% Copyright 2006 by Till Tantau % % This file may be distributed and/or modified % % 1. under the LaTeX Project Public License and/or % 2. under the GNU Free Documentation License. % % See the file doc/generic/pgf/licenses/LICENSE for more details. \section{Tutorial: Putting a Diagram in Chains} In this tutorial we have a look at how chains and matrices can be used to typeset a diagram. Ilka, who just got tenure for her professorship on Old and Lovable Programming Languages, has recently dug up a technical report entitled \emph{The Programming Language Pascal} in the dusty cellar of the library of her university. Having been created in the good old times using pens and rules, it looks like this\footnote{The shown diagram was not scanned, but rather typeset using \tikzname. The jittering lines were created using the |random steps| decoration.}: \tikzset{ nonterminal/.style={ % The shape: rectangle, % The size: minimum size=6mm, % The border: very thick, draw=red!50!black!50, % 50% red and 50% black, % and that mixed with 50% white % The filling: top color=white, % a shading that is white at the top... bottom color=red!50!black!20, % and something else at the bottom % Font font=\itshape }, terminal/.style={ % The shape: rounded rectangle, minimum size=6mm, % The rest very thick,draw=black!50, top color=white,bottom color=black!20, font=\ttfamily}, skip loop/.style={to path={-- ++(0,#1) -| (\tikztotarget)}} } { \tikzset{terminal/.append style={text height=1.5ex,text depth=.25ex}} \tikzset{nonterminal/.append style={text height=1.5ex,text depth=.25ex}} \medskip \noindent\begin{tikzpicture}[ >=latex,thick, /pgf/every decoration/.style={/tikz/sharp corners}, fuzzy/.style={decorate,decoration={random steps,segment length=0.5mm,amplitude=0.15pt}}, minimum size=6mm,line join=round,line cap=round, terminal/.style={rectangle,draw,fill=white,fuzzy,rounded corners=3mm}, nonterminal/.style={rectangle,draw,fill=white,fuzzy}, node distance=4mm] \ttfamily \begin{scope}[start chain, every node/.style={on chain}, terminal/.append style={join=by {->,shorten >=-1pt,fuzzy,decoration={post length=4pt}}}, nonterminal/.append style={join=by {->,shorten >=-1pt,fuzzy,decoration={post length=4pt}}}, support/.style={coordinate,join=by fuzzy}] \node [support] (start) {}; \node [nonterminal] {unsigned integer}; \node [support] (after ui) {}; \node [terminal] {.}; \node [support] (after dot) {}; \node [terminal] {digit}; \node [support] (after digit) {}; \node [support] (skip) {}; \node [support] (before E) {}; \node [terminal] {E}; \node [support] (after E) {}; \node [support,xshift=5mm] (between) {}; \node [support,xshift=5mm] (before last) {}; \node [nonterminal] {unsigned integer}; \node [support] (after last) {}; \node [coordinate,join=by ->] (end) {}; \end{scope} \node (plus) [terminal,above=of between] {+}; \node (minus) [terminal,below=of between] {-}; \begin{scope}[->,decoration={post length=4pt},rounded corners=2mm,every path/.style=fuzzy] \draw (after ui) -- +(0,.7) -| (skip); \draw (after digit) -- +(0,-.7) -| (after dot); \draw (before E) -- +(0,-1.2) -| (after last); \draw (after E) |- (plus); \draw (plus) -| (before last); \draw (after E) |- (minus); \draw (minus) -| (before last); \end{scope} \end{tikzpicture} \medskip For her next lecture, Ilka decides to redo this diagram, but this time perhaps a bit cleaner and perhaps also bit ``cooler.'' \medskip \noindent\begin{tikzpicture}[point/.style={coordinate},>=stealth',thick,draw=black!50, tip/.style={->,shorten >=1pt},every join/.style={rounded corners}, hv path/.style={to path={-| (\tikztotarget)}}, vh path/.style={to path={|- (\tikztotarget)}}] \matrix[column sep=4mm] { % First row: & & & & & & & & & & & \node (plus) [terminal] {+};\\ % Second row: \node (p1) [point] {}; & \node (ui1) [nonterminal] {unsigned integer}; & \node (p2) [point] {}; & \node (dot) [terminal] {.