% $Id: faq-wdidt.tex,v 1.23 2012/11/24 10:56:03 rf10 Exp $ \section{Why does it \emph{do} that?} \subsection{Common errors} \Question[Q-crossref]{\LaTeX{} gets cross-references wrong} Sometimes, however many times you run \LaTeX{}, the cross-references are just wrong. A likely reason is that you have placed the label before the data for the label was set; if the label is recording a \csx{caption} command, the \csx{label} command must appear \emph{after} the \csx{caption} command, or be part of it. For example: \begin{quote} \begin{verbatim} \begin{figure} \caption{My figure} \label{myfig} \end{figure} \end{verbatim} \end{quote} is correct, as is \begin{quote} \begin{verbatim} \begin{figure} \caption{My figure% \label{myfig}} \end{figure} \end{verbatim} \end{quote} whereas, in \begin{quote} \begin{verbatim} \begin{figure} \label{myfig} \caption{My figure} \end{figure} \end{verbatim} \end{quote} the label will report the number of the section (or whatever) in which the surrounding text resides, or the like. You can, with the same malign effect, shield the \csx{caption} command from its associated \csx{label} command, by enclosing the caption in an environment of its own. This effect will be seen with: \begin{quote} \begin{verbatim} \begin{figure} \caption{A Figure} \end{figure} \label{myfig} \end{verbatim} \end{quote} where the \csx{label} definitely \emph{is} after the \csx{caption}, but because the \environment{figure} environment closed before the \csx{label} command, the \csx{caption} is no longer ``visible''. In summary, the \csx{label} must be \emph{after} the command that defines it (e.g., \csx{caption}), and if the \csx{caption} is inside an environment, the \csx{label} must be in there too. \LastEdit{2012-02-07} \Question[Q-newlineargs]{Start of line goes awry} \keywords{asterisk square bracket start line} This answer concerns two sorts of problems: errors of the form \begin{quote} \begin{verbatim} ! Missing number, treated as zero. p <*> [perhaps] \end{verbatim} \end{quote} and errors where a single asterisk at the start of a line mysteriously fails to appear in the typeset output. Both problems arise because \texttt{\bsbs } takes optional arguments. The command \texttt{\bsbs *} means ``break the line here, and inhibit page break following the line break''; the command \texttt{\bsbs [}\meta{dimen}\texttt{]} means ``break the line here and add \meta{dimen} extra vertical space afterwards''. The problem arises because \texttt{\bsbs } looks for the next non-blank thing; the test it uses ignores the end of the line in your input text, so that \texttt{\bsbs } comes to imagine that you were giving it a `modifier'. An obvious solution is to enclose the stuff at the start of the new line in braces, typing: \begin{quote} \begin{verbatim} {\ttfamily /* C-language comment\\ {[perhaps]} this could be done better\\ {*}/ } \end{verbatim} \end{quote} This particular example could be coded (without any problems) in verbatim, but the behaviour does confuse people. The problem also appears in maths mode, in arrays and so on. In this case, large-scale bracketing of things is \emph{not} a good idea; the \TeX{} primitive \csx{relax} (which does nothing except to block searches of this nature) may be used. From another \Newsgroup{comp.text.tex} example: \begin{quote} \begin{verbatim} \begin{eqnarray} [a] &=& b \\ \relax[a] &=& b \end{eqnarray} \end{verbatim} \end{quote} which is a usage this \acro{FAQ} would not recommend, anyway: refer to the \Qref*{reason not to use \environment{eqnarray}}{Q-eqnarray}. Note that the \Package{amsmath} package modifies the behaviour of \texttt{\bsbs } in maths. With \Package{amsmath}, the \environment{eqnarray} example doesn't need any special action (\csx{relax} or braces). \LastEdit{2012-09-02} \Question[Q-verbwithin]{Why doesn't verbatim work within\,\dots{}?} The \LaTeX{} verbatim commands work by changing category codes. Knuth says of this sort of thing ``Some care is needed to get the timing right\dots{}'', since once the category code has been assigned to a character, it doesn't change. So \csx{verb} and \cmdinvoke{begin}{verbatim} have to assume that they are getting the first look at the parameter text; if they aren't, \TeX{} has already assigned category codes so that the verbatim command doesn't have a chance. For example: \begin{quote} \begin{verbatim} \verb+\error+ \end{verbatim} \end{quote} will work (typesetting `\csx{error}'), but \begin{quote} \begin{verbatim} \newcommand{\unbrace}[1]{#1} \unbrace{\verb+\error+} \end{verbatim} \end{quote} will not (it will attempt to execute \csx{error}). Other errors one may encounter are `\csx{verb} ended by end of line', or even the rather more helpful `\csx{verb} illegal in command argument'. The same sorts of thing happen with \cmdinvoke{begin}{verbatim} \dots{} \cmdinvoke{end}{verbatim}: \begin{quote} \begin{quoteverbatim} \ifthenelse{\boolean{foo}}{% \begin{verbatim} foobar \end{verbatim} }{% \begin{verbatim} barfoo \end{verbatim} } \end{quoteverbatim} \end{quote} provokes errors like `File ended while scanning use of \csx{@xverbatim}', as \cmdinvoke{begin}{verbatim} fails to see its matching \cmdinvoke{end}{verbatim}. This is why the \LaTeX{} book insists that verbatim commands must not appear in the argument of any other command; they aren't just fragile, they're quite unusable in any ``normal'' command parameter, regardless of \Qref*{\csx{protect}ion}{Q-protect}. (The \csx{verb} command tries hard to detect if you're misusing it; unfortunately, it can't always do so, and the error message is therefore not reliable as an indication of problems.) The first question to ask yourself is: ``is \csx{verb} actually necessary?''. \begin{itemize} \item If \cmdinvoke{texttt}{\emph{your text}} produces the same result as \csx{verb}\texttt{+\emph{your text}+}, then there's no need of \csx{verb} in the first place. \item If you're using \csx{verb} to typeset a \acro{URL} or email address or the like, then the \csx{url} command from the \Package{url} will help: it doesn't suffer from all the problems of \csx{verb}, though it's still not robust; % ! line break ``\Qref*{typesetting \acro{URL}s}{Q-setURL}'' offers advice here. \item If you're putting \csx{verb} into the argument of a boxing command (such as \csx{fbox}), consider using the \environment{lrbox} environmen)t: \begin{quote} \begin{verbatim} \newsavebox{\mybox} ... \begin{lrbox}{\mybox} \verb!VerbatimStuff! \end{lrbox} \fbox{\usebox{\mybox}} \end{verbatim} \end{quote} \end{itemize} If you can't avoid verbatim, the \csx{cprotect} command (from the package \Package{cprotect}) might help. The package manages to make a macro read a verbatim argument in a ``sanitised'' way by the simple medium of prefixing the macro with \csx{cprotect}: \begin{quote} \begin{verbatim} \cprotect\section{Using \verb|verbatim|} \end{verbatim} \end{quote} The package (at the time this author tested it) was still under development (though it \emph{does} work in this simple case) and deserves consideration in most cases; the package documentation gives more details. Another way out is to use one of ``argument types'' of the \csx{NewDocumentCommand} command in the experimental \latex{}3 package \Package{xparse}: \begin{quote} \begin{verbatim} \NewDocumentCommand\cmd{ m v m }{#1 `#2' #3} \cmd{Command }|\furble|{ isn't defined} \end{verbatim} \end{quote} Which gives us: \begin{quote} Command \csx{furble} isn't defined \end{quote} The ``\texttt{m}'' tag argument specifies a normal mandatory argument, and the ``\texttt{v}'' specifies one of these verbatim arguments. As you see, it's implanting a \csx{verb}-style command argument in the argument sequence of an otherwise ``normal'' sort of command; that \begin{typesetversion} `\texttt{\char`\|}' \end{typesetversion} \begin{htmlversion} `\texttt{|}' \end{htmlversion} may be any old character that doesn't conflict with the content of the argument. This is pretty neat (even if the verbatim is in an argument of its own) but the downside is that \Package{xparse} pulls in the experimental \latex{}3 programming environment (\Package{l3kernel}) which is pretty big. Other than the \Package{cprotect} package, there are three partial solutions to the problem: \begin{itemize} \item Some packages have macros which are designed to be responsive to verbatim text in their arguments. For example, the \Package{fancyvrb} package defines a command \csx{VerbatimFootnotes}, which redefines the \csx{footnotetext} command, and hence also the behaviour of the \csx{footnote}) command, in such a way that you can include \csx{verb} commands in its argument. This approach could in principle be extended to the arguments of other commands, but it can clash with other packages: for example, \csx{VerbatimFootnotes} interacts poorly with the \pkgoption{para} option of the \Package{footmisc} package. The \Class{memoir} class defines its \csx{footnote} command so that it will accept verbatim in its arguments, without any supporting package. \item The \Package{fancyvrb} package defines a command \csx{SaveVerb}, with a corresponding \csx{UseVerb} command, that allow you to save and then to reuse the content of its argument; for details of this extremely powerful facility, see the package documentation. Rather simpler is the \Package{verbdef} package, whose \csx{verbdef} command defines a (robust) command which expands to the verbatim argument given. \item If you have a single character that is giving trouble (in its absence you could simply use \csx{texttt}), consider using \csx{string}. \cmdinvoke{texttt}{my\csx{string}\_name} typesets the same as \csx{verb+my\_name+}, and will work in the argument of a command. It won't, however, work in a