% Copyright 2012 by Till Tantau % % This file may be distributed and/or modified % % 1. under the LaTeX Project Public License and/or % 2. under the GNU Free Documentation License. % % See the file doc/generic/pgf/licenses/LICENSE for more details. \section{Using Graph Drawing in \tikzname} {\noindent {\emph{by Till Tantau}}} \begin{tikzlibrary}{graphdrawing} This package provides capabilities for automatic graph drawing. It requires that the document is typeset using Lua\TeX. This package should work with Lua\TeX\ 0.54 or higher. \end{tikzlibrary} \ifluatex \else This section of the manual can only be typeset using Lua\TeX. \expandafter\endinput \fi \subsection{Choosing a Layout and a Library} The graph drawing engine is initialized when you load the library |graphdrawing|. This library provides the basic framework for graph drawing, including all options and keys described in the present section. However, this library does \emph{not} load any actual algorithms for drawing graphs. For this, you need to use the following command, which is defined by the |graphdrawing| library: \begin{command}{\usegdlibrary\marg{list of libraries}} This command is used to load the special graph drawing libraries (the |gd| in the name of the command stands for ``graph drawing''). The \meta{list of libraries} is a comma-separated list of library written in the Lua programming language (which is why a special command is needed). In detail, this command does the following. For each \meta{name} in the \meta{list of libraries} we do: % \begin{enumerate} \item Check whether Lua\TeX\ can call |require| on the library file |pgf.gd.|\meta{name}|.library|. Lua\TeX's usual file search mechanism will search the texmf-trees in the usual manner and the dots in the file name get converted into directory slashes. \item If the above failed, try to |require| the string |pgf.gd.|\meta{name}. \item If this fails, try to |require| the string \meta{name}|.library|. \item If this fails, try to |require| the string \meta{name}. If this fails, print an error message. \end{enumerate} % The net effect of the above is the following: Authors of graph drawing algorithms can bundle together multiple algorithms in a library by creating a |...xyz/library.lua| file that internally just calls |require| for all files containing declarations. On the other hand, if a graph drawing algorithm completely fits inside a single file, it can also be read directly using |\usegdlibrary|. % \begin{codeexample}[code only] \usetikzlibrary{graphdrawing} \usegdlibrary{trees,force} \end{codeexample} The different graph drawing libraries are documented in the following Sections~\ref{section-first-graphdrawing-library-in-manual} to \ref{section-last-graphdrawing-library-in-manual}. \end{command} Note that in addition to the graph \emph{drawing} libraries, you may also wish to load the normal \tikzname\ library |graphs|. It provides the powerful |graph| path command with its easy-to-use syntax for specifying graphs, but you can use the graph drawing engine independently of the |graphs| library, for instance in conjunction with the |child| or the |edge| syntax. Here is a typical setup: % \begin{codeexample}[code only] \usetikzlibrary{graphs, graphdrawing} \usegdlibrary{trees, layered} \end{codeexample} Having set things up, you must then specify for which scopes the graph drawing engine should apply a layout algorithm to the nodes in the scope. Typically, you just add an option ending with |... layout| to the |graph| path operation and then let the graph drawing do its magic: % \begin{codeexample}[] \tikz [rounded corners] \graph [layered layout, sibling distance=8mm, level distance=8mm] { a -> { b, c -> { d, e } } -> f -> a }; \end{codeexample} Whenever you use such an option, you can: % \begin{itemize} \item Create nodes in the usual way. The nodes will be created completely, but then tucked away in an internal table. This means that all of \tikzname's options for nodes can be applied. You can also name a node and reference it later. \item Create edges using either the syntax of the |graph| command (using |--|, |<-|, |->|, or |<->|), or using the |edge| command, or using the |child| command. These edges will, however, not be created immediately. Instead, the basic layer's command |\pgfgdedge| will be called, which stores ``all the information concerning the edge''. The actual drawing of the edge will only happen after all nodes have been positioned. \item Most of the keys that can be passed to an edge will work as expected. In particular, you can add labels to edges using the usual |node| syntax for edges. \item The |label| and |pin| options can be used in the usual manner with nodes inside a graph drawing scope. Only, the labels and nodes will play no role in the positioning of the nodes and they are added when the nodes are finally positioned. \item Similarly, nodes that are placed ``on an edge'' using the implicit positioning syntax can be used in the usual