Generated on Wed Apr 19 11:55:35 2006 (1145462135). ,-------------------. | BIBTEX ENTRIES | `-------------------' @book{Harper01:MDBook, address = {Philadelphia}, author = {Peter Harper}, edition = {Third}, publisher = {W. B. Saunders}, title = {Myotonic Dystrophy}, year = {2001}, } @article{PedigreeNomenclature95, author = {Robin L. Bennett and Kathryn A. Steinhaus and Stefanie B. Uhrich and Corrine K. O'Sullivan and Robert G. Resta and Debra Lochner-Doyle and Dorene S. Markei and Victoria Vincent and Jan Hamanishi}, journal = {Am. J. Hum. Genet.}, number = {3}, pages = {745--752}, title = {Recommendations for Standardized Human Pedigree Nomenclature}, volume = {56}, year = {1995}, } @manual{PSTricks93, author = {Van Zandt, Timothy}, month = {March}, note = {Available from CTAN at \path{tex-archive/graphics/pstricks/obsolete/doc}}, title = {PSTricks: PostScript Macros for Generic \TeX}, year = {1993}, } @manual{pedigree-perl, author = {Boris Veytsman and Leila Akhmadeeva}, month = {April}, note = {Available from CTAN at \path{support/pedigree}}, title = {A Program For Automatic Pedigree Construction With pst-pdgr. User Manual and Algorithm Description}, year = {2006}, }