moving argument, and no amount of \Qref*{\csx{protect}ion}{Q-protect} will make it work in such a case. A robust alternative is: \begin{quote} \begin{verbatim} \chardef\us=`\_ ... \section{... \texttt{my\us name}} \end{verbatim} \end{quote} Such a definition is `naturally' robust; the construction ``\meta{back-tick}\csx{\meta{char}}'' may be used for any troublesome character (though it's plainly not necessary for things like percent signs for which \AllTeX{} already provides robust macros). \end{itemize} \begin{ctanrefs} \item[cprotect.sty]\CTANref{cprotect} \item[fancyvrb.sty]\CTANref{fancyvrb} \item[l3kernel \nothtml{\rmfamily}bundle]\CTANref{l3kernel} \item[memoir.cls]\CTANref{memoir} \item[url.sty]\CTANref{url} \item[verbdef.sty]\CTANref{verbdef} \item[xparse.sty]Distributed as part of \CTANref{l3packages}[xparse] \end{ctanrefs} \LastEdit{2013-02-15} \Question[Q-noline]{``No line here to end''} The error \begin{quote} \begin{wideversion} \begin{verbatim} ! LaTeX Error: There's no line here to end. See the LaTeX manual or LaTeX Companion for explanation. \end{verbatim} \end{wideversion} \begin{narrowversion} \begin{verbatim} ! LaTeX Error: There's no line here to end. See the LaTeX manual or LaTeX Companion ... for explanation. \end{verbatim} \end{narrowversion} \end{quote} comes in reaction to you giving \LaTeX{} a \texttt{\bsbs } command at a time when it's not expecting it. The commonest case is where you've decided you want the label of a list item to be on a line of its own, so you've written (for example): \begin{quote} \begin{verbatim} \begin{description} \item[Very long label] \\ Text... \end{description} \end{verbatim} \end{quote} % ridiculous coding for sanitize.pl -- careful! \bsbs {} is actually a rather bad command to use in this case (even if it worked), since it would force the `paragraph' that's made up of the text of the item to terminate a line which has nothing on it but the label. This would lead to an ``\texttt{Underfull }\csx{hbox}'' warning message (usually with `infinite' badness of 10000); while this message doesn't do any actual harm other than slowing down your \LaTeX{} run, any message that doesn't convey any information distracts for no useful purpose. The proper solution to the problem is to write a new sort of \environment{description} environment, that does just what you're after. (The \nothtml{\emph{\LaTeX{} Companion}~--- see }% ! line wrap, and next line \Qref[question]{\emph{\LaTeX{} Companion}}{Q-latex-books}\nothtml{~---} offers a rather wide selection of variants of these things.) The quick-and-easy solution, which avoids the warning, is to write: \begin{quote} \begin{verbatim} \begin{description} \item[Very long label] \hspace*{\fill} \\ Text... \end{description} \end{verbatim} \end{quote} which fills out the under-full line before forcing its closure. The \Package{expdlist} package provides the same functionality with its \csx{breaklabel} command, and \Package{mdwlist} provides it via its \csx{desclabelstyle} command. The other common occasion for the message is when you're using the \texttt{center} (or \environment{flushleft} or \environment{flushright}) environment, and have decided you need extra separation between lines in the environment: \begin{quote} \begin{verbatim} \begin{center} First (heading) line\\ \\ body of the centred text... \end{center} \end{verbatim} \end{quote} The solution here is plain: use the \texttt{\bsbs } command in the way it's supposed to be used, to provide more than just a single line break space. \texttt{\bsbs } takes an optional argument, which specifies how much extra space to add; the required effect in the text above can be had by saying: \begin{quote} \begin{verbatim} \begin{center} First (heading) line\\[\baselineskip] body of the centred text... \end{center} \end{verbatim} \end{quote} \begin{ctanrefs} \item[expdlist.sty]\CTANref{expdlist} \item[mdwlist.sty]Distributed as part of \CTANref{mdwtools}[mdwlist] \end{ctanrefs} \LastEdit{2011-06-01} % other instances: \[no]linebreak in vertical mode \Question[Q-vertspacefloat]{Extra vertical space in floats} A common complaint is that extra vertical space has crept into \environment{figure} or \environment{table} floating environments. More common still are users who post code that introduces this extra space, and \emph{haven't noticed the problem}! The trouble arises from the fact that the \environment{center} environment (and its siblings \environment{flushleft} and \environment{flushright}) are actually based on \LaTeX{}'s list-handling code; and lists always separate themselves from the material around them. Meanwhile, there are parameters provided to adjust the spacing between floating environments and their surroundings; so if we have: \begin{quote} \begin{verbatim} \begin{figure} \begin{center} \includegraphics{...} \caption{...} \end{center} \end{figure} \end{verbatim} \end{quote} \nothtml{\noindent}or worse still: \begin{quote} \begin{verbatim} \begin{figure} \begin{center} \includegraphics{...} \end{center} \caption{...} \end{figure} \end{verbatim} \end{quote} unwarranted vertical space is going to appear. The solution is to let the float and the objects in it position themselves, and to use ``generic'' layout commands rather than their list-based encapsulations. \begin{quote} \begin{verbatim} \begin{figure} \centering \includegraphics{...} \caption{...} \end{figure} \end{verbatim} \end{quote} (which even involves less typing). This alternative code will work with any \LaTeX{} package. It will not work with obsolete (pre-\LaTeXe{}) packages such as \Package{psfig} or \Package{epsf}~--- see % beware line break \Qref[question]{graphics inclusion}{Q-impgraph} for discussion of the genesis of \csx{includegraphics}. \LastEdit{2012-11-16} \Question[Q-2colfltorder]{Two-column float numbers out of order} When \LaTeX{} can't place a float immediately, it places it on one of several ``defer'' lists. If another float of the same type comes along, and the ``defer'' list for that type still has something in it, the later float has to wait for everything earlier in the list. Now, standard \LaTeX{} has different lists for single-column floats, and double-column floats; this means that single-column figures can overtake double-column figures (or vice-versa), and you observe later figures appear in the document before early ones. The same is true, of course, for tables, or for any user-defined float. The \LaTeX{} team recognise the problem, and provides a package (\Package{fixltx2e}) to deal with it. \Package{Fixltx2e} amalgamates the two defer lists, so that floats don't get out of order. For those who are still running an older \LaTeX{} distribution, the package \Package{fix2col} should serve. This package (also by a member of the \LaTeX{} team) was the basis of the relevant part of \Package{fixltx2e}. The functionality has also been included in \Package{dblfloatfix}, which also has code to place full-width floats at \Qref*{\texttt{[b]} placement}{Q-2colfloat}. Once you have loaded the package, no more remains to be done: the whole requirement is to patch the output routine; no extra commands are needed. \begin{ctanrefs} \item[dblfloatfix.sty]\CTANref{dblfloatfix} \item[fix2col.sty]\CTANref{fix2col} \item[fixltx2e.sty]Part of the \LaTeX{} distribution \end{ctanrefs} \Question[Q-tabacc]{Accents misbehave in \environment{tabbing}} So you are constructing a \environment{tabbing} environment, and you have the need of some diacriticised text~--- perhaps something as simple as \cmdinvoke{'}{e}~--- and the accent disappears because it has been interpreted as a \environment{tabbing} command, and everything goes wrong. This is really a rather ghastly feature of the \environment{tabbing} environment; in order to type accented characters you need to use the \csx{a} kludge: so \cmdinvoke{a'}{e} inside \environment{tabbing} for \cmdinvoke{'}{e} outside, and similarly \csx{a`} for \csx{`} and \csx{a=} for \csx{=}. This whole procedure is of course hideous and error-prone. The simplest alternative is to type in an encoding that has the diacriticised characters in it, and to use an appropriate encoding definition file in the \Package{inputenc} package. So for example, type: \begin{quote} \cmdinvoke{usepackage}[latin1]{inputenc}\\ \texttt{...}\\ \cmdinvoke{begin}{tabbing}\\ \texttt{...}\\ \texttt{...} \csx{>} \texttt{voil\`a} \csx{>} \texttt{...