% % CONTENTS OF THE Babel DISTRIBUTION (3.8m, 2009/09/19) % ==================================================== % % Documentation: % -------------- % % 00readme.txt -- The distribution guide. % announce.txt -- A short announcement of the release % 00readme.heb -- Information about the hebrew support % fixes.txt -- A list of fixes since the last release (2004/02/20) % howtoget.txt -- How and where to get Babel and related software % install.txt -- How to install Babel. % install.OzTeX-4 -- How to install Babel on a Mac with OzTeX 4.0+. % install.OzTeX-pre4-- How to install Babel on a Mac with older OzTeX. % GreekFonts.txt -- How to get the fonts on which the current % support for Greek typesetting is absed. % manifest.bbl -- This file. % bugs.txt -- How to submit a bug report for babel. % todo.txt -- A list of things that need to be done for a % future release of the babel system. % changes.txt -- List of changes in reverse chronological order. % tb1202.tex -- The source of the original article that appeared % in TUGboat, Volume 12 (1991), No. 2 % tb1401.tex -- The source of an update article that appeared in % TUGboat, Volume 14 (1993), No. 1 % tb1604.tex -- The source of an update article that never % appeared in TUGboat, but was presented at % EuroTeX 1995, Arnhem. % % Kernel files: % ------------- % % babel.dtx -- The source for the common parts of Babel % base.ins -- Unpacks the kernel files of Babel % babel.ins -- Unpacks all the source files % bbcompat.dtx -- The source for compatibility mode files % bbplain.dtx -- The source for plain compatibility % bbidxglo.dtx -- The source for MakeIndex files needed to % typeset the documentation % % Language specific files: % ------------------------ % albanian.dtx/ins -- Support for the Albanian language % bahasa.dtx -- Support for the Bahasa Indonesia language % bahasam.dtx -- Support for the Bahasa Malaysia language % bahasa.ins -- Installation script for the Bahasa languages % basque.dtx/ins -- Support for the Basque language % breton.dtx/ins -- Support for the Breton language % bulgarian.dtx/ins -- Support for the Bulgarian language % catalan.dtx/ins -- Support for the Catalan language % croatian.dtx/ins -- Support for the Croatian language % czech.dtx/ins -- Support for the Czech language % danish.dtx/ins -- Support for the Danish language % dutch.dtx/ins -- Support for the Dutch language % english.dtx/ins -- Support for the English language % esperanto.dtx/ins -- Support for the Esperanto language % estonian.dtx/ins -- Support for the Estonian language % finnish.dtx/ins -- Support for the Finnish language % frenchb.dtx/ins -- Support for the French language % galician.dtx/ins -- Support for the Galician language % germanb.dtx/ins -- Support for the German language % ngermanb.dtx -- Support for the German language (new orthography) % greek.dtx/ins -- Support for the Greek language % greek.fdd -- Font definitions for typesetting Greek texts % grmath.dtx -- Defines greek names for math operators % grsymb.dtx -- Provides acces to old Greek symbols in the cb fonts % usage.tex -- Describes the use of the Greek support % athnum.dtx -- Implementes Athenian Numerals % heb209.dtx -- Hebrew in \LaTeX~2.09 compatibility mode % hebinp.dtx -- Input encoding file for Hebrew % hebrew.dtx/ins/fdd-- Support for the Hebrew language % hebtech.dtx -- Technion thesis class % icelandic.dtx/ins -- Support for the Icelandic language % interlingua.dtx/ins -- Support for the Interlingua language % irish.dtx/ins -- Support for the Irish Gaelic language % italian.dtx /ins -- Support for the Italian language % kurmanji.dtx/ins -- Support for the Kurmanji language % latin.dtx/ins -- Support for the Latin language % lsorbian.dtx -- Support for the Lower Sorbian language % sorbian.ins -- Installation script for the Sorbian languages % magyar.dtx/ins -- Support for the Hungarian language % norsk.dtx/ins -- Support for the Norwegian languages % polish.dtx/ins -- Support for the Polish language % portuges.dtx/ins -- Support for the Portuguese language % romanian.dtx/ins -- Support for the Rumanian language % russianb.dtx/ins -- Support for the Russian language % samin.dtx/ins -- Support for the North Sami language % scottish.dtx/ins -- Support for the Scottish Gaelic language % serbian.dtx/ins -- Support for the Serbian language % slovak.dtx/ins -- Support for the Slovakian language % slovene.dtx/ins -- Support for the Slovenian language % spanish.dtx/ins -- Support for the Spanish language % swedish.dtx/ins -- Support for the Swedish language % turkish.dtx/ins -- Support for the Turkish language % ukraineb.dtx/ins -- Support for the Ukrainian language % usorbian.dtx -- Support for the Upper Sorbian language % welsh.dtx/ins -- Support for the Welsh language % % Example files: % -------------- % language.dat -- an example file which show how to specify % hyphenation files % language.skeleton -- An example file that can be used to build new % language definition files from scratch.