# ptex-fonts The bundle contains fonts for use with pTeX and the documents for makejvf program. TFM and VF (not real fonts): - pTeX standard (min5-10, goth5-10, tmin5-10, tgoth5-10) - nmin5-10, ngoth5-10 - jis, jisg, jisgn, jis-v, jisg-v, jisgn-v - Morisawa standard (Ryumin-Light, GothicBBB-Medium, FutoMinA101-Bold, FutoGoB101-Bold, Jun101-Light) Type1 fonts: - ascgrp, ascii10, ascii36 makejvf documents: - README_makejvf, Changes_makejvf (charset: ISO-2022-JP) ## Repository The bundle is maintained on GitHub: https://github.com/texjporg/ptex-fonts If you have issues, please let us know from the above page. ## License The bundle is redistribution derived from [ptex-texmf distribution by ASCII MEDIA WORKS](http://ascii.asciimw.jp/pb/ptex/). Since the original license is the 3-clause BSD license, this redistribution also follows it (see LICENSE). ## Release Date 2016-05-16 Japanese TeX Development Community