} \end{quote} for: \begin{quote} \dots{}\quad voil\`a\quad \dots{} \end{quote} and the internal mechanisms of the \Package{inputenc} package will put the right version of the accent command in there. A witty reversal of the r\^oles is introduced by the package \Package{Tabbing} (note the capital ``T''): it provides a \environment{Tabbing} environment which duplicates \environment{tabbing}, but all the single-character commands become complicated objects. So \environment{tabbing}'s \csx{>} becomes \csx{TAB>}, \csx{=} becomes \csx{TAB=}, and so on. The above trivial example would therefore become: \begin{quote} \begin{verbatim} \usepackage{Tabbing} ... \begin{Tabbing} ... ... \TAB> voil\`a \TAB> ... \end{verbatim} \end{quote} \begin{ctanrefs} \item[Tabbing.sty]\CTANref{Tabbing} \end{ctanrefs} \Question[Q-alreadydef]{Package reports ``command already defined''} You load a pair of packages, and the second reports that one of the commands it defines is already present. For example, both the \Package{txfonts} and \Package{amsmath} define a command \csx{iint} (and \csx{iiint} and so on); so \begin{quote} \begin{verbatim} ... \usepackage{txfonts} \usepackage{amsmath} \end{verbatim} \end{quote} produces a string of error messages of the form: \begin{quote} \begin{wideversion} \begin{verbatim} ! LaTeX Error: Command \iint already defined. Or name \end... illegal, see p.192 of the manual. \end{verbatim} \end{wideversion} \begin{narrowversion} \begin{verbatim} ! LaTeX Error: Command \iint already defined. Or name \end... illegal, see p.192 of the manual. \end{verbatim} \end{narrowversion} \end{quote} As a general rule, things that \Package{amsmath} defines, it defines well; however, there is a good case for using the \Package{txfonts} version of \csx{iint}~--- the associated \FontName{tx} fonts have a double integral symbol that doesn't need to be ``faked'' in the way \Package{amsmath} does. In the case that you are loading several symbol packages, every one of which defines the same symbol, you are likely to experience the problem in a big way (\csx{euro} is a common victim). There are similar cases where one package redefines another's command, but no error occurs because the redefining package doesn't use \csx{newcommand}. Often, in such a case, you only notice the change because you assume the definition given by the first package. The \Package{amsmath}--\Package{txfonts} packages are just such a pair; \Package{txfonts} doesn't provoke errors. You may deal with the problem by saving and restoring the command. Macro programmers may care to do this for themselves; for the rest of us, there's the package \Package{savesym}. The sequence: \begin{quote} \begin{verbatim} \usepackage{savesym} \usepackage{amsmath} \savesymbol{iint} \usepackage{txfonts} \restoresymbol{TXF}{iint} \end{verbatim} \end{quote} does the job; restoring the \Package{amsmath} version of the command, and making the \Package{txfonts} version of the command available as \csx{TXFiint}. Documentation of \Package{savesym} doesn't amount to much: the only commands are \csx{savesymbol} and \csx{restoresymbol}, as noted above. \begin{ctanrefs} \item[amsmath.sty]Part of \CTANref{amslatex} \item[savesym.sty]\CTANref{savesym} \item[txfonts.sty]Part of \CTANref{txfonts} \end{ctanrefs} \Question[Q-zerochap]{Why are my sections numbered 0.1\,\dots{}?} This happens when your document is using the standard \Class{book} or \Class{report} class (or one similar), and you've got a \csx{section} before your first \csx{chapter}. What happens is, that the class numbers sections as % ! line break ``\meta{chapter no}.\meta{section no}'', and until the first \csx{chapter} has appeared, the chapter number is 0. (If you use\csx{chapter*}, which doesn't number the chapter it produces, the problem still arises.) If you're doing this, it's possible that the \Class{article} class is for you; try it and see. Otherwise, put a \csx{chapter} before your sections, or do away with section numbering by using \csx{section*} instead. An alternative way of avoiding numbering is discussed in % ! line break ``\Qref*{unnumbered sections in the table of contents}{Q-secnumdep}''. \Question[Q-breaklinks]{Link text doesn't break at end line} \keywords{hyperref overfull link} When using the \Package{hyperref} package, you make a block of text ``active'' when you define a hyper-link (when the user clicks on that text, the reader program will divert to the \emph{target} of the link). The \Package{hyperref} package uses a \emph{driver} (in the same way as the \Package{graphics} package does), to determine how to implement all that hyper-stuff. If you use the driver for \ProgName{dvips} output (presumably you want to distill the resulting \PS{}), limitations in the way \ProgName{dvips} deals with the \csx{special} commands mean that \Package{hyperref} must prevent link anchors from breaking at the end of lines. Other drivers (notably those for \PDFTeX{} and for \ProgName{dvipdfm}) don't suffer from this problem. The problem may occur in a number of different circumstances. For a couple of them, there are work-arounds: First, if you have an \acro{URL} which is active (so that clicking on it will activate your web browser to ``go to'' the \acro{URL}). In this case \Package{hyperref} employs the \Package{url} package to split up the \acro{URL} (as described in % ! line break \Qref[question]{typesetting \acro{URL}s}{Q-setURL}), but the \ProgName{dvips} driver then suppresses the breaks. The way out is the \Package{breakurl} package, which modifies the \csx{url} command to produce several smaller pieces, between each of which a line break is permitted. Each group of pieces, that ends up together in one line, is converted to a single clickable link. Second, if you have a table of contents, list of figure or tables, or the like, \Package{hyperref} will ordinarily make the titles in the table of contents, or captions in the lists, active. If the title or caption is long, it will need to break within the table, but the \ProgName{dvips} driver will prevent that. In this case, load \Package{hyperref} with the option \pkgoption{linktocpage}, and only the page number will be made active. Otherwise, if you have a lengthy piece of text that you want active, you have at present no simple solution: you have to rewrite your text, or to use a different \acro{PDF} generation mechanism. \begin{ctanrefs} \item[breakurl.sty]\CTANref{breakurl} \end{ctanrefs} \Question[Q-wrongpn]{Page number is wrong at start of page} This is a long story, whose sources are deep inside the workings of \TeX{} itself; it all derives from the \TeX{}'s striving to generate the best possible output. The page number is conventionally stored in \csx{count0}; \LaTeX{} users see this as the counter \texttt{page}, and may typeset its value using \csx{thepage}. The number (that is to say, \csx{count0}) is only updated when \TeX{} actually outputs a page. \TeX{} only even tries to do this when it detects a hint that it may be a good thing to do. From \TeX{}'s point of view, the end of a paragraph is a good time to consider outputting a page; it will output a page if it has \emph{more} than a page's worth of material to output. (Ensuring it always has something in hand makes some optimisations possible.) As a result, \csx{count0} (\csx{thepage}) is almost always wrong in the first paragraph of a page (the exception is where the page number has been ``forcibly'' changed, either by changing its value directly, or by breaking the page where \TeX{} wouldn't necessarily have chosen to break). \LaTeX{} provides a safe way of referring to the page number, by using label references. So, rather than writing: \begin{quote} \begin{verbatim} Here is page \thepage{}. \end{verbatim} \end{quote} you should write: \begin{quote} \begin{verbatim} Here is page \pageref{here}\label{here}. \end{verbatim} \end{quote} (note: no space between the \csx{pageref} and the \csx{label}, since that could potentially end up as a page-break space itself, which rather defeats the purpose of the exercise!). \Question[Q-matchbrak]{My brackets don't match} \AllTeX{} has a low-level mechanism for matching braces in document text. This means you can type something like: \begin{quote} \begin{verbatim} \section{All \emph{OK} now.} \end{verbatim} \end{quote} and know that the first brace (for the argument of \csx{section}) will be matched with the last brace, and the internal pair of braces (for the argument of \csx{emph}) will be matched with each other. It's all very simple. However, \LaTeX{} has a convention of enclosing optional arguments in brackets, as in: \begin{quote} \begin{verbatim} \section[OK]{All \emph{OK} now.} \end{verbatim} \end{quote} These brackets are not matched by \TeX{} mechanisms, despite the superficial similarity of their use. As a result, straightforward-looking usages like: \begin{quote} \begin{verbatim} \section[All [OK] now]{All \emph{OK} now.} \end{verbatim} \end{quote} aren't \acro{OK} at all~--- the optional argument comes to consist of ``All [OK'', and \csx{section} takes the single character ``n'' (of the first ``now'') as its argument. Fortunately, \TeX{}'s scanning mechanisms helps us by accepting the syntax ``\texttt{\{]\}}'' to `hide' the closing bracket from the scanning mechanism that \LaTeX{} uses. In practice, the commonest way to use this facility is: \begin{quote} \begin{verbatim} \section[All {[OK]} now]{All \emph{OK} now.} \end{verbatim} \end{quote} since bracing the bracket on its own ``looks odd''. \LaTeX{} has another argument syntax, even less regular, where the argument is enclosed in parentheses, as in: \begin{quote} \begin{verbatim} \put(1,2){foo} \end{verbatim} \end{quote} (a picture environment command). This mechanism is also prone to problems with matching closing parentheses, but the issue seldom arises since such arguments rarely contain text. If it were to arise, the same solution (enclosing the confused characters in braces) would solve the problem. \Question[Q-pdf-fig-chars]{Characters disappear from figures in \PDFTeX{}} You have a \acro{PDF} figure, which you want to use in your \PDFLaTeX{} document. When you compile the document, \PDFTeX{} complains about ``missing glyphs'', and some (or all) of the labelling text or symbols in the original figure is no longer visible. What has happened is: \begin{enumerate} \item Your figure file (say \File{fig.pdf}) has a font \File{font.pfb} embedded in it. \item \PDFTeX{} notes that it has \File{font.pfb} on disc, and loads that in place of the copy in \File{fig.pdf}. \item It turns out that the copy in \File{fig.pdf} has glyphs that aren't in \File{font.pfb} on disc, so that you get errors while compiling and you see that characters are missing when you view the output. (\PDFTeX{} can't know that the fonts are different, since they have the same name.) \end{enumerate} Which is all very undesirable. \PDFTeX{} does this to keep file sizes down: suppose you have a document that loads figures \File{fig1.pdf} and \File{fig2.pdf}; both