\section{The parameters of \texttt{pst-solides3d}} \begin{longtable}{|>{\bfseries\ttfamily\color{blue}}l |>{\ttfamily\centering}m{2cm}|m{10cm}|} \hline \multicolumn{1}{|c|}{\textbf{Parameter}}& \multicolumn{1}{c|}{\textbf{Default}}& \multicolumn{1}{c|}{\textbf{Description}} \\ \hline\hline \endfirsthead \hline \multicolumn{1}{|c|}{\textbf{Parameter}}& \multicolumn{1}{c|}{\textbf{Default}}& \multicolumn{1}{c|}{\textbf{Description}} \\ \hline\hline \endhead \multicolumn{3}{|r|}{\textit{Continued on next page}}\\ \hline \endfoot \multicolumn{3}{|r|}{\textit{End of table}}\\ \hline \endlastfoot object&&predefined objects for use with \texttt{\textbackslash{}psSolid} and \texttt{\textbackslash{}psProjection}: \texttt{[object=name]} where \texttt{name} is the type of object\\ \hline viewpoint&10 10 10&the coordinates of the point of view\\ \hline a&2&the value of \texttt{a} has several interpretations: the edge length of a cube, the radius of the circumscribed sphere of regular polyhedrons, the length of one of the edges of a parallelepiped\\ \hline r&2&the radius of a cylinder or sphere\\ \hline h&6&the height of a cylinder, cone, truncated cone, or prism\\ \hline r0&1.5&the inner radius of a torus\\\hline r1&4&the mean radius of a torus\\ \hline phi&0&the lower latitude of a spherical zone\\ \hline theta&90&the upper latitude of a spherical zone\\ \hline a,b and c&4&the lengths of three incident edges of a parallelepiped\\ \hline base&\begin{tabular}{rr}-1 & -1 \\ 1 & -1 \\ 0 & 1\end{tabular}&the coordinates of vertices in the $xy$-plane for specified shapes\\ \hline axe&0 0 1&the direction of the axis of inclination of a prism\\ \hline action&draw**&uses the painting algorithm to draw the solid without hidden edges and with coloured faces\\ \hline lightsrc&20 30 50&the Cartesian coordinates of the light source\\ \hline lightintensity&2&the intensity of the light source\\ \hline ngrid&n1 n2& sets the grid for a chosen solid\\ \hline mode&0&sets a predefined grid: values are 0 to 4. \texttt{[mode=0]} is a large grid and \texttt{[mode=4]} is a fine grid\\ \hline grid& true&if \texttt{[grid]} is used then gridlines are suppressed\\ \hline biface&true&draw the interior face; if you only want the exterior shown write \texttt{[biface=false]} \\ \hline algebraic&false&\texttt{[algebraic=true]} (also written as \texttt{[algebraic]}) allows you to give the equation of a surface in algebraic form (otherwise RPN is enabled); the package \texttt{pstricks-add} must be loaded in the preamble\\ \hline fillcolor&white&specifies a colour for the outer faces of a solid\\ \hline incolor&green&specifies a colour for the inner faces of a solid\\ \hline hue&&the colour gradient used for the outer faces of a solid\\ \hline inhue&&the colour gradient used for internal faces\\ \hline inouthue&&the colour gradient used for both internal and external faces as a single continuation\\ \hline fcol&&permits you to specify, in order of face number $0$ to $n-1$ (for $n$ faces) the colour of the appropriate face:\par \texttt{[fcol=0 (Apricot) 1 (Aquamarine) etc.]}\\ \hline rm&&removes visible faces: \texttt{[rm=1 2 8]} removes faces 1, 2 and 8 \\ \hline show&&determines which vertices are shown as points: \texttt{[show=0 1 2 3]} shows the vertices 0, 1, 2 and 3, \texttt{[show=all]} shows all the vertices\\ \hline num&&numbers the vertices; for example \texttt{[num=0 1 2 3]} numbers the vertices 0,1,2 and 3, and \texttt{[num=all]} numbers all the vertices\\ \hline name&&the name given to a solid\\ \hline solidname&&the name of the active solid\\ \hline RotX&0&the angle of rotation of the solid around $Ox$ (in degrees)\\ \hline RotY&0&the angle of rotation of the solid around $Oy$ (in degrees)\\ \hline RotZ&0&the angle of rotation of the solid around $Oz$ (in degrees)\\ \hline hollow&false& draws the inside of hollow solids: cylinder, cone, truncated cone and prism\\ \hline decal&-2&reassign the index numbers of the vertices within a \texttt{base}\\ \hline axesboxed& false& this option for surfaces allows semi-automatic drawing