*** README *** *** Macedonian cyrillic support for LaTeX Babel *** *** maintainer: Stojan Trajanovski, [name].[surname]@gmail.com *** Bulgarian and Serbian cyrillic supports for LaTeX Babel are used as starting points in the implementation. *** This package may be distributed under the terms of the LaTeX Project Public License *** 1. INSTALLATION AND MODIFICATIONS *** Installation: 1. Just copy the file macedonian.ldf, where - your .tex document is stored or - in your latex distribution babel folder. If you want to modify something: 1. compile the file: macedonian.dtx using pdfLatex 2. compile the file: macedonian.ins using pdfLatex, after completing 1. A file named: macedonian.ldf will be created in the folder source 3. copy this file (macedonian.ldf), where your .tex document is stored or in your latex distribution babel folder. *** 2. HOW TO USE IT *** You first set the keyboard layout to Macedonian cyrillic, and you have to use unicode-compliant text editor. You also have to save your file in utf-8x encoding. Please, have a look at the sample cyrillic document that is included in this package in the directory usage-example/usage-example.tex. In short, all you have to do to use Macedonian cyrillic support for latex is type: \usepackage[utf8x]{inputenc} \usepackage[macedonian]{babel} somewhere near the beginning of your master .tex file. ******************************