..... pst-map2d.tex
1.08  2008-04-05  rename internal \variables... macro to prevent clash
		  with package pst-vue3d
1.07  2005-11-11  fix introduced bug with loading xkey
1.06  2005-11-10  using pst-xkey instead of pst-key

..... pst-map2dII.tex
0.82  2008-04-05  rename internal \variables... macro to prevent clash
		  with package pst-vue3d
0.81  2005-11-10  using pst-xkey instead of pst-key

..... pst-map3d.tex
1.04  2008-04-05  rename internal \variables... macro to prevent clash
		  with package pst-vue3d
1.03  2005-11-10  using pst-xkey instead of pst-key

..... pst-map3dII.tex
0.24  2008-04-05  rename internal \variables... macro to prevent clash
		  with package pst-vue3d
0.23  2005-11-10  using pst-xkey instead of pst-key