%% $Id: pst-ovl-doc.tex 1169 2020-05-01 14:27:32Z herbert $ \documentclass[fontsize=11pt,english,BCOR10mm,DIV12,bibliography=totoc,parskip=false, smallheadings, headexclude,footexclude,oneside]{pst-doc} \usepackage{pst-ovl} \let\pstOVLFV\fileversion \renewcommand\bgImage{} \usepackage{ragged2e} \addbibresource{\jobname.bib} \lstset{language=PSTricks,basicstyle=\footnotesize\ttfamily} % \begin{document} \title{\texttt{pst-ovl}} \subtitle{Helper functions for overlays; v.\pstOVLFV} \author{Herbert Voß} \docauthor{} \date{\today} \maketitle \tableofcontents \psset{unit=1cm} \section{Overlays} Overlays are mainly of interest for making slides, and the overlay macros described in this section are mainly of interest to \TeX{} macro writers who want to implement overlays in a slide macro package. For example, the \LPack{seminar} package, a \LaTeX{} style for notes and slides, uses PSTricks to implement overlays. Overlays are made by creating an "`\Lcs{hbox}"' and then outputting the box several times, printing different material in the box each time. The box is created by the commands \begin{lstlisting} \psoverlaybox < stuff >\endpsoverlaybox \end{lstlisting} \LaTeX{} users can instead write: \begin{lstlisting} \begin{psoverlaybox} \end{psoverlaybox} \end{lstlisting} The material for overlay \texttt{} should go within the scope of the command \Lcs{psoverlay}\Largb{number} \texttt{} can be any any number, after expansion. Anything not in the scope of any \Lcs{psoverlay} command goes on overlay "`0"', and material within the scope of \Lcs{psoverlay}\Largb{-1} goes on all the overlays. \Lcs{psoverlay} commands can be nested and can be used in math mode. The command \Lcs{putoverlaybox}\Largb{number} then prints overlay \texttt{}. % Here is an example: \begin{LTXexample}[pos=t] \psoverlaybox \psoverlay{-1} \psframebox[framearc=.15,linewidth=1.5pt]{% \psoverlay{0} \parbox{3.5cm}{\raggedright Foam Cups Damage Environment {\psoverlay{1} Less than Paper Cups,} Study Says.}} \endpsoverlaybox \psputoverlaybox{0} \hspace{.5in} \psputoverlaybox{1} \end{LTXexample} It is possible to define macros which hold the numbers: \begin{LTXexample}[pos=t] \def\all{-1} \def\main{0} \def\one{1} \psoverlaybox \psoverlay{\all} \psframebox[framearc=.15,linewidth=1.5pt]{% \psoverlay{\main} \parbox{3.5cm}{\raggedright Foam Cups Damage Environment {\psoverlay{\one} Less than Paper Cups,} Study Says.}} \endpsoverlaybox \psputoverlaybox{\main} \hspace{.5in} \psputoverlaybox{\one} \end{LTXexample} \bgroup \RaggedRight \nocite{*} \printbibliography \egroup \printindex \end{document}