1.1 2007-09-06 * Considerably enhanced labeling of the components. Added new parameter 'labelref' which specifies the reference coordinate system for the label positioning and the rotation of the label. Default is labelref=relgrav, the label point is rotated together with the component, but the label text itself is not rotated. * parameter labelrelative is now obsolete, and replaced by labelref=relative. It will be removed in future versions. * parameter polwidth, bswidth, iwidth and owidth are now obsolete, and replaced by polsize, bssize, innerheight and outerheight for consistency reasons. They will be removed in future versions. * macro \polarisation was changed to \polarization for consistency reasons. The old notation is obsolete and will be removed in future versions. * fixed bug: filling of all components with 'fillstyle' is now possible. * fixed bug: added some liftpen=1 in the code to fix the look of the lenses and the optgrid. 1.0 2007-07-18 first CTAN version