\documentclass[oneside,a4paper]{l3doc} % Packages \usepackage{lexend} \usepackage[english]{babel} \usepackage{blindtext} \usepackage{hologo} \usepackage{listings} \usepackage{pgffor} \usepackage{soul} \usepackage{xcolor} % Settings \setmonofont{DejaVu Sans Mono} \hypersetup{ hidelinks, bookmarksnumbered, bookmarksopen, bookmarksdepth=3, colorlinks=true, allcolors=blue, unicode } \urlstyle{rm} \definecolor{lightgray}{gray}{0.95} \lstset{breaklines=true,backgroundcolor=\color{lightgray},basicstyle=\ttfamily,frame=single,numbers=left,numberstyle=\ttfamily,aboveskip=\baselineskip} % Additional commands \DeclareRobustCommand{\code}[1]{{\sethlcolor{lightgray}\texttt{\hl{#1}}}} \soulregister{\code}{1} \makeatletter \pdfstringdefDisableCommands{\let\code\@firstofone} \makeatother \providecommand{\tightlist}{% \setlength{\itemsep}{0pt}\setlength{\parskip}{0pt}} \newcommand*{\fullref}[1]{\hyperref[{#1}]{\autoref*{#1} \nameref*{#1} (Page \pageref*{#1})}} % Document start \begin{document} \title{ The \textsf{lexend} package\\ \large{The \href{https://www.lexend.com/}{\textsf{Lexend} fonts} for \hologo{XeLaTeX} and \hologo{LuaLaTeX} through \textsf{fontspec}} } \author{ Yannick Schinko\\ \texorpdfstring{\url{https://github.com/BrainStone/latex-lexend}}{} } \date{ \today\\ v1.0.2.53 } \pagenumbering{roman} \maketitle \bigskip \begin{abstract} The purpose of this package is pretty straight forward:\\ The Lexend font collection has been designed by Dr. Bonnie Shaver-Troup and Thomas Jockin to make reading easier for everyone.\\ Now my goal is it to bring this wonderful collection to world of \hologo{LaTeX}. \end{abstract} \bigskip \tableofcontents \newpage \pagenumbering{arabic} \section{Changelog} \hypertarget{version-1.0.2}{% \subsection*{Version 1.0.2}\label{version-1.0.2}} * Add original changelog to changelog. \hypertarget{version-1.0.1}{% \subsection*{Version 1.0.1}\label{version-1.0.1}} * Updated lexend to 1.1: \begin{quote} 2018 April 9 (Thomas Jockin) Version 1.0 \begin{itemize} \tightlist \item First public release \end{itemize} 2020 January 18 (Thomas Jockin) Version 1.1 \begin{itemize} \tightlist \item Expansion to Arabic script \item Bug fixes in Latin Character Set \end{itemize} \end{quote} \hypertarget{version-1.0.0}{% \subsection*{Version 1.0.0}\label{version-1.0.0}} + Added package options \texttt{nomain} (and \texttt{main}) and \texttt{nosans} (and \texttt{sans}).\\ * Improved documentation. \hypertarget{version-0.1.1}{% \subsection*{Version 0.1.1}\label{version-0.1.1}} * Fixed detecting tags as branches that should not be added to the version. \hypertarget{version-0.1.0}{% \subsection*{Version 0.1.0}\label{version-0.1.0}} + Created the lexend package.\\ + Created the lexend(.sty) style.\\ + Added build system.\\ + Added package docs (including font samples).\\ + Added acknowledgements. \section{Acknowledgements} I would like to take the time to thank everyone that helped me along my journey of creating this package. It would not have been possible without every single one of you. Special thanks to David Carlisle, Ulrike Fischer and Phelype Oleinik who helped me tremendously and continuously in the \hologo{LaTeX} Stack Exchange chat. I really can't put it in words how much your continued contributions and willingness to help helped me during the creation of this package. Special thanks to Dr. Bonnie Shaver-Troup and Thomas Jockin for creating these fonts and allowing people to have an easier time reading. Consider this contribution to the great \hologo{LaTeX} community as my thank you to you all. \section{Package Loading and Options} \subsection{Loading behavior} First of all this package depends on the \textsf{fontspec} package and therefore requires \hologo{XeLaTeX} and \hologo{LuaLaTeX}. So when you load this package the \textsf{fontspec} will also be loaded. When this package is loaded it sets the main font to \textsf{LexendDeca} and the sans font to \textsf{LexendGiga} using \textsf{fontspec}'s \code{\textbackslash{}setmainfont} and \code{\textbackslash{}setsansfont} commands. If you do not wish for this package to change the default fonts, use the package options explained in \fullref{subsec:package-options}. \subsection{Package Options}\label{subsec:package-options} \begin{function}{nomain,main} Use one of these options to either not have this package set the main font or to have it set it explicitly respectively. \end{function} \begin{function}{nosans,sans} Use one of these options to either not have this package set the sans font or to have it set it explicitly respectively. \end{function} \section{Features} There aren't many features to talk about yet\footnote{See \fullref{subsec:future-features}}, but it certainly doesn't hurt documenting them. \subsection{Commands} \begin{function}{ \LexendDeca, \LexendExa, \LexendGiga, \LexendMega, \LexendPeta, \LexendTera, \LexendZetta } This collection of commands allows you to use any of the Lexend fonts ad-hoc.