of those use font \File{font.pfb}. If \PDFTeX{} takes no action, there will be \emph{two} copies of \File{font.pfb} in the output. (If your document also uses the font, there could be three copies.) A real case is the \acro{URW} font \File{NimbusRomNo9L-Regu} (a clone of Times Roman), which is available in a version with Cyrillic letters, while the version in \TeX{} distributions doesn't have those letters. Both versions, as distributed, have the same name. The simple (``quick and dirty'') solution is to add the command \begin{quote} \csx{pdfinclusioncopyfonts}\texttt{=1} \end{quote} to the preamble of your document. The ``real'' solution is that one or other font should be renamed. In either case, this would require that you reconfigure some program's (\TeX{}'s or your drawing package's) font tables~--- inevitably a tiresome job. \Question[Q-emptynum]{I asked for ``empty'', but the page is numbered} If you use \cmdinvoke{pagestyle}{empty} and you find some pages are numbered anyway, you are probably encountering one of the style decisions built into the standard \LaTeX{} classes: that certain special pages should always appear with \cmdinvoke{pagestyle}{plain}, with a page number at the centre of the page foot. The special pages in question are those (in \Class{article} class) containing a \csx{maketitle}, or (in \Class{book} and \Class{report} classes) \csx{chapter} or \csx{part} commands. The simple solution is to reissue the page style \emph{after} the command, with effect for a single page, as, for example (in \Class{article}): \begin{quote} \begin{verbatim} \maketitle \thispagestyle{empty} \end{verbatim} \end{quote} or (in \Class{book} or \Class{report}) \begin{quote} \begin{verbatim} \chapter{foo bar} \thispagestyle{empty} \end{verbatim} \end{quote} A similar technique doesn't work for a \Class{book} or \Class{report} \csx{part} command pages. For that, and for other detail, take look at ``\Qref*{getting rid of page numbers}{Q-nopageno}''. \subsection{Common misunderstandings} \Question[Q-include]{What's going on in my \csx{include} commands?} The original \LaTeX{} provided the \csx{include} command to address the problem of long documents: with the relatively slow computers of the time, the companion \csx{includeonly} facility was a boon. With the vast increase in computer speed, \csx{includeonly} is less valuable (though it still has its place in some very large projects). Nevertheless, the facility is retained in current \LaTeX{}, and causes some confusion to those who misunderstand it. In order for \csx{includeonly} to work, \csx{include} makes a separate \extension{aux} file for each included file, and makes a `checkpoint' of important parameters (such as page, figure, table and footnote numbers). As a direct result, it \emph{must} clear the current page both before and after the \csx{include} command. (The requirement derives from the difficulties of % ! line break \begin{hyperversion} \Qref*{observing page numbers}{Q-wrongpn}.) \end{hyperversion} \begin{flatversion} observing page numbers~--- see \Qref{}{Q-wrongpn}.) \end{flatversion} What's more, this mechanism doesn't work if a \csx{include} command appears in a file that was \csx{include}d itself: \LaTeX{} diagnoses this as an error. So, we can now answer the two commonest questions about \csx{include}: \begin{itemize} \item Why does \LaTeX{} throw a page before and after \csx{include} commands? Answer: because it has to. If you don't like it, replace the \csx{include} command with \csx{input}~--- you won't be able to use \csx{includeonly} any more, but you probably don't need it anyway, so don't worry. \begin{htmlversion} \end{htmlversion} \item Why can't I nest \csx{include}d files?~--- I always used to be able to under \LaTeXo{}. Answer: in fact, you couldn't, even under \LaTeXo{}, but the failure wasn't diagnosed. However, since you were happy with the behaviour under \LaTeXo{}, replace the \csx{include} commands with \csx{input} commands (with \csx{clearpage} as appropriate). \end{itemize} \Question[Q-paraparam]{Why does it ignore paragraph parameters?} When \TeX{} is laying out text, it doesn't work from word to word, or from line to line; the smallest complete unit it formats is the paragraph. The paragraph is laid down in a buffer, as it appears, and isn't touched further until the end-paragraph marker is processed. It's at this point that the paragraph parameters have effect; and it's because of this sequence that one often makes mistakes that lead to the paragraph parameters not doing what one would have hoped (or expected). Consider the following sequence of \LaTeX{}: \begin{quote} \begin{verbatim} {\raggedright % declaration for ragged text Here's text to be ranged left in our output, but it's the only such paragraph, so we now end the group.} Here's more that needn't be ragged... \end{verbatim} \end{quote} \TeX{} will open a group, and impose the ragged-setting parameters within that group; it will then save a couple of sentences of text and close the group (thus restoring the previous value of the parameters that \csx{raggedright} set). Then \TeX{} encounters a blank line, which it knows to treat as a \csx{par} token, so it typesets the two sentences; but because the enclosing group has now been closed, the parameter settings have been lost, and the paragraph will be typeset normally. The solution is simple: close the paragraph inside the group, so that the setting parameters remain in place. An appropriate way of doing that is to replace the last three lines above with: \begin{quote} \begin{verbatim} end the group.\par} Here's more that needn't be ragged... \end{verbatim} \end{quote} In this way, the paragraph is completed while \csx{raggedright}'s parameters are still in force within the enclosing group. Another alternative is to define an environment that does the appropriate job for you. For the above example, \LaTeX{} already defines an appropriate one: \begin{quote} \begin{verbatim} \begin{flushleft} Here's text to be ranged left... \end{flushleft} \end{verbatim} \end{quote} In fact, there are a number of parameters for which \TeX{} only maintains one value per paragraph. A tiresome one is the set of upper case/lower case translations, which (oddly enough) constrains hyphenation of mutilingual texts. Another that regularly creates confusion is \Qref*{\csx{baselineskip}}{Q-baselinepar}. \Question[Q-casechange]{Case-changing oddities} \TeX{} provides two primitive commands \csx{uppercase} and \csx{lowercase} to change the case of text; they're not much used, but are capable creating confusion. The two commands do not expand the text that is their parameter~--- the result of \cmdinvoke{uppercase}{abc} is `\texttt{ABC}', but \cmdinvoke{uppercase}{\csx{abc}} is always `\csx{abc}', whatever the meaning of \csx{abc}. The commands are simply interpreting a table of equivalences between upper- and lowercase characters. They have (for example) no mathematical sense, and \begin{quote} \begin{verbatim} \uppercase{About $y=f(x)$} \end{verbatim} \end{quote} will produce \begin{quote} \begin{verbatim} ABOUT $Y=F(X)$ \end{verbatim} \end{quote} which is probably not what is wanted. In addition, \csx{uppercase} and \csx{lowercase} do not deal very well with non-American characters, for example \cmdinvoke{uppercase}{\csx{ae}} is the same as \csx{ae}. \LaTeX{} provides commands \csx{MakeUppercase} and \csx{MakeLowercase} which fixes the latter problem. These commands are used in the standard classes to produce upper case running heads for chapters and sections. Unfortunately \csx{MakeUppercase} and \csx{MakeLowercase} do not solve the other problems with \csx{uppercase}, so for example a section title containing \cmdinvoke{begin}{tabular} \dots{} \cmdinvoke{end}{tabular} will produce a running head containing \cmdinvoke{begin}{TABULAR}. The simplest solution to this problem is using a user-defined command, for example: \begin{quote} \begin{verbatim} \newcommand{\mytable}{\begin{tabular}... \end{tabular}} \section{A section title \protect\mytable{} with a table} \end{verbatim} \end{quote} Note that \csx{mytable} has to be protected, otherwise it will be expanded and made upper case; you can achieve the same result by declaring it with \csx{DeclareRobustCommand}, in which case the \csx{protect} won't be necessary. David Carlisle's \Package{textcase} package addresses many of these problems in a transparent way. It defines commands \csx{MakeTextUppercase} and \csx{MakeTextLowercase} which do upper- or lowercase, with the fancier features of the \LaTeX{} standard \csx{Make*}-commands but without the problems mentioned above. Load the package with \cmdinvoke{usepackage}[overload]{textcase}, and it will redefine the \LaTeX{} commands (\emph{not} the \TeX{} primitive commands \csx{uppercase} and \csx{lowercase}), so that section headings and the like don't produce broken page headings. \begin{ctanrefs} \item[textcase.sty]\CTANref{textcase} \end{ctanrefs} \Question[Q-splitfoot]{Why does \LaTeX{} split footnotes across pages?