of the 3D coordinate axes, since the limits of $z$ must be set by hand; enabled with \texttt{[axesboxed]}\\ \hline Zmin&$-4$& the minimum value of $z$\\ \hline Zmax&$4$& the maximum value of $z$\\ \hline QZ&$0$& shifts the coordinate axes vertically by the chosen value\\ \hline spotX&dr&the position of the tick labels on the $x$-axis\\ \hline spotY&dl&the position of the tick labels on the $y$-axis\\ \hline spotZ&l&the position of the tick labels on the $z$-axis\\ \hline resolution&36&the number of points used to draw a curve\\ \hline range&-4 4 &the limits for function input\\ \hline function& f & the name given to a function\\ \hline path&newpath \par 0 0 moveto& the projected path\\ \hline %normal&0 0 1&the normal to the surface being defined\\ \hline text&&the projected text\\ \hline visibility&false& if \texttt{false} the text applied to a hidden face is not rendered\\ \hline chanfreincoeff&0.2&the chamfering coefficient\\ \hline trunccoeff&0.25&the truncation coefficient\\ \hline dualregcoeff&1&the dual solid coefficient\\ \hline %%%% is this used anywhere? affinagecoeff&0.8&the hollowing coefficient\\ \hline affinage& & determines which faces are hollowed out: \texttt{[affinage=0 1 2 3]} recesses faces 0, 1, 2 and 3, \texttt{[affinage=all]} recesses all faces\\ \hline affinagerm& &keep the central part of hollowed out faces\\ \hline intersectiontype&-1&the type of intersection between a plane and a solid; a positive value draws the intersection\\ \hline plansection&&list of equations of intersecting planes, when used only for their intersections \\ \hline plansepare&&the equation of the separating plane for a solid\\ \hline {\small intersectionlinewidth}&1&the thickness of an intersection in \texttt{pt}; if there are several inter\-sections of different thicknesses then list them like so:\par \texttt{[intersectionlinewidth=1 1.5 1.8 etc.]}\\ \hline intersectioncolor&(rouge)&the colour used for intersections; if several inter\-sections in different colours are required, list them as follows:\par \texttt{[intersectioncolor=(rouge) (vert) etc.]}\\ \hline intersectionplan&[0 0 1 0]&the equation of the intersecting plane\\ \hline definition&&defines a point, a vector, a plane, a spherical arc, etc.\\ \hline args&&arguments associated with \texttt{definition}\\ \hline section&\textbackslash Section&the coordinates of the vertices of a cross-section of a solid ring\\ \hline planmarks&false&scales the axes of the plane\\ \hline plangrid&false&draws the coordinate axes of the plane \\ \hline showbase&false&draws the unit vectors of the plane\\ \hline showBase&false&draws the unit vectors of the plane and the normal vector to the plane\\ \hline deactivatecolor&false&disables the colour management of PSTricks\\ \hline transform&&a formula, applied to the vertices of a solid, to transform it\\ \hline axisnames&\{x,y,z\}&the labels of the axes in 3D\\ \hline axisemph&&the style of the axes labels in 3D\\ \hline showOrigin&true&draws the axes from the origin, or not if set to \texttt{false}\\ \hline mathLabel&true&draws the axes labels in math mode, or not if set to \texttt{false}\\ \hline file&&the name of the data file having \texttt{.dat} extension written with \texttt{[action=writesolid]} or read with \texttt{[object=datfile]}\\ \hline load&&the name of the object to be loaded\\ \hline fcolor&&the colour of the refined parts of the faces of an object\\ \hline sommets&&the list of vertices of a solid for use with \texttt{[object=new]}\\ \hline faces&&the list of faces of a solid for use with \texttt{[object=new]}\\ \hline stepX&1&a positive integer giving the interval between ticks on the $x$-axis of \texttt{\textbackslash{}gridIIID}\\ \hline stepY&1&a positive integer giving the interval between ticks on the $y$-axis of \texttt{\textbackslash{}gridIIID}\\ \hline stepZ&1&a positive integer giving the interval between ticks on the $z$-axis of \texttt{\textbackslash{}gridIIID}\\ \hline ticklength&0.2&the length of tickmarks for \texttt{\textbackslash{}gridIIID}\\ \hline \end{longtable} \endinput