}; & \node (p3) [point] {}; & \node (digit) [terminal] {digit}; & \node (p4) [point] {}; & \node (p5) [point] {}; & \node (p6) [point] {}; & \node (e) [terminal] {E}; & \node (p7) [point] {}; & & \node (p8) [point] {}; & \node (ui2) [nonterminal] {unsigned integer}; & \node (p9) [point] {}; & \node (p10) [point] {};\\ % Third row: & & & & & & & & & & & \node (minus)[terminal] {-};\\ }; { [start chain] \chainin (p1); \chainin (ui1) [join=by tip]; \chainin (p2) [join]; \chainin (dot) [join=by tip]; \chainin (p3) [join]; \chainin (digit) [join=by tip]; \chainin (p4) [join]; { [start branch=digit loop] \chainin (p3) [join=by {skip loop=-6mm,tip}]; } \chainin (p5) [join,join=with p2 by {skip loop=6mm,tip}]; \chainin (p6) [join]; \chainin (e) [join=by tip]; \chainin (p7) [join]; { [start branch=plus] \chainin (plus) [join=by {vh path,tip}]; \chainin (p8) [join=by {hv path,tip}]; } { [start branch=minus] \chainin (minus) [join=by {vh path,tip}]; \chainin (p8) [join=by {hv path,tip}]; } \chainin (p8) [join]; \chainin (ui2) [join=by tip]; \chainin (p9) [join,join=with p6 by {skip loop=-11mm,tip}]; \chainin (p10) [join=by tip]; } \end{tikzpicture} }\medskip Having read the previous tutorials, Ilka knows already how to setup the environment for her diagram, namely using a |tikzpicture| environment. She wonders which libraries she will need. She decides that she will postpone the decision and add the necessary libraries as needed as she constructs the picture. \subsection{Styling the Nodes} The bulk of this tutorial will be about arranging the nodes and connecting them using chains, but let us start with setting up styles for the nodes. There are two kinds of nodes in the diagram, namely what theoreticians like to call \emph{terminals} and \emph{nonterminals}. For the terminals, Ilka decides to use a black color, which visually shows that ``nothing needs to be done about them.'' The nonterminals, which still need to be ``processed'' further, get a bit of red mixed in. Ilka starts with the simpler nonterminals, as there are no rounded corners involved. Naturally, she sets up a style: \begin{codeexample}[] \begin{tikzpicture}[ nonterminal/.style={ % The shape: rectangle, % The size: minimum size=6mm, % The border: very thick, draw=red!50!black!50, % 50% red and 50% black, % and that mixed with 50% white % The filling: top color=white, % a shading that is white at the top... bottom color=red!50!black!20, % and something else at the bottom % Font font=\itshape }] \node [nonterminal] {unsigned integer}; \end{tikzpicture} \end{codeexample} Ilka is pretty proud of the use of the |minimum size| option: As the name suggests, this option ensures that the node is at least 6mm by 6mm, but it will expand in size as necessary to accommodate longer text. By giving this option to all nodes, they will all have the same height of 6mm. Styling the terminals is a bit more difficult because of the round corners. Ilka has several options how she can achieve them. Once way is to use the |rounded corners| option. It gets a dimension as parameter and causes all corners to be replaced by little arcs with the given dimension as radius. By setting the radius to 3mm, she will get exactly what she needs: circles, when the shapes are, indeed, exactly 6mm by 6mm and otherwise half circles on the sides: \begin{codeexample}[] \begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=5mm, terminal/.style={ % The shape: rectangle,minimum size=6mm,rounded corners=3mm, % The rest very thick,draw=black!50, top color=white,bottom color=black!20, font=\ttfamily}] \node (dot) [terminal] {.}; \node (digit) [terminal,right=of dot] {digit}; \node (E) [terminal,right=of digit] {E}; \end{tikzpicture} \end{codeexample} Another possibility is to use a shape that is specially made for typesetting rectangles with arcs on the sides (she has to use the |shapes.misc| library to use it). This shape gives Ilka much more control over the appearance. For instance, she could have an arc only on the left side, but she will not need this. \begin{codeexample}[] \begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=5mm, terminal/.style={ % The shape: rounded rectangle, minimum size=6mm, % The rest very thick,draw=black!50, top color=white,bottom color=black!20, font=\ttfamily}] \node (dot) [terminal] {.