I am happy to announce version 3.0.0 of TikZ/pgf. After several years of development work in the background, a new version is finally ready. The big jump in the version number from 2.10 to 3.0.0 is due to the fact that a lot of new stuff has been added to TikZ (since the last version, over a thousand lines have been added to the change log...) and over a hundred bugs have been eliminated. However, care was taken to make sure that in normal circumstances all old code will still produce the exact same results as it used to. Since it is impossible to list all the changes and improvements since the last version in this announcement, let me just point out some hilights: - Arrow Tips: The code for specifying and using arrow tips has been completely rewritten. You can now configure the appearance of arrow tip "to death" and do so on the fly. Arbitrary arrow tips will now even bend along curves since TikZ can now do curvilinear transformations on a very low level. - Syntax Improvements: A lot of small things have been added and improved in the syntax. For instance, nodes can be in front of paths, but now also behind them. There is the new notion of a "small picture" called a "pic", which is something of a mixture of a node and a picture, making it easy for normal users to create configurable, reusable graphics. - A Syntax for Graphs: Creating a larger graph used to require a large number of node and edge commands and, possibly, some foreach loops. Now there is a new simple syntax for this, borrowed from the GraphViz program, that makes it very easy to specify graphs and especially trees in a convenient manner. - Graph Drawing Algorithms: TikZ now comes with a large and powerful system for computing the positions of nodes of graphs automatically (you need LuaTeX for this, though). A number of common algorithms have already been implemented, making it very easy to draw graphs now. Also, it is rather simple to implement new graph drawing algorithms. - Data Visualization: There is now an alternative to pgfplots as part of the standard TikZ installation for creating plots. While pgfplots is still the more mature system, the new data visualization system comes with some interesting new ideas. - Driver Support: Support for all mayor backend drivers has been improved. A new, cool thing is the support for dvisvgm, which allows you to create powerful SVG graphics directly from TeX, including the text. This support also open the door to interactive and animated graphics in future versions since SVG makes it very easy to animate arbitrary parts of a graphic.