..... pst-func.tex 0.50 2007-08-30 - modified \psPoisson{m,N}{Lambda} (Gerry Coombes) - modified \psPolynomial{m,n,N}{Lambda} (Gerry Coombes) - fixed bug in \psPoisson with markZeros - fixed bug in \psBinomial with markZeros - fixed bug in psPlotImp with \psyunit - added new distribution functions \psFDist for F-distribution \psGammaDist \psChiIIDist \psTDist for Student's t-distribution \psBetaDist for Beta distribution - use pat-math.pro for GAMMALN function 0.49 2007-06-23 - add psVolume, rotating a function around the x-axis 0.48 2007-03-17 - add another distribution function: psPoisson 0.47 2007-02-01 - add support of arrows for psPolynomial 0.46 2006-09-06 - using the bool key from xkeyval - adding the superellipse function (Lame curve) - uses pstricks-add for algebraic plot 0.45 2006-04-22 make polarplot and algebraic option work added \psplotImp for plotting implicit defined functions (experimental) accept plotstyle curve for \psBinomialN new option barwidth for \psBinomial new macro \psBinomial and \psBinomialN 0.44 2006-01-16 new macros \psCumIntegral, \psIntegral \psConv 0.43 2005-12-19 new macro psSi for the integral sin Si(x) and si(x)=Si(x)-pi/2 and Ci(x), the integral cosin 0.42 2005-12-09 new macro psGaussI for the integral of Gauss use mue as option name instead of xShift (\psGauss} 0.41 2005-09-23 new macro pstPrintValue 0.40 2005-04-09 new option xShift instaed of x0 for psPolynomial and Gauss 0.39 2005-04-09 new option x0 for Gauss 0.38 2004-11-08 change the option Abbreviation to the right one Derivation 0.37 2004-11-08 changes pstricks object type from closed to open 0.36 2004-11-07 some more options for the polynomial macro 0.35 2004-10-26 added the zero points for the function 0.34 2004-10-22 modification to the Abbreviation key 0.33 2004-10-19 added options firstAbbrColor|Style and secondAbbrColor/Style ..... pst-func.sty 2004-10-18 first version 2006-04-22 add pst-func.pro to the filelist ..... pst-func.pro 0.07 2007-08-30 new subroutine LogGamma 0.06 2006-04-16 new subroutine MoverN (binomial coefficient) 0.05 2005-12-19 new subroutine Si and si for the integral sin new subroutine for the integral cosin new subroutine factorial (recursive) 0.04 2005-12-05 new subroutine Simpson for the integral of Gaussian curve 0.03 2005-07-28 add the complex part 0.02 2004-11-08 change Abbreviation to the right name Derivation 0.01 2004-11-04 first version