% User Documentation for the Itrans Package % Gujarati Transliteration Table for ItxGuj Font - PostScript Type 1, TrueType. \documentclass[11pt]{article} \usepackage[preprocess]{itrans} % Ross Moore's extensions to latex2html \usepackage{html} % from standard latex2html package % if you do not have html.sty in your machine, change the html to % htmlstub (htmlstub.sty is included in the ITRANS/lib directory) \portraitpage % defined in itrans.sty (idevn.tex), get a larger page size \renewcommand{\arraystretch}{1.25} \newcommand{\rarrow}{\mbox{---\hspace{-8pt}$>$}} \newcommand{\SM}{\char35gujarati} \newcommand{\EM}{\char35endgujarati} \newfont{\itxgujf}{itxguj at 15pt} % \newfont{\itxgujfo}{itxgujo at 15pt} % the oblique version % \newfont{\itxgujfre}{itxgujre at 15pt} % the scaled up (x-axis) version % \newfont{\itxgujfrc}{itxgujrc at 15pt} % the scaled down (x-axis) version \hyphenchar\itxgujf=-1 % disable hyphenation using this font #gujaratiifm=itxguj.ifm #gujaratifont=\itxgujf \begin{document} \footnotetext[0]{Last modification: \today} \centerline{\bf Transliteration Map} \medskip \centerline{\LARGE\bf ItxGuj Gujarati font} \bigskip \centerline{\bf itrans} \smallskip \centerline{\bf \copyright 1996--1998 Avinash Chopde} \section{Fonts Available} \subsection{\TeX\ Interface} The gujarati font is called {\em ItxGuj}, and its PostScript specification is in the file {\em itxguj.pfa} or {\em itxguj.pfb}. It is a user-defined Type I PostScript font. Four styles, transformations on the basic ItxGuj font, are bundled with the itrans package. Their names (in the \TeX\ interface) are itxguj, itxgujo, itxgujrc, and itxgujre. \begin{description} \item [itxguj] This is the basic gujarati font. There are some other fonts available, derived by transforming this font. \item [itxgujo] This is the slanted version of {\em itxguj}. \item [itxgujrc] A scaled down, compressed version (along the x-axis) of the basic font is available as {\em itxgujrc}. \item[itxgujre] This is heavier than {\em itxguj}, to be used as a bold version. \end{description} Since these are PostScript fonts, you can use them at any font size in your document. In this document the following line was used for loading the font: \noindent\verb=\newfont{\itxgujf}{itxguj at 15pt}=. Even though this document has been typeset using a 11 point size, the gujarati font is loaded in at 15 point size. This is just to emphasize the gujarati characters. Normally, I would suggest loading in the font at 15-20\% greater size than the other text in the document. So, if your document is being typeset at 11 point, load in the gujarati fonts using a 13 point size. Of course, this relation of size is important only if you wish to mix english and gujarati in the same document. In any case, go wild, experiment with various font sizes. Since the characters are described as outlines in bezier curve form, smaller point sizes do not look too good on a 300dpi output device, the larger font size makes the shapes look better in print. \subsection{Direct Textual Interface: HTML Output} This mode is provided for generating text that can be displayed on any WWW browser such as Netscape (version 3.0 or later). See the example file provided (ITRANS/doc/s1html.itx) on examples of how to use this mode. See the manual idoc.itx for information on the Direct Text Output mode of ITRANS. The same IFM file is used for this mode as for the \TeX\ interface. \subsection{Direct Textual Interface: PostScript Output} This interface does not offer any word-processing capabilities other than that of checking when a page is complete, and then resetting the current point to the top of the next page. Thus, all spaces, lines, etc from the input text appear in the output too. The user may also directly invoke PostScript commands to create various versions of the font, as required. Refer to PostScript language manuals for specific help regarding the PostScript font manipulation commands. If you decide to go this route, take a look at the file {\em itrans.pro}, it is the prologue that gets sent to the printer. It contains definitions of various commands such as {\em normalfont}, {\em slantfont}, {\em compressedfont}, etc, which may be used to change the font being used. These PostScript functions take a single argument:~the font size to use. All this and more information can be obtained from the prologue file, {\em itrans.pro}, and PostScript users should take a look at it. For example usage, look through the sample input files provided. Files ending in {\em .ips} are the direct PostScript input files, itrans (with the -P option) directly produces PostScript output for these files. The file {\em itxguj.pfb} contains the PostScript language program for this gujarati font. \section{ITRANS Usage} The IFM file is called {\em itxguj.ifm}, and the user needs to load this in the input file for ITRANS. The user manual for ITRANS, idoc.itx, has more information on how to use ITRANS. \subsection{Font Developer} This font has been developed by Shrikrishna Patil, who has been developing