}; \node (digit) [terminal,right=of dot] {digit}; \node (E) [terminal,right=of digit] {E}; \end{tikzpicture} \end{codeexample} At this point, she notices a problem. The baseline of the text in the nodes is not aligned: \begin{codeexample}[] \begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=5mm] \node (dot) [terminal] {.}; \node (digit) [terminal,right=of dot] {digit}; \node (E) [terminal,right=of digit] {E}; \draw [help lines] let \p1 = (dot.base), \p2 = (digit.base), \p3 = (E.base) in (-.5,\y1) -- (3.5,\y1) (-.5,\y2) -- (3.5,\y2) (-.5,\y3) -- (3.5,\y3); \end{tikzpicture} \end{codeexample} \noindent (Ilka has moved the style definition to the preamble by saying |\tikzset{terminal/.style=...}|, so that she can use it in all pictures.) For the |digit| and the |E| the difference in the baselines is almost imperceptible, but for the dot the problem is quite severe: It looks more like a multiplication dot than a period. Ilka toys with the idea of using the |base right=of...| option rather than |right=of...| to align the nodes in such a way that the baselines are all on the same line (the |base right| option places a node right of something so that the baseline is right of the baseline of the other object). However, this does not have the desired effect: \begin{codeexample}[] \begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=5mm] \node (dot) [terminal] {.}; \node (digit) [terminal,base right=of dot] {digit}; \node (E) [terminal,base right=of digit] {E}; \end{tikzpicture} \end{codeexample} The nodes suddenly ``dance around''! There is no hope of changing the position of text inside a node using anchors. Instead, Ilka must use a trick: The problem of mismatching baselines is caused by the fact that |.| and |digit| and |E| all have different heights and depth. If they all had the same, they would all be positioned vertically in the same manner. So, all Ilka needs to do is to use the |text height| and |text depth| options to explicitly specify a height and depth for the nodes. \begin{codeexample}[] \begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=5mm, text height=1.5ex,text depth=.25ex] \node (dot) [terminal] {.}; \node (digit) [terminal,right=of dot] {digit}; \node (E) [terminal,right=of digit] {E}; \end{tikzpicture} \end{codeexample} \subsection{Aligning the Nodes Using Positioning Options} Ilka now has the ``styling'' of the nodes ready. The next problem is to place them in the right places. There are several ways to do this. The most straightforward is to simply explicitly place the nodes at certain coordinates ``calculated by hand.'' For very simple graphics this is perfectly alright, but it has several disadvantages: \begin{enumerate} \item For more difficult graphics, the calculation may become complicated. \item Changing the text of the nodes may make it necessary to recalculate the coordinates. \item The source code of the graphic is not very clear since the relationships between the positions of the nodes are not made explicit. \end{enumerate} For these reasons, Ilka decides to try out different ways of arranging the nodes on the page. The first method is the use of \emph{positioning options}. To use them, you need to load the |positioning| library. This gives you access to advanced implementations of options like |above| or |left|, since you can now say |above=of some node| in order to place a node above of |some node|, with the borders separated by |node distance|. Ilka can use this to draw the place the nodes in a long row: \tikzset{terminal/.append style={text height=1.5ex,text depth=.25ex}} \tikzset{nonterminal/.append style={text height=1.5ex,text depth=.25ex}} \begin{codeexample}[] \begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=5mm and 5mm] \node (ui1) [nonterminal] {unsigned integer}; \node (dot) [terminal,right=of ui1] {.