Putting bibliography entries in text

This is a common requirement for journals and other publications in the humanities. Sometimes the requirement is for the entry to appear in the running text of the document, while other styles require that the entry appear in a footnote.

Options for entries in running text are

Options for entries in footnotes are

Note that jurabib does the job using LaTeX’s standard footnotes, whereas footbib creates its own sequence of footnotes. Therefore, in a document which has other footnotes, it may be advisable to use jurabib (or of course inlinebib), to avoid confusion of footnotes and foot-citations.
Distributed with macros/latex/contrib/natbib (or browse the directory)
macros/latex/contrib/footbib (or browse the directory)
biblio/bibtex/contrib/inlinebib (or browse the directory)
macros/latex/contrib/jurabib (or browse the directory)

This question on the Web: http://www.tex.ac.uk/cgi-bin/texfaq2html?label=bibinline