\section{Curves of real-valued and parameterised functions} \subsection{Curve of a real-valued function} The object \texttt{courbe} allows us to draw a curve, where the name is given with the option \texttt{function}. This function, with values in $\mathbb{R}$, has to be defined by the macro \verb+\defFunction+ (see the appropriate paragraph for more details). We can define this function either in algebraic notation, with the option \texttt{[algebraic]}, or in Reverse Polish Notation (RPN), with variables like $(x,u,t\ldots)$, using an expression of the following form: \begin{verbatim} \defFunction[algebraic]{nom_fonction}(x){x*sin(x)}{}{} \end{verbatim} \begin{verbatim} \defFunction{nom_fonction}(x){x dup sin mul}{}{} \end{verbatim} \encadre{This expression needs to be included within a \texttt{pspicture} environment.} The limits of the variables are defined by the option \texttt{range=$xmin$ $xmax$}, and the option \texttt{argument=$n$} defines the number of points to be plotted when drawing the curve. \begin{LTXexample}[width=7.5cm] \begin{pspicture}(-3,-3)(4,3.5)% \psframe*[linecolor=blue!50](-3,-3)(4,3.5) \psset{lightsrc=50 20 20,viewpoint=50 30 15,Decran=60} \psset{solidmemory} \defFunction[algebraic]{1_sin}(x){2*sin(1/x)}{}{} \psSolid[object=grille, base=-3 0 -3 3, linewidth=0.5\pslinewidth,linecolor=gray,] %% definition du plan de projection \psSolid[object=plan, definition=equation, args={[1 0 0 0] 90}, base=-3.2 3.2 -2.2 2.2, planmarks, showBase, name=monplan] \psset{plan=monplan} \psSolid[object=plan, args=monplan, linecolor=gray!40, plangrid, action=none] \psProjection[object=courbe, linecolor=red, range=-3 3,resolution=720, function=1_sin] \composeSolid \axesIIID(4,2,2)(5,4,3) \end{pspicture} \end{LTXexample} \subsection{Parameterised curves} The technique used here is analogous to the above, with the difference that the values now come from $\mathbb{R}^2$, and the object for the macro \bs{psProjection} is now \texttt{courbeR2}. For example, to draw a circle of radius $3$ and centre $O$, we type: \begin{verbatim} \defFunction[algebraic]{cercle}(t){3*cos(t)}{3*sin(t)}{} \end{verbatim} Another example: Lissajous curves. \begin{LTXexample}[width=7.5cm] \begin{pspicture}(-3,-3)(4,3.5)% \psframe*[linecolor=blue!50](-3,-3)(4,3.5) \psset{lightsrc=50 20 20,viewpoint=50 30 15,Decran=60} \psset{solidmemory} \defFunction[algebraic]{F}(t){2*sin(0.57735*t)}{2*sin(0.707*t)}{} \psSolid[object=grille, base=-3 0 -3 3, linewidth=0.5\pslinewidth,linecolor=gray,] %% definition du plan de projection \psSolid[object=plan, definition=equation, args={[1 0 0 0] 90}, base=-3.2 3.2 -2.2 2.2, name=monplan, planmarks, showBase] \psset{plan=monplan} \psSolid[object=plan, args=monplan, linecolor=gray!40, plangrid, action=none] \psProjection[object=courbeR2, range=-25.12 25.12,resolution=720, normal=1 1 2,linecolor=red, function=F] \composeSolid \axesIIID(4,2,2)(5,4,3) \end{pspicture} \end{LTXexample} \endinput