} \LaTeX{} splits footnotes when it can think of nothing better to do. Typically, when this happens, the footnote mark is at the bottom of the page, and the complete footnote would overfill the page. \LaTeX{} could try to salvage this problem by making the page short of both the footnote and the line with the footnote mark, but its priorities told it that splitting the footnote would be preferable. As always, the best solution is to change your text so that the problem doesn't occur in the first place. Consider whether the text that bears the footnote could move earlier in the current page, or on to the next page. If this isn't possible, you might want to change \LaTeX{}'s perception of its priorities: they're controlled by \csx{interfootnotelinepenalty}~--- the larger it is, the less willing \LaTeX{} is to split footnotes. Setting \begin{quote} \begin{verbatim} \interfootnotelinepenalty=10000 \end{verbatim} \end{quote} inhibits split footnotes altogether, which will cause `\texttt{Underfull} \csx{vbox}' messages unless you also specify \csx{raggedbottom}. The default value of the penalty is \texttt{100}, which is rather mild. An alternative technique is to juggle with the actual size of the pages. \csx{enlargethispage} changes the size of the current page by its argument (for example, you might say \cmdinvoke{enlargethispage}{\csx{baselineskip}} to add a single line to the page, but you can use any ordinary \TeX{} length such as \texttt{15mm} or \texttt{-20pt} as argument). Reducing the size of the current page could force the offending text to the next page; increasing the size of the page may allow the footnote to be included in its entirety. It may be necessary to change the size of more than one page. The \Package{fnbreak} package detects (and generates warnings about) split footnotes. \begin{ctanrefs} \item[fnbreak.sty]\CTANref{fnbreak} \end{ctanrefs} \Question[Q-marginparside]{Getting \csx{marginpar} on the right side} In an ideal world, marginal notes would be in ``analogous'' places on every page: notes on an even-side page would be in the left margin, while those on an odd-side page would be in the right margin. A moment's thought shows that a marginal note on the left needs to be typeset differently from a marginal note on the right. The \LaTeX{} \csx{marginpar} command therefore takes two arguments in a \texttt{twoside} documents: % beware line break \cmdinvoke*{marginpar}[left text]{right text}. \LaTeX{} uses the ``obvious'' test to get the \csx{marginpar}s in the correct margin, but a booby-trap arises because \TeX{} runs its page maker asynchronously. If a \csx{marginpar} is processed while page \ensuremath{n} is being built, but doesn't get used until page \ensuremath{n}+1, then the \csx{marginpar} will turn up on the wrong side of the page. This is an instance of a general problem: see % beware line break ``\Qref*{finding if you're on an odd or an even page}{Q-oddpage}''. The solution to the problem is for \LaTeX{} to `remember' which side of the page each \csx{marginpar} \emph{should} be on. The \Package{mparhack} package does this, using label-like marks stored in the \extension{aux} file; the \Class{memoir} class does likewise. \begin{ctanrefs} \item[memoir.cls]\CTANref{memoir} \item[mparhack.sty]\CTANref{mparhack} \end{ctanrefs} \Question[Q-misschar]{Where have my characters gone?} You've typed some apparently reasonable text and processed it, but the result contains no sign of some of the characters you typed. A likely reason is that the font you selected just doesn't have a representation for the character in question. For example, if I type ``that will be \pounds{}44.00'' into an ordinary \AllTeX{} document, or if I select the font \texttt{rsfs10} (which contains uppercase letters only) and type pretty much anything, the \pounds{} sign, or any lowercase letters or digits will not appear in the output. There's no actual error message, either: you have to read the log file, where you'll find cryptic little messages like \begin{quote} \begin{wideversion} \begin{verbatim} Missing character: There is no ^^a3 in font cmr10! Missing character: There is no 3 in font rsfs10! \end{verbatim} \end{wideversion} \begin{narrowversion} \begin{verbatim} Missing character: There is no ^^a3 in font cmr10! Missing character: There is no 3 in font rsfs10! \end{verbatim} \end{narrowversion} \end{quote} (the former demonstrating my \TeX{}'s unwillingness to deal in characters which have the eighth bit set, while the \texttt{rsfs10} example shows that \TeX{} will log the actual character in error, if it thinks it's possible). Somewhat more understandable are the diagnostics you may get from \Package{dvips} when using the \acro{OT}1 and \acro{T}1 versions of fonts that were supplied in Adobe standard encoding: \begin{quote} \begin{verbatim} dvips: Warning: missing glyph `Delta' \end{verbatim} \end{quote} The process that generates the metrics for using the fonts generates an instruction to \Package{dvips} to produce these diagnostics, so that their non-appearance in the printed output is less surprising than it might be. Quite a few glyphs provided in Knuth's text encodings and in the Cork encoding are not available in the Adobe fonts. In these cases, there \emph{is} a typeset sign of the character: \ProgName{dvips} produces a black rectangle of whatever size the concocted font file has specified. \Question[Q-rerun]{``Rerun'' messages won't go away} The \LaTeX{} message ``Rerun to get crossreferences right'' is supposed to warn the user that the job needs to be processed again, since labels seem to have changed since the previous run. (\LaTeX{} compares the labels it has created this time round with what it found from the previous run when it started; it does this comparison at \cmdinvoke{end}{document}.) Sometimes, the message won't go away: however often you reprocess your document, \LaTeX{} still tells you that ``Label(s) may have changed''. This can sometimes be caused by a broken package: both \Package{footmisc} (with the \pkgoption{perpage} option) and \Package{hyperref} have been known to give trouble, in the past: if you are using either, check you have the latest version, and upgrade if possible. However, there \emph{is} a rare occasion when this error can happen as a result of pathological structure of the document itself. Suppose you have pages numbered in roman, and you add a reference to a label on page ``ix'' (9). The presence of the reference pushes the thing referred to onto page ``x'' (10), but since that's a shorter reference the label moves back to page ``ix'' at the next run. Such a sequence can obviously not terminate. The only solution to this problem is to make a small change to your document (something as small as adding or deleting a comma will often be enough). \begin{ctanrefs} \item[footmisc.sty]\CTANref{footmisc} \item[hyperref.sty]\CTANref{hyperref} \end{ctanrefs} \Question[Q-xspace]{Commands gobble following space} People are forever surprised that simple commands gobble the space after them: this is just the way it is. The effect arises from the way \TeX{} works, and Lamport describes a solution (place a pair of braces after a command's invocation) in the description of \LaTeX{} syntax. Thus the requirement is in effect part of the definition of \LaTeX{}. This \acro{FAQ}, for example, is written with definitions that \emph{require} one to type \cmdinvoke{fred}{\relax} % the \relax prevents {} being gobbled % in html production (sigh) for almost all macro invocations, regardless of whether the following space is required: however, this \acro{FAQ} is written by highly dedicated (and, some would say, eccentric) people. Many users find all those braces become very tedious very quickly, and would really rather not type them all. An alternative structure, that doesn't violate the design of \LaTeX{}, is to say \csx{fred}\csx{ }~--- the \csx{ } command is ``self terminating'' (like \texttt{\bsbs }) and you don't need braces after \emph{it}. Thus one can reduce to one the extra characters one needs to type. If even that one character is too many, the package \Package{xspace} defines a command \csx{xspace} that guesses whether there should have been a space after it, and if so introduces that space. So % beware line wrap ``\texttt{fred\csx{xspace} jim}'' produces ``fred jim'', while ``\texttt{fred\csx{xspace}.\@ jim}'' produces ``fred. jim''. Which usage would of course be completely pointless; but you can incorporate \csx{xspace} in your own macros: \begin{quote} \begin{wideversion} \begin{verbatim} \usepackage{xspace} ... \newcommand{\restenergy}{\ensuremath{mc^2}\xspace} ... and we find \restenergy available to us... \end{verbatim} \end{wideversion} \begin{narrowversion} \begin{verbatim} \usepackage{xspace} ... \newcommand{\restenergy}% {\ensuremath{mc^2}\xspace} ... and we find \restenergy available to us... \end{verbatim} \end{narrowversion} \end{quote} The \csx{xspace} command must be the last thing in your macro definition (as in the example); it's not completely foolproof, but it copes with most obvious situations in running text. The \Package{xspace} package doesn't save you anything if you only use a modified macro once or twice within your document. In any case, be careful with usage of \csx{xspace}~--- it changes your input syntax, which can be confusing, notably to a collaborating author (particularly if you create some commands which use it and some which don't). Of course, no command built into \LaTeX{} or into any ``standard'' class or package will use \csx{xspace}. \begin{ctanrefs} \item[xspace.sty]Distributed as part of \CTANref{2etools}[xspace] \end{ctanrefs} \Question[Q-overfull]{\AllTeX{} makes overfull lines} When \TeX{} is building a paragraph, it can make several attempts to get the line-breaking right; on each attempt it runs the same algorithm, but gives it different parameters. You can affect the way \TeX{}'s line breaking works by adjusting the parameters: this answer deals with the ``tolerance'' and stretchability parameters. The other vital `parameter' is the set of hyphenations to be applied: see ``\Qref*[question]{my words aren't being hyphenated}{Q-nohyph}'' (and the questions it references) for advice. If you're getting an undesired ``overfull box'', what has happened is that \TeX{} has given up: the parameters you gave it don't allow it to produce