% apnum.tex -- Arbitrary Precision Numbers %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % The documentation, Petr Olsak, 2014, 2015, 2016 % You can create the pdf version of this documentation by the command % pdfcsplain apnum.d % run this command four times (for the consistence of all cross references) % If you need to generate the documentation then the packages csplain and docbytex % have to be installed in your TeX distribution. \input utf8off \clearmubyte % use pdfcsplain \def\projectversion{1.6 Feb 2016} \def\headtitle{Arbitrary Precision Numbers} \widowpenalty=10000 \clubpenalty=10000 \emergencystretch=2em \hbadness=2200 \showboxbreadth=1500 \showboxdepth=2 \input docby.tex \setlinecomment{\percent} \noactive{\nb\percent} \noactive{\percent\cbrace} \noactive{\nb fontdimen} \noactive{\nb apSIGNa} \noactive{\nb apSIGNb} \noactive{\nb apEa} \noactive{\nb apEb} \noactive{\nb documentclass} \def\tittoc{Table Of Contents} \def\titindex{Index} \def\titversion{version } \def\db{\dg\nb} \def\du#1{\api{\nb#1}}%\def\quotehook{\langleactive\let\Blue=\Red \gdef\quotehook{\langleactive}}} \def\quotehook{\langleactive\obeyspaces} \bgroup \catcode`\[=1 \catcode`]=2 \catcode`\{=12 \catcode`\}=12 \gdef\obrace[{] \gdef\cbrace[}] \egroup \def\indexhook{% The bold number is the number of the page where the item is documented. Other numbers are pagenumbers of the occurrences of such item. The items marked by $\succ$ are mentioned in user documentation. \medskip} \def\nn#1 {\noactive{\nb#1}} \def\inumref[#1]{\ilink[#1]{\numref[#1]}} \def\M{M\sb{\rm op}} \def\cnvbookmark#1{\lowercase{\lowercase{#1}}} {\obeyspaces\global\let =\ } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \centerline{\tt apnum.tex} \title Arbitrary Precision Numbers \author Petr Ol\v s\'ak \centerline{\ulink[ftp://math.feld.cvut.cz/olsak/makra/]% {ftp://math.feld.cvut.cz/olsak/makra/}} \dotoc \bookmarks \sec User's Documentation This macro file "apnum.tex" implements addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, power to an integer and other calculation ($\sqrt x$, $e^x$, $\ln x$, $\sin x$, $\arctan x$, \dots) with ``large numbers'' with arbitrary number of decimal digits. The numbers are in the form: \begtt . \endtt % where optional "" is the sequence of "+" and/or "-". The nonzero number is treated as negative if and only if there is odd number of "-" signs. The first part or second part of decimal "" (but no both) can be empty. The decimal point is optional if second part of "" is empty. There can be unlimited number of digits in the operands. Only \TeX{} main memory or your patience during calculation with very large numbers are your limits. Note, that the "apnum.tex" implementation includes a lot of optimization and it is above 100 times faster (on large numbers) than the implementation of the similar task in the package "fltpoint.sty". And the "fp.sty" doesn't implements arbitrary number of digits. The extensive technical documentation can serve as an inspiration how to do \TeX{} macro programming. \subsec [eval] Evaluation of Expressions After "\input apnum" in your document you can use the macro \du{evaldef}"\evaldef{}". It gives the possibility for comfortable calculation. The "" can include numbers (in the form described above) combined by "+", "-", "*", "/" and "^" operators and by possible brackets "()" in an usual way. The result is stored to the "" as a ``literal macro''. Examples: \begtt \evaldef\A {2+4*(3+7)} % ... the macro \A includes 42 \evaldef\B {\the\pageno * \A} % ... the macro \B includes 84 \evaldef\C {123456789000123456789 * -123456789123456789123456789} % ... \C includes -15241578765447341344197531849955953099750190521 \evaldef\D {1.23456789 + 12345678.9 - \A} % ... the macro \D includes 12345596.13456789 \evaldef\X {1/3} % ... the macro \X includes .3333333333333333333 \endtt % The limit of the number of digits of the division result can be set by \du{apTOT}"\apTOT" and \du{apFRAC}"\apFRAC" registers. First one declares maximum calculated digits in total and second one declares maximum of digits after decimal point. The result is limited by both those registers. If the "\apTOT" is negative, then its absolute value is treated as a ``soft limit'': all digits before decimal point are calculated even if this limit is exceeded. The digits after decimal point are not calculated when this limit is reached. The special value "\apTOT=0" means that the calculation is limited only by "\apFRAC". Default values are "\apTOT=0" and "\apFRAC=20". The operator "^" means the powering, i.~e.\ "2^8" is "256". The exponent have to be an integer (no decimal point is allowed) and a relatively small integer is assumed. The scanner of the "\evaldef" macro reads (roughly speaking) the "" in the form ``operand binary-operator operand binary-operator etc.'' without expansion. The spaces are not significant in the "". The operands are: \begitems \item * numbers (in the format ".") or \item * numbers in scientific notation (see the section \inumref[sci]) or \item * sequences "\the" or "\number" or \item * any other single "" optionally preceded by "" and optionally followed by a sequence of parameters enclosed in braces, for example "\A" or "\B{}" or "-\C{}{}". This case has two meanings: \begitems \item * numeric constant defined in a ``literal macro'' ("\def\A{42}", "\evaldef\A{13/15}") or \item * ``function-like'' macro which returns a value after processing. \enditems \enditems The "apnum.tex" macro file provides the following ``function-like'' macros allowed to use them as an operand in the "": \begitems \item * \du{ABS}"\ABS {}" for absolute value, \item * \du{SGN}"\SGN {}" returns sign of the "", \item * \du{iDIV}"\iDIV {}{}" for integer division, \item * \du{iMOD}"\iMOD {}{}" for integer remainder, \item * \du{iFLOOR}"\iFLOOR {}" for rounding the number to the integer, \item * \du{iFRAC}"\iFRAC {}" for fraction part of the "\iFLOOR", \item * \du{FAC}"\FAC {}" for factorial, \item * \du{BINOM}"\BINOM {}{}" for binomial coefficient, \item * \du{SQRT}"\SQRT {}" for square root of the "", \item * \du{EXP}"\EXP {}" applies exponential function to "", \item * \du{LN}"\LN {}" for natural logarithm of the "", \item * \du{SIN}\du{COS}\du{TAN}"\SIN {}", "\COS {}", "\TAN {}" for $\sin x$, $\cos x$ and $\tan x$ functions, \item * \du{ASIN}\du{ACOS}\du{ATAN}"\ASIN {}", "\ACOS {}", "\ATAN {}" for $\arcsin x$, $\arccos x$ and $\arctan x$ functions, \item * \du{PI}\du{PIhalf}"\PI", "\PIhalf" for constants $\pi$ and $\pi/2$. \enditems The arguments of all these functions can be a nested "" with the syntax like in the "\evaldef" macro. Example: \begtt \def\A{20} \evaldef\B{ 30*\SQRT{ 100 + 1.12*\the\widowpenalty } / (4-\A) } \endtt % Note that the arguments of the ``function-like'' macros are enclosed by normal \TeX{} braces "{}" but the round brackets "()" are used for re-arranging of the common priority of the "+", "-", "*", "/" and "^" operators. The macros "\SQRT", "\EXP", "\LN", "\SIN", "\COS", "\TAN", "\ASIN", "\ACOS", "\ATAN" use "\apTOT" and "\apFRAC" registers similar like during division. The "\PI" and "\PIhalf" are ``function-like'' macros without parameters. They returns the constant with "\apFRAC" digits after decimal point. Users can define their own ``function-like'' macros, see the section \inumref[pgm]. \medskip The output of "\evaldef\foo{}" processing is stored, of course, to the ``literal macro'' "\foo". But there are another outputs like side effect of the processing: \begitems \item * The \du{OUT}"\OUT" macro includes exactly the same result as "\foo". \item * The \du{apSIGN}"\apSIGN" register includes the value "1" or "0" or "-1" respectively dependent on the fact that the output is positive, zero or negative. \item * The \du{apE}"\apE" register is equal to the decimal exponent when scientific number format is used (see the next section~\inumref[sci]). \enditems For example, you can compare long numbers using "\apSIGN" register (where direct usage of "\ifnum" primitive may cause arithmetic overflow): \begtt \TEST {123456789123456789} > {123456789123456788} \iftrue OK \else KO \fi \endtt The "\TEST" macro is defined like: \begtt \def\TEST#1#2#3#4{\evaldef\tmp{#1-(#3)}\ifnum\apSIGN #2 0 } \endtt The "apnum.tex" macros do not provide the evaluation of the "" at the expansion level only. There are two reasons. First, the macros can be used in classical \TeX{} only with Knuth's plain \TeX{} macro. No e\TeX{} is needed. And the expansion-only evaluation of any expression isn't possible in classical \TeX. Second reason is the speed optimization (see the section~\inumref[tests]). Anyway, users needn't expansion-only evaluation. They can write "\evaldef\a{}" "\edef\foo{...\a...}" instead of "\edef\foo{......}". There is only one case when this ``pre-processing'' trick cannot be used: while expansion of the parameters of asynchronous "\write" commands. But you can save the "" unexpanded into the file and you can read the file again in the second step and do "\evaldef" during reading the file. \subsec [sci] Scientific Notation of Numbers The macro "\evaldef" is able to operate with the numbers written in the notation: \begtt .E \endtt % For example "1.234E9" means $1.234\cdot 10^9$, i.~e.\ "1234000000" or the text "1.234E-3" means ".001234". The decimal exponent (after the "E" letter) have to be in the range $\pm\,2\,147\,483\,647$ because we store this value in normal \TeX{} register. The "\evaldef{}" operates with mantissa and exponent separately if there are operands with scientific notation. It outputs the result in the scientific notation if the result have non-zero exponent. The \du{evalmdef}"\evalmdef{}" does the same as "\evaldef" but only mantissa is saved in the output "" and in the "\OUT" macro. The exponent is stored in the "\apE" register in such case. You can define the macro which shows the complete result after "\evalmdef" calculation, for example: \begtt \def\showE#1{\message{#1\ifnum\apE=0 \else*10^\the\apE\fi}} \endtt Suppose "\evalmdef\foo{}" is processed and the complete result is $R={}$"\foo*10^\apE". There are two possibilities how to save such complete result $R$ to the "\foo" macro: use "\apEadd\foo" or "\apEnum\foo". Both macros do nothing if "\apE=0". Else the \du{apEadd}"\apEadd" macro adds "E" to the "" macro and \du{apEnum}"\apEnum" moves the decimal point to the new right position in the "" macro or appends zeros. The "\apE" register is set to zero after the macro "\apEadd" or "\apEnum" is finished. Example: \begtt \evalmdef\foo{ 3 * 4E9 } % \foo is 12, \apE=9 \apEadd\foo % \foo is 12E+9 \evalmdef\foo{ 7E9 + 5E9 } % \foo is 12, \apE=9 \apEnum\foo % \foo is 12000000000 \endtt There are another usable macros for operations with scientific numbers. \begitems \item * \du{apROLL}"\apROLL {}" \dots the "" is assumed to be a macro with the number. The decimal point of this number is shifted right by "" parameter, i.~e.\ the result is multiplied by "10^". The "" is redefined by this result. For example the "\apEnum\A" does "\apROLL\A{\apE}". \item * \du{apNORM}"\apNORM {}" \dots the "" is supposed to be a macro with "" and it will be redefined. The number "*10^\apE" (with current value of the "\apE" register) is assumed. The new mantissa saved in the "" is the ``normalized mantissa'' of the same number. The "\apE" register is corrected so the ``normalized mantissa''"*10^\apE" gives the same number. The "" parameter is the number of non-zero digits before the decimal point in the outputted mantissa. If the parameter "" starts by dot following by integer (for example "{.2}"), then the outputted mantissa has "" digits after decimal point. For example "\def\A{1.234}\apE=0" "\apNORM\A{.0}" defines "\A" as "1234" and "\apE=-3". \item * The \du{apROUND}"\apROUND {}" rounds the number, which is included in the macro "" and redefines "" as rounded number. The digits after decimal point at the position greater than "" are ignored in the rounded number. The decimal point is removed, if it is the right most character in the "\OUT". The ignored part is saved to the "\XOUT" macro without trailing right zeros. \enditems Examples of "\apROUND" usage: \begtt \def\A{12.3456}\apROUND\A{1} % \A is "12.3", \XOUT is "456" \def\A{12.3456}\apROUND\A{9} % \A is "12.3456", \XOUT is empty \def\A{12.3456}\apROUND\A{0} % \A is "12", \XOUT is "3456" \def\A{12.0000}\apROUND\A{0} % \A is "12", \XOUT is empty \def\A{12.0001}\apROUND\A{2} % \A is "12", \XOUT is "01" \def\A{.000010}\apROUND\A{2} % \A is "0", \XOUT is "001" \def\A{-12.3456}\apROUND\A{2} % \A is "-12.34", \XOUT is "56" \def\A{12.3456}\apROUND\A{-1} % \A is "10", \XOUT is "23456" \def\A{12.3456}\apROUND\A{-4} % \A is "0", \XOUT is "00123456" \endtt The following example saves the result of the "\evalmdef" in scientific notation with the mantissa with maximal three digits after decimal point and one digit before. \begtt \evalmdef\X{...}\apNORM\X{1}\apROUND\X{3}\apEadd\X \endtt The macros "\apEadd", "\apEnum", "\apROLL", "\apNORM" and "\apROUND" redefine the macro "" given as their first argument. They are not ``function-like'' macros and they cannot be used in an "". The macro "" must be the number in the format "." where "" is one minus or none and the rest of number has the format described in the first paragraph of this documentation. The scientific notation isn't allowed here. This format of numbers is in accordance with the output of the "\evalmdef" macro. The build in function-like macros "\SGN", "\iDIV", \dots "\SIN", "\COS", "\ATAN" etc.