PostScript (Type 1) Fonts for MusiXTeX Ver 1.13 19-February-2003 Takanori Uchiyama, 19-February-2003 + Fix a problem that xslz20 disappears with Acrobat 5. 15-July-2002 + Fix broken fonts, xslhd11, xslhd11d, xslhd13, xslhd13d, xslhd16d, xslhd24, xslhd29d. 28-August-2001 + Fix wrong width of musix13.pfb. + Fix wrong width of xslhu11-29 and xslhu11d-29d. 30-July-2001 + Reducing control points. + Hinted automatically with Fontographer. + Upgrade from T101 to T102 (musix11 - 29, xslhz20, xslhz20d) + PostScript names were changed. Ex. TeX-musix20 --> TeXMUSIX20-Regular + typo correction. musix.tex --> 13-July-2001 + First release. [End of CHANGES]