}; \node (digit) [terminal,right=of dot] {digit}; \node (E) [terminal,right=of digit] {E}; \node (plus) [terminal,above right=of E] {+}; \node (minus) [terminal,below right=of E] {-}; \node (ui2) [nonterminal,below right=of plus] {unsigned integer}; \end{tikzpicture} \end{codeexample} For the plus and minus nodes, Ilka is a bit startled by their placements. Shouldn't they be more to the right? The reason they are placed in that manner is the following: The |north east| anchor of the |E| node lies at the ``upper start of the right arc,'' which, a bit unfortunately in this case, happens to be the top of the node. Likewise, the |south west| anchor of the |+| node is actually at its bottom and, indeed, the horizontal and vertical distances between the top of the |E| node and the bottom of the |+| node are both 5mm. There are several ways of fixing this problem. The easiest way is to simply add a little bit of horizontal shift by hand: \begin{codeexample}[] \begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=5mm and 5mm] \node (E) [terminal] {E}; \node (plus) [terminal,above right=of E,xshift=5mm] {+}; \node (minus) [terminal,below right=of E,xshift=5mm] {-}; \node (ui2) [nonterminal,below right=of plus,xshift=5mm] {unsigned integer}; \end{tikzpicture} \end{codeexample} A second way is to revert back to the idea of using a normal rectangle for the terminals, but with rounded corners. Since corner rounding does not affect anchors, she gets the following result: \begin{codeexample}[] \begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=5mm and 5mm,terminal/.append style={rectangle,rounded corners=3mm}] \node (E) [terminal] {E}; \node (plus) [terminal,above right=of E] {+}; \node (minus) [terminal,below right=of E] {-}; \node (ui2) [nonterminal,below right=of plus] {unsigned integer}; \end{tikzpicture} \end{codeexample} A third way is to use matrices, which we will do later. Now that the nodes have been placed, Ilka needs to add connections. Here, some connections are more difficult than other. Consider for instance the ``repeat'' line around the |digit|. One way of describing this line is to say ``it starts a little to the right of |digit| than goes down and then goes to the left and finally ends at a point a little to the left of |digit|.'' Ilka can put this into code as follows: \begin{codeexample}[] \begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=5mm and 5mm] \node (dot) [terminal] {.}; \node (digit) [terminal,right=of dot] {digit}; \node (E) [terminal,right=of digit] {E}; \path (dot) edge[->] (digit) % simple edges (digit) edge[->] (E); \draw [->] % start right of digit.east, that is, at the point that is the % linear combination of digit.east and the vector (2mm,0pt). We % use the ($ ... $) notation for computing linear combinations ($ (digit.east) + (2mm,0) $) % Now go down -- ++(0,-.5) % And back to the left of digit.west -| ($ (digit.west) - (2mm,0) $); \end{tikzpicture} \end{codeexample} Since Ilka needs this ``go up/down then horizontally and than up/down to a target'' several times, it seems sensible to define a special \emph{to-path} for this. Whenever the |edge| command is used, it simply adds the current value of |to path| to the path. So, Ilka can setup a style that contains the correct path: \begin{codeexample}[] \begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=5mm and 5mm, skip loop/.style={to path={-- ++(0,-.5) -| (\tikztotarget)}}] \node (dot) [terminal] {.}; \node (digit) [terminal,right=of dot] {digit}; \node (E) [terminal,right=of digit] {E}; \path (dot) edge[->] (digit) % simple edges (digit) edge[->] (E) ($ (digit.east) + (2mm,0) $) edge[->,skip loop] ($ (digit.west) - (2mm,0) $); \end{tikzpicture} \end{codeexample} Ilka can even go a step further and make her |skip look| style parametrized. For this, the skip loop's vertical offset is passed as parameter |#1|. Also, in the following code Ilka specifies the start and targets differently, namely as the positions that are ``in the middle between the nodes.'' \begin{codeexample}[] \begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=5mm and 5mm, skip loop/.style={to path={-- ++(0,#1) -| (\tikztotarget)}}] \node (dot) [terminal] {.}; \node (digit) [terminal,right=of dot] {digit}; \node (E) [terminal,right=of digit] {E}; \path (dot) edge[->] (digit) % simple edges (digit) edge[->] (E) ($ (digit.east)!.5!(E.west) $) edge[->,skip loop=-5mm] ($ (digit.west)!.5!