This package, based on pxfonts, provides many fixes and enhancements to that package, splitting it in two parts---newpxtext and newpxmath---which may be run independently of one another. It provides scaling, improved metrics, and other options. For proper operation, the packages require that the packages newtxmath and pxfonts be installed and their map files enabled. The text package relies on an extension of the TeXGyrePagella Type1 fonts that is provided with this package. The accompanying MANIFEST-newpx.txt provides details of the extension as requested by GUST-FONT-LICENSE.txt Current version: 1.061 This material is subject to the LaTeX Project Public License. See for the details of that license. Changes in version 1.061 A number of metric changes, plus correction of < and > in math mode under bigdelims option. Changes in version 1.06 1. Added a modified equal sign for use in math mode. The text font version did not match existing glyphs that use it as an extension glyph, as in long double arrows. 2. Modified the fontdimen parameters for several math fonts to correspond better to existing glyph shapes. Changes in version 1.051: Small changes to newpxtext.sty to correct handling of footnote markers in minipages and add a new option, defaultsups, which forces the package to ignore its own footnote markers. Changes in version 1.05: 1. Corrected two errors in newpxmath.sty involving definitions of math delimiters <,>. 2. Added 4 new math glyphs as alternate forms of existing glyphs: \forallAlt, \existsAlt, \nexistsAlt, \emptysetAlt. See newtxdoc.pdf (NOT newpxdoc.pdf) for details. 3. Changed definition of \varnothing to load from lettersA instead of AMSb. Changes in version 1.04: 1. Many changes to lettersA and largesymbols following the corresponding changes in the newtxmath package. Version 1.14 of the latter package must be enabled foro this package to function correctly. 2. Many changes to newpxmath.sty to bring it into greater conformity with the amsmath package, which it now requires. Changes in version 1.03: Corrected an issue with scaling newpxmath. Changes in version 1.02 Minor changes except that version 1.01 inadvertently shipped without the final corrections to the math extension metrics. Changes in version 1.01: Aside from some minor changes, the math extension fonts are drawn from newtx version 1.11 which is substantially changed from the prior version, and which must be installed for proper math font rendering. Installation: Mac OS X: To install, open a Terminal window and cd to inside the downloaded TDS folder. Method A (recommended): type sudo cp -Rfp * /usr/local/texlive/texmf-local then sudo mktexlsr then sudo -H updmap-sys --enable Method B: If you insist on making your font installations in your home folder, potentially making your personal installation become out of sync with updates to TeXLive, use instead (i) if you checked Update for All Users in TeXLive utility cp -Rfp * ~/Library/texmf then updmap --enable (ii) otherwise cp -Rfp * ~/Library/texmf then sudo updmap-sys --enable Linux: Very similar to Mac OS X. MikTeX: Copy the to the root of the folder you use for personal additions to the TeX trees, open a command window, chdir to that folder, and type unzip initexmf --update-fndb initexmf --edit-config-file updmap The latter command should open updmap.cfg in your default editor, commonly Notepad. Add the line Map to updmap.cfg, save and close. Then, in the command window, type initexmf --mkmaps You can ignore error messages that may occur here. This should result in a properly enabled newpx. Please send comments and bug reports or suggestions for improvement to msharpe at ucsd dot edu