\\ The usage is identical to any font modification commands (like \code{\textbackslash{}textit} for example.) It is equivelent to using the \code{\textbackslash{}fontspec} command with the corresponding font variant name as the parameter to the \code{\textbackslash{}fontspec} command. Using it looks as follows: \begin{lstlisting}[language={[LaTeX]TeX},caption={\code{\textbackslash{}LexendPeta} Example}] \LexendPeta{ Text here.\\ More text. This text is using the font LexendPeta. } \end{lstlisting} Result:\bigskip \LexendPeta{ Text here.\\ More text. This text is using the font LexendPeta. } \end{function} \begin{function}{\LexendVariants} This command is just a list containing all variants of the Lexend font collection.\\ Mainly useful if you want to iterate over all font variants. \bigskip Using it as is will yield this result: \bigskip \LexendVariants \end{function} \subsection{.fontspec Files} Every Lexend font has its own \code{.fontspec} file. Though they are all identical (excluding the actual name) and look like this (\code{} will be replaced with the font's name of course): \lstinputlisting[language={[LaTeX]TeX},caption={template.fontspec}]{template.fontspec} \subsubsection{Expanding the Default Fontspecs} If you want to keep the default font settings but would like to add onto them, that's really easy:\\ Use the \code{\textbackslash{}defaultfontfeatures+} command of \textsf{fontspec}. \bigskip For example if you would like to set the default color for every time you use the font \textsf{LexendPeta}, all you have to do is this: \begin{lstlisting}[language={[LaTeX]TeX},caption={\code{\textbackslash{}defaultfontfeatures+} Example}] \defaultfontfeatures+[LexendPeta]{ Color=888888 } \end{lstlisting} Since this is handled by the \textsf{fontspec} package, please refer to their documentation at \url{https://ctan.org/pkg/fontspec}. \subsection{Future Features}\label{subsec:future-features} This package is still very young and also fairly incomplete. There's a list of things I'd like to add over time. Ordered by how soon I wish to implement them myself. \begin{itemize} \item Support for the continuous spacing font variant of Lexend\tightlist \item Support for other \hologo{LaTeX} engines\\ That's something I definately need help with. So feel free to reach out to me or to create a Pull Request on GitHub.\tightlist \end{itemize} \section{License} The licensing of this project is a bit uncommon, so let me explain: The final package, the one you find on \href{https://ctan.org/}{CTAN}, is licensed under \href{https://ctan.org/license/lppl1.3c}{The \hologo{LaTeX} Project Public License 1.3c}. So use it like you would use most other packages on \href{https://ctan.org/}{CTAN}. The source repository, the one you find under \url{https://github.com/BrainStone/latex-lexend}, however is licensed under the \href{https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html}{GNU General Public License v3.0}. Lastly, the font collection itself is licensed under the \href{https://opensource.org/licenses/OFL-1.1}{SIL Open Font License 1.1}. You can find the license file under \url{https://github.com/ThomasJockin/lexend/blob/master/OFL.txt}. \section{Font Samples} While this whole document uses \textsf{LexendDeca} as the main font and \textsf{LexendGiga} as the sans font, it doesn't hurt showing them off individually.\\ Each font will be shown off in the sizes \small\textbackslash{}small\normalsize{}, \textbackslash{}normalsize and \large\textbackslash{}large\normalsize{} and the variants \textbf{\textbackslash{}textbf}, \textit{\textbackslash{}textit} and \textbf{\textit{\textbackslash{}textbf\{\textbackslash{}textit\}}} \foreach \fontVariant in \LexendVariants { \subsection{\texorpdfstring{\fontspec{\fontVariant}{\fontVariant}}{\fontVariant}} \fontspec{\fontVariant}{ \small\blindtext\normalsize\bigskip \blindtext\bigskip \large\blindtext\normalsize\bigskip \textbf{\blindtext}\bigskip \textit{\blindtext}\bigskip \textbf{\textit{\blindtext}} } } \end{document}