(dot.east) $); \end{tikzpicture} \end{codeexample} \subsection{Aligning the Nodes Using Matrices} Ilka is still bothered a bit by the placement of the plus and minus nodes. Somehow, having to add an explicit |xshift| seems too much like cheating. A perhaps better way of positioning the nodes is to use a \emph{matrix}. In \tikzname\ matrices can be used to align quite arbitrary graphical objects in rows and columns. The syntax is very similar to the use of arrays and tables in \TeX\ (indeed, internally \TeX\ tables are used, but a lot of stuff is going on additionally). In Ilka's graphic, there will be three rows: One row containing only the plus node, one row containing the main nodes and one row containing only the minus node. \begin{codeexample}[] \begin{tikzpicture} \matrix[row sep=1mm,column sep=5mm] { % First row: & & & & \node [terminal] {+}; & \\ % Second row: \node [nonterminal] {unsigned integer}; & \node [terminal] {.}; & \node [terminal] {digit}; & \node [terminal] {E}; & & \node [nonterminal] {unsigned integer}; \\ % Third row: & & & & \node [terminal] {-}; & \\ }; \end{tikzpicture} \end{codeexample} That was easy! By toying around with the row and columns separations, Ilka can achieve all sorts of pleasing arrangements of the nodes. Ilka now faces the same connecting problem as before. This time, she has an idea: She adds small nodes (they will be turned into coordinates later on and be invisible) at all the places where she would like connections to start and end. \begin{codeexample}[] \begin{tikzpicture}[point/.style={circle,inner sep=0pt,minimum size=2pt,fill=red}, skip loop/.style={to path={-- ++(0,#1) -| (\tikztotarget)}}] \matrix[row sep=1mm,column sep=2mm] { % First row: & & & & & & & & & & & \node [terminal] {+};\\ % Second row: \node (p1) [point] {}; & \node [nonterminal] {unsigned integer}; & \node (p2) [point] {}; & \node [terminal] {.}; & \node (p3) [point] {}; & \node [terminal] {digit}; & \node (p4) [point] {}; & \node (p5) [point] {}; & \node (p6) [point] {}; & \node [terminal] {E}; & \node (p7) [point] {}; & & \node (p8) [point] {}; & \node [nonterminal] {unsigned integer}; & \node (p9) [point] {}; \\ % Third row: & & & & & & & & & & & \node [terminal] {-};\\ }; \path (p4) edge [->,skip loop=-5mm] (p3) (p2) edge [->,skip loop=5mm] (p6); \end{tikzpicture} \end{codeexample} Now, its only a small step to add all the missing edges. \subsection{Using Chains} Matrices allow Ilka to align the nodes nicely, but the connections are not quite perfect. The problem is that the code does not really reflect the paths that underlie the diagram. For this reason, Ilka decides to try out \emph{chains} by including the |chain| library. Basically, a chain is just a sequence of (usually) connected nodes. The nodes can already have been constructed or they can be constructed as the chain is constructed (or these processes can be mixed). \subsubsection{Creating a Simple Chain} Ilka starts with creating a chain from scratch. For this, she starts a chain using the |start chain| option in a scope. Then, inside the scope, she uses the |on chain| option on nodes to add them to the chain. \begin{codeexample}[] \begin{tikzpicture}[start chain,node distance=5mm] \node [on chain,nonterminal] {unsigned integer}; \node [on chain,terminal] {.}; \node [on chain,terminal] {digit}; \node [on chain,terminal] {E}; \node [on chain,nonterminal] {unsigned integer}; \end{tikzpicture} \end{codeexample} (Ilka will add the plus and minus nodes later.) As can be seen, the nodes of a chain are placed in a row. This can be changed, for instance by saying |start chain=going below| we get a chain where each node is below the previous one. The next step is to \emph{join} the nodes of the chain. For this, we add the |join| option to each node. This joins the node with the previous node (for the first node nothing happens). \begin{codeexample}[] \begin{tikzpicture}[start chain,node distance=5mm] \node [on chain,join,nonterminal] {unsigned integer}; \node [on chain,join,terminal] {.