command is always called \
(or rather, what
is defined to mean).
Changing the canned text is now one of the easiest customisations a
user can do to LaTeX.
The canned text macros are all of the form
name>, and changing them is simplicity
itself. Put:
name>}{Res minor}
in the preamble of your document, and the job is done. (However, beware of the babel package, which requires you to use a different mechanism: be sure to check changing babel names if you’re using it.)
The names that are defined in the standard LaTeX classes (and the makeidx package) are listed below. Some of the names are only defined in a subset of the classes (and the letter class has a set of names all of its own); the list shows the specialisation of each name, where appropriate.
\ abstractname | Abstract |
\ alsoname | see also (makeidx package) |
\ appendixname | Appendix |
\ bibname | Bibliography (report,book) |
\ ccname | cc (letter) |
\ chaptername | Chapter (report,book) |
\ contentsname | Contents |
\ enclname | encl (letter) |
\ figurename | Figure (for captions) |
\ headtoname | To (letter) |
\ indexname | Index |
\ listfigurename | List of Figures |
\ listtablename | List of Tables |
\ pagename | Page (letter) |
\ partname | Part |
\ refname | References (article) |
\ seename | see (makeidx package) |
\ tablename | Table (for caption) |
This question on the Web: http://www.tex.ac.uk/cgi-bin/texfaq2html?label=fixnam