a result that \emph{doesn't} overfill. In this circumstance, Knuth decided the best thing to do was to produce a warning, and to allow the user to solve the problem. (The alternative, silently to go beyond the envelope of ``good taste'' defined for this run of \TeX{}, would be distasteful to any discerning typographer.) The user can almost always address the problem by rewriting the text that's provoking the problem~--- but that's not always possible, and in some cases it's impossible to solve the problem without adjusting the parameters. This answer discusses the approaches one might take to resolution of the problem, on the assumption that you've got the hyphenation correct. The simplest case is where a `small' word fails to break at the end of a line; pushing the entire word to a new line isn't going to make much difference, but it might make things just bad enough that \TeX{} won't do it by default. In such a case on can \emph{try} the \LaTeX{} \csx{linebreak} command: it may solve the problem, and if it does, it will save an awful lot of fiddling. Otherwise, one needs to adjust parameters: to do that we need to recap the details of \TeX{}'s line breaking mechanisms. \TeX{}'s first attempt at breaking lines is performed without even trying hyphenation: \TeX{} sets its ``tolerance'' of line breaking oddities to the internal value \csx{pretolerance}, and sees what happens. If it can't get an acceptable break, \TeX{} adds the hyphenation points allowed by the current patterns, and tries again using the internal \csx{tolerance} value. If this pass also fails, and the internal \csx{emergencystretch} value is positive, \TeX{} will try a pass that allows \csx{emergencystretch} worth of extra stretchability to the spaces in each line. In principle, therefore, there are three parameters (other than hyphenation) that you can change: \csx{pretolerance}, \csx{tolerance} and \csx{emergencystretch}. Both the \texttt{tolerance} values are simple numbers, and should be set by \TeX{} primitive count assignment~--- for example \begin{quote} \begin{verbatim} \pretolerance=150 \end{verbatim} \end{quote} For both, an ``infinite'' tolerance is represented by the value \texttt{10}\nothtml{\,}\texttt{000}, but infinite tolerance is rarely appropriate, since it can lead to very bad line breaks indeed. \csx{emergencystretch} is a \TeX{}-internal `dimen' register, and can be set as normal for dimens in \plaintex{}; in \LaTeX{}, use \csx{setlength}~--- for example: \begin{quote} \begin{verbatim} \setlength{\emergencystretch}{3em} \end{verbatim} \end{quote} The choice of method has time implications~--- each of the passes takes time, so adding a pass (by changing \csx{emergencystretch}) is less desirable than suppressing one (by changing \csx{pretolerance}). However, it's unusual nowadays to find a computer that's slow enough that the extra passes are really troublesome. In practice, \csx{pretolerance} is rarely used other than to manipulate the use of hyphenation; \plaintex{} and \LaTeX{} both set its value to \texttt{100}. To suppress the first scan of paragraphs, set \csx{pretolerance} to \texttt{-1}. \csx{tolerance} is often a good method for adjusting spacing; \plaintex{} and \LaTeX{} both set its value to \texttt{200}. \LaTeX{}'s \csx{sloppy} command sets it to \texttt{9999}, as does the \environment{sloppypar} environment. This value is the largest available, this side of infinity, and can allow pretty poor-looking breaks (this author rarely uses \csx{sloppy} ``bare'', though he does occasionally use \environment{sloppypar}~--- that way, the change of \csx{tolerance} is confined to the environment). More satisfactory is to make small changes to \csx{tolerance}, incrementally, and then to look to see how the change affects the result; very small increases can often do what's necessary. Remember that \csx{tolerance} is a paragraph parameter, so you need to ensure it's actually applied~--- see ``\Qref*[question]{ignoring paragraph parameters}{Q-paraparam}''. \LaTeX{} users could use an environment like: \begin{quote} \begin{verbatim} \newenvironment{tolerant}[1]{% \par\tolerance=#1\relax }{% \par } \end{verbatim} \end{quote} enclosing entire paragraphs (or set of paragraphs) in it. The value of \csx{emergencystretch} is added to the assumed stretchability of each line of a paragraph, in a further run of the paragraph formatter in case that the paragraph can't be made to look right any other way. (The extra scan happens if \csx{emergencystretch\textgreater0pt}~--- if it's zero or negative, no gain could be had from rerunning the paragraph setter.) The example above set it to \texttt{3em}; the Computer Modern fonts ordinarily fit three space skips to the \texttt{em}, so the change would allow anything up to the equivalent of nine extra spaces in each line. In a line with lots of spaces, this could be reasonable, but with (say) only three spaces on the line, each could stretch to four times its natural width. It is therefore clear that \csx{emergencystretch} needs to be treated with a degree of caution. More subtle (but more tricky to manage) are the microtypographic extensions provided by \PDFTeX{}. Since \PDFTeX{} is the default `engine' for \LaTeX{} and \CONTeXT{} work in all distributions, nowadays, the extensions are available to all. There are two extensions, margin kerning and font expansion; margin kerning only affects the visual effect of the typeset page, and has little effect on the ability of the paragraph setter to ``get things right''. Font expansion works like a subtler version of the trick that \csx{emergencystretch} plays: \PDFTeX{} `knows' that your current font may be stretched (or shrunk) to a certain extent, and will do that ``on the fly'' to optimise the setting of a paragraph. This is a powerful tool in the armoury of the typesetter. As mentioned above, the microtypographic extensions are tricky beasts to control; however, the \Package{microtype} package relieves the user of the tedious work of specifying how to perform margin adjustments and how much to scale each font~\dots{}\@ for the fonts the package knows about; it's a good tool, and users who can take on the specification of adjustments for yet more fonts are always welcome. \begin{ctanrefs} \item[microtype.sty]\CTANref{microtype} \end{ctanrefs} \Question[Q-exscale]{Maths symbols don't scale up} By default, the ``large'' maths symbols stay at the same size regardless of the font size of the text of the document. There's good reason for this: the \FontName{cmex} fonts aren't really designed to scale, so that \TeX{}'s maths placement algorithms don't perform as well as they might when the fonts are scaled. However, this behaviour confounds user expectations, and can lead to slightly odd-looking documents. If you want the fonts to scale, despite the warning above, use the \Package{exscale} package~--- just loading it is enough. %% %% (Note: if you are using bitmap versions of the \FontName{cmex} fonts, %% you will find extra bitmaps are generated. The extended sizes are not %% ordinarily generated for any other purpose.) \begin{ctanrefs} \item[exscale.sty]Part of the \LaTeX{} distribution. \end{ctanrefs} \Question[Q-linespread]{Why doesn't \csx{linespread} work?} The command \cmdinvoke*{linespread}{factor} is supposed to multiply the current \csx{baselineskip} by \meta{factor}; but, to all appearances, it doesn't. In fact, the command is equivalent to \cmdinvoke{renewcommand}{\csx{baselinestretch}}{factor}: written that way, it somehow feels less surprising that the effect isn't immediate. The \csx{baselinestretch} factor is only used when a font is selected; a mere change of \csx{baselinestretch} doesn't change the font, any more than does the command \cmdinvoke*{fontsize}{size}{baselineskip}~--- you have to follow either command with \csx{selectfont}. So: \begin{quote} \begin{verbatim} \fontsize{10}{12}% \selectfont \end{verbatim} \end{quote} or: \begin{quote} \begin{verbatim} \linespread{1.2}% \selectfont \end{verbatim} \end{quote} Of course, a package such as \Package{setspace}, whose job is to manage the baseline, will deal with all this stuff~--- see ``\Qref*[question]{managing double-spaced documents}{Q-linespace}''. If you want to avoid \Package{setspace}, beware the behaviour of linespread changes within a paragraph: read % ! line break ``\Qref*[question]{\csx{baselineskip} is a paragraph parameter}{Q-baselinepar}''. \begin{ctanrefs} \item[setspace.sty]\CTANref{setspace} \end{ctanrefs} \Question[Q-baselinepar]{Only one \csx{baselineskip} per paragraph} The \csx{baselineskip}, which determines the space between lines, is not (as one might hope) a property of a line, but of a paragraph. As a result, in a \texttt{10pt} (nominal) document (with a default \csx{baselineskip} of \texttt{12pt}), a single character with a larger size, as: \begin{quote} \begin{verbatim} {\Huge A} \end{verbatim} \end{quote} will be squashed into the paragraph: \TeX{} will make sure it doesn't scrape up against the line above, but won't give it ``room to breathe'', as it does the text at standard size; that is, its size (\texttt{24.88pt}) is taken account of, but its \csx{baselineskip} (\texttt{30pt}) isn't. This problem may be solved by a \emph{strut}: the name comes from movable metal typography, and refers to a spacer that held the boxes (that contained the metal character shapes) apart. Every time you change font size, \LaTeX{} redefines the command \csx{strut} to provide the equivalent of a metal-type strut for the size chosen. So for the example above, we would type \begin{quote} \begin{verbatim} Paragraph text ... {\Huge A\strut} ... paragraph continues ... \end{verbatim} \end{quote} This technique \emph{only} works for such very short intrusions; if you need several lines, you should convert your intrusion into a \environment{quote} environment, since it's not possible to provide a \csx{strut} command for every line of the intrusion, in a sensible way, so proceed by: \begin{quote} \begin{verbatim} \begin{quote} \Huge A LENGTHY TEXT ... SHOUTING AT THE READER! \end{quote} \end{verbatim} \end{quote} The contrary case: \begin{quote} \begin{verbatim} Paragraph text ... {\footnotesize Extended interjection ... ... into the paragraph.