\ don't generate the result in scientific form regardless of its argument is in scientific form or not. But there are exceptions: "\ABS" and "\SQRT" returns scientific form if the argument is in this form. And "\EXP" returns scientific form if the result is greater than $10^{K+1}$ or less than $10^{-K-1}$ where $K={}$\du{apEX}"\apEX". The default value of this register is "\apEX=10". \subsec [pgm] Notes for macro programmers If you plan to create a ``function-like'' macro which can be used as an operand in the "" then observe that first token in the macro body must be "\relax". This tells to the "" scanner that the calculation follows. The result of this calculation must be saved into the "\OUT" macro and into the "\apSIGN" register. Example. The "\ABS" macro for the absolute value is defined by: \ilabel [abs:eval] {evalmdef} \ifirst{apnum.tex} {ABS}{^^B\cbrace}{+-} \begtt Usage: \evaldef\A{ 2 - \ABS{3-10} }% \A includes -5. \endtt Note, that "\apSIGN" register is corrected by final routine of the expression scanner according the "\OUT" value. But setting "\apSIGN" in your macro is recommended because user can use your macro directly outside of "\evaldef". If the result of the function-like macro needs to be expressed by scientific notation then you have two possibilities: use ``{\tt E}'' notation in the "\OUT" macro and keep "\apE" register zero. Or save the matissa only to the "\OUT" macro and set the value of the exponent into the "\apE" register. The second possibility is preferred and used by build in function-like macros. Note the "\ABS" definition above: the "\evalmdef" in the line~\cite[abs:eval] keeps only mantissa in the "\OUT" macro and the "\apE" register is set by "\evalmdef" itself. The "\evaldef\foo{}" is processed in two steps. The "" scanner converts the input to the macro call of the \du{apPLUS}"\apPLUS", \du{apMINUS}"\apMINUS", \du{apMUL}"\apMUL", \du{apDIV}"\apDIV" or \du{apPOW}"\apPOW" macros with two parameters. They do addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and power to the integer. These macros are processed in the second step. For example: \begtt \evaldef\A{ 2 - 3*8 } converts the input to: \apMINUS{2}{\apMUL{3}{8}} and this is processed in the second step. \endtt The macros "\apPLUS", "\apMINUS", "\apMUL", "\apDIV" and "\apPOW" behave like normal ``function-like'' macros with one important exception: they don't accept general "" in their parameters, only single operand (see section~\inumref[eval]) is allowed. If your calculation is processed in the loop very intensively than it is better to save time of such calculation and to avoid the "" scanner processing (first step of the "\evaldef"). So, it is recommended to use directly the Polish notation of the expression as shown in the second line in the example above. See section~\inumref[fce] for more inspirations. The output of the "\apPLUS", "\apMINUS", "\apMUL", "\apDIV" and "\apPOW" macros is stored in "\OUT" macro and the registers "\apSIGN" and "\apE" are set accordingly. The number of digits calculated by "\apDIV" macro is limited by the "\apTOT" and "\apFRAC" registers as described in the section~\inumref[eval]. There is another result of "\apDIV" calculation stored in the \du{XOUT}"\XOUT" macro. It is the remainder of the division. Example: \begtt \apTOT=0 \apFRAC=0 \apDIV{1234567892345}{2}\ifnum\XOUT=0 even \else odd\fi \endtt % You cannot apply "\ifodd" primitive on ``large numbers'' directly because the numbers may be too big. If you set something locally inside your ``function-like'' macro, then such data are accessible only when your macro is called outside of "\evaldef". Each parameter and the whole "\evaldef" is processed inside a \TeX{} group, so your locally set data are inaccessible when your macro is used inside another ``function-like'' parameter or inside "\evaldef". The "\XOUT" output is set locally by "\apDIV" macro, so it serves as a good example of this feature: \begtt {\apDIV{1}{3} ... \XOUT is .00000000000000000001 } ... \XOUT is undefined \evaldef{1/3} ... \XOUT is undefined \apPLUS{1}{\apDIV{1}{3}} ... \XOUT is undefined \endtt The macro "\apPOW{}{}" calculates the power to the integer exponent. A slight optimization is implemented here so the usage of "\apPOW" is faster than repeated multiplication. The decimal non-integer exponents are not allowed. Use "\EXP" and "\LN" macros if you need to calculate non-integer exponent: \begtt \def\POWER#1#2{\relax \EXP{(#2)*\LN{#1}}} \endtt % Note that both parameters are excepted as an "". Thus the "#2" is surrounded in the rounded brackets. Examples of another common ``function-like'' macros: \begtt \evaldef\degcoef{PI/180} \def\SINdeg#1{\relax \SIN{\degcoef*(#1)}} \def\COSdeg#1{\relax \COS{\degcoef*(#1)}} \def\SINH#1{\relax \evaldef\myE{\EXP{#1}}\evaldef\OUT{(\myE-1/\myE)/2}} \def\ASINH#1{\relax \LN{#1+\SQRT{(#1)^2+1}}} \def\LOG#1{\relax \apLNtenexec \apDIV{\LN{#1}}{\apLNten}} \endtt In another example, we implement the field "\F{}" as an ``function-like'' macro. User can set values by "\set\F{}={}" and then these values can be used in an "". \begtt \def\set#1#2#3#4{\evaldef\index{#2}\evaldef\value{#4}% \expandafter\edef\csname \string#1[\index]\endcsname{\value}} \def\F#1{\relax % function-like macro \evaldef\index{#1}% \expandafter\ifx\csname \string\F[\index]\endcsname\relax \def\OUT{0}% undefined value \else \edef\OUT{\csname \string\F[\index]\endcsname}% \fi } \set \F{12/2} = {28+13} \set \F{2*4} = {144^2} \evaldef\test { 1 + \F{6} } \message{result=\test} \endtt % As an exercise, you can implement linear interpolation of known values. The final example shows, how to implement the macro "\usedimen{}{}". It is ``function-like'' macro, it can be used in the "" and it returns the "" with the property "=". \begtt \def\usedimen #1#2{\relax % function-like macro \def\OUT{0}% % default value, if the unit isn't known \csname dimenX#2\endcsname{#1}} \def\dimenXpt #1{\apDIV{\number#1}{65536}} \def\dimenXcm #1{\apDIV{\number#1}{1864682.7}} \def\dimenXmm #1{\apDIV{\number#1}{186468.27}} %... etc. \evaldef\a{\usedimen{\hsize}{cm}} % \a includes 15.91997501773358008845 \endtt % Note that user cannot write "\usedimen\hsize{cm}" without braces because this isn't the syntactically correct operand (see section~\inumref[eval]) and the "" scanner is unable to read it. \subsec Printing expressions \TeX{} was designed for printing. The "apnum.tex" provides common syntax of "" (given in section \inumref[eval]) which can be used for both: for {\it evaluating\/} or for {\it printing}. Printing can be done using \du{eprint}"\eprint{}{}" macro. The "" part declares locally what to do with ``variables'' or with your ``function-like'' macros. You can insert your local "\def"'s or "\let"'s here because the "" is executed in the group before the "" is printed. The "\eprint" macro must be used in math mode only. Example: \begtt \def\printresult#1{$$\displaylines{ \eprint{#1}\vars = \cr = \eprint{#1}\nums = \cr = \apFRAC=8 \evaldef\OUT{#1}\OUT, \cr \nums x = \X, \quad y = \Y. }$$} \def\X{-.25} \def\Y{18.11} \def\vars{\def\X{x}\def\Y{y}\let\apMULop=\relax} \def\nums{\corrnum\X \corrnum\Y} \printresult {-(\X-\SQRT{\Y^2+1}) + -((\X*\Y+1)/2) + \SIN{\X+\PIhalf} + 2*\COS{\Y}} \endtt generates the result: $$ \displaylines{ - \left(x-\sqrt{y^2+1}\right) + - {xy+1\over 2} + \sin\left( x+{\pi\over2}\right) + 2 \cos y = \cr = - \left(-0.25-\sqrt{18.11^2+1}\right) + - {-0.25\cdot18.11+1\over 2} + \sin\left( -0.25+{\pi\over2}\right) + 2\cdot \cos 18.11 = \cr = 22.5977863, \cr x = -0.25, \quad y = 18.11 } $$ This example prints the given "" in two forms: with ``variables as variables'' first and with ``variables as constants'' second. The "" is prepared in the "\vars" macro for the first form and in the "\nums" macro for the second. Note that "\eprint" macro re-calculates the occurrences of round brackets but keeps the meaning of the "". For example "(\A+\B)/\C" is printed as "{a+b\over c}" (without brackets) and "6*-(\A+\B)" is printed as "6\cdot(-(a+b))" (new brackets pair is added). Or "\SIN{\X}" is printed as "\sin x" (without brackets) but "\SIN{\X+1}" is printed as "\sin(x+1)" (with brackets). And "\SIN{X}^2" is printed as "\sin^2 x". You can do \du{apMULop}"\let\apMULop=\," or "\let\apMULop=\relax" in the "" part if you need not to print any operator for multiplying. The default setting is "\let\apMULop=\cdot". Another possibility is to set "\let\apMULop=\times". The macro \du{corrnum}"\corrnum" corrects the number saved in the "" macro if it is in the form "[]." (i.~e.\ without digits before decimal point). Then zero is added before decimal point. Else nothing is changed. Warning. The first parameter of "\eprint" (i.~e.\ the ""), must be directly expression without any expansion steps. For example, you cannot define "\def\foo{}" and do "\eprint{\foo}{}" but you can do "\expandafter\eprint\expandafter{\foo}{}". The macro "\eprint" has its own intelligence about putting brackets. If you need to put or remove brackets somewhere where the intelligence of "\eprint" is different from your opinion, you can create your function-like macros "\BK{}" and "\noBK{}". They evaluate the "" when using "\evaldef". The "\BK" prints the "" with brackets and "\noBK" prints it without brackets when using "\eprint". \begtt \def\BK#1{\relax \evaldef\OUT{#1}} \let\noBK=\BK \def\BKprint#1{\left(\eprint{#1}{}\right)} \def\noBKprint#1{\eprint{#1}{}} \def\setBK{\let\BK=\BKprint \let\noBK=\noBKprint} Now $\eprint{3+\BK{\SIN{1}}^2}{\setBK}$ prints $3+(\sin 1)^2$. \endtt \subsec [tests] Experiments The following table shows the time needed for calculation of randomly selected examples. The comparison with the package "fltpoint.sty" is shown. The symbol $\infty$ means that it is out of my patience. \bigskip \noindent\hfil\vbox{\baselineskip=13pt \halign{&\ \hfil#\hfil\ \cr input & \# of digits in the result & time spent by {\tt apnum.tex} & time spent by {\tt fltpoint.sty}\cr \noalign{\smallskip\hrule\smallskip} 200! & 375 & 0.33 sec & 173 sec \cr 1000! & 2568 & 29 sec & $\infty$ \cr $5^{17^2}$ & 203 & 0.1 sec & 81 sec \cr $5^{17^3}$ & 3435 & 2.1 sec & $\infty$ \cr $1/17$ & 1000 & 0.13 sec & 113 sec \cr $1/17$ & 100000 & 142 sec & $\infty$ \cr }} \sec The Implementation \subsec Name Convention, Version, Counters The internal control sequence names typically used in "apnum.tex" have the form "\apNAMEsuffix", but there are exceptions. The control sequences mentioned in the section~\inumref[eval] (user's documentation) have typically more natural names. And the internal counter registers have names "\apnumA", "\apnumB", "\apnumC" etc. The code starts by the greeting. The \db apVERSION includes the version of this software. \ifirst{apnum.tex} {apVERSION}{\empty}{+-} We declare auxiliary counters and one Boolean variable. \inext{newcount}{\empty}{+-} The counters \db apSIGN , \db apE , \db apTOT, \db apFRAC and \db apEX are declared here: \inext{newcount}{\empty}{+-} Somebody sometimes sets the "@" character to the special catcode. But we need to be sure that there is normal catcode of the "@" character. \inext{catcode}{}{++} \subsec Evaluation of the Expression Suppose the following expression "\A+\B*(\C+\D)+\E" as an example. The main task of the "\evaldef\x{\A+\B*(\C+\D)+\E}" is to prepare the macro "\tmpb" with the content (in this example) "\apPLUS{\apPLUS{\A}{\apMUL{\B}{\apPLUS{\C}{\D}}}}{\E}" and to execute the "\tmpb" macro. The expression scanner adds the "\limits" at the end of the expression and reads from left to right the couples ``operand, operator''. For our example: "\A+", "\B*", "\C+", "\D+" and "\E\limits". The "\limits" operator has the priority 0, plus, minus have priority 1, "*"~and~"/" have priority 2 and "^" has priority 3. The brackets are ignored, but each occurrence of the opening bracket "(" increases priority by 4 and each occurrence of closing bracket ")" decreases priority by~4. The scanner puts each couple including its current priority to the stack and does a test at the top of the stack. The top of the stack is executed if the priority of the top operator is less or equal the previous operator priority. For our example the stack is only pushed without execution until "\D+" occurs. Our example in the stack looks like: \begtt \D + 1 1<=5 exec: \C + 5 {\C+\D} + 1 1<=2 exec: \B * 2 \B * 2 {\B*{\C+\D}} + 1 1<=1 exec: \A + 1 \A + 1 \A + 1 {\A+{\B*{\C+\D}}} + 1 bottom 0 bottom 0 bottom 0 bottom 0 \endtt % Now, the priority on the top is greater, then scanner pushes next couple and does the test on the top of the stack again. \begtt \E \limits 0 0<=1 exec: {\A+{\B*{\C+\D}}} + 1 {{\A+{\B*{\C+\D}}}+\E} \end 0 0<=0 exec: bottom 0 bottom 0 RESULT \endtt Let $p_t$, $p_p$ are the priority on the top and the previous priority in the stack. Let $v_t$, $v_p$ are operands on the top and in the previous line in the stack, and the same notation is used for operators $o_t$ and $o_p$. If $p_t\le p_p$ then: pop the stack twice, create composed operand $v_n=v_p \, o_p \, v_t$ and push $v_n$, $o_t$, $p_t$. Else push new couple ``operand, operator'' from the expression scanner. In both cases try to execute the top of the stack again. If the bottom of the stack is reached then the last operand is the result. The \db evaldef and \db evalmdef macros are protected by "\relax". It means that it can be used inside an "" as a ``function-like'' macro, but I don't imagine any usual application of this. The "\apEVALa" is executed. \inext{evaldef}{evalmdef}{++} The macro \db apEVALa "{}{}" runs the evaluation of the expression in the group. The base priority is initialized by "\apnumA=0", then "\apEVALb\limits" scans the expression and saves the result in the form "\apPLUS{\A}{\apMUL{\B}{\C}}" (etc.) into the "\tmpb" macro. This macro is executed. The group is finished by "\apEND" macro, which keeps the "\OUT", "\apSIGN" and "\apE" values unchanged. Then "" is executed and finally, the defined "" is set equivalent to the \db OUT macro. \inext{apEVALa}{}{++} The scanner is in one of the two states: reading operand or reading operator. The first state is initialized by \db apEVALb which follows to the "\apEVALc". The \db apEVALc reads one token and switches by its value. If the value is a "+" or "-" sign, it is assumed to be the part of the operand prefix. Plus sign is ignored (and "\apEVALc" is run again), minus signs are accumulated into "\tmpa". The auxiliary macro \db apEVALd runs the following tokens to the "\fi", but first it closes the conditional and skips the rest of the macro "\apEVALc". \ilabel [eval:the] {ifx\nb the} \ilabel [eval:number] {ifx\nb number} \ilabel [eval:num] {apTESTdigit} \ilabel [eval:nonum] {apEVALg} \inext{apEVALb}{def\nb apEVALd}{++} If the next token is opening bracket, then the global priority is increased by 4 using the macro \db apEVALe. Moreover, if the sign before bracket generates the negative result, then the new multiplication (by $-1$) is added using "\apEVALp" to the operand stack. \inext{apEVALe}{^^B\cbrace}{++} If the next token is "\the" or "\number" primitives (see lines \cite[eval:the] and \cite[eval:number]), then one following token is assumed as \TeX{} register and these two tokens are interpreted as an operand. This is done by \db apEVALf. The operand is packed to the "\tmpb" macro. \inext{apEVALf}{}{++} If the next token is not a number (the "\apTESTdigit#1\iftrue" results like "\iffalse" at