}; \node [on chain,join,terminal] {digit}; \node [on chain,join,terminal] {E}; \node [on chain,join,nonterminal] {unsigned integer}; \end{tikzpicture} \end{codeexample} In order to get a arrow tip, we redefine the |every join| style. Also, we move the |join| and |on chain| options to the |every node| style so that we do not have to repeat them so often. \begin{codeexample}[] \begin{tikzpicture}[start chain,node distance=5mm, every node/.style={on chain,join}, every join/.style={->}] \node [nonterminal] {unsigned integer}; \node [terminal] {.}; \node [terminal] {digit}; \node [terminal] {E}; \node [nonterminal] {unsigned integer}; \end{tikzpicture} \end{codeexample} \subsubsection{Branching and Joining a Chain} It is now time to add the plus and minus signs. They obviously \emph{branch off} the main chain. For this reason, we start a branch for them using the |start branch| option. \begin{codeexample}[] \begin{tikzpicture}[start chain,node distance=5mm, every node/.style={on chain,join}, every join/.style={->}] \node [nonterminal] {unsigned integer}; \node [terminal] {.}; \node [terminal] {digit}; \node [terminal] {E}; \begin{scope}[start branch=plus] \node (plus) [terminal,on chain=going above right] {+}; \end{scope} \begin{scope}[start branch=minus] \node (minus) [terminal,on chain=going below right] {-}; \end{scope} \node [nonterminal,join=with plus,join=with minus] {unsigned integer}; \end{tikzpicture} \end{codeexample} Let us see, what is going on here. First, the |start branch| begins a branch, starting with the node last created on the current chain, which is the |E| node in our case. This is implicitly also the first node on this branch. A branch is nothing different from a chain, which is why the plus node is put on this branch using the |on chain| option. However, this time we specify the placement of the node explicitly using |going |\meta{direction}. This causes the plus sign to be placed above and right of the |E| node. It is automatically joined to its predecessor on the branch by the implicit |join| option. When the first branch ends, only the plus node has been added and the current chain is the original chain once more and we are back to the |E| node. Now we start a new branch for the minus node. After this branch, the current chain ens at |E| node once more. Finally, the rightmost unsigned integer is added to the (main) chain, which is why it is joined correctly with the |E| node. The two additional |join| options get a special |with| parameter. This allows you to join a node with a node other than the predecessor on the chain. The |with| should be followed by the name of a node. Since Ilka will need scopes more often in the following, she includes the |scopes| library. This allows her to replace |\begin{scope}| simply by an opening brace and |\end{scope}| by the corresponding closing brace. Also, in the following example we reference the nodes |plus| and |minus| using their automatic name: The $i$th node on a chain is called |chain-|\meta{i}. For a branch \meta{branch}, the $i$th node is called |chain/|\meta{branch}|-|\meta{i}. The \meta{i} can be replaced by |begin| and |end| to reference the first and (currently) last node on the chain. \begin{codeexample}[] \begin{tikzpicture}[start chain,node distance=5mm, every on chain/.style={join}, every join/.style={->}] \node [on chain,nonterminal] {unsigned integer}; \node [on chain,terminal] {.}; \node [on chain,terminal] {digit}; \node [on chain,terminal] {E}; { [start branch=plus] \node (plus) [terminal,on chain=going above right] {+}; } { [start branch=minus] \node (minus) [terminal,on chain=going below right] {-}; } \node [nonterminal,on chain,join=with chain/plus-end,join=with chain/minus-end] {unsigned integer}; \end{tikzpicture} \end{codeexample} The next step is to add intermediate coordinate nodes in the same manner as Ilka did for the matrix. For them, we change the |join| style slightly, namely for these nodes we do not want an arrow tip. This can be achieved either by (locally) changing the |every join| style or, which is what is done in the below example, by giving the desired style using |join=by ...|, where |...| is the style to be used for the join. \begin{codeexample}[] \begin{tikzpicture}[start chain,node distance=5mm and 2mm, every node/.style={on chain}, nonterminal/.append style={join=by ->}, terminal/.append style={join=by ->}, point/.style={join=by -,circle,fill=red,minimum size=2pt,inner sep=0pt}] \node [point] {}; \node [nonterminal] {unsigned integer}; \node [point] {}; \node [terminal] {.