} ... paragraph continues ... \end{verbatim} \end{quote} will look wrong, since the \texttt{8pt} interjection will end up set on the \texttt{12pt} \csx{baselineskip} of the paragraph, rather than its preferred \texttt{8.5pt}. A \csx{strut} here is no help: there is no such thing as a ``negative strut'', that draws lines together, so once more, one falls back on the \environment{quote} to separate the interjection: \begin{quote} \begin{verbatim} Paragraph text ... \begin{quote} \footnotesize Extended interjection ... ... into the paragraph. \end{quote} ... paragraph continues ... \end{verbatim} \end{quote} The same effect is at work when we have something like: \begin{quote} \begin{verbatim} Paragraph text ... ... paragraph body ends. {\footnotesize Comment on the paragraph.} Next paragraph starts... \end{verbatim} \end{quote} which will set the body of the first paragraph on the constricted \csx{baselineskip} of the \csx{footnotesize} comment. Solve this problem by ending the initial paragraph before starting the comment: \begin{quote} \begin{verbatim} Paragraph text ... ... paragraph body ends. \par\noindent {\footnotesize Comment on the paragraph.} Next paragraph starts... \end{verbatim} \end{quote} (We suggest \csx{noindent} to make the comment look as if it is part of the paragraph it discusses; omit \csx{noindent} if that is inappropriate.) A variation of the previous issue arises from a paragraph whose size is different from those around it: \begin{quote} \begin{verbatim} {\Large (Extended) IMPORTANT DETAILS ...} Main body of text... \end{verbatim} \end{quote} Again, the problem is solved by ending the paragraph in the same group as the text with a different size: \begin{quote} \begin{verbatim} {\Large (Extended) IMPORTANT DETAILS ...\par} Main body of text... \end{verbatim} \end{quote} \Question[Q-tocloftwrong]{Numbers too large in table of contents, etc.} \LaTeX{} constructs the table of contents, list of figures, tables, and similar tables, on the basis of a layout specified in the class. As a result, they do \emph{not} react to the sizes of things in them, as they would if a \environment{tabular} environment (or something similar) was used. This arrangement can provoke problems, most commonly with deep section nesting or very large page numbers: the numbers in question just don't fit in the space allowed for them in the class. A separate answer discusses % ! line break \nothtml{re-designing the tables ---} % ! line break \Qref{re-designing the tables}{Q-tocloft}\nothtml{ ---} and those techniques can be employed to make the numbers fit. \Question[Q-gutter]{Why is the inside margin so narrow?} If you give the standard classes the \pkgoption{twoside} option, the class sets the margins narrow on the left of odd-numbered pages, and on the right of even-numbered pages. This is often thought to look odd, but it is quite right. The idea is that the typographic urge for symmetry should also apply to margins: if you lay an even numbered page to the left of an odd-numbered one, you will see that you've three equal chunks of un-printed paper: the left margin of the even page, the right margin of the odd page, and the two abutting margins together. This is all very fine in the abstract, but in practical book(let) production it only works ``sometimes''. If your booklet is produced on double-width paper and stapled, the effect will be good; if your book(let) is produced using a so-called ``perfect'' binding, the effect will again be good. However, almost any ``quality'' book-binder will need some of your paper to grab hold of, and a book bound in such a way won't exhibit the treasured symmetry unless you've done something about the margin settings. The packages recommended in % ! line break ``\Qref*{setting up margins}{Q-marginpkgs}'' mostly have provision for a ``binding offset'' or a ``binding correction''~--- search for ``binding'' in the manuals (\Package{vmargin} doesn't help, here). If you're doing the job by hand (see % ! line break \Qref[question]{manual margin setup}{Q-marginmanual}), the trick is to calculate your page and margin dimensions as normal, and then: \begin{itemize} \item subtract the binding offset from \csx{evensidemargin}, and \item add the binding offset to \csx{oddsidemargin}. \end{itemize} which can be achieved by: \begin{quote} \begin{verbatim} \addtolength{\evensidemargin}{-offset} \addtolength{\oddsidemargin}{offset} \end{verbatim} \end{quote} (substituting something sensible like ``\texttt{5mm}'' for ``\texttt{offset}'', above). The above may not be the best you can do: you may well choose to change the \csx{textwidth} in the presence of the binding offset; but the changes do work for constant \csx{textwidth}. \subsection{Why shouldn't I?} \Question[Q-t1enc]{Why use \Package{fontenc} rather than \Package{t1enc}?} In the very earliest days of \LaTeXe{}, the only way to use the \acro{T}1 encoding was \Package{t1enc}; with the summer 1994 ``production'' release, the \Package{fontenc} package appeared, and provided comprehensive support for use of the encoding. Nevertheless, the \Package{t1enc} package remains (as part of the \LaTeXo{} compatibility code), but it does very little: it merely selects font encoding \acro{T}1, and leaves to the user the business of generating the character codes required. Generating such character codes could be a simple matter, \emph{if} the \acro{T}1 encoding matched any widely-supported encoding standard, since in that case, one might expect one's keyboard to generate the character codes. However, the \acro{T}1 encoding is a mix of several standard encodings, and includes code points in areas of the table which standard encodings specifically exclude, so no \acro{T}1 keyboards have been (or ever will be) manufactured. By contrast, the \Package{fontenc} package generates the \acro{T}1 code points from ordinary \LaTeX{} commands (e.g., it generates the \texttt{\'e} character codepoint from the command \csx{'}\texttt{e}). So, unless you have program-generated \acro{T}1 input (which is almost inconceivable), use \cmdinvoke{usepackage}[T1]{fontenc} rather than \cmdinvoke{usepackage}{t1enc}. \Question[Q-why-inp-font]{Why bother with \Package{inputenc} and \Package{fontenc}?} The standard input encoding for Western Europe (pending the arrival of Unicode) is \acro{ISO}~8859--1 (commonly known by the standard's subtitle `Latin-1'). Latin-1 is remarkably close, in the codepoints it covers, to the \AllTeX{} \acro{T}1 encoding. In this circumstance, why should one bother with \Package{inputenc} and \Package{fontenc}? Since they're pretty exactly mirroring each other, one could do away with both, and use just \Package{t1enc}, despite its \Qref*{shortcomings}{Q-t1enc}. One doesn't do this for a variety of small reasons: \begin{description} \item[Confusion] You've been happily working in this mode, and for some reason find you're to switch to writing in German: the effect of using ``\texttt{\ss }'' is somewhat startling, since \acro{T}1 and Latin-1 treat the codepoint differently. \item[Compatibility] You find yourself needing to work with a colleague in Eastern Europe: their keyboard is likely to be set to produce Latin-2, so that the simple mapping doesn't work. \item[Traditional \LaTeX{}] You lapse and write something like \cmdinvoke{'}{e} rather than typing \texttt{\'e}; only \Package{fontenc} has the means to convert this \LaTeX{} sequence into the \acro{T}1 character, so an \csx{accent} primitive slips through into the output, and hyphenation is in danger. \end{description} The \Package{inputenc}--\Package{fontenc} combination seems slow and cumbersome, but it's safe. \Question[Q-eqnarray]{Why not use \environment{eqnarray}?} The environment \environment{eqnarray} is attractive for the occasional user of mathematics in \LaTeX{} documents: it seems to allow aligned systems of equations. Indeed it \emph{does} supply such things, but it makes a serious mess of spacing. In the system: \begin{quote} \begin{verbatim} \begin{eqnarray} a & = & b + c \\ x & = & y - z \end{eqnarray} \end{verbatim} \end{quote} the spacing around the ``='' signs is \emph{not} that defined in the metrics for the font from which the glyph comes~--- it's \csx{arraycolsep}, which may be set to some very odd value for reasons associated with real arrays elsewhere in the document. The user is far better served by the \AMSLaTeX{} bundle, which provides an \environment{align} environment, which is designed with the needs of mathematicians in mind (as opposed to the convenience of \LaTeX{} programmers). For this simple case (\environment{align} and other \AMSLaTeX{} alignment environments are capable of far greater things), code as: \begin{quote} \begin{verbatim} \begin{align} a & = b + c \\ x & = y - z \end{align} \end{verbatim} \end{quote} The matter is discussed in more detail in a % ! line break \href{http://tug.org/pracjourn/2006-4/madsen/madsen.pdf}{Prac\TeX{} journal paper} by Lars Madsen; Stefan Kottwitz offers a % ! line break \href{http://texblog.net/latex-archive/maths/eqnarray-align-environment/}{\tex{} blog entry} which includes screen shots of the output, convincingly demonstrating the problem. \begin{ctanrefs} \item[AMSLaTeX]\CTANref{amslatex} \end{ctanrefs} \Question[Q-dolldoll]{Why use \csx{[}\,\dots{}\csx{]} in place of \texttt{\$\$}\,\dots{}\,\texttt{\$\$}?