# The `pst-ode` PSTricks package © 2012--`\today` Alexander Grahn https://github.com/agrahn/pst-ode This package defines `\pstODEsolve` for solving initial value problems for sets of Ordinary Differential Equations (ODE) using the Runge-Kutta-Fehlberg (**`RKF45`**) method with automatic step size adjustment. `\pstODEsolve[]{}{}{`*t*0`}{`*t*e`}{`*N*`}{`**x**0`}{`**f**`(`*t*`, `**x**`)}` The state vectors **x** found at *N* equally spaced output points between *t*0 and *t*e are stored in the PostScript object ``, formatted according to the second argument ``, as a long list of values. `` lists the quantities to be stored in ``. The user can select from the elements of **x** and the integration parameter *t*. The initial condition vector **x**0 and the right-hand side **f**`(`*t*`, `**x**`)` of the ODE system can be input in algebraic notation, if desired. RPN (Postfix) notation of PostScript can as well be used. `` can be directly used as the `` argument of `\listplot{}` (package `pst-plot`) or `\listplotThreeD{}` (package `pst-3dplot`). This material is subject to the [LaTeX Project Public License](http://mirrors.ctan.org/tex-archive/macros/latex/base/lppl.txt).