Russian Language Definition File for Babel v1.3a Igor A. Kotelnikov 1. INSTALLATION - unpack - run latex.exe russianb.ins - remove russianb.ldf that might come with babel; it is usually located at /tex/generic/babel/contrib/russian. - move russianb.ldf to the location indicated above. 2. USAGE Russian language definition file can be used both with legacy 8-bit engines (such as latex.exe or pdflatex.exe) and unicode compilers (xelatex.exe or lualatex.exe). The unicode engines can be ran either in unicode mode or 8-bit compatibility mode. The two modes differ by a set of packages loaded in the preamble of a source TeX file. It is important to keep recommended order of package loading, especially when running unicode engines in a compatibility 8-bit mode. In examples below, it is assumed that source file has utf8 input encoding. 2.1. 8-bit mode 2.1.1 PDFLATeX, LaTeX \usepackage[T1,T2A]{fontenc} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \usepackage[english,russian]{babel} 2.1.2 LuaLaTeX \usepackage[T1,T2A]{fontenc} \usepackage[lutf8]{luainputenc} \usepackage[english,russian]{babel} 2.1.3 XeLaTeX \XeTeXinputencoding "bytes" \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \usepackage[T2A]{fontenc} \usepackage[english,russian]{babel} 2.2 Unicode mode \usepackage{fontspec} \defaultfontfeatures{Ligatures={TeX}} \setmainfont{CMU Serif} \setsansfont{CMU Sans Serif} \setmonofont{CMU Typewriter Text} \usepackage[english,russian]{babel} Instead of Computer Modern Unicode (CMU) font loaded in this example, you may use any True Type or Open Type font installed on your computer. 2.3 Typesetting ancient book \usepackage[english,russian]{babel} \languageattribute{russian}{ancient} or \usepackage[english,russian.ancient]{babel} Using unicode mode is strongly recommended for typesetting ancient texts. Be sure to take X2 or OT2 font encodings when running 8-bit engine such as latex or pdflatex. 3. DOCUMENTATION See russianb.pdf for more information. 4. KNOWN PROBLEMS Before switching from a legacy 8-bit engine (tex, pdftex) to an unicode engine (xetex, luatex) and vise versa delete all .aux, .toc, .lot, .lof files as they might have stored incompatible internal encoding. T2* font encodings do not have legacy cyrillic letter `yat', which is hard-coded in ancient caprion names. Be sure to use an unicode engine or take X2 font encoding when setting the language attribute to "ancient". Consult your font documention for other ancient glypths which might be absent. 5. CHANGES 2013-04-18 version 1.3a * Added the language attribute 'ancient' for typesetting old Slavonic and Church books. 2013-04-08 version 1.3 * Updated for babel 3.9. * \Alph and \alph commands are not redefined any more by russianb.ldf. 2012-06-02 version 1.2a * russian/russianb.dtx, v1.2a : Indentation of 1st paragraph removed; use the indentfirst package to automatically indent first paragraph after sectioning commands. 2011-10-20 version 1.2 Igor A. Kotelnikov * Added support for LuaTeX and XeTeX; added translation for Glossary; removed \Rus, \English, \Eng, \cyrmath.., \latinencoding, \latintext; \Russian is now an alias for \selectlanguage{russian}. Original source: russianb.dtx, 2008/03/21 v1.1r Russian support from the babel system.