line~\cite[eval:num]) then we save the sign plus this token to the "\tmpb" at line~\cite[eval:nonum] and we do check of the following token by "\futurelet". The \db apEVALg is processed after that. The test is performed here if the following token is open brace (a macro with parameter). If this is true then this parameter is appended to "\tmpb" by \db apEVALh and the test about the existence of second parameter in braces is repeated by next "\futurelet". The result of this loop is stored into "\tmpb" macro which includes "" followed by "" followed by all parameters in braces. This is considered as an operand. \inext{apEVALg}{def\nb apEVALh}{++} If the next token after the sign is a digit or a dot (tested in "\apEVALc" by "\apTESTdigit" at line~\cite[eval:num]), then there are two cases. The number includes the "E" symbol as a first symbol (this is allowed in scientific notation, mantissa is assumed to equal to one). The "\apEVALk" is executed in such case. Else the "\apEVALn" starts the reading the number. The first case with "E" letter in the number is solved by macros \db apEVALk and \db apEVALm. The number after "E" is read by "\apE=" and this number is appended to the "\tmpb" and the expression scanner skips to "\apEVALo". \inext{apEVALk}{def\nb apEVALm}{++} The second case (there is normal number) is processed by the macro \db apEVALn. This macro reads digits (token per token) and saves them to the "\tmpb". If the next token isn't digit nor dot then the second state of the scanner (reading an operator) is invoked by running "\apEVALo". If the "E" is found then the exponent is read to "\apE" and it is processed by "\apEVALm". \inext{apEVALn}{^^B\cbrace}{++} The reading an operator is done by the \db apEVALo macro. This is more simple because the operator is only one token. Depending on this token the macro \db apEVALp "" pushes to the stack (by the macro "\apEVALpush") the value from "\tmpb", the " and the priority increased by "\apnumA" (level of brackets). If there is a problem (level of brackets less than zero, level of brackets not equal to zero at the end of the expression, unknown operator) we print an error using "\apEVALerror" macro. The "\apNext" is set to "\apEVALb", i.~e.\ scanner returns back to the state of reading the operand. But exceptions exist: if the ")" is found then priority is decreased and the macro "\apEVALo" is executed again. If the end of the "" is found then the loop is ended by "\let\apNext=\relax". \inext{apEVALo}{\count=2 ^^B\cbrace}{++} The \db apEVALstack macro includes the stack, three items "{}{}{}" per level. Left part of the macro contents is the top of the stack. The stack is initialized with empty operand and operator and with priority zero. The dot here is only the ``total bottom'' of the stack. \inext{apEVALstack}{}{++} The macro \db apEVALpush "{}{}{}" pushes its parameters to the stack and runs "\apEVALdo@" to do the desired work on the top of the stack. \inext{apEVALpush}{^^B\cbrace}{++} Finally, the macro \db apEVALdo "{}{}{}{}{}{}@" performs the execution described at the beginning of this section. The new operand "" is created as "{vp}{vt}", this means "\apPLUS{}{}" for example. The operand is not executed now, only the result is composed by the normal \TeX{} notation. If the bottom of the stack is reached then the result is saved to the "\tmpb" macro. This macro is executed after group by the "\apEVALa" macro. \inext{apEVALdo}{^^B\cbrace}{++} The macro \db apEVALerror "" prints an error message. We decide to be better to print only "\message", no "\errmessage". The "\tmpb" is prepared to create "\OUT" as "??" and the "\apNext" macro is set in order to skip the rest of the scanned "". \inext{apEVALerror}{^^B\cbrace}{++} The auxiliary macro \db apTESTdigit "\iftrue" tests, if the given token is digit, dot or "E" letter. \inext{apTESTdigit}{^^B\cbrace}{++} \subsec Preparation of the Parameter All operands of "\apPLUS", "\apMINUS", "\apMUL", "\apDIV" and "\apPOW" macros are preprocessed by "\apPPa" macro. This macro solves (roughly speaking) the following tasks: \begitems \item * It partially expands (by "\expandafter") the parameter while "" is read. \item * The "" is removed from parameter and the appropriate "\apSIGN" value is set. \item * If the next token after "" is "\relax" then the rest of the parameter is executed in the group and the results "\OUT", "\apSIGN" and "\apE" are used. \item * Else the number is read and saved to the parameter. \item * If the read number has the scientific notation "E" then only "" is saved to the parameter and "\apE" is set as "". Else "\apE" is zero. \enditems The macro \db apPPa "" calls \db apPPb "@" and starts reading the "". The result will be stored to the "". Each token from "" is processed by three "\expandafter"s (because there could be "\csname...\endcsname"). It means that the parameter is partially expanded when "" is read. The "\apPPb" macro sets the initial value of "\tmpc" and "\apSIGN" and executes the macro \db apPPc "@". \inext{apPPa}{def\nb apPPd}{++} The "\apPPc" reads one token from "" and it is called recursively while there are "+" or "-" signs. If the read token is "+" or "-" then the \db apPPd closes conditionals and executes "\apPPc" again. If "\relax" is found then the rest of parameter is executed by the \db apPPe. The macro ends by \db apPPf "@" and this macro reverses the sign if the result is negative and removes the minus sign from the front of the parameter. \inext{apPPe}{def\nb apPPf}{++} The \db apPPg "@" macro is called when the "" was processed and removed from the input stream. The main reason of this macro is to remove trailing zeros from the left and to check, if there is the zero value written for example in the form "0000.000". When this macro is started then "\tmpc" is empty. This is a flag for removing trailing zeros. They are simply ignored before decimal point. The "\apPPg" is called again by \db apPPh macro which removes the rest of "\apPPg" macro and closes the conditional. If the decimal point is found then next zeros are accumulated to the "\tmpc". If the end of the parameter "@" is found and we are in the ``removing zeros state'' then the whole value is assumed to be zero and this is processed by "\apPPi @". If another digit is found (say 2) then there are two situations: if the "\tmpc" is non-empty, then the digit is appended to the "\tmpc" and the "\apPPi" is processed (say "\apPPi .002") followed by the rest of the parameter. Else the digit itself is stored to the "\tmpc" and it is returned back to the input stream (say "\apPPi"~"2") followed by the rest of the parameter. \inext{apPPg}{def\nb apPPh}{++} The macro \db apPPi "@" switches to two cases: if the execution of the parameter was processed then the "\OUT" doesn't include "E" notation and we can simply define "" as the "" by the \db apPPj macro. This saves the copying of the (possible) long result to the input stream again. If the executing of the parameter was not performed, then we need to test the existence of the "E" notation of the number by the \db apPPk macro. We need to put the "" to the input stream and to use \db apPPl to test these cases. We need to remove unwanted "E" letter by the \db apPPm macro. \inext{apPPi}{def\nb apPPm}{++} The \db apPPn "" macro does the same as "\apPPa\OUT{}", but the minus sign is returned back to the "\OUT" macro if the result is negative. \inext{apPPn}{}{++} The \db apPPab "{}{}" is used for parameters of all macros "\apPLUS", "\apMUL" etc. It prepares the "" to "\tmpa", "" to "\tmpb", the sign and "" of "" to the "\apSIGNa" and "\apEa", the same of "" to the "\apSIGNa" and "\apEa". Finally, it executes the "". \inext{apPPab}{^^B\cbrace}{++} The \db apPPs "{}" prepares parameters for "\apROLL", "\apROUND" and "\apNORM" macros. It saves the "" to the "\tmpc" macro, expands the "" and runs the macro \db apPPt \unskip~".@". The macro "\apPPt" reads first token from the "" to "#2". If "#2" is minus sign, then "\apnumG=-1". Else "\apnumG=1". Finally the ".@" is executed (but without the minus sign in the input stream). If "#2" is zero then \db apPPu ".@" is executed. If the "" is empty, (i.~e.\ the parameter is simply zero) then "" isn't executed because there in nothing to do with zero number as a parameter of "\apROLL", "\apROUND" or "\apNORM" macros. \inext{apPPs}{\count=2 ^^B\cbrace}{++} \subsec Addition and Subtraction The significant part of the optimization in "\apPLUS", "\apMUL", "\apDIV" and "\apPOW" macros is the fact, that we don't treat with single decimal digits but with their quartets. This means that we are using the numeral system with the base 10000 and we calculate four decimal digits in one elementary operation. The base was chosen $10^4$ because the multiplication of such numbers gives results less than $10^8$ and the maximal number in the \TeX{} register is about $2\cdot10^9$. We'll use the word ``Digit'' (with capitalized D) in this documentation if this means the digit in the numeral system with base 10000, i.~e.\ one Digit is four digits. Note that for addition we can use the numeral system with the base $10^8$ but we don't do it, because the auxiliary macros "\apIV*" for numeral system of the base $10^4$ are already prepared. Suppose the following example (the spaces between Digits are here only for more clarity). \begtt 123 4567 8901 9999 \apnumA=12 \apnumE=3 \apnumD=16 + 22.423 \apnumB=0 \apnumF=2 \apnumC=12 -------------------------- sum in reversed order and without transmissions: {4230}{10021}{8901}{4567}{123} \apnumD=-4 sum in normal order including transmissions: 123 4567 8902 0021.423 \endtt In the first pass, we put the number with more or equal Digits before decimal point above the second number. There are three Digits more in the example. The "\apnumC" register saves this information (multiplied by 4). The first pass creates the sum in reversed order without transmissions between Digits. It simply copies the "\apnumC/4" Digits from the first number to the result in reversed order. Then it does the sums of Digits without transmissions. The "\apnumD" is a relative position of the decimal point to the edge of the calculated number. The second pass reads the result of the first pass, calculates transmissions and saves the result in normal order. The first Digit of the operands cannot include four digits. The number of digits in the first Digit is saved in "\apnumE" (for first operand) and in "\apnumF" (for second one). The rule is to have the decimal point between Digits in all circumstances. The \db apPLUS and \db apMINUS macros prepare parameters using "\apPPab" and execute "\apPLUSa": \inext{apPLUS}{apMINUS}{++} The macro \db apPLUSa does the following work: \ilabel[plus:apE] {apEa} \ilabel[plus:DIGa] {apDIG\nb tmpa} \ilabel[plus:DIGb] {apDIG\nb tmpb} \ilabel[plus:moda] {-\nb apnumE} \ilabel[plus:modb] {-\nb apnumF} \ilabel[plus:apnC] {apnumC=} \ilabel[plus:xA] {apSIGNa} \ilabel[plus:xB] {apSIGNb} \ilabel[plus:sg] {apSIGN=} \ilabel[plus:xAm] {PLUSxA-} \ilabel[plus:ba] {apPLUSg} \ilabel[plus:bb] {apnumC=-} \ilabel[plus:G] {apnumG=0} \ilabel[plus:next] {apNext=} \ilabel[plus:X] {apnumX=0} \ilabel[plus:fa] {00123} \ilabel[plus:fb] {apPLUSy} \begitems \item * It gets the operands in "\tmpa" and "\tmpb" macros using the "\apPPab". \item * If the scientific notation is used and the decimal exponents "\apEa" and "\apEb" are not equal then the decimal point of one operand have to be shifted (by the macro "\apPLUSxE" at line~\cite[plus:apE]). \item * The digits before decimal point are calculated for both operands by the "\apDIG" macro. The first result is saved to "\apnumA" and the second result is saved to "\apnumB". The "\apDIG" macro removes decimal point (if exists) from the parameters (lines~\cite[plus:DIGa] and~\cite[plus:DIGb]). \item * The number of digits in the first Digit is calculated by "\apIVmod" for both operands. This number is saved to "\apnumE" and "\apnumF". This number is subtracted from "\apnumA" and "\apnumB", so these registers now includes multiply of four (lines~\cite[plus:moda] and~\cite[plus:modb]). \item * The "\apnumC" includes the difference of Digits before the decimal point (multiplied by four) of given operands (line~\cite[plus:apnC]). \item * If the first operand is negative then the minus sign is inserted to the \db apPLUSxA macro else this macro is empty. The same for the second operand and for the macro \db apPLUSxB is done (lines~\cite[plus:xA] and~\cite[plus:xB]). \item * If both operands are positive, then the sign of the result "\apSIGN" is set to one. If both operands are negative, then the sign is set to $-1$. But in both cases mentioned above we will do (internally) addition, so the macros "\apPLUSxA" and "\apPLUSxB" are set to empty. If one operand is negative and second positive then we will do subtraction. The "\apSIGN" register is set to zero and it will set to the right value later (lines~\cite[plus:sg] to~\cite[plus:xAm]). \item * The macro "\apPLUSb" does the calculation of the first pass. The "" has to have more or equal Digits before decimal point than "". This is reason why this macro is called in two variants dependent on the value "\apnumC". The macros "\apPLUSxA" and "\apPLUSxB" (with the sign of the operands) are exchanged (by the "\apPLUSg") if the operands are exchanged (lines~\cite[plus:ba] to~\cite[plus:bb]). \item * The "\apnumG" is set by the macro "\apPLUSb" to the sign of the first nonzero Digit. It is equal to zero if there are only zero Digits after first pass. The result is zero in such case and we do nothing more (line~\cite[plus:G]). \item * The transmission calculation is different for addition and subtraction. If the subtraction is processed then the sign of the result is set (using the value "\apnumG") and the "\apPLUSm" for transmissions is prepared. Else the "\apPLUSp" for transmissions is prepared as the "\apNext" macro (line~\cite[plus:next]) \item * The result of the first pass is expanded in the input stream and the "\apNext" (i.~e.