}; \node [point] {}; \node [terminal] {digit}; \node [point] {}; \node [point] {}; \node [point] {}; \node [terminal] {E}; \node [point] {}; { [node distance=5mm and 1cm] % local change in horizontal distance { [start branch=plus] \node (plus) [terminal,on chain=going above right] {+}; } { [start branch=minus] \node (minus) [terminal,on chain=going below right] {-}; } \node [point,below right=of plus,join=with chain/plus-end by ->,join=with chain/minus-end by ->] {}; } \node [nonterminal] {unsigned integer}; \node [point] {}; \end{tikzpicture} \end{codeexample} \subsubsection{Chaining Together Already Positioned Nodes} The final step is to add the missing arrows. We can also use branches for them (even though we do not have to, but it is good practice and they exhibit the structure of the diagram in the code). Let us start with the repeat loop around the |digit|. This can be thought of as a branch that starts at the point after the digit and that ends at the point before the digit. However, we have already constructed the point before the digit! In such cases, it is possible to ``chain in'' an already positioned node, using the |\chainin| command. This command must be followed by a coordinate that contains a node name and optionally some options. The effect is that the named node is made part of the current chain. \begin{codeexample}[pre={\tikzset{node distance=5mm and 2mm, every node/.style={on chain}, terminal/.append style={join=by ->}, point/.style={join=by -,circle,fill=red,minimum size=2pt,inner sep=0pt}}}] \begin{tikzpicture}[start chain] % plus some styles that are not shown \node [point] {}; \node (before digit) [point] {}; \node [terminal] {digit}; \node [point] {}; { [start branch=digit loop] \chainin (before digit) [join=by {->,skip loop=-5mm}]; } \node [point] {}; \end{tikzpicture} \end{codeexample} \subsubsection{Combined Use of Matrices and Chains} Ilka's final idea is to combine matrices and chains in the following manner: She will use a matrix to position the nodes. However, to show the logical ``flow structure'' inside the diagram, she will create chains and branches that show what is going on. Ilka starts with the matrix we had earlier, only with slightly adapted styles. Then she writes down the main chain and its branches: \begin{codeexample}[] \begin{tikzpicture}[point/.style={coordinate},>=stealth',thick,draw=black!50, tip/.style={->,shorten >=1pt},every join/.style={rounded corners}, hv path/.style={to path={-| (\tikztotarget)}}, vh path/.style={to path={|- (\tikztotarget)}}] \matrix[column sep=4mm] { % First row: & & & & & & & & & & & \node (plus) [terminal] {+};\\ % Second row: \node (p1) [point] {}; & \node (ui1) [nonterminal] {unsigned integer}; & \node (p2) [point] {}; & \node (dot) [terminal] {.}; & \node (p3) [point] {}; & \node (digit) [terminal] {digit}; & \node (p4) [point] {}; & \node (p5) [point] {}; & \node (p6) [point] {}; & \node (e) [terminal] {E}; & \node (p7) [point] {}; & & \node (p8) [point] {}; & \node (ui2) [nonterminal] {unsigned integer}; & \node (p9) [point] {}; & \node (p10) [point] {};\\ % Third row: & & & & & & & & & & & \node (minus)[terminal] {-};\\ }; { [start chain] \chainin (p1); \chainin (ui1) [join=by tip]; \chainin (p2) [join]; \chainin (dot) [join=by tip]; \chainin (p3) [join]; \chainin (digit) [join=by tip]; \chainin (p4) [join]; { [start branch=digit loop] \chainin (p3) [join=by {skip loop=-6mm,tip}]; } \chainin (p5) [join,join=with p2 by {skip loop=6mm,tip}]; \chainin (p6) [join]; \chainin (e) [join=by tip]; \chainin (p7) [join]; { [start branch=plus] \chainin (plus) [join=by {vh path,tip}]; \chainin (p8) [join=by {hv path,tip}]; } { [start branch=minus] \chainin (minus) [join=by {vh path,tip}]; \chainin (p8) [join=by {hv path,tip}]; } \chainin (p8) [join]; \chainin (ui2) [join=by tip]; \chainin (p9) [join,join=with p6 by {skip loop=-11mm,tip}]; \chainin (p10) [join=by tip]; } \end{tikzpicture} \end{codeexample}