! pdfTeX warning (ext4): destination with the same identifier (name{page.1}) has been already used, duplicate ignored
arises because of duplicate page numbers in your document. The problem is usually soluble: see PDF page destinations — which answer also describes the problem in more detail.
If the identifier in the message is different, for examplename{figure.1.1}
, the problem is (often) due to a problem of
package interaction. The README in the hyperref
distribution mentions some of these issues — for example,
and eqnarray
as supplied by the
amsmath package; means of working around the problem are
typically supplied there.
Some packages are simply incompatible with
hyperref, but most work simply by ignoring it. In most
cases, therefore, you should load your package before you load
hyperref, and hyperref will patch things up so
that they work, so you can utilise your (patched) package after
loading both:
usepackage{your package}
<code that uses your package>
For example:
\usepackage{float} % defines \newfloat ... \usepackage[...]{hyperref} % patches \newfloat ... \newfloat{...}{...}{...}
You should load packages in this order as a matter of course, unless the documentation of a package says you must load it after hyperref. (There are few packages that require to be loaded after hyperref: one such is memoir’s “hyperref fixup” package memhfixc.)
If loading your packages in the (seemingly) “correct” order doesn’t solve the problem, you need to seek further help.This question on the Web: http://www.tex.ac.uk/cgi-bin/texfaq2html?label=hyperdupdest