manner. \end{itemize} % Here are some things that will \emph{not} work: % \begin{itemize} \item Only edges created using the graph syntax, the |edge| command, or the |child| command will correctly pass their connection information to the basic layer. When you write |\draw (a)--(b);| inside a graph drawing scope, where |a| and |b| are nodes that have been created inside the scope, you will get an error message / things will look wrong. The reason is that the usual |--| is not ``caught'' by the graph drawing engine and, thus, tries to immediately connect two nodes that do not yet exist (except inside some internal table). \item The options of edges are executed twice: Once when the edge is ``examined'' by the |\pgfgdedge| command (using some magic to shield against the side effects) and then once more when the edge is actually created. Fortunately, in almost all cases, this will not be a problem; but if you do very evil magic inside your edge options, you must roll a D100 to see what strange things will happen. (Do no evil, by the way.) \end{itemize} If you are really interested in the ``fine print'' of what happens, please see Section~\ref{section-gd-pgf}. \subsection{Graph Drawing Parameters} Graph drawing algorithms can typically be configured in some way. For instance, for a graph drawing algorithm that visualizes its nodes as a tree, it will typically be useful when the user can change the so-called \emph{level distance} and the \emph{sibling distance}. For other algorithms, like force-based algorithms, a large number of parameters influence the way the algorithms work. Options that influence graph drawing algorithms will be called \emph{(graph drawing) parameters} in the following. From the user's point of view, these parameters look like normal \tikzname\ keys and you set them in the usual way. Internally, they are treated a bit differently from normal keys since their ``effect'' becomes apparent only later on, namely during the run of the graph drawing algorithm. A graph drawing algorithm may or may not take different graph parameters into account. After all, these options may even outright contradict each other, so an algorithm can only try to ``do its best''. While many graph parameters are very specific to a single algorithm, a number of graph parameters will be important for many algorithms and they are documented in the course of the present section. Here is an example of an option the ``always works'': % \begin{codeexample}[] \tikz \graph [spring layout, vertical=1 to 2] { 1--2--3--1 }; \end{codeexample} \includeluadocumentationof{pgf.gd.control.Distances} \includeluadocumentationof{pgf.gd.control.Anchoring} \includeluadocumentationof{pgf.gd.control.Orientation} \includeluadocumentationof{pgf.gd.control.FineTune} \includeluadocumentationof{pgf.gd.control.Components} \includeluadocumentationof{pgf.gd.control.ComponentOrder} \includeluadocumentationof{pgf.gd.control.ComponentDirection} \includeluadocumentationof{pgf.gd.control.ComponentAlign} \includeluadocumentationof{pgf.gd.control.ComponentDistance} \includeluadocumentationof{pgf.gd.control.NodeAnchors} \includeluadocumentationof{pgf.gd.model.Hyperedge} \subsection{Using Several Different Layouts to Draw a Single Graph} \label{section-gd-sublayouts} Inside each graph drawing scope, a main algorithm is used to perform the graph drawing. However, parts of the graph may be drawn using different algorithms: For instance, a graph might consist of several, say, cliques that are arranged in a tree-like fashion. In this case, it might be useful to layout each clique using a circular layout, but then lay out all laid out cliques using a tree drawing algorithm. In order to lay out a graph using multiple algorithms, we need two things: First, we must be able to \emph{specify} which algorithms should be used where and, second, we must be able to \emph{resolve} conflicts that may result from different algorithms ``having different ideas'' concerning where nodes should be placed. \subsubsection{Sublayouts} Specifying different layouts for a graph is easy: Inside a graph drawing scope, simply open scopes, in which you use an option like |tree layout| for the nodes mentioned in this scope. Inside these scopes, you can open even subscopes for sublayouts, and so on. Furthermore, the |graphs| library has special support for sublayouts. Let us start with the ``plain'' syntax for opening sublayouts: You pass a key for creating layouts to a |scope|: % \begin{codeexample}[] \tikz [spring layout] { \begin{scope}[tree layout] \node (a) {a}; \node (b) {b}; \node (c) {c}; \draw (a) edge (b) edge (c); \end{scope} \begin{scope}[tree layout] \node (1) {1}; \node (2) {2}; \draw (1) edge (2); \end{scope} \draw (a) edge (1); } \end{codeexample} Let us see, what is going on here. The main layout (|spring layout|) contains two sublayouts (the two |tree layouts|). Both of them are laid out independently (more on the details in a moment). Then, from the main