\ transmissions calculation) is activated at line~\cite[plus:X]. \item * if the result is in the form ".000123", then the decimal point and the trailing zeros have to be inserted. Else the trailing zeros from the left side of the result have to be removed by "\apPLUSy". This macro adds the sign of the result too (lines~\cite[plus:fa] to~\cite[plus:fb]) \enditems \inext{apPLUSa}{^^B\cbrace}{++} The macro \db apPLUSb "" starts the first pass. The "" is the first operand (which have more or equal Digits before decimal point). The "" is the number of digits in the first Digit in the first operand. The "" is the second operand and the "" is the number of digits in the first Digit of the second operand. The "" is the number of Digits before decimal point of the first operand, but without the first Digit and multiplied by~4. The macro"\apPLUSb" saves the second operand to "\tmpd" and appends the $4-{}$"" empty parameters before this operand in order to read desired number of digits to the first Digit of this oparand. The macro "\apPLUSb" saves the first operand to the input queue after "\apPLUSc" macro. It inserts the appropriate number of empty parameters (in "\tmpc") before this operand in order to read the right number of digits in the first attempt. It appends the "\apNL" marks to the end in order to recognize the end of the input stream. These macros expands simply to zero but we can test the end of input stream by "\ifx". The macro "\apPLUSb" calculates the number of digits before decimal point (rounded up to multiply by 4) in "\apnumD" by advancing "" by~4. It initializes "\apnumZ" to zero. If the first nonzero Digit will be found then "\apnumZ" will be set to this Digit in the "\apPLUSc" macro. \inext{apPLUSb}{^^B\cbrace}{++} The macro \db apPLUSc is called repeatedly. It reads one Digit from input stream and saves it to the "\apnumY". Then it calls the \db apPLUSe, which reads (if it is allowed, i.~e.\ if "\apnumC"{\tt\char`<}"=0") one digit from second operand "\tmpd" by the "\apIVread" macro. Then it does the addition of these digits and saves the result into the "\OUT" macro in reverse order. Note, that the sign "\apPLUSxA" is used when "\apnumY" is read and the sign "\apPLUSxB" is used when advancing is performed. This means that we are doing addition or subtraction here. If the first nonzero Digit is reached, then the macro \db apPLUSh sets the sign of the result to the "\apnumG" and (maybe) exchanges the "\apPLUSxA" and "\apPLUSxB" macros (by the \db apPLUSg macro) in order to the internal result of the subtraction will be always non-negative. If the end of input stream is reached, then "\apNext" (used at line~\cite[plus:nn]) is reset from its original value "\apPLUSc" to the \db apPLUSd where the "\apnumY" is simply set to zero. The reading from input stream is finished. This occurs when there are more Digits after decimal point in the second operand than in the first one. If the end of input stream is reached and the "\tmpd" macro is empty (all data from second operand was read too) then the \db apPLUSf macro removes the rest of input stream and the first pass of the calculation is done. \ilabel[plus:nn] {apNext^^E} \inext{apPLUSc}{def\nb apPLUSh}{++} Why there is a complication about reading one parameter from input stream but second one from the macro "\tmpd"? This is more faster than to save both parameters to the macros and using "\apIVread" for both because the "\apIVread" must redefine its parameter. You can examine that this parameter is very long. The \db apPLUSm "@" macro does transmissions calculation when subtracting. The "" from first pass is expanded in the input stream. The "\apPLUSm" macro reads repeatedly one Digit from the "" until the stop mark is reached. The Digits are in the range $-9999$ to $9999$. If the Digit is negative then we need to add $10000$ and set the transmission value "\apnumX" to one, else "\apnumX" is zero. When the next Digit is processed then the calculated transmission value is subtracted. The macro "\apPLUSw" writes the result for each Digit "\apnumA" in the normal (human readable) order. \inext{apPLUSm}{^^B\cbrace}{++} The \db apPLUSp "@" macro does transmissions calculation when addition is processed. It is very similar to"\apPLUSm", but Digits are in the range $0$ to $19998$. If the Digit value is greater then $9999$ then we need to subtract $10000$ and set the transmission value "\apnumX" to one, else "\apnumX" is zero. \inext{apPLUSp}{^^B\cbrace}{++} The \db apPLUSw writes the result with one Digit (saved in "\apnumA") to the "\OUT" macro. The "\OUT" is initialized as empty. If it is empty (it means we are after decimal point), then we need to write all four digits by "\apIVwrite" macro (including left zeros) but we need to remove right zeros by "\apREMzerosR". If the decimal point is reached, then it is saved to the "\OUT". But if the previous "\OUT" is empty (it means there are no digits after decimal point or all such digits are zero) then "\def\OUT{\empty}" ensures that the "\OUT" is non-empty and the ignoring of right zeros are disabled from now. \inext{apPLUSw}{^^B\cbrace}{++} The macro \db apPLUSy "@" removes left trailing zeros from the "\OUT" macro and saves the possible minus sign by the \db apPLUSz macro. \inext{apPLUSy}{def\nb apPLUSz}{++} The macro \db apPLUSxE uses the "\apROLLa" in order to shift the decimal point of the operand. We need to set the same decimal exponent in scientific notation before the addition or subtraction is processed. \inext{apPLUSxE}{^^B\cbrace}{++} \subsec Multiplication Suppose the following multiplication example: "1234*567=699678". \def\begtthook{\lccode`~=`\ \lowercase{\def~{\ }}} \begtt Normal format: | Mirrored format: 1 2 3 4 * | 4 3 2 1 * 5 6 7 | 7 6 5 ---------------- | ----------------- *7: 7 14 21 28 | *7: 28 21 14 7 *6: 6 12 18 24 | *6: 24 18 12 6 *5: 5 10 15 20 | *5: 20 15 10 5 ---------------- | ----------------- 6 9 9 6 7 8 | 8 7 6 9 9 6 \endtt This example is in numeral system of base 10 only for simplification, the macros work really with base 10000. Because we have to do the transmissions between Digit positions from right to left in the normal format and because it is more natural for \TeX{} to put the data into the input stream and read it sequentially from left to right, we use the mirrored format in our macros. The macro \db apMUL prepares parameters using "\apPPab" and executes "\apMULa" \inext{apMUL}{}{++} The macro \db apMULa does the following: \ilabel[mul:apE] {apE} \ilabel[mul:sgn] {apSIGN} \ilabel[mul:sgn0] {apSIGN=0} \ilabel[mul:diga] {apDIG\nb tmpa} \ilabel[mul:digb] {apnumD=} \ilabel[mul:ba] {apIVmod} \ilabel[mul:bb] {tmpc} \ilabel[mul:b] {*.} \ilabel[mul:ca] {tmpb^^E} \ilabel[mul:cb] {apMULc} \ilabel[mul:d] {apMULd} \ilabel[mul:g] {apMULg} \ilabel[mul:z] {0-} \ilabel[mul:zz] {tmpa\nb OUT} \begitems \item * It gets the parameters in "\tmpa" and "\tmpb" preprocessed using the "\apPPab" macro. \item * It evaluates the exponent of ten "\apE" which is usable when the scientific notation of numbers is used (line~\cite[mul:apE]). \item * It calculates "\apSIGN" of the result (line~\cite[mul:sgn]). \item * If "\apSIGN=0" then the result is zero and we will do nothing more (line~\cite[mul:sgn0]). \item * The decimal point is removed from the parameters by "\apDIG". The "\apnumD" includes the number of digits before decimal point (after the "\apDIG" is used) and the "" includes the number of digits in the rest. The "\apnumA" or "\apnumB" includes total number of digits in the parameters "\tmpa" or "\tmpb" respectively. The "\apnumD" is re-calculated: it saves the number of digits after decimal point in the result (lines~\cite[mul:diga] to~\cite[mul:digb]). \item * Let $A$ is the number of total digits in the "" and let $F=A \mathrel{\rm mod} 4$, but if $F=0$ then reassign it to $F=4$. Then $F$ means the number of digits in the first Digit. This calculation is done by "\apIVmod" macro. All another Digits will have four digits. The "\apMULb@@@@" is able to read four digits, next four digits etc. We need to insert appropriate number of empty parameters before the "". For example "\apMULb{}{}{}@@@@" reads first only one digit from "", next four digits etc. The appropriate number of empty parameters are prepared in the "\tmpc" macro (lines~\cite[mul:ba] to~\cite[mul:bb]). \item * The "\apMULb" reads the "" (all Digits) and prepares the "\OUT" macro in the special interleaved format (described below). The format is finished by "*." in the line~\cite[mul:b]. \item * Analogical work is done with the second parameter "". But this parameter is processed by "\apMULc", which reads Digits of the parameter and inserts them to the "\tmpa" in the reversed order (lines~\cite[mul:ca] to~\cite[mul:cb]). \item * The main calculation is done by "\apMULd@", which reads Digits from "" (in reversed order) and does multiplication of the "" (saved in the "\OUT") by these Digits (line~\cite[mul:d]). \item * The "\apMULg" macro converts the result "\OUT" to the human readable form (line~\cite[mul:g]). \item * The possible minus sign and the trailing zeros of results of the type ".00123" is prepared by "\apADDzeros\tmpa" to the "\tmpa" macro. This macro is appended to the result in the "\OUT" macro (lines~\cite[mul:z] to~\cite[mul:zz]). \enditems \inext{apMULa}{^^B\cbrace}{++} We need to read the two data streams when the multiplication of the "" by one Digit from "" is performed and the partial sum is actualized. First: the digits of the "" and second: the partial sum. We can save these streams to two macros and read one piece of information from such macros at each step, but this si not effective because the whole stream have to be read and redefined at each step. For \TeX{} is more natural to put one data stream to the input queue and to read pieces of infromation thereof. Thus we interleave both data streams into one "\OUT" in such a way that one element of data from first stream is followed by one element from second stream and it is followed by second element from first stream etc. Suppose that we are at the end of $i-th$ line of the multiplication scheme where we have the partial sums $s_n, s_{n-1}, \ldots, s_0$ and the Digits of "" are $d_k, d_{k-1}, \ldots, d_0$. The zero index belongs to the most right position in the mirrored format. The data will be prepared in the form: \begtt . {s_n} {s_(n-1)}...{s_(k+1)} * {s_k} {d_(k-1)}...{s_1} {d_1} {s_0} {d_0} * \endtt % For our example (there is a simplification: numeral system of base 10 is used and no transmissions are processed), after second line (multiplication by 6 and calculation of partial sums) we have in "\OUT": \begtt . {28} * {45} {4} {32} {3} {19} {2} {6} {1} * \endtt % and we need to create the following line during calculation of next line of multiplication scheme: \begtt . {28} {45} * {5*4+32} {4} {5*3+19} {3} {5*2+6} {2} {5*1} {1} * \endtt % This special format of data includes two parts. After the starting dot, there is a sequence of sums which are definitely calculated. This sequence is ended by first "*" mark. The last definitely calculated sum follows this mark. Then the partial sums with the Digits of "" are interleaved and the data are finalized by second "*". If the calculation processes the the second part of the data then the general task is to read two data elements (partial sum and the Digit) and to write two data elements (the new partial sum and the previous Digit). The line calculation starts by copying of the first part of data until the first "*" and appending the first data element after "*". Then the "*" is written and the middle processing described above is started. The macro \db apMULb "@@@@" prepares the special format of the macro "\OUT" described above where the partial sums are zero. It means: \begtt * . {d_k} 0 {d_(k-1)} 0 ... 0 {d_0} * \endtt % where $d_i$ are Digits of "" in reversed order. The first ``sum'' is only dot. It will be moved before "*" during the first line processing. Why there is such special ``pseudo-sum''? The "\apMULe" with the parameter delimited by the first "*" is used in the context "\apMULe.{}*" during the third line processing and the dot here protects from removing the braces around the first real sum. \inext{apMULb}{^^B\cbrace}{++} The macro \db apMULc "@@@@" reads Digits from "" and saves them in reversed order into "\tmpa". Each Digit is enclosed by \TeX{} braces "{}". \inext{apMULc}{}{++} The macro \db apMULd "@" reads the Digits from "" (in reversed order), uses them as a coefficient for multiplication stored in "\tmpnumA" and processes the "\apMULe " for each such coefficient. This corresponds with one line in the multiplication scheme. \inext{apMULd}{^^B\cbrace}{++} The macro \db apMULe "" copies the first part of data format to the "\OUT", copies the next element after first "*", appends "*" and does the calculation by "\apMULf". The \db apMULf is recursively called. It reads the Digit to "#1" and the partial sum to the "#2" and writes "{\appnumA*#1+#2}{#1}" to the "\OUT" (lines~\cite[mul:f1] to~\cite[mul:f2]). If we are at the end of data, then "#2" is "*" and we write the "{\apnumA*#1}{#1}" followed by ending "*" to the "\OUT" (lines~\cite[mul:f3] to~\cite[mul:f4]). \ilabel[mul:f1] {2^^E} \ilabel[mul:f2] {expandafter\nb apMULf} \ilabel[mul:f3] {ifx*} \ilabel[mul:f4] {fi*} \ilabel[mul:f5] {MULf0} \inext{apMULe}{^^B\cbrace}{++} \noindent There are several complications in the algorithm described above. \begitems \item * The result isn't saved directly to the "\OUT" macro, but partially into the macros "\apOUT:", as described in the section~\inumref[aux] where the "\apOUTx" macro is defined. \item * The transmissions between Digit positions are calculated. First, the transmission value "\apnumX" is set to zero in the "\apMULe". Then this value is subtracted from the calculated value "\apnumB" and the new transmission is calculated using the "\apIVtrans" macro if "\apnumB"${}\ge10000$. This macro modifies "\apnumB" in order it is right Digit in our numeral system. \item * If the last digit has nonzero transmission, then the calculation isn't finished, but the new pair "{}{0}" is added to the "\OUT". This is done by recursively call of "\apMULf" at line~\cite[mul:f5]. \item * The another situation can be occurred: the last pair has both values zeros. Then we needn't to write this zero to the output. This is solved by the test "\ifnum\the\apnumB#1=0" at line~\cite[mul:f4]. \enditems The macro \db apMULg "@" removes the first dot (it is the "#1" parameter) and prepares the "\OUT" to writing the result in reverse order, i.