Commands defined with * options

LaTeX commands commonly have “versions” defined with an asterisk tagged onto their name: for example \newcommand and \newcommand* (the former defines a \long version of the command).

The simple-minded way for a user to write such a command involves use of the ifthen package:

\newcommand{\mycommandStar}{starred version}
\newcommand{\mycommandNoStar}[1]{normal version}

This does the trick, for sufficiently simple commands, but it has various tiresome failure modes, and it requires \mycommandnostar to take an argument.

Of course, the LaTeX kernel has something slicker than this:

\newcommand{\mycommandStar}[2]{starred version}
\newcommand{\mycommandNoStar}[1]{normal version}

(Note that arguments to \mycommandStar and \mycommandNoStar are independent — either can have their own arguments, unconstrained by the technique we’re using, unlike the trick described above.) The \@ifstar trick is all very well, is fast and efficient, but it requires the definition to be \makeatletter protected.

A pleasing alternative is the suffix package. This elegant piece of code allows you to define variants of your commands:

\newcommand\mycommand{normal version}
\WithSuffix\newcommand\mycommand*{starred version}

The package needs e-LaTeX, but any new enough distribution defines LaTeX as e-LaTeX by default. Command arguments may be specified in the normal way, in both command definitions (after the “*” in the \WithSuffix version). You can also use the TeX primitive commands, creating a definition like:

\WithSuffix\gdef\mycommand*{starred version}

Part of the LaTeX distribution
Distributed as part of macros/latex/contrib/bigfoot (or browse the directory); catalogue entry

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