layout's point of view, the sublayouts behave like ``large nodes'' and, thus, the edge between |a| and |1| is actually the only edge that is used by the |spring layout| -- resulting in a simple layout consisting of one big node at the top and a big node at the bottom. The |graphs| library has a special support for sublayouts: The syntax is as follows: wherever a normal node would go, you can write % \begin{quote} |//| \opt{\oarg{layout options}} |{|\meta{sublayout}|}| \end{quote} Following the double slash, you may provide \meta{layout options} in square brackets. However, you \emph{must} provide a sublayout in braces. The contents of \meta{sublayout} will be parsed using the usual |graph| syntax, but will form a sublayout. % \begin{codeexample}[] \tikz \graph [spring layout] { // [tree layout] { a -- {b, c} }; // [tree layout] { 1 -- 2 }; a -- 1; }; \end{codeexample} In the above example, there is no node before the double slash, which means that the two sublayouts will be part of the main graph, but will not be indicated otherwise. % \begin{codeexample}[] \tikz \graph [simple necklace layout] { // [simple necklace layout] { a -> b -> c -> d -> e -> f -> a }; // [tree layout] { % first tentacle a -> {1, 2}; }; // [tree layout] {% second tentacle d -> {3, 4 -> {5, 6}} }; }; \end{codeexample} In the above example, the first sublayout is the one for the nodes with letter names. These nodes are arranged using a simple necklace layout as the sublayout inherits this option from the main layout. The two small trees (|a -> {1, 2}| and the tree starting at the |d| node) are also sublayouts, triggered by the |tree layout| option. They are also arranged. Then, all of the layouts are merged (as described later). The result is actually a single node, so the main layout does nothing here. Compare the above to the following code: % \begin{codeexample}[] \tikz \graph [simple necklace layout] { // [tree layout] { % first ``giant node'' a -> {1, 2}; }; a -> b -> c -> d; // [tree layout] {% second ``giant node'' d -> {3, 4 -> {5, 6}} }, d -> e -> f -> a; }; \end{codeexample} Here, only the two trees are laid out first. They are then contracted into ``giant nodes'' and these are then part of the set of nodes that are arranged by the |simple necklace layout|. For details of how this contracting works, see below. \subsubsection{Subgraph Nodes} A \emph{subgraph node} is a special kind of node that ``surrounds'' the vertices of a subgraph. The special property of a subgraph node opposed to a normal node is that it is created only after the subgraph has been laid out. However, the difference to a collection like |hyper| is that the node is available immediately as a normal node in the sense that you can connect edges to it. The syntax used to declare a subgraph node in a |graph| specification is as follows: % \begin{quote} \opt{|"|}\meta{node name}\opt{|"|}\opt{|/|\opt{|"|}\meta{text}\opt{|"|}} \opt{\oarg{node options}} |//| \opt{\oarg{layout options}} |{|\meta{subgraph}|}| \end{quote} The idea ist that a subgraph node is declared like a normal node specification, but is followed by a double slash and a subgraph: % \begin{codeexample}[width=5cm] \tikz \graph [simple necklace layout] { tree 1[draw, circle] // [tree layout] { a -> {1, 2}; } -> b -> c -> tree 2[draw] // [tree layout] { d -> {3, 4 -> {5, 6} } } -> e -> f -> tree 1; }; \end{codeexample} Note how the two subgraph nodes |tree 1| and |tree 2| surround the two smaller trees. In the example, both had trees as contents and these trees were rendered using a sublayout. However, a subgraph layout does not need to have its own layout: If you do \emph{not} provide a layout name after the double slash, the subgraph node will simply surround all nodes that were placed by the main layout wherever they were placed: % \begin{codeexample}[] \tikz [subgraph text bottom=text centered, subgraph nodes={font=\itshape}] \graph [tree layout] { a -> { b -> {c, d}, e -> {f, g -> h} }; left [draw] // { b, c, d }; right [draw] // { e, f, g, h}; left <-> right; }; \end{codeexample} Every time a subgraph node is created, the following style is execute: \begin{key}{/tikz/every subgraph node} Set a subgraph node style. \end{key} \begin{key}{/tikz/subgraph nodes=\meta{style}} Sets the |every subgraph node| style to \meta{style}. % \begin{codeexample}[] \tikz [subgraph text bottom=text centered, subgraph nodes=red] \graph [tree layout] { a -> { b -> {c, d}, e -> {f, g -> h} }; left [draw] // { b, c, d }; right [draw] // { e, f, g, h}; left <-> right; }; \end{codeexample} % \end{key} \begin{key}{/tikz/subgraph text none} When this option is used, the text of a subgraph node is not shown. Adding a slash after the node name achieves roughly the same effect, but this option is useful in situations when subgraph nodes generally should not have any text inside them. % \begin{codeexample}[] \tikz [subgraph text none] \graph [tree layout] { a -> { b -> {c, d}, e -> {f, g -> h} }; left [draw] // { b, c, d }; right [draw] // { e, f, g, h}; left <-> right; }; \end{codeexample} % \end{key} \begin{key}{/tikz/subgraph text top=\meta{text alignment options} (default text ragged right)} Specifies that the text of a subgraph node should be placed at the top of the subgraph node: Still inside the node, but above all nodes inside the subgraph node. % \begin{codeexample}[] \tikz [subgraph text top=text ragged left] \graph [tree layout] { a -> { b -> {c, d}, e -> {f, g -> h} }; left [draw] // { b, c, d }; right [draw] // { e, f, g, h}; left <-> right; }; \end{codeexample} % You can pass any of the \meta{text alignment options} understood by \tikzname, such as |text centered|: % \begin{codeexample}[width=5cm] \tikz [subgraph text top=text centered] \graph [tree layout] { a -> { b -> {c, d}, e -> {f, g -> h} }; left [draw, circle] // { b, c, d }; }; \end{codeexample} % To place a label \emph{outside} the subgraph node, use a label, typically defined using the |quotes| library: % \begin{codeexample}[] \tikz \graph [tree layout] { a -> { b -> {c, d}, e -> {f, g -> h} }; / ["left", draw] // { b, c, d } <-> / ["right", draw] // { e, f, g, h}; }; \end{codeexample} % \end{key} \begin{key}{/tikz/subgraph text bottom=\meta{text alignment options} (default ragged right)} Works like |subgraph text top|, only the text placed at the bottom. \end{key} Note that there are no keys |subgraph text left| or |... right|, for somewhat technical reasons. \begin{key}{/tikz/subgraph text sep=\meta{dimension} (initially .1em)} Some space added between the inner nodes of a subgraph node and the text labels. \end{key} \subsubsection{Overlapping Sublayouts} \label{section-gd-layout-resolve} Nodes and edges can be part of several layouts. This will inevitably lead to conflicts because algorithm will disagree on where a node should be placed on the canvas. For this reason, there are some rules governing how such conflicts are resolved: Given a layout, starting with the main layout, the graph drawing system does the following: % \begin{enumerate} \item We start by first processing the (direct) sublayouts of the current layout (recursively). Sublayouts may overlap (they may share one or more nodes), but we run the specified layout algorithm for each sublayout independently on a ``fresh copy'' of all the nodes making up the sublayout. In particular, different, conflicting positions may be computed for nodes when they are present in several sublayouts. \item Once all nodes in the sublayouts have been laid out in this way, we \emph{join} overlapping elements. The idea is that if two layouts share exactly one vertex, we can shift them around so that his vertex is at the same position in both layouts. In more detail, the following happens: We build a (conceptual) graph whose nodes are the sublayouts and in which there is an edge between two nodes if the sublayouts represented by these elements have a node in common. Inside the resulting graph, we treat each connected component separately. Each component has the property that the sublayouts represented by the nodes in the component overlap by at least one node. We now \emph{join} them as follows: We start with the first sublayout in the component (``first'' with respect to the order in which they appear in the input graph) and ``mark'' this sublayout. We loop the following instructions as long as possible: Search for the first sublayout (again, with respect to the order in which they appear in the input) that is connect by an edge to a marked sublayout. The sublayout will now have at least one node in common with the marked sublayouts (possibly, even more). We consider the first such node (again, first respect to the input ordering) and shift the whole sublayout is such a way that this particular node is at the position is has in the marked sublayouts. Note that after the shift, other nodes that are also present in the marked sublayouts may lie at a different position in the current sublayout. In this case, the position in the marked sublayouts ``wins''. We then mark the sublayout. \item When the above algorithm has run, we will have computed positions for all nodes in all sublayouts of each of the components. For each component, we contract all nodes of the component to a single node. This new node will be ``large'' in the sense that its convex hull is the convex hull of all the nodes in the component. All nodes that used to be part of the component are removed and the new large node is added (with arcs adjusted appropriately). \item We now run the layout's algorithm on the resulting nodes (the remaining original nodes and the contracted nodes). \item In a last step, once the graph has been laid out, we expand the nodes that were previously contracted. For this, the nodes that were deleted earlier get reinserted, but shifted by whatever amount the contraction node got shifted. \end{enumerate} \subsection{Miscellaneous Options} \includeluadocumentationof{pgf.gd.control.library}