~e. in human readable form. The next work is done by "\apMULh" and "\apMULi" macros. The \db apMULh repeatedly reads the first part of the special data format (Digits of the result are here) until the first "*" is found. The output is stored by "\apMULo{}" macro. If the first "*" is found then the \db apMULi macro repeatedly reads the triple "{}{}{}" and saves the first element in full (four-digits) form by the "\apIVwrite" if the third element isn't the stop-mark "*". Else the last Digit (first Digit in the human readable form) is saved by "\the", because we needn't the trailing zeros here. The third element is put back to the input stream but it is ignored by \db apMULj macro when the process is finished. \inext{apMULg}{def\nb apMULj}{++} The \db apMULo "{}" appends "" to the "\OUT" macro. The number of digits after decimal point "\apnumD" is decreased by the number of actually printed digits "". If the decimal point is to be printed into "" then it is performed by the \db apMULt macro. \inext{apMULo}{def\nb apMULt}{++} \subsec Division Suppose the following example: \begtt : 12345:678 = [12:6=2] 2 (2->1) 2*678 -1356 -1215 <0 correction! 1 12345 1*678 -678 5565 [55:6=8] 9 (9->8) 9*678 -6102 -537 <0 correction! 8 5565 8*678 -5424 1410 [14:6=2] 2 2*678 -1356 0540 [05:6=0] 0 0*678 -0 5400 [54:6=8] 9 (2x correction: 9->8, 8->7) ... 12345:678 = 182079... \endtt We implement the division similar like pupils do it in the school (only the numeral system with base 10000 instead 10 is actually used, but we keep with base 10 in our illustrations). At each step of the operation, we get first two Digits from the dividend or remainder (called partial dividend or remainder) and do divide it by the first nonzero Digit of the divisor (called partial divisor). Unfortunately, the resulted Digit cannot be the definitive value of the result. We are able to find out this after the whole divisor is multiplied by resulted Digit and compared with the whole remainder. We cannot do this test immediately but only after a lot of following operations (imagine that the remainder and divisor have a huge number of Digits). We need to subtract the remainder by the multiple of the divisor at each step. This means that we need to calculate the transmissions from the Digit position to the next Digit position from right to left (in the scheme illustrated above). Thus we need to reverse the order of Digits in the remainder and divisor. We do this reversion only once at the preparation state of the division and we interleave the data from the divisor and the dividend (the dividend will be replaced by the remainder, next by next remainder etc.). The number of Digits of the dividend can be much greater than the number of Digits of the divisor. We need to calculate only with the first part of dividend/remainder in such case. We need to get only one new Digit from the rest of dividend at each calculation step. The illustration follows: \begtt ...used dividend.. | ... rest of dividend ... | .... divisor .... 1234567890123456789 7890123456789012345678901234 : 1231231231231231231 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 7 <- calculated remainder xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx x8 <- new calculated remainder xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xx9 <- new calculated remainder etc. \endtt We'll interleave only the ``used dividend'' part with the divisor at the preparation state. We'll put the ``rest of dividend'' to the input stream in the normal order. The macros do the iteration over calculation steps and they can read only one new Digit from this input stream if they need it. This approach needs no manipulation with the (potentially long) ``rest of the dividend'' at each step. If the divisor has only one Digit (or comparable small Digits) then the algorithm has only linear complexity with respect to the number of Digits in the dividend. The numeral system with the base 10000 brings a little problem: we are simply able to calculate the number of digits which are multiple of four. But user typically wishes another number of calculated decimal digits. We cannot simply strip the trailing digits after calculation because the user needs to read the right remainder. This is a reason why we calculate the number of digits for the first Digit of the result. All another calculated Digits will have four digits. We need to prepare the first ``partial dividend'' in order to the $F$ digits will be calculated first. How to do it? Suppose the following illustration of the first two Digits in the ``partial remainder'' and ``partial divisor'': \begtt 0000 7777 : 1111 = 7 .. one digit in the result 0007 7778 : 1111 = 70 .. two digits in the result 0077 7788 : 1111 = 700 .. three digits in the result 0777 7888 : 1111 = 7000 .. four digits in the result 7777 8888 : 1111 = ???? .. not possible in the numeral system of base 10000 \endtt % We need to read $F-1$ digits to the first Digit and four digits to the second Digit of the ``partial dividend''. But this is true only if the dividend is ``comparably greater or equal to'' divisor. The word ``comparably greater'' means that we ignore signs and the decimal point in compared numbers and we assume the decimal points in the front of both numbers just before the first nonzero digit. It is obvious that if the dividend is ``comparably less'' than divisor then we need to read $F$ digits to the first Digit. The macro \db apDIV runs \db apDIVa macro which uses the "\tmpa" (dividend) and "\tmpb" (divisor) macros and does the following work: \ilabel[div:0] {SIGNb=0} \ilabel[div:sgn] {SIGN=} \ilabel[div:a0] {SIGNa=0} \ilabel[div:ape] {apE=} \ilabel[div:diga] {apDIG} \ilabel[div:digb] {advance\nb apnumD} \ilabel[div:comp] {DIVcomp} \ilabel[div:ifap] {ifapX} \ilabel[div:ca] {apnumC=} \ilabel[div:cb] {ifnum\nb apnumC} \ilabel[div:h] {advance\nb apnumH} \ilabel[div:F] {apIVmod} \ilabel[div:rb] {apIVread\nb tmpb} \ilabel[div:ra] {apIVreadX} \ilabel[div:rc] {apIVread\nb tmpa} \ilabel[div:xa] {apDIVxA} \ilabel[div:xb] {apDIVxB} \ilabel[div:xout] {edef\nb XOUT} \ilabel[div:outa] {edef\nb OUT} \ilabel[div:outb] {apADDzeros} \ilabel[div:z] {apnumZ=} \ilabel[div:next] {apNext=} \ilabel[div:add] {apnumZ=\nb apnumD} \ilabel[div:rema] {apDIVv} \ilabel[div:remb] {apROLLa} \begitems \item * If the divisor "\tmpb" is equal to zero, print error and do nothing more (line~\cite[div:0]). \item * The "\apSIGN" of the result is calculated (line~\cite[div:sgn]). \item * If the dividend "\tmpa" is equal to zero, then "\OUT" and "\XOUT" are zeros and do nothing more (line~\cite[div:a0]). \item * Calculate the exponent of ten "\apE" when scientific notation is used (Line~\cite[div:ape]). \item * The number of digits before point are counted by "\apDIG" macro for both parameters. The difference is saved to "\apnumD" and this is the number of digits before decimal point in the result (the exception is mentioned later). The "\apDIG" macro removes the decimal point and (possible) left zeros from its parameter and saves the result to the "\apnumD" register (lines~\cite[div:diga] to~\cite[div:digb]). \item * The macro "\apDIVcomp" determines if the "" is ``comparably greater or equal'' to "". The result is stored in the boolean value "apX". We can ask to this by the "\ifapX\else\fi" construction (line~\cite[div:comp]). \item * If the dividend is ``comparably greater or equal'' to the divisor, then the position of decimal point in the result "\apnumD" has to be shifted by one to the right. The same is completed with "\apnumH" where the position of decimal point of the remainder will be stored (line~\cite[div:ifap]). \item * The number of desired digits in the result "\apnumC" is calculated (lines~\cite[div:ca] to~\cite[div:cb]). \item * If the number of desired digits is zero or less than zero then do nothing more (line~\cite[div:cb]). \item * Finish the calculation of the position of decimal point in the remainder "\apnumH" (line~\cite[div:h]). \item * Calculate the number of digits in the first Digit "\apnumF" (line~\cite[div:F]). \item * Read first four digits of the divisor by the macro "\apIVread". Note that this macro puts trailing zeros to the right if the data stream "" is shorter than four digits. If it is empty then the macro returns zero. The returned value is saved in "\apnumX" and the "" is redefined by new value of the "" where the read digits are removed (line~\cite[div:rb]). \item * We need to read only "\apnumF" (or "\apnumF"${}-1$) digits from the "\tmpa". This is done by the "\apIVreadX" macro at line~\cite[div:ra]. The second Digit of the ``partial dividend'' includes four digits and it is read by "\apIVread" macro at line~\cite[div:rc]. \item * The ``partial dividend'' is saved to the "\apDIVxA" macro and the ``partial divisor'' is stored to the "\apDIVxB" macro. Note, that the second Digit of the ``partial dividend'' isn't expanded by simply "\the", because when "\apnumX=11" and "\apnumA=2222" (for example), then we need to save "22220011". These trailing zeros from left are written by the "\apIVwrite" macro (lines~\cite[div:xa] to~\cite[div:xb]). \item * The "\XOUT" macro for the currently computed remainder is initialized. The special interleaved data format of the remainder "\XOUT" is described below (line~\cite[div:xout]). \item * The "\OUT" macro is initialized. The "\OUT" is generated as literal macro. First possible "", then digits. If the number of effective digits before decimal point "\apnumD" is negative, the result will be in the form ".000123" and we need to add the zeros by the "\apADDzeros" macro (lines~\cite[div:outa] to~\cite[div:outb]). \item * The registers for main loop are initialized. The "\apnumE" signalizes that the remainder of the partial step is zero and we can stop the calculation. The "\apnumZ" will include the Digit from the input stream where the ``rest of dividend'' will be stored (line~\cite[div:z]). \item * The main calculation loop is processed by the "\apDIVg" macro (line~\cite[div:next]). \item * If the division process stops before the position of the decimal point in the result (because there is zero remainder, for example) then we need to add the rest of zeros by "\apADDzeros" macro. This is actual for the results of the type "1230000" (line~\cite[div:add]). \item * If the remainder isn't equal to zero, we need to extract the digits of the remainder from the special data formal to the human readable form. This is done by the "\apDIVv" macro. The decimal point is inserted to the remainder by the "\apROLLa" macro (lines~\cite[div:rema] to~\cite[div:remb]). \enditems \inext{apDIVa}{^^B\cbrace}{++} The macro \db apDIVcomp "" provides the test if the "" is ``comparably greater or equal'' to "". Imagine the following examples: \begtt 123456789 : 123456789 = 1 123456788 : 123456789 = .99999999189999992628 \endtt % The example shows that the last digit in the operands can be important for the first digit in the result. This means that we need to compare whole operands but we can stop the comparison when the first difference in the digits is found. This is lexicographic ordering. Because we don't assume the existence of e\TeX{} (or another extensions), we need to do this comparison by macros. We set the "" and "" to the "\tmpc" and "\tmpd" respectively. The trailing "\apNL"s are appended. The macro \db apDIVcompA reads first 8 digits from first parameter and the macros \db apDIVcompB reads first 8 digits from second parameter and does the comparison. If the numbers are equal then the loop is processed again. \inext{apDIVcomp}{\count=3 ^^B\cbrace}{++} The format of interleaved data with divisor and remainder is described here. Suppose this partial step of the division process: \begtt R0 R1 R2 R3 ... Rn : d1 d2 d3 ... dn = ...A... @ -A*d1 -A*d2 -A*d3 ... -A*dn [ R0 R1 : d1 = A ] 0 N0 N1 N2 ... N(n-1) Nn \endtt The $R_k$ are Digits of the remainder, $d_k$ are Digits of the divisor. The $A$ is calculated Digit in this step. The calculation of the Digits of the new remainder is hinted here. We need to do this from right to left because of the transmissions. This implies, that the interleaved format of "\XOUT" is in the reverse order and looks like \begtt dn Rn ... d3 R3 d2 R2 d1 R1 @ R0 \endtt % for example for "=1234567893", "=454502" (in the human readable form) the "\XOUT" should be "{200}{9300}{4545}{5678}@{1234}" (in the special format). The Digits are separated by \TeX{} braces "{}". The resulted digit for this step is $A=12345678/1415=2716$. The calculation of the new remainder takes $d_k$, $R_k$, $d_{k-1}$ for each $k$ from $n$ to $0$ and creates the Digit of the new remainder $N_{k-1} = R_k - A\cdot d_k$ (roughly speaking, actually it calculates transmissions too) and adds the new couple $d_{k-1}$~$N_{k-1}$ to the new version of "\XOUT" macro. The zero for $N_{-1}$ should be reached. If it is not completed then a correction of the type $A\mathrel{:=}A-1$ have to be done and the calculation of this step is processed again. The result in the new "\XOUT" should be (after one step is done): \begtt dn Nn ... d3 N3 d2 N2 d1 N1 @ N0 \endtt % where $N_n$ is taken from the ``rest of the dividend'' from the input stream. The initialization for the main loop is done by \db apDIVg macro. It reads the Digits from "\tmpa" (dividend) and "\tmpb" macros (using "\apIVread") and appends them to the "\XOUT" in described data format. This initialization is finished when the "\tmpb" is empty. If the "\tmpa" is not empty in such case, we put it to the input stream using "\expandafter\apDIVh\tmpa" followed by four "\apNL"s (which simply expands zero digit) followed by stop-mark. The "\apDIVh" reads one Digit from input stream. Else we put only the stop-mark to the input stream and run the "\apDIVi". The "\apNexti" is set to the "\apDIVi", so the macro "\apDIVh" will be skipped forever and no new Digit is read from input stream. \inext{apDIVg}{^^B\cbrace}{++} The macro \db apDIVh reads one Digit from data stream (from the rest of the dividend) and saves it to the "\apnumZ" register. If the stop-mark is reached (this is recognized that the last digit is the "\apNL"), then "\apNexti" is set to "\apDIVi", so the "\apDIVh" is never processed again. \inext{apDIVh}{^^B\cbrace}{++} The macro \db apDIVi contains the main loop for division calculation. The core of this loop is the macro call "\apDIVp" which adds next digit to the "\OUT" and recalculates the remainder. The macro "\apDIVp" decreases the "\apnumC" register (the desired digits in the output) by four, because four digits will be calculated in the next step. The loop is processed while "\apnumC" is positive. The "\apnumZ" (new Digit from the input stream) is initialized as zero and the "\apNexti" runs the next step of this loop. This step starts from "\apDIVh" (reading one digit from input stream) or directly the "\apDIVi" is repeated. If the remainder from the previous step is calculated as zero ("\apnumE=0"), then we stop prematurely. The \db apDIVj macro is called at the end of the loop because we need to remove the ``rest of the dividend'' from the input stream. \inext{apDIVi}{def\nb apDIVj}{++} The macro \db apDIVp "@" does the basic setting before the calculation through the expanded "\XOUT" is processed. The \db apDIVxA includes the ``partial dividend'' and the \db apDIVxB includes the ``partial divisor''. We need to do "\apDIVxA" over "\apDIVxB" in order to obtain the next digit in the output. This digit is stored in "\apnumA". The "\apnumX" is the transmission value, the "\apnumB", "\apnumY" will be the memory of the last two calculated Digits in the remainder. The "\apnumE" will include the maximum of all digits of the new remainder. If it is equal to zero, we can finish the calculation. The new interleaved data will be stored to the "\apOUT:" macros in similar way as in the "\apMUL" macro. This increases the speed of the calculation. The data "\apnumO", "\apnumL" and "\apOUTl" for this purpose are initialized. The "\apDIVq" is started and the tokens "0\apnumZ" are appended to the input stream (i.