This archive contains a MusiXTeX extension library musixtnt and C source code, binaries for Windows (32 bit and 64 bit) and MacOSX, and documentation for two programs: fixmsxpart and msxlint. musixtnt.tex provides a macro \TransformNotes that enables transformations of the effect of notes commands such as \notes. In general, the effect of \TransformNotes{input}{output} is that notes commands in the source will expect their arguments to match the input pattern, but the notes will be typeset according to the output pattern. An example is extracting single-instrument parts from a multi-instrument score. fixmsxpart corrects note spacing in a single-part MusiXTeX source (possibly derived from a multi-instrument score and as a result having irregular note spacing). msxlint detects incorrectly formatted notes lines in a MusiXTeX source file. This should be used before using \TransformNotes. To install: Create texmf/tex/generic/musixtnt in a local or personal texmf tree and move musixtnt.tex into it. Create texmf/doc/generic/musixtnt and move there the files in the doc directory. Update the file-name database as required by your TeX installation. If your platform is UNIX-like, process the musixtnt-.tar.gz file as usual (tar zxvf ..., ./configure, make, make install). If your platform is Windows, move the executables msxlint.exe and fixmsxpart.exe in either the 32bit or the 64bit folders to a folder on the executable PATH. If your platform is Mac OS-X, install the executables in the macosx directory. musixtnt.tex, fixmsxpart.c, utils.c and msxlint.c are licensed under the GPL version 2. Please report bugs and experience (good or bad) using these programs to me. Bob Tennent 2015-02-18