@Book{PostScript, Author = {Kollock, Nikolai G.}, Title = {PostScript richtig eingesetzt: vom Konzept zum praktischen Einsatz}, Publisher = {IWT}, Address = {Vaterstetten}, year = 1989, } @Manual{pstricks, Title = {PSTricks - {\PS} macros for Generic TeX}, Author = {Timothy Van Zandt}, Organization = {}, Address = {\url{http://www.tug.org/application/PSTricks}}, Note = {}, year = 1993, } @Manual{pdftricks, Title = {PSTricks Support for pdf}, Author = {Herbert Voss}, Organization = {}, Address = {\url{http://www.educat.hu-berlin.de/~voss/lyx/pdf/pdftricks.phtml}}, Note = {}, year = 2002, } @Manual{miwi, Title = {References for \TeX{} and Friends}, Author = {Michael Wiedmann and Peter Karp}, Organization = {}, Address = {\url{http://www.miwie.org/tex-refs/}}, Note = {}, year = 2003, } @Manual{pstlens:2001, Title = {PST-lens - {\PS} macros for Generic TeX}, Author = {Denis Girou and Manuel Luque}, Organization = {}, Address = {\url{ftp://ftp.dante.de/tex-archive/graphics/pstricks/contrib/pst-lens/}}, Note = {}, year = 2001, } @Manual{pstoptic:2001, Title = {Lentilles convergentes: {PST}-optic v. 0.2}, Author = {Manuel Luque}, Organization = {}, Address = {\url{http://members.aol.com/ManuelLuque2/optique.htm}}, Note = {}, year = 2001, }