~e.\ to the expanded "\XOUT". This zero will be ignored and the "\apnumZ" will be used as a new $N_n$, i.~e.\ the Digit from the ``rest of the dividend''. \inext{apDIVp}{^^B\cbrace}{++} The macro \db apDIVq $\langle d_k\rangle\,\langle R_k\rangle\,\langle d_{k-1}\rangle$ calculates the Digit of the new remainder $N_{k-1}$ by the formula $N_{k-1} = - A\cdot d_k +R_k - X$ where $X$ is the transmission from the previous Digit. If the result is negative, we need to add minimal number of the form $X\cdot 10000$ in order the result is non-negative. Then the $X$ is new transmission value. The digit $N_k$ is stored in the "\apnumB" register and then it is added to "\apOUT:" in the order $d_{k-1}\, N_{k-1}$. The "\apnumY" remembers the value of the previous "\apnumB". The $d_{k-1}$ is put to the input stream back in order it would be read by the next "\apDIVq" call. If $d_{k-1}={}$"@" then we are at the end of the remainder calculation and the "\apDIVr" is invoked. \inext{apDIVq}{^^B\cbrace}{++} The \db apDIVr macro does the final work after the calculation of new remainder is done. It tests if the remainder is OK, i.~e.\ the transmission from the $R_1$ calculation is equal to $R_0$. If it is true then new Digit "\apnumA" is added to the "\OUT" macro else the "\apnumA" is decreased (the correction) and the calculation of the remainder is run again. If the calculated Digit and the remainder are OK, then we do following: \begitems \item * The new "\XOUT" is created from "\apOUT:" macros using "\apOUTs" macro. \item * The "\apnumA" is saved to the "\OUT". This is done with care. If the "\apnumD" (where the decimal point is measured from the actual point in the "\OUT") is in the interval $[0, 4)$ then the decimal point have to be inserted between digits into the next Digit. This is done by "\apDIVt" macro. If the remainder is zero ("\apnumE=0"), then the right trailing zeros are removed from the Digit by the "\apDIVu" and the shift of the "\apnumD" register is calculated from the actual digits. All this calculation is done in "\tmpa" macro. The last step is adding the contents of "\tmpa" to the "\OUT". \item * The "\apnumD" is increased by the number of added digits. \item * The new ``partial dividend'' is created from "\apnumB" and "\apnumY". \enditems \inext{apDIVr}{^^B\cbrace}{++} The \db apDIVt macro inserts the dot into digits quartet (less than four digits are allowed too) by the "\apnumD" value. This value is assumed in the interval $[0, 4)$. The expandable macro "\apIVdot" is used for this purpose. The result from this macro has to be expanded twice. \inext{apDIVt}{}{++} The \db apDIVu macro removes trailing zeros from the right and removes the dot, if it is the last token of the "\tmpa" after removing zeros. It uses expandable macros "\apREMzerosR" and "\apREMdotR". \inext{apDIVu}{}{++} The rest of the code concerned with the division does an extraction of the last remainder from the data and this value is saved to the \db XOUT macro in human readable form. The \db apDIVv macro is called repeatedly on the special format of the "\XOUT" macro and the new "\XOUT" is created. The trailing zeros from right are ignored by the \db apDIVw. \inext{apDIVv}{\empty}{+-} \subsec Power to the Integer The \db apPOW macro does the power to the integer exponent only. The \db apPOWx is equivalent to "\apPOW" and it is used in "\evaldef" macro for the "^" operator. If you want to redefine the meaning of the "^" operator then redefine the "\apPOWx" sequence. \inext{apPOWx}{}{++} We can implement the power to the integer as repeated multiplications. This is simple but slow. The goal of this section is to present the power to the integer with some optimizations. Let $a$ is the base of the powering computation and $d_1, d_2, d_3, \dots, d_n$ are binary digits of the exponent (in reverse order). Then $$ p = a^{1\,{d_1}+2\,{d_2}+2^2\,{d_3}+\cdots+2^{n-1}\,{d_n}} = (a^1)^{d_1}\cdot(a^2)^{d_2}\cdot(a^{2^2})^{d_3}\cdot (a^{2^{n-1}})^{d_n}. $$ If $d_i=0$ then $z^{d_i}$ is one and this can be omitted from the queue of multiplications. If $d_i=1$ then we keep $z^{d_i}$ as $z$ in the queue. We can see from this that the $p$ can be computed by the following algorithm: \begtt (* "a" is initialized as the base, "e" as the exponent *) p := 1; while (e>0) { if (e%2) p := p*a; e := e/2; if (e>0) a := a*a; } (* "p" includes the result *) \endtt The macro \db apPOWa does the following work. \ilabel[pow:sgna] {SIGNa=} \ilabel[pow:sgnb] {SIGNb=} \ilabel[pow:ea] {non-integer} \ilabel[pow:eb] {output?} \ilabel[pow:ape] {apE=\nb apEa} \ilabel[pow:odd] {ifodd} \ilabel[pow:dig] {apDIG\nb tmpa} \ilabel[pow:aa] {apIVmod} \ilabel[pow:ab] {ifcase} \ilabel[pow:ba] {apMULb} \ilabel[pow:bb] {*.\nb OUT} \ilabel[pow:p] {1*} \ilabel[pow:rev] {apREV} \ilabel[pow:b] {apPOWb} \ilabel[pow:g] {apPOWg} \ilabel[pow:outa] {-\nb OUT} \ilabel[pow:outb] {apROLLa} \ilabel[pow:r] {apDIVa} \begitems \item * After using "\apPPab" the base parameter is saved in "\tmpa" and the exponent is saved in "\tmpb". \item * In trivial cases, the result is set without any computing (lines~\cite[pow:sgna] and~\cite[pow:sgnb]). \item * If the exponent is non-integer or it is too big then the error message is printed and the rest of the macro is skipped by the "\apPOWe" macro (lines~\cite[pow:ea] to~\cite[pow:eb]). \item * The "\apE" is calculated from "\apEa" (line~\cite[pow:ape]). \item * The sign of the result is negative only if the "\tmpb" is odd and base is negative (line~\cite[pow:odd]). \item * The number of digits after decimal point for the result is calculated and saved to "\apnumD". The total number of digits of the base is saved to "\apnumC". (line~\cite[pow:dig]). \item * The first Digit of the base needn't to include all four digits, but other Digits do it. The similar trick as in "\apMULa" is used here (lines~\cite[pow:aa] to~\cite[pow:ab]). \item * The base is saved in interleaved reversed format (like in "\apMULa") into the "\OUT" macro by the "\apMULb" macro. Let it be the $a$ value from our algorithm described above (lines~\cite[pow:ba] and~\cite[pow:bb]). \item * The initial value of $p=1$ from our algorithm is set in interleaved format into "\tmpc" macro (line~\cite[pow:p]). \item * The main loop described above is processed by "\apPOWb" macro. (line~\cite[pow:b]). \item * The result in "\tmpc" is converted into human readable form by the "\apPOWg" macro and it is stored into the "\OUT" macro (line~\cite[pow:g]). \item * If the result is negative or decimal point is needed to print then use simple conversion of the "\OUT" macro (adding minus sign) or using "\apROLLa" macro (lines~\cite[pow:outa] and~\cite[pow:outb]). \item * If the exponent is negative then do the $1/r$ calculation, where $r$ is previous result (line~\cite[pow:r]). \enditems \inext{apPOWa}{^^B\cbrace}{++} The macro \db apPOWb is the body of the loop in the algorithm described above. The code part after "\ifodd\apnumE" does "p := p*a". In order to do this, we need to convert "\OUT" (where "a" is stored) into normal format using "\apPOWd". The result is saved in "\tmpb". Then the multiplication is done by "\apMULd" and the result is normalized by the "\apPOWn" macro. Because "\apMULd" works with "\OUT" macro, we temporary set "\tmpc" to "\OUT". The code part after "\ifnum\apnumE"{\tt\char`<}"0" does "a := a*a" using the "\apPOWt" macro. The result is normalized by the "\apPOWn" macro. \inext{apPOWb}{^^B\cbrace}{++} The macro \db apPOWd "" extracts the Digits from its argument and saves them to the "\tmpb" macro. \inext{apPOWd}{^^B\cbrace}{++} The \db apPOWe macro skips the rest of the body of the "\apPOWa" macro to the "\relax". It is used when "\errmessage" is printed. \inext{apPOWe}{}{++} The \db apPOWg macro provides the conversion from interleaved reversed format to the human readable form and save the result to the "\OUT" macro. It ignores the first two elements from the format and runs \db apPOWh. \inext{apPOWg}{^^B\cbrace}{++} The normalization to the initialized interleaved format of the "\OUT" is done by the \db apPOWn "@" macro. The \db apPOWna reads the first part of the "" (to the first "*", where the Digits are non-interleaved. The \db apPOWnn reads the second part of "" where the Digits of the result are interleaved with the digits of the old coefficients. We need to set the result as a new coefficients and prepare zeros between them for the new calculation. The dot after the first "*" is not printed (the zero is printed instead it) but it does not matter because this token is simply ignored during the calculation. \inext{apPOWn}{def\nb apPOWnn}{++} The powering to two ("\OUT:=\OUT^2") is provided by the \db apPOWt "" macro. The macro \db apPOWu is called repeatedly for each "\apnumA="Digit from the "". One line of the multiplication scheme is processed by the \db apPOWv "" macro. We can call the "\apMULe" macro here but we don't do it because a slight optimization is used here. You can try to multiply the number with digits "abcd" by itself in the mirrored multiplication scheme. You'll see that first line includes "a^2 2ab 2ac 2ad", second line is intended by two columns and includes "b^2 2bc 2bd", next line is indented by next two columns and includes "c^2 2cd" and the last line is intended by next two columns and includes only "d^2". Such calculation is slightly shorter than normal multiplication and it is implemented in the "\apPOWv" macro. \inext{apPOWt}{\empty}{+-} \subsec apROLL, apROUND and apNORM Macros The macros \db apROLL , \db apROUND and \db apNORM are implemented by "\apROLLa", "\apROUNDa" and "\apNORMa" macros with common format of the parameter text: ".@" where "" is the expansion of the macro "" (given as first parameter of "\apROLL", "\apROUND" and "\apNORM", but without optionally minus sign. If there was the minus sign then "\apnumG=-1" else "\apnumG=1". This preparation of the parameter "" is done by the "\apPPs" macro. The second parameter of the macros "\apROLL", "\apROUND" and "\apNORM" is saved to the "\tmpc" macro. \db apROLLa ".@" shifts the decimal point of the "" by "\tmpc" positions to the right (or to the left, if "\tmpc" is negative) and saves the result to the "" macro. The "\tmpc" value is saved to the "\apnumA" register and the "\apROLLc" is executed if we need to shift the decimal point to left. Else "\apROLLg" is executed. \inext{ROLLa}{ROLLc}{++} The \db apROLLc ".@" shifts the decimal point to left by the "-\apnumA" decimal digits. It reads the tokens from the input stream until the dot is found using \db apROLLd macro. The number of such tokens is set to the "\apnumB" register and tokens are saved to the "\tmpc" macro. If the dot is found then \db apROLLe does the following: if the number of read tokens is greater then the absolute value of the "", then the number of positions from the most left digit of the number to the desired place of the dot is set to the "\apnumA" register a the dot is saved to this place by "\apROLLi.@". Else the new number looks like ".000123" and the right number of zeros are saved to the "" using the "\apADDzeros" macro and the rest of the input stream (including expanded "\tmpc" returned back) is appended to the macro "" by the \db apROLLf ".@" macro. \inext{apROLLc}{def\nb apROLLf}{++} The \db apROLLg ".@" shifts the decimal point to the right by "\apnumA" digits starting from actual position of the input stream. It reads tokens from the input stream by the \db apROLLh and saves them to the "\tmpd" macro where the result will be built. When dot is found the \db apROLLi is processed. It reads next tokens and decreases the "\apnumA" by one for each token. It ends (using "\apROLLj\apROLLk") when "\apnumA" is equal to zero. If the end of the input stream is reached (the "@" character) then the zero is inserted before this character (using "\apROLLj\apROLLi0@"). This solves the situations like "123",~"=2",~$\to$~"12300". \ilabel[rol:g1] {0-} \inext{apROLLg}{^^B\cbrace}{++} The "\apROLLg" macro initializes "\apnumB=1" if the "" doesn't begin by dot. This is a flag that all digits read by "\apROLLi" have to be saved. If the dot begins, then the number can look like ".000123" (before moving the dot to the right) and we need to ignore the trailing zeros. The "\apnumB" is equal to zero in such case and this is set to "1" if here is first non-zero digit. The \db apROLLj macro closes the conditionals and runs its parameter separated by "\fi". It skips the rest of the "\apROLLi" macro too. \inext{apROLLj}{}{++} The macro \db apROLLk puts the decimal point to the "\tmpd" at current position (using "\apROLLn") if the input stream is not fully read. Else it ends the processing. The result is an integer without decimal digit in such case. \inext{apROLLk}{^^B\cbrace}{++} The macro \db apROLLn reads the input stream until the dot is found. Because we read now the digits after a new position of the decimal point we need to check situations of the type "123.000" which is needed to be written as "123" without decimal point. This is a reason of a little complication. We save all digits to the "\tmpc" macro and calculate the sum of such digits in "\apnumB" register. If this sum is equal to zero then we don't append the ".