Sometimes, the message won’t go away: however often you reprocess your
document, LaTeX still tells you that “Label(s) may have
changed”. This can sometimes be caused by a broken package: both
footmisc (with the perpage
option) and hyperref
have been known to give trouble, in the past: if you are using either,
check you have the latest version, and upgrade if possible.
However, there is a rare occasion when this error can happen
as a result of pathological structure of the document itself. Suppose
you have pages numbered in roman, and you add a reference to a label
on page “ix” (9). The presence of the reference pushes the thing
referred to onto page “x” (10), but since that’s a shorter reference
the label moves back to page “ix” at the next run. Such a sequence
can obviously not terminate.
The only solution to this problem is to make a small change to your
document (something as small as adding or deleting a comma will often
be enough).
This question on the Web: http://www.tex.ac.uk/cgi-bin/texfaq2html?label=rerun