% Copyright 2007 by Mark Wibrow and Till Tantau % % This file may be distributed and/or modified % % 1. under the LaTeX Project Public License and/or % 2. under the GNU Free Documentation License. % % See the file doc/generic/pgf/licenses/LICENSE for more details. \section{Design Principles} \pgfname{} needs to perform many computations while typesetting a picture. For this, \pgfname\ relies on a mathematical engine, which can also be used independently of \pgfname, but which is distributed as part of the \pgfname\ package nevertheless. Basically, the engine provides a parsing mechanism similar to the \calcname{} package so that expressions like |2*3cm+5cm| can be parsed; but the \pgfname\ engine is more powerful and can be extended and enhanced. \pgfname{} provides enhanced functionality, which permits the parsing of mathematical operations involving integers and non-integers with or without units. Furthermore, various functions, including trigonometric functions and random number generators can also be parsed (see Section~\ref{pgfmath-parsing}). The \calcname{} macros |\setlength| and friends have \pgfname{} versions which can parse these operations and functions (see Section~\ref{pgfmath-registers}). Additionally, each operation and function has an independent \pgfname{} command associated with it (see Section~\ref{pgfmath-commands}), and can be accessed outside the parser. The mathematical engine of \pgfname\ is implicitly used whenever you specify a number or dimension in a higher-level macro. For instance, you can write |\pgfpoint{2cm+4cm/2}{3cm*sin(30)}| or suchlike. However, the mathematical engine can also be used independently of the \pgfname\ core, that is, you can also just load it to get access to a mathematical parser. \subsection{Loading the Mathematical Engine} The mathematical engine of \pgfname\ is loaded automatically by \pgfname, but if you wish to use the mathematical engine but you do not need \pgfname\ itself, you can load the following package: \begin{package}{pgfmath} This command will load the mathematical engine of \pgfname, but not \pgfname itself. It defines commands like |\pgfmathparse|. \end{package} \subsection{Layers of the Mathematical Engine} Like \pgfname\ itself, the mathematical engine is also structured into different layers: \begin{enumerate} \item The top layer, which you will typically use directly, provides the command |\pgfmathparse|. This command parses a mathematical expression and evaluates it. Additionally, the top layer also defines some additional functions similar to the macros of the |calc| package for setting dimensions and counters. These macros are just wrappers around the |\pgfmathparse| macro. \item The calculation layer provides macros for performing one specific computation like computing a reciprocal or a multiplication. The parser uses these macros for the actual computation. \item The implementation layer provides the actual implementations of the computations. These can be changed (and possibly be made more efficient) without affecting the higher layers. \end{enumerate} \subsection{Efficiency and Accuracy of the Mathematical Engine} Currently, the mathematical algorithms are all implemented in \TeX. This poses some intriguing programming challenges as \TeX{} is a language for typesetting, rather than for general mathematics, and as with any programming language, there is a trade-off between accuracy and efficiency. If you find the level of accuracy insufficient for you purposes, you will have to replace the algorithms in the implementation layer. All the fancy mathematical ``bells-and-whistles'' that the parser provides, come with an additional processing cost, and in some instances, such as simply setting a length to |1cm|, with no other operations involved, the additional processing time is undesirable. To overcome this, the following feature is implemented: when no mathematical operations are required, an expression can be preceded by |+|. This will bypass the parsing process and the assignment will be orders of magnitude faster. This feature \emph{only} works with the macros for setting registers described in Section~\ref{pgfmath-registers}. \begin{codeexample}[code only] \pgfmathsetlength\mydimen{1cm} % parsed : slower. \pgfmathsetlength\mydimen{+1cm} % not parsed : much faster. \end{codeexample}