\tmpc" to the "\tmpd". The macro "\apROLLn" is finished by the \db apROLLo "@" macro, which removes the last token from the input stream and defines "" as "\tmpd". \inext{apROLLn}{def\nb apROLLo}{++} The macro \db apROUNDa ".@" rounds the number given in the "". The number of digits after decimal point "\tmpc" is saved to "\apnumD". If this number is negative then "\apROUNDe" is processed else the \db apROUNDb reads the "" to the decimal point and saves this part to the "\tmpc" macro. The "\tmpd" macro (where the rest after decimal point of the number will be stored) is initialized to empty and the \db apROUNDc is started. This macro reads one token from input stream repeatedly until the number of read tokens is equal to "\apnumD" or the stop mark "@" is reached. All tokens are saved to "\tmpd". Then the \db apROUNDd macro reads the rest of the "", saves it to the "\XOUT" macro and defines "" (i.~e.\ "#2") as the rounded number. \inext{apROUNDa}{\count=3 ^^B\cbrace}{++} The macro \db apROUNDe solves the ``less standard'' problem when rounding to the negative digits after decimal point "\apnumD", i.~e.\ we need to set "-\apnumD" digits before decimal point to zero. The solution is to remove the rest of the input stream, use "\apROLLa" to shift the decimal point left by "-\apnumD" positions, use "\apROUNDa" to remove all digits after decimal point and shift the decimal point back to its previous place. \inext{apROUNDe}{^^B\cbrace}{++} The macro \db apNORMa redefines the "" in order to remove minus sign because the "\apDIG" macro uses its parameter without this sign. Then the \db apNORMb "@" is executed where the dot in the front of the parameter is tested. If the dot is here then the "\apDIG" macro measures the digits after decimal point too and the \db apNORMc is executed (where the "\apROLLa" shifts the decimal point from the right edge of the number). Else the "\apDIG" macro doesn't measure the digits after decimal point and the \db apNORMd is executed (where the "\apROLLa" shifts the decimal point from the left edge of the number). \inext{apNORMa}{\count=3 ^^B\cbrace}{++} The macro \db apEadd "" adds "E" in scientific format into "" macro and \db apEnum "" normalizes the number in the "". After processing these macros the "\apE" register is set to zero. \inext{apEadd}{\empty}{+-} \subsec [aux] Miscelaneous Macros The macro \db apEND closes the "\begingroup" group, but keeps the values of "\OUT" macro and "\apSIGN", "\apE" registers. \inext{apEND}{^^B\cbrace}{++} The macro \db apDIG "" reads the content of the macro "" and counts the number of digits in this macro before decimal point and saves it to "\apnumD" register. If the macro "" includes decimal point then it is redefined with the same content but without decimal point. The numbers in the form ".00123" are replaced by "123" without zeros, but "\apnumD=-2" in this example. If the second parameter of the "\apDIG" macro is "\relax" then the number of digits after decimal point isn't counted. Else the number of these digits is stored to the given "". The macro "\apDIG" is developed in order to do minimal operations over a potentially long parameters. It assumes that "" includes a number without "" and without left trailing zeros. This is true after parameter preparation by the "\apPPab" macro. The macro "\apDIG" prepares an incrementation in "\tmpc" if the second parameter "" isn't "\relax". It initializes "\apnumD" and "". It runs \db apDIGa "..@" which increments the "\apnumD" until the dot is found. Then the "\apDIGb" is executed (if there are no digits before dot) or the "\apDIGc" is called (if there is at least one digit before dot). The \db apDIGb ignores zeros immediately after dot. The \db apDIGc reads the rest of the "" to the "#1" and saves it to the "\tmpd" macro. It runs the counter over this "" \db apDIGd "@" only if it is desired ("\tmpc" is non-empty). Else the "\apDIGe" is executed. The \db apDIGe "@" redefines "" if it is needed. Note, that "#1" is empty if and only if the "" include no dot (first dot was reached as the first dot from "\apDIG", the second dot from "\apDIG" was a separator of "#1" in "\apDIGc" and there is nothing between the second dot and the "@" mark. The "" isn't redefined if it doesn't include a dot. Else the sequence is set to the "\tmpd" (the rest after dot) if there are no digits before dot. Else the sequence is redefined using expandable macro \db apDIGf. \inext{apDIG}{def\nb apDIGf}{++} The macro \db apIVread "" reads four digits from the macro "", sets "\apnumX" as the Digit consisting from read digits and removes the read digits from "". It internally expands "", adds the "\apNL" marks and runs \db apIVreadA macro which sets the "\apnumX" and redefines "". The usage of the \db apNL as a stop-marks has the advantage: they act as simply zero digits in the comparison but we can ask by "\ifx" if this stop mark is reached. The "#5" parameter of "\apIVreadA" is separated by first occurrence of "\apNL", i.~e.\ the rest of the macro "" is here. \inext{apNL}{def\nb apIVreadA}{++} The macro \db apIVreadX "" acts similar as "\apIVread", but only "" digits are read. The "" is expected in the range 0 to 4. The macro prepares the appropriate number of empty parameters in "\tmpc" and runs "\apIVreadA" with these empty parameters inserted before the real body of the "". \inext{apIVreadX}{^^B\cbrace}{++} The macro \db apIVwrite "" expands the digits from "" register. The number of digits are four. If the "" is less than "1000" then left zeros are added. \inext{apIVwrite}{}{++} The macro \db apIVtrans calculates the transmission for the next Digit. The value (greater or equal 10000) is assumed to be in "\apnumB". The new value less than 10000 is stored to "\apnumB" and the transmission value is stored in "\apnumX". The constant \db apIVbase is used instead of literal 10000 because it is quicker. \inext{apIVbase}{^^B\cbrace}{++} The macro \db apIVmod "" sets "" to the number of digits to be read to the first Digit, if the number has "" digits in total. We need to read all Digits with four digits, only first Digit can be shorter. \inext{apIVmod}{}{++} The macro \db apIVdot "" adds the dot into "". Let $K={}$"" and $F$ is the number of digits in the "". The macro expects that $K\in[0,4)$ and $F\in(0,4]$. The macro inserts the dot after $K$-th digit if $K....@" where "" are the appropriate number of dots. Then the \db apIVdotA reads the four tokens (maybe the generated dots), ignores the dots while printing and appends the dot after these four tokens, if the rest "#5" is non-empty. \inext{apIVdot}{^^B\cbrace}{++} The expandable macro \db apNUMdigits "{}" expands (using the \db apNUMdigitsA macro) to the number of digits in the "". We assume that maximal number of digits will be four. \inext{apNUMdigits}{\empty}{+-} The macro \db apADDzeros "" adds "\apnumZ" zeros to the macro "". \inext{apADDzeros}{^^B\cbrace}{++} The expandable macro \db apREMzerosR "{}" removes right trailing zeros from the "". It expands to "\apREMzerosRa@0@!". The macro \db apREMzerosRa reads all text terminated by "0@" to "#1". This termination zero can be the most right zero of the "" (then "#2" is non-empty) or "" hasn't such zero digit (then "#2" is empty). If "#2" is non-empty then the "\apREMzerosRa" is expanded again in the recursion. Else \db apREMzerosRb removes the stop-mark "@" and the expansion is finished. \inext{apREMzerosR}{def\nb apREMzerosRb}{++} The expandable macro \db apREMdotR "{}" removes right trailing dot from the "" if exists. It expands to \db apREMdotRa and works similarly as the "\apREMzerosR" macro. \inext{apREMdotR}{def\nb apREMdotRa}{++} The \db apREMfirst "" macro removes the first token from the "" macro. It can be used for removing the ``minus'' sign from the ``number-like'' macros. \inext{apREMfirst}{\empty}{+-} The writing to the "\OUT" in the "\apMUL", "\apDIV" and "\apPOW" macros is optimized, which decreases the computation time with very large numbers ten times and more. We can do simply "\edef\OUT{\OUT}" instead of \begtt \expandafter\edef\csname apOUT:\apOUTn\endcsname {\csname apOUT:\apOUTn\endcsname}% \endtt % but "\edef\OUT{\OUT}" is typically processed very often over possibly very long macro (many thousands of tokens). It is better to do "\edef" over more short macros "\apOUT:0", "\apOUT:1", etc. Each such macro includes only 7 Digits pairs of the whole "\OUT". The macro \db apOUTx is invoked each 7 digit (the "\apnumO" register is decreased). It uses "\apnumL" value which is the "" part of the next "\apOUT:" control sequence. The "\apOUTx" defines this "" as \db apOUTn and initializes "\apOUT:" as empty and adds the "" to the list \db apOUTl. When the creating of the next "\OUT" macro is definitely finished, the "\OUT" macro is assembled from the parts "\apOUT:0", "\apOUT:1" etc.\ by the macro \db apOUTs \unskip~"". \inext{apOUTx}{def\nb apOUTs}{++} If a ``function-like'' macro needs a local counters then it is recommended to enclose all calculation into a group "\apINIT" ... "\apEND". The \db apINIT opens the group and prepares a short name "\do" and the macro "\localcounts;". The typical usage is: \begtt \def\MACRO#1{\relax \apINIT % function-like macro, \apINIT \evaldef\foo{#1}% % preparing the parameter \localounts \N \M \K ;% % local \newcount\N \newcount\M \newcount\K ... % calculation \apEND % end of \apINIT group } \endtt Note that "\localcounts" is used after preparing the parameter using "\evaldef" in odrer to avoid name conflict of local declared ``variables'' and ``variables'' used in "#1" by user. The "\apINIT" sets locally \db localcounts to be equivalent to \db apCOUNTS. This macro increases the top index of allocated counters "\count10" (used in plain \TeX) locally and declares the counters locally. It means that if the group is closed then the counters are deallocated and top index of counters "\count10" is returned to its original value. \inext{apINIT}{^^B\cbrace}{++} The macro \db do "=;" allows to write the calculation of Polish expressions more synoptic: \begtt \do \X=\apPLUS{2}{\the\N};% % is equivalent to: \apPLUS{2}{\the\N}\let\X=\OUT \endtt The "\do" macro is locally set to be equivalent to \db apEVALxdo . \inext{apEVALxdo}{\empty}{+-} The \db apRETURN macro must be followed by "\fi". It skips the rest of the block "\apINIT"..."\apEND" typically used in ``function-like'' macros. The \db apERR "{}" macro writes "" as error message and returns the processing of the block enclosed by "\apINIT"..."\apEND". User can redefine it if the "\errmessage" isn't required. \inext{apRETURN}{\empty}{+-} The \db apNOPT macro removes the "pt" letters after expansion of "" register. This is usable when we do a classical "" calculation, see TBN page~80. Usage: "\expandafter\apNOPT\the". \inext{apNOPT}{\empty}{+-} The \db loop macro from plain \TeX{} is redefined here in more convenient way. It does the same as original "\loop" by D. Knuth but moreover, it allows the construction "\if...\else...\repeat". \inext{loop}{\empty}{+-} \subsec [fce] Function-like Macros The implementation of function-like macros \db ABS , \db SGN , \db iDIV , \db iMOD , \db iFLOOR , \db iFRAC are simple. \inext{ABS}{\empty}{+-} The \db FAC macro for {\bf factorial} doesn't use recursive call because the \TeX{} group is opened in such case and the number of levels of \TeX{} group is limited (to 255 in my computer). But we want to calculate more factorial than only 255!. \inext{FAC}{^^B\cbrace}{++} The \db BINOM "{"$a$"}{"$b$"}" is {\bf binomial coefficient} defined by $$ {a \choose b} = {a! \over b!\,(a-b)! } = {a\,(a-1)\cdots(a-b+1) \over b!} \quad \hbox{for integer } b > 0, \quad {a \choose 0} = 1. $$ We use the formula where $(a-b)!$ is missing in numerator and denominator (second fraction) because of time optimization. Second advantage of such formula is that $a$ need not to be integer. That is the reason why the "\BINOM" isn't defined simply as \begtt \def\BINOM#1#2{\relax \evaldef{ \FAC{#1} / (\FAC{#2} * \FAC{(#1)-(#2)} }} \endtt The macro "\BINOM" checks if $a$ is integer. If it is true then we choose "\C" as minimum of $b$ and $a-b$. Then we calculate factorial of "\C" in the denominator of the formula (second fraction). And nominator includes "\C" factors. If $a$ is non-negative integer and $a" excepts "" in the interval $[1,100]$ and makes a roughly estimation of square root of the "" in the "\OUT" macro. It uses only classical "" calculation, it doesn't use any "apnum.tex" operations. The result is based on the linear approximation of the function $g(x)=\sqrt{x}$ with known exact points $[1,1], [4,2], [9,3], \ldots, [100,10]$. Note, that the differences between $x_i$ values of exact points are $3,5,7,\ldots,19$. The inverted values of these differences are pre-calculated and inserted after "\apSQRTra" macro call. The \db apSQRTra macro operates repeatedly for $i=1,\ldots,10$ until "\dimen0"${}=x\string" and "" calculation with \TeX{} registers is used, no long numbers "apnum.tex" calculation. The $\ln x_i$ is pre-calculated for $x_i = i$, $i\in\{1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10\}$ and the values are inserted after the "\apLNra" macro call. The input value $x$ is set as "\dimen0". The \db apLNra "{}{}" macro reads the pre-calculated values repeatedly in the loop. The loop ends if "\apnumC" (i.~e.~$x_i$) is greater than $x$. Then we know that $x\in[x_{i-1},x_i)$. The linear interpolation is $$ \widetilde{\ln x} = f(x_{i-1})+\bigl(f(x_i)-f(x_{i-1})\bigr)\,(x-x_{i-1}), $$ where $f(x_{i-1})={}$"", $f(x_i)={}$"" and $x={}$"\dimen0". The rest of the pre-calculated values is skipped by processing "\next" to "\relax". The pre-calculated approximation of $\ln 10$ is saved in the macro \db apLNrten because we use it at more places in the code. \inext{apLNr}{3025}{++} The \db apLNtenexec macro calculates the $\ln 10$ value with the precision given by "\apFRAC". The output is prepared to the \db apLNten macro. The "\apLNtenexec" saves globally the result to the macro "\""LNten:" in order to use it if the value is needed again. This saves time. \inext{apLNtenexec}{^^B\cbrace}{++} The constant $\pi$ is saved in the \db apPIvalue macro initially with 30 digits. If user needs more digits (using "\apFRAC"${}>30$) then the "\apPIvalue" is recalculated and the \db apPIdigits is changed appropriately. \inext{apPIvalue}{apPIdigits}{++} The macro \db apPIexec prepares the $\pi$ constant with "\apFRAC" digits and saves it to the \db apPI macro. And $\pi/2$ constant with "\apFRAC" digits is saved to the \db apPIhalf macro. The "\apPIexec" uses macros "\""apPI:" and "\""apPIh:" where desired values are usually stored. If the values are not prepared here then the macro "\apPIexecA" calculates them. \inext{apPIexec}{^^B\cbrace}{++} The macro \db apPIexecA creates the $\pi$ value with "\apFRAC" digits using the "\apPIvalue", which is rounded if "\apFRAC"${}\string<{}$"\apPIdigits". The "\apPIhalf" is calculated from "\apPI". Finally the macros "\""apPI:" and "\""apPIh:" are saved globally for saving time when we need such values again. \inext{apPIexecA}{^^B\cbrace}{++} If "\apFRAC"${}>{}$"\apPIdigits" then new "\apPIvalue" with desired decimal digits is generated using \db apPIexecB macro. The Chudnovsky formula is used: $$ \pi = {53360\cdot \sqrt{640320} \over S}, \quad S = \sum_{n=0}^\infty {(6n)!