\fulltitle{\^O nuit brillante} \shorttitle{\^O nuit brillante} \fullauthor{No‰l ancien\\Musique A. Sala\\Texte J. Bovet\\Transposition Daniel Taupin} \othermention{Paroisse de Gif-sur-Yvette\\Transposition \`a usage priv\'e} \shortauthor{Traditionnel -- A. Sala} \maketitle % \tracingstats=1\relax \relativeaccidentals \sepbarrules % \parindent 15mm % soufflets crescendo et decrescendo % \def\soufflcr#1{\zcharnote{#1}{\kern -0.5cm\cresc}}% \def\Soufflcr#1{\zcharnote{#1}{\kern -0.5cm\CResc}}% % \def\souffldim#1{\zcharnote{#1}{\kern -0.5cm\dimin}}% \def\Souffldim#1{\zcharnote{#1}{\kern -0.5cm\DImin}}% % %\check \def\nbinstruments{2}\resetsignatures \global\nbporteesi=1\relax \global\nbporteesii=1\relax \global\cleftoksi={{6}{0}{0}{0}}% \global\cleftoksii={{0}{0}{0}{0}}% \def\lowersonginstrum{1} % to be used to make heavy bars at staff left \def\uppersonginstrum{2} % to be used to make heavy bars at staff left % \signaturegenerale{\Signature}% \generalmeter{\meterfrac68} %\check \def\interfacteur{18}% \def\instrumenti{\vbox{\hsize=\parindent \centerline{T\'enors}\centerline{basses}}}% \def\instrumentii{\vbox{\hsize=\parindent \centerline{Sopran.}\centerline{Altos}}}% %\check % \def\eightpoint{\Tenpoint}% %\check \catcode`\@=13 \catcodesmusic % \def\respire{\notes&\cbreath\enotes}% % \def\txt#1|#2&{{\vbox to 0pt{\Smalltype\baselineskip 9pt \vss\hrule width 9pt height 0pt \hbox{\vrule height 6pt depth 2pt width 0pt\kern -\internote #2\kern\internote}\smallskip \hbox{\vrule height 6pt depth 2pt width 0pt\kern -\internote #1\kern\internote}\kern -6pt}}}% % \elemskip 20pt\relax \debutmorceau %\autolines 754\relax \transpose=\Transpose \znotes&\Uptext{\moyen Lent}\enotes % \znotes\zcharnote {-3}{\ppff p}&\zcharnote{10}{\ppff p}\enotes \qspace \NOtes\zqlp M\qup a&\hsong{â}\zqlp c\qup f\enotes \notes\zql L\qu b\sk&\zsong{nuit }\zql e\Ibu0gf1\qh0g\tqh0f\enotes \notes\zcl L\cu b&\hsong{bri-}\zcl e\cu g\enotes % \barre \Notes\islurd0J\zql J\isluru1c\qu c&\hsong{lan-}\zqlp e\isluru2h\qu h\enotes \notes\tslur0L\tslur1b\zcl L\cu b&\hsong{--}\tslur2g\cu g\enotes \Notes\zql M\qu a&\hsong{te}\zql c\qu f\enotes \notes\ds&\ds\enotes % \barre \Notes\zql K\qu d&\hsong{Nuit }\zql f\qu h\enotes \notes\zcl L\cu b&\hsong{de }\zcl e\cu g\enotes \notes\zcl M\cu a&\hsong{vi-}\zcl c\cu f\enotes \notes\zcl N\cu N&\hsong{ve }\zcl b\cu e\enotes \hardlyrics{\kern -4pt splen-}\notes\zcl L\cu b&\hsong\thelyrics\zcl e\cu g\enotes % \barre \NOtes\itenl0M\itenu1a\zqlp M\qup a&\hsong{deur.}\itenl2c\itenu3f\zqlp c\qup f\enotes \Notes\tten0\tten1\zql M\qu a&\hsong{--}\tten2\tten3\zql c\qu f\enotes \notes\ds&\ds\enotes % \barre \Notes\zql M\qu a&\hsong{Ta }\zql c\qu f\enotes \notes\zcl M\cu b&\Soufflcr q\hsong{lu-}\zcl e\cu g\enotes \hardlyrics{\kern -4pt miŠre }\notes\zcl M\cu c&\hsong\thelyrics\zcl f\cu h\enotes \notes\zcl M\cu d&\hsong{‚-}\zcl g\cu i\enotes \notes\zcl M\cu e&\hsong{cla-}\zcl h\cu j\enotes % \barre \Notes\islurd0I\zql I\isluru1d\qu d&\roff{\Souffldim q}\hsong{tan-}\zqlp f\isluru2i\qu i\enotes \notes\tslur0K\tslur1c\zcl