Quality of PDF from PostScript
Any reasonable PostScript, including any output of dvips, may be
converted to PDF, using (for example) a sufficiently recent
version of ghostscript, Frank Siegert’s (shareware)
PStill, or Adobe’s (commercial)
But, although the job may (almost always) be done, the results are
often not acceptable: the most frequent problem is bad presentation of
the character glyphs that make up the document. The following answers
offer solutions to this (and other) problems of bad presentation.
Issues covered are:
It should be noted that Adobe
Reader 6 (released in mid-2003, and later versions) does
not exhibit the “fuzziness” that so many of the answers below
address. This is of course good news: however, it will inevitably be
a long time before every user in the world has this (or later)
versions, so the remedies below are going to remain for some time to
The problems are also discussed, with practical examples, in Mike
Shell’s testflow package, which these FAQs recommend as a
“specialised tutorial.
- testflow
- macros/latex/contrib/IEEEtran/testflow/
This question on the Web: http://www.tex.ac.uk/cgi-bin/texfaq2html?label=dvips-pdf