\,(13591409 + 545140134\,n) \over (3n)!\,(n!)^3\,(-262537412640768000)^n } $$ This converges very good with 14 new calculated digits per one step where new $S_n$ is calculated. Moreover, we use the identity: $$ F_n = {(6n)!\over (3n)!\,(n!)^3\,(-262537412640768000)^n},\quad F_n = F_{n-1}\cdot{8\,(6n-1)\,(6n-3)\,(6n-5) \over n^3\, (-262537412640768000)} $$ and we use auxiliary integer constants $A_n, B_n, C_n$ with following properties: $$ \displaylines{A_0=B_0=C_0=1, \cr A_n=A_{n-1}\cdot 8\,(6n-1)\,(6n-3)\,(6n-5),\quad B_n=B_{n-1}\cdot n^3, \quad C_n=C_{n-1}\cdot (-262537412640768000), \cr F_n = {A_n \over B_n C_n}, \cr S_n = {A_n\,(13591409 + 545140134\,n) \over B_n C_n} } $$ \inext{apPIexecB}{^^B\cbrace}{++} The macros for users \db PI and \db PIhalf are implemented as ``function-like'' macros without parameters. \inext{PI}{PIhalf}{++} The macros \db SIN and \db COS use the Taylor series $$ \displaylines{ \sin x = x - {x^3\over 3!} + {x^5\over 5!} - {x^7\over 7!} + \cdots \cr \cos x = 1 - {x^2\over 2!} + {x^4\over 4!} - {x^6\over 6!} + \cdots } $$ These series converge good for $|x|<1$. The main problem is to shift the given argument $x\in{\bf R}$ to the range $[0,1)$ before the calculation of the series is started. This task is done by \db apSINCOSa macro, the common code for both, "\SIN" and "\COS" macros. The macro "\apSINCOSa" does the following steps: \begitems \item * It advances "\apFRAC" by three and evaluates the argument. \item * Note, that the macro "\apSINCOSx" means "\apSINx" or "\apCOSx" depending on the given task. \item * The macro "\signK" includes "1". It can be recalculated to "-1" later. \item * If the argument is zero then the result is set and next computation is skipped. This test is processed by "\apSINCOSo\apCOSx". \item * If the argument is negative then remove minus and save "\sign". This "\sign" will be applied to the result. The "\sign" is always "+" when "\COS" is calculated. This folows the identities $\sin(-x) = - \sin x$ and $\cos(-x) = \cos x$. \item * The "\apFRAC" is saved and "\apTOT=0". \item * The "\apPIexec" is processed. The "\apPI" and "\apPIhalf" are ready after such processing. \item * After "\X" div "\apPI" (rounded to integer) we have "\K" in "\OUT", where $"\X"=x' + "\K"\cdot \pi$ and $x'\in[0,\pi)$. We set "\X" := $x'$ because of the identities $\sin x = (-1)^k \sin(x+k\pi)$, $\cos x = (-1)^k \cos(x+k\pi)$. The sign $(-1)^k$ is saved to "\signK" macro. \item * If the $x'$ is zero then the result is set by "\apSINCOSo\apCOSx" and the rest of calculating is skipped. \item * The $|"\X" - \pi/2|$ is saved to "\XmPIh" macro. \item * If $"\X"\in (\pi/4, \pi/2)$ then $x'= "\XmPIh"$. We use identities $\sin x = \cos(\pi/2-x)$, $\cos x = \sin(\pi/2-x)$. Set $"\X"=x'$. The meaning of "\apSINCOSx" ("\apSINx" or "\apCOSx") is flipped in such case. \item * If the $x'$ is zero then the result is set by "\apSINCOSo\apSINx" and the rest of calculating is skipped. \item * Now $"\X"\in(0,\pi/4)$, i.~e.\ $|"\X"|<1$ and we can use Taylor series. The "\apSINCOSx" (i.~e.\ "\apSINx" or "\apCOSx") macro initializes the computation of Taylor series mentioned above. The $"\XX"="\X"^2$ is prepared. The Taylor series is processed in the loop as usually. \item * The the sign of the output is "\sign\signK". \item * If the sign of the result is negative, the ``minus'' is added to the "\OUT". \enditems \inext{SIN}{^^B\cbrace}{++} The macros \db apSINx and \db apCOSx initialize the calculation of the Taylor series. \inext{apSINx}{apCOSx}{++} The \db apSINCOSo "" macro is used three times in the "\apSINCOSa". It tests if the current result is zero. If it is true then the "\OUT" is set as zero or it is set to "\signK" (if processed function is equal to the ""). \inext{apSINCOSo}{}{++} The macro \db TAN uses the identity $\tan x = \sin x / \cos x$ and calculates the denominator first. If it is zero then "\apERR" prints ``out of range'' message else the result is calculated. \inext{TAN}{^^B\cbrace}{++} The macro \db ATAN calculates the inverse of tangens using series $$ \arctan{1\over x} = {x\over 1+x^2} + {2\over3} {x\over (1+x^2)^2} + {2\over3}{4\over5} {x\over (1+x^2)^3} + {2\over3}{4\over5}{6\over7} {x\over (1+x^2)^4} + \cdots $$ This converges relatively good for $|x|>1$. I was inspired by the Claudio Kozick\'y's semestral work from the course ``Typography and \TeX'' at \v CVUT in Prague. The macro "\ATAN" takes the argument $x$ and uses identity $\arctan(-x)=-\arctan(x)$ when $x$ is negative. If $x>1$ then the identity $$ \arctan(x) = {\pi\over2} - \arctan{1\over x} $$ is used and $\arctan(1/x)$ is calculated by "\apATANox" macro using the series above. Else the argument is re-calculated $x:=1/x$ and the "\apATANox" is used. When $x=1$ then the "\apPIhalf/2" is returned directly. \inext{ATAN}{^^B\cbrace}{++} The macro \db apATANox calculates $\arctan(1/x)$ using series mentioned above. \inext{apATANox}{^^B\cbrace}{++} The macros \db ASIN and \db ACOS for functions $\arcsin(x)$ and $\arccos(x)$ are implemented using following identities: $$ \arcsin(x) = \arctan {x\over\sqrt{1-x^2}}, \qquad \arccos(x) = {\pi\over2} - \arcsin(x) $$ \inext{ASIN}{ACOS}{++} \subsec Printing expressions The \db eprint "{}{}" macro works in the group "\bgroup...\egroup". This means that the result in math mode is math-Ord atom. The macro interprets the "" in the first step like "\evaldef". This is done by "\apEVALb#1\limits". The result is stored in the "\tmpb" macro in Polish notation. Then the internal initialization is processed in "\apEPi" and user-space initialization is added in "#2". Then "\tmpb" is processed. The \db apEPe can do something end-game play but typically it is "\relax". \inext{eprint}{^^B\cbrace}{++} The \db apEPi macro replaces the meaning of all macros typically used in Polish notation of the expression. The original meaning is ``to evaluate'', the new meaning is ``to print''. The macro "\apEPi" is set to "\relax" in the working group because nested "" processed by nested "\eprint"s need not to be initialized again. There is second initialization macro \db apEPj (similar to the "\apEPi") which is empty by default. Users can define their own function-like functions and they can put the printing initialization of such macros here. \inext{apEPi}{def\nb apEPj}{++} All parameters are processed in new group. For example we have "\apPLUS{a}{\apDIV{b}{c}}" in the "\tmpb". Then the "{a}+{\apDIV{b}{c}}" is processed and thus "{a}+{{b}\over{c}}" is printed. The outer group is set by "\eprint" macro itself. So, the ``printing'' meaning of "\apPLUS" prepared in \db apEPplus looks like: \inext{apEPplus}{}{++} When we process the "\tmpb" with the output of the "" interpreter then the original positions of the round brackets are lost. We must to print these brackets if it is required by usual math syntax. For example "\apMINUS{a}{\apPLUS{b}{c}}" must be printed as "a-(b+c)". But "\apMINUS{a}{\apMUL{b}{c}}" must be printed as "a-bc". The "\apEPp\empty\end" is used for this feature. The result of "\apEPp" is the "" enclosed or not enclosed in round brackets. It depends on the main operator $\M$ in the "" and on the given parameters "". If $\M$ is "\apPLUS" and "" isn't dot or $\M$ is "\apMINUS" and "" isn't dot or $\M$ is (unary minus or "\apMUL") and "" isn't dot or $\M$ is "\apDIV" and "" isn't dot or $\M$ is "\apPOWx" and "" isn't dot then the "" is enclosed in brackets using "\left(\right)". Else the "" is enclosed in invisible group-braces only. If $\M$ is nothing mentioned above (because single operand is here) then no brackets and no invisible braces are used and the "" is printed ``as is''. This feature is used in the printing version of "\apMINUS", i.~e.\ in \db apEPminus macro (and in many others macros). The second parameter of "\apMINUS" is enclosed in brackets only if its main operator $\M$ is "+" or "-". \inext{apEPminus}{}{++} The unary minus in the cases like "-(a+b)" are transformed to "\apMUL{-1}{\apPLUS{a}{b}}" by the "" interpreter. But we don't need to print "-1\cdot(a+b)". So, the printing version of "\apMUL" stored in the macro \db apEPmul have an exception. First, we do the test, if "#1" is equal to "-1". If this is true, then we print the unary minus else we print the whole first parameter enclosed in braces if its $\M$ is "+" or "-". The second parameter is enclosed in braces if its $\M$ is "+" or "-" or "*". This needs more explanation: The multiplying chains as "a*b*c" are processed from left to right in the "" scanner and the result is "\apMUL{\apMUL{a}{b}}{c}". So, no brackets are printed. But the "a*-(b+c)" is converted to "\apMUL{a}{\apMUL{-1}{\apPLUS{b}{c}}}" and we need to print this as "a\cdot(-(b+c))". This is the reason why the second parameter of "\apMUL" will be in brackets when its $\M$ is "*". \inext{apEPmul}{!!!}{++} The \db apEPdiv macro used for printing "\apDIV" is very easy. We needn't to set the outer group here because each parameter is enclosed in the group. We need not to add any round brackets here because fraction generated by "\over" is self explanatory from priority point of view. If you need to redefine "\apEPdiv" with the operator "/" instead "\over" then you need to redefine "\apEPmul" too because you must enclose parameters with $\M="\apDIV"$ by brackets in such case. \inext{apEPdiv}{}{++} The \db apEPpow macro used for printing "^" includes another speciality. When the base (the first "") is a function-like macro "\SIN", "\COS" etc. then we need to print "\SIN{X}^2" as "\sin^2 x". The test if the base is such special functions-like macro is performed by "\apEPpowa{}\end{}". If this is true then "\apEPpowa" saves the "" to the temporary macro \db apEPy and only "" is processed (the "\apEPy" is printed inside this processing) else "\apEPy" is empty and the "" enclosed in brackets is followed by "^{}". Note that the "" isn't enclosed by brackets if its $\M$ is missing, i.~e.\ the "" is single operand. \inext{apEPpow}{^^B\cbrace}{++} The \db apEPpowa macro detects the special function-like macro "\SIN", "\COS" etc. by performing one expansion step on the tested "". If the first "" is "\apEPf" then the special function-like macro is detected. Note that "\SIN", "\COS" etc. are defined as "\apEPf" in the "\apEPi" macro. \inext{}{\count=2 let\nb apEPy}{++} The functions like "\SIN{}" are printed by \db apEPf "{}{}". First, the "\mathop{}\nolimits" is printed. If "\apEPy" is non-empty then the exponent is printed by "^{\apEPy}". Finally, the nested "" is printed by the nested "\eprint". \inext{apEPf}{^^B\cbrace}{++} The code "\expandafter"\db apEPb in the "" part of "\eprint" expands the following "\tmpb" (the result of the "" scanner) and checks the first token. By default the "" will be enclosed by brackets (see the default "\next" definition where closing brace is printed by "\apEPe" macro used after expanded "\tmpb"). But if the first token is "\apPPn" or "\apDIV" then no brackets are printed around the "". Note that the "" scanner generates "\apPPn{}" if and only if the whole "" is a single operand. \inext{apEPb}{^^B\cbrace}{++} The meaning of \db apEPp "\empty\end" is explained above, see the text where "\apEPminus" is introduced. Now, we focus to the implementation of this feature. The auxiliary macro \db apEPa "{}{}" is used twice: before processing the "" "#1#2" and after processing. The "\apEPa" inserts the "" or "" depending on the condition described above where $\M$ is equal to the "". Note the trick with "\empty" which is inserted at the end of "#2" parameter. The "" should be in the form "\SIN{...}". If the "\empty" token isn't added then "#2" becomes the text without braces and this is not desired. \inext{apEPp}{^^B\cbrace}{++} The \db apMULop is used as an operation mark for multiplying. It is "\cdot" by default but user can change this. \inext{apMULop}{}{++} The single operand like "2.18" or "\X" or "\FAC{10}" is processed directly without any additional material. User can define ``variables'' as desired. The function-like macros provided by "apnum.tex" is initialized in "\apEPi" macro and the ``printing macros'' \db apEPabs, \db apEPfac, \db apEPbinom, \db apEPsqrt, \db apEPexp, \db apEPsgn, \db apEPdivmod, \db apEPidiv, \db apEPimod, \db apEPifloor, \db apEPifrac are defined here. The trick with "\expandafter\apEPb" in the declaration part of the nested "\eprint" was explained above. Users can re-define these macros if they want. \inext{apEPabs}{apEPifrac}{++} The \db corrnum "" macro expects "" as a macro with number. It adds zero before decimal point if the sequence of "" before decimal point is empty. It uses a macro \db apEPc which works at expansion level. First, the occurrence of the "-" is tested. If it is true then "-" is expanded and the "\apEPc" is called again. Else the zero is added if the first token is dot (this means if the "" before dot is empty). \inext{corrnum}{\empty}{+-} \subsec Conclusion This code is here only for backward compatibility with old versions of "apnum.tex". Don't use these sequences if you are implementing an internal feature because users can re-define these sequences. \inext{PLUS}{\empty}{+-} Here is my little joke. Of course, this macro file works in La\TeX{} without problems because only \TeX{} primitives (from classical \TeX) and the "\newcount" macro are used here. But I wish to print my opinion about La\TeX. I hope that this doesn't matter and La\TeX{} users can use my macro because a typical La\TeX{} user doesn't read a terminal nor ".log" file. \inext{documentclass}{\empty}{+-} \doindex \bye