg { % [a b]->arg(z)=atan(b/a) /cxlog { % [a b]->log[a b] = [a^2-b^2 2ab] = [a2 b2] /cxnorm2 { % [a b]->a^2+b^2 /cxnorm { % /cxconj { % [a b]->[a -b] /cxre { 0 get } def % real value /cxim { 1 get } def % imag value /cxrecip { % [a b]->1/[a b] = ([a -b]/(a^2+b^2) /cxmake1 { 0 2 array astore } def % make a complex number, real given /cxmake2 { 2 array astore } def % dito, both given /cxdiv { cxrecip cxmul } def /cxrmul { % [a b] r->[r*a r*b] /cxrdiv { % [a b] r->[1/r*a 1/r*b] /cxconv { % theta->exp(i theta) = cos(theta)+i sin(theta) polar<->cartesian /bubblesort { % on stack must be an array [ ... ] /concatstringarray{ % [(a) (b) ... (z)] --> (ab...z) 20100422 /concatstrings{ % (a) (b) -> (ab) /reversestring { % (aBC) -> (CBa) /concatarray{ % [a c] [b d] -> [a c b d] /dot2comma {% on stack a string (...) /rightTrim { % on stack the string and the character number to be stripped /psStringwidth /stringwidth load def /psShow /show load def \end{verbatim} \normalsize \clearpage \section{List of all optional arguments for \texttt{pst-tools}} \xkvview{family=pst-tools,columns={key,type,default}} \bgroup \raggedright \nocite{*} %\bibliographystyle{plain} \printbibliography \egroup \printindex \end{document}