} \LaTeX{} defines inline- and display-maths commands, apparently duplicating the \TeX{} primitive maths sequences which surround maths commands with single (or pairs of) dollar signs. In fact, \LaTeX{}'s inline maths grouping, % !line break \csx{(}\texttt{ ... }\csx{)}, has (almost) exactly the same effect as the \TeX{} primitive version \texttt{\$ ... \$}. (The exception: the \LaTeX{} version checks to ensure you don't put \csx{(} and \csx{)} the wrong way round; this does occasionally detect errors\dots{}.) Since this is the case, one often finds \LaTeX{} users, who have some experience of using \plaintex{}, merely assuming that \LaTeX{}'s display maths grouping \csx{[}\texttt{ ... }\csx{]} may be replaced by the \TeX{} primitive display maths \texttt{\$\$ ... \$\$}. Unfortunately, the assumption is wrong: some \LaTeX{} code needs to patch display maths, it can only do so by patching \csx{[} and \csx{]} (or their equivalents). Most obviously, the class option \pkgoption{fleqn} simply does not work for equations coded using % ! line break \texttt{\$\$ ... \$\$}, whether you're using the standard classes alone, or using package \Package{amsmath}. Also, the \csx{[} and \csx{]} construct has code for rationalising vertical spacing in some extreme cases; that code is not provided \texttt{\$\$ ... \$\$}, so if you use the \plaintex{} version, you may occasionally observe inconsistent vertical spacing. Similar behaviour can bite if you are writing a \emph{proof}; placing the ``\acro{QED} symbol'' doesn't work if it is in \texttt{\$\$}-displayed maths. There are more subtle effects (especially with package \Package{amsmath}), and the simple rule is ``use % ! line break \csx{[}\texttt{ ... }\csx{]} (at least) whenever displayed maths is needed in \LaTeX{}''. (Note that the sequence \csx{[}\texttt{ ... }\csx{]} is duplicated by the \environment{displaymath} environment, which can be said to ``look nicer'', and actually \emph{describes} what's being done.) \LastEdit{2013-06-05} \Question[Q-2letterfontcmd]{What's wrong with \csx{bf}, \csx{it}, etc.?} The font-selection commands of \LaTeXo{} were \csx{rm}, \csx{sf}, \csx{tt}, \csx{it}, \csx{sl}, \csx{em} and \csx{bf}; they were modal commands, so you used them as: \begin{quote} \begin{verbatim} {\bf Fred} was {\it here\/}}. \end{verbatim} \end{quote} with the font change enclosed in a group, so as to limit its effect; note the italic correction command \csx{/} that was necessary at the end of a section in italics. At the release of \LaTeXe{} in summer 1994, these simple commands were deprecated, but recognising that their use is deeply embedded in the brains of \LaTeX{} users, the commands themselves remain in \LaTeX{}, \emph{with their \LaTeXo{} semantics}. Those semantics were part of the reason they were deprecated: each \csx{\emph{xx}} overrides any other font settings, keeping only the size. So, for example, \begin{quote} \begin{verbatim} {\bf\it Here we are again\/} \end{verbatim} \end{quote} ignores \csx{bf} and produces text in italic, medium weight (and the italic correction has a real effect), whereas \begin{quote} \begin{verbatim} {\it\bf happy as can be\/} \end{verbatim} \end{quote} ignores \csx{it} and produces upright text at bold weight (and the italic correction has nothing to do). The same holds if you mix \LaTeXe{} font selections with the old style commands: \begin{quote} \begin{verbatim} \textbf{\tt all good friends} \end{verbatim} \end{quote} ignores the \csx{textbf} that encloses the text, and produces typewriter text at medium weight. So why are these commands deprecated?~--- it is because of confusions such as that in the last example. The alternative (\LaTeXe{}) commands are discussed in the rest of this answer. \LaTeXe{}'s font commands come in two forms: modal commands and text-block commands. The default set of modal commands offers weights \csx{mdseries} and \csx{bfseries}, shapes \csx{upshape}, \csx{itshape}, \csx{scshape} and \csx{slshape}, and families \csx{rmfamily}, \csx{sffamily} and \csx{ttfamily}. A font selection requires a family, a shape and a series (as well as a size, of course). A few examples \begin{quote} \begin{narrowversion} \begin{verbatim} {\bfseries\ttfamily and jolly good company!} \end{verbatim} \end{narrowversion} \begin{wideversion} \begin{verbatim} {\bfseries\ttfamily and jolly good company!} \end{verbatim} \end{wideversion} \end{quote} produces bold typewriter text (but note the lack of a % ! line break, big time \begin{narrowversion} % non hyper version bold typewriter font~--- \Qref{}{Q-bold-extras}~--- \end{narrowversion} \begin{wideversion} \Qref{bold typewriter font}{Q-bold-extras} \end{wideversion} in the default Computer Modern fonts), or \begin{quote} \begin{narrowversion} \begin{verbatim} {\slshape\sffamily Never mind the weather\/} \end{verbatim} \end{narrowversion} \begin{wideversion} \begin{verbatim} {\slshape\sffamily Never mind the weather\/} \end{verbatim} \end{wideversion} \end{quote} (note the italic correction needed on slanted fonts, too). \LaTeXe{}'s text block commands take the first two letters of the modal commands, and form a \csx{text}\emph{\texttt{xx}} command from them. Thus \csx{bfseries} becomes \cmdinvoke*{textbf}{text}, \csx{itshape} becomes \cmdinvoke*{textit}{text}, and \csx{ttfamily} becomes \cmdinvoke*{texttt}{text}. Block commands may be nested, as: \begin{quote} \begin{verbatim} \textit{\textbf{Never mind the rain}} \end{verbatim} \end{quote} to produce bold italic text (note that the block commands supply italic corrections where necessary), and they be nested with the \LaTeXe{} modal commands, too: \begin{quote} \begin{narrowversion} \begin{verbatim} \texttt{\bfseries So long as we're together} \end{verbatim} \end{narrowversion} \begin{wideversion} \begin{verbatim} \texttt{\bfseries So long as we're together} \end{verbatim} \end{wideversion} \end{quote} for bold typewriter, or \begin{quote} \begin{narrowversion} \begin{verbatim} {\slshape\textbf{% Whoops! she goes again}\/} \end{verbatim} \end{narrowversion} \begin{wideversion} \begin{verbatim} {\slshape \textbf{Whoops! she goes again}\/} \end{verbatim} \end{wideversion} \end{quote} for a bold slanted instance of the current family (note the italic correction applied at the end of the modal command group, again). The new commands (as noted above) override commands of the same type. In almost all cases, this merely excludes ludicrous ideas such as ``upright slanted'' fonts, or ``teletype roman'' fonts. There are a couple of immediate oddities, though. The first is the conflict between \csx{itshape} (or \csx{slshape}) and \csx{scshape}: while many claim that an italic small-caps font is typographically unsound, such fonts do exist. Daniel Taupin's \Package{smallcap} package enables use of the instances in the \Qref*{\acro{EC} fonts}{Q-ECfonts}, and similar techniques could be brought to bear on many other font sets. The second is the conflict between \csx{upshape} and \csx{itshape}: Knuth actually offers an upright-italic font which \LaTeX{} uses for the ``\pounds{}'' symbol in the default font set. The combination is sufficiently weird that, while there's a defined font shape, no default \LaTeX{} commands exist; to use the shape, the (eccentric) user needs \LaTeX{}'s simplest font selection commands: \begin{quote} \begin{narrowversion} \begin{verbatim} {\fontshape{ui}\selectfont Tra la la, di dee} \end{verbatim} \end{narrowversion} \begin{wideversion} \begin{verbatim} {\fontshape{ui}\selectfont Tra la la, di dee} \end{verbatim} \end{wideversion} \end{quote} \begin{ctanrefs} \item[smallcap.sty]\CTANref{smallcap} \end{ctanrefs} \Question[Q-newfont*]{What's wrong with \csx{newfont}?} If all else fails, you \emph{can} specify a font using the \LaTeX{} \csx{newfont} command. The font so specified doesn't fit into the \LaTeX{} font selection mechanism, but the technique can be tempting under several circumstances. The command is merely the thinnest of wrappers around the \csx{font} primitive, and doesn't really fit with \LaTeX{} at all. A simple, but really rather funny, example of the problems it poses, may be seen in: \begin{quote} \begin{verbatim} \documentclass[10pt]{article} \begin{document} \newfont{\myfont}{cmr17 scaled 2000} \myfont \LaTeX \end{document} \end{verbatim} \end{quote} (the reader is encouraged to try this). The ``A'' of \csx{LaTeX} pretty much disappears: \LaTeX{} chooses the size on the ``A'' according to \emph{its} idea of the font size (10pt), but positions it according to the dimensions of ``\csx{myfont}'', which is more than three times that size. Another ``\csx{myfont}'' example arises from an entirely different source. The mini-document: \begin{quote} \begin{verbatim} \documentclass{article} \begin{document} \newfont{\myfont}{ecrm1000} {\myfont voil\`a} \end{document} \end{verbatim} \end{quote} gives you ``German low double quotes'' (under the ``a'') in place of the grave accent. This happens because \FontName{ecrm1000} is in a different \Qref*{font encoding}{Q-whatenc} than \LaTeX{} is expecting~--- if you use the \LaTeX{} \Package{fontenc} package to select the \acro{EC} fonts, all these tiresome encoding issues are solved for you, behind the scenes. There does however remain a circumstance when you will be tempted to use \csx{newfont}~--- viz., to get a font size that doesn't fall into the Knuth standard set of sizes: \LaTeX{} (by default) won't allow you to use such a size. Don't despair: see the answer % ! line break ``\Qref*{arbitrary font sizes}{Q-fontsize}''.