I\cu c&\hsong{--}\tslur2g\cu h\enotes \Notes\zql L\qu b&\hsong{te}\zql e\qu g\enotes \notes\ds&\ds\enotes % \barre \Notes\zql H\qu c&\hsong{Fait }\zql e\qu h\enotes \notes\zcl L\cu b&\hsong{le }\zcl e\cu g\enotes \hardlyrics{jour }\notes\zcl M\cu a&\hsong\thelyrics\zcl c\cu f\enotes \hardlyrics{dans }\notes\zcl N\cu N&\hsong\thelyrics\zcl b\cu e\enotes \notes\zcl L\cu b&\zsong{mon }\zcl e\cu g\enotes % \barre \NOtes\itenl0M\itenu1a\zqlp M\qup a&\hsong{c\oe ur.}\itenl2c\itenu3f\zqlp c\qup f\enotes \notes\tten0\tten1\zql M\qu a&\hsong{--}\tten2\tten3\zql c\qu f\enotes \notes&\uptext{\sl FIN}\enotes \setdoublebar \barre \znotes\zcharnote {-3}{\ppff f}&\zcharnote{10}{\ppff f}\enotes \qspace \notes\zcl a\cu e&\hsong{\txt Mer-|\'E-&}\zcl h\cu j\enotes % \barre \NOtes\zqlp a\zqup e&\hsong{\txt veil-|toi-&}\zqlp h\qup j\enotes \notes\zql L\qu e&\hsong{\txt le !|les !&}\zql g\qu i\enotes \respire \notes\zcl L\cu e&\hsong{\txt Mer-|\'E-&}\zcl g\cu j\enotes % \barre \Notes\zqlp M\qup c&\hsong{\txt veil-|toi-&}\zqlp f\isluru2i\qu i\enotes \notes&\hsong{--}\tslur2h\cu h\enotes \Notes\zql J\qu c&\hsong{\txt le !|les !&}\zql e\qu g\enotes \notes\ds&\ds\enotes % \barre \hardlyrics{\txt Gloire |res-&}\notes\zcl M\cu M&\hsong\thelyrics\zcl c\cu h\enotes \notes\roff{\zcl M}\cu N&\hsong{\txt au |plen-&}\zcl c\cu g\enotes \notes\zcl M\cu a&\hsong{\txt plus |dis-&}\zcl c\cu f\enotes \Notes\zql K\qu a&\hsong{\txt Haut |sez &}\zql f\qu h\enotes \notes\zcl K\cu a&\hsong{\txt des |sur &}\zcl f\cu i\enotes \barre \NOtes\itenl0H\itenu1a\zqlp H\qup a&\hsong{\txt cieux !|Lui !&}\itenl2e\itenu3j\zqlp e\qup j\enotes \Notes\tten0\tten1\zql H\qu a&\hsong{--}\tten2\tten3\zql e\qu j\enotes \respire \notes\zcl a\cu e&\hsong{\txt De-|Un &}\zcl h\cu j\enotes % \barre \Notes\zqlp a\zqup e&\hsong{\txt bout, |Dieu &}\zqlp h\qup j\enotes \hardlyrics{\txt qu'on |sous &}\notes\zcl a\cu e&\hsong\thelyrics\zcl h\cu j\enotes \hardlyrics{\txt se |d'hum-&}\notes\zql L\qu e&\hsong\thelyrics\zql g\qu i\enotes \notes\zcl L\cu d&\hsong{\txt r‚-|bles &}\zcl g\cu j\enotes % \barre \Notes\zqlp M\qup c&\hsong{\txt veil-|voi-&}\zqlp f\isluru2i\qu i\enotes \notes&\hsong{--}\tslur2h\cu h\enotes \Notes\zql J\qu c&\hsong{\txt le !|les !&}\zql e\qu g\enotes \notes\ds&\ds\enotes % \barre \Notes\zcharnote {-3}{\ppff p}\zql M\qu a&\zcharnote{10}{\ppff p}\hsong{\txt Paix |Vient &}\zql c\qu h\enotes \notes\zcl M\cu a&\Soufflcr q\hsong{\txt sur |… &}\zcl c\cu h\enotes \notes\roff{\itenl0M\zqlp M}\cu N&\hsong{\kern -4pt\txt terre |nous &}\zcl d\cu i\enotes \notes\cu a&\hsong{\txt en |cet-&}\zcl d\cu h\enotes \notes\cu b&\hsong{\txt tous |te &}\zcl d\cu g\enotes % \barre \notes\roff{\tten0\zcl M}\itenu1 N\qup N\cl L\cl K&\zsong{\txt lieux.|nuit.&}\itenl2c\itenl3g\itenu4j\zqlp c\zqp g\qup j\Souffldim q\enotes \Notes\zql J\tten1\zqu N&\hsong{---}\tten2\tten3\tten4\zql c\zq g\qu j\enotes \NOtes\ds&\uptext{\kern -3\Internote\it au refrain}\ds\enotes \finmorceau \medskip\rightline{\it le \aujourdhui} \absoluteaccidentals \vfil\eject \endinput