CircuiTikz - Changelog * Version 0.4 - minor improvements to documentation - comply with TDS - merge high frequency symbols by Stefan Erhardt - added switch (not opening nor closing) - added added solder dot in some transistors - improved ConTeXt compatibility * Version 0.3.1 - different management of color... - fixed typo in documentation - fixed an error in the angle computation in voltage and current routines - fixed problem with label size when scaling a tikz picture - added gas filled surge arrester - added compatibility option to work with Tikz's own circuit library - fixed infinite in arctan computation * Version 0.3.0 - fixed gate node for a few transistors - added mixer - added fully differential op amp (by Kristofer M. Monisit) - now general settings for the drawing of voltage can be overridden for specific components - made arrows more homogeneous (either the current one, or latex' bt pgf) - added the single battery cell - added fuse and asymmetric fuse - added toggle switch - added varistor, photoresistor, thermocouple, push button - added thermistor, thermistor ptc, thermistor ptc - fixed misalignment of voltage label in vertical bipoles with names - added isfet - added noiseless, protective, chassis, signal and reference grounds (Luigi «Liverpool») * Version 0.2.4 - added square voltage source (contributed by Alistair Kwan) - added buffer and plain amplifier (contributed by Danilo Piazzalunga) - added squid and barrier (contributed by Cor Molenaar) - added antenna and transmission line symbols contributed by Leonardo Azzinnari - added the changeover switch spdt (suggestion of Fabio Maria Antoniali) - rename of context.tex and context.pdf (thanks to Karl Berry) - updated the email address - in documentation, fixed wrong (non-standard) labelling of the axis in an example (thanks to prof. Claudio Beccaria) - fixed scaling inconsistencies in quadrupoles - fixed division by zero error on certain vertical paths - introduced options straighlabels, rotatelabels, smartlabels * Version 0.2.3 - fixed compatibility problem with label option from tikz - Fixed resizing problem for shape ground - Variable capacitor - polarized capacitor - ConTeXt support (read the manual!) - nfet, nigfete, nigfetd, pfet, pigfete, pigfetd (contribution of Clemens Helfmeier and Theodor Borsche) - njfet, pjfet (contribution of Danilo Piazzalunga) - pigbt, nigbt - *backward incompatibility* potentiometer is now the standard resistor-with-arrow-in-the-middle; the old potentiometer is now known as variable resistor (or vR), similarly to variable inductor and variable capacitor - triac, thyristor, memristor - new property "name" for bipoles - fixed voltage problem for batteries in american voltage mode - european logic gates - *backward incompatibility* new american standard inductor. Old american inductor now called "cute inductor" - *backward incompatibility* transformer now linked with the chosen type of inductor, and version with core, too. Similarly for variable inductor - *backward incompatibility* styles for selecting shape variants now end are in the plural to avoid conflict with paths - new placing option for some tripoles (mostly transistors) - mirror path style * Version 0.2.2 - 20090520 - Added the shape for lamps. - Added options \texttt{europeanresistor}, \texttt{europeaninductor}, \texttt{americanresistor} and \texttt{americaninductor}, with corresponding styles. - FIXED: error in transistor arrow positioning and direction under negative \texttt{xscale} and \texttt{yscale}. * Version 0.2.1 - 20090503 - Op-amps added - added options arrowmos and noarrowmos, to add arrows to pmos and nmos * Version 0.2 - 20090417 First public release on CTAN - *Backward incompatibility*: labels ending with \texttt{:}\textit{angle} are not parsed for positioning anymore. - Full use of \TikZ\ keyval features. - White background is not filled anymore: now the network can be drawn on a background picture as well. - Several new components added (logical ports, transistors, double bipoles, \ldots). - Color support. - Integration with {\ttfamily siunitx}. - Voltage, american style. - Better code, perhaps. General cleanup at the very least. * Version 0.1 - 2007-10-29 First public release