fonts for over a decade now. He has been extremely generous to all of us users of ITRANS, and has offered us two freeware fonts: one for Gujarati (ItxGuj), and one for Bengali (ItxBeng). I am thankful to him for this gift! If any one using this ITRANS package finds the need for fonts for Microsoft Windows or Apple Macintosh platforms, feel free to contact Patil at his e-mail address {\em sapatil@aol.com}. His fonts are available at very reasonable costs, around US\$50 to US\$100 depending on the font. \subsection{IFM File Creator} I would like to thank Prakash Trivedi ({\em prakash@aero.odu.edu}), who undertook the complex task of creating the IFM file for ItxGuj! This is the first time anyone else (other than me) has ventured to try to create a IFM file, and Prakash Trivedi not only attempted it, he also managed to substantially complete the task! This was a great help to me since last year (1995) I could not devote much time to ITRANS development, and with his initial work, it was very easy for me to complete the IFM file, and so today, ITRANS supports Gujarati. \subsection{Author} \noindent ITRANS has been developed by Avinash Chopde. \\ E-mail: \htmladdnormallink{\texttt{avinash@acm.org}}{mailto:avinash@acm.org}. \\ Home page: \htmladdnormallink{\texttt{http://www.aczone.com/}}{http://www.aczone.com/} \section{Transliteration Map and Examples} The following pages display the transliteration code for Gujarati, and a few examples. (Note that some of the example words used may not be any real Gujarati words! I don't know Gujarati very well, so I chose a mix of Marathi, Hindi, English, and Gujarati words!). \bigskip \hrule %------------------------------------------------------------------- \begin{htmlonly} \section{Gujarati Table} \end{htmlonly} \begin{table}[hp] \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{c@{\hspace{1in}}c@{\hspace{1in}}c} % --- first col is vowels inside a tabular \begin{makeimage} \begin{tabular}{|c|c|} \multicolumn{2}{c}{Vowels} \\ \hline {#gujarati a #endgujarati} & {\tt a} \\ \hline {#gujarati aa #endgujarati} & {\tt aa {\it or} A} \\ \hline {#gujarati i #endgujarati} & {\tt i} \\ \hline {#gujarati ii #endgujarati} & {\tt ii {\it or} I} \\ \hline {#gujarati u #endgujarati} & {\tt u} \\ \hline {#gujarati uu #endgujarati} & {\tt uu {\it or} U} \\ \hline {#gujarati R^i #endgujarati} & {\tt RRi {\it or} R\char`^i} \\ \hline {#gujarati e #endgujarati} & {\tt e} \\ \hline {#gujarati ai #endgujarati} & {\tt ai} \\ \hline {#gujarati o #endgujarati} & {\tt o} \\ \hline {#gujarati au #endgujarati} & {\tt au} \\ \hline {#gujarati aM #endgujarati} & {\tt {\it a}M} \\ \hline {#gujarati aH #endgujarati} & {\tt {\it a}H} \\ \hline \multicolumn{2}{c}{} \\ \multicolumn{2}{c}{} \\ \multicolumn{2}{c}{Digits} \\ {#gujarati 0 #endgujarati} & {\tt 0} \\ \hline {#gujarati 1 #endgujarati} & {\tt 1} \\ \hline {#gujarati 2 #endgujarati} & {\tt 2} \\ \hline {#gujarati 3 #endgujarati} & {\tt 3} \\ \hline {#gujarati 4 #endgujarati} & {\tt 4} \\ \hline {#gujarati 5 #endgujarati} & {\tt 5} \\ \hline {#gujarati 6 #endgujarati} & {\tt 6} \\ \hline {#gujarati 7 #endgujarati} & {\tt 7} \\ \hline {#gujarati 8 #endgujarati} & {\tt 8} \\ \hline {#gujarati 9 #endgujarati} & {\tt 9} \\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{makeimage} % --- end first col & % --- second col is consonants \begin{makeimage} \begin{tabular}{|c|c|} \multicolumn{2}{c}{Consonants} \\ \hline {#gujarati ka #endgujarati} & {\tt k{\it a}} \\ \hline {#gujarati kha #endgujarati} & {\tt kh{\it a}} \\ \hline {#gujarati ga #endgujarati} & {\tt g{\it a}} \\ \hline {#gujarati gha #endgujarati} & {\tt gh{\it a}} \\ \hline {#gujarati cha #endgujarati} & {\tt ch{\it a}} \\ \hline {#gujarati Cha #endgujarati} & {\tt Ch{\it a or} chh{\it a}} \\ \hline {#gujarati ja #endgujarati} & {\tt j{\it a}} \\ \hline {#gujarati jha #endgujarati} & {\tt jh{\it a}} \\ \hline {#gujarati Ta #endgujarati} & {\tt T{\it a}} \\ \hline {#gujarati Tha #endgujarati} & {\tt Th{\it a}} \\ \hline {#gujarati Da #endgujarati} & {\tt D{\it a}} \\ \hline {#gujarati Dha #endgujarati} & {\tt Dh{\it a}} \\ \hline {#gujarati Na #endgujarati} & {\tt N{\it a}} \\ \hline {#gujarati ta #endgujarati} & {\tt t{\it a}} \\ \hline {#gujarati tha #endgujarati} & {\tt th{\it a}} \\ \hline {#gujarati da #endgujarati} & {\tt d{\it a}} \\ \hline {#gujarati dha #endgujarati} & {\tt dh{\it a}} \\ \hline {#gujarati na #endgujarati} & {\tt n{\it a}} \\ \hline {#gujarati pa #endgujarati} & {\tt p{\it a}} \\ \hline {#gujarati pha #endgujarati} & {\tt ph{\it a}} \\ \hline {#gujarati ba #endgujarati} & {\tt b{\it a}} \\ \hline {#gujarati bha #endgujarati} & {\tt bh{\it a}} \\ \hline {#gujarati ma #endgujarati} & {\tt m{\it a}} \\ \hline {#gujarati ya #endgujarati} & {\tt y{\it a}} \\ \hline {#gujarati ra #endgujarati} & {\tt r{\it a}} \\ \hline {#gujarati la #endgujarati} & {\tt l{\it a}} \\ \hline {#gujarati va #endgujarati} & {\tt v{\it a or} w{\it a}} \\ \hline {#gujarati sha #endgujarati} & {\tt sh{\it a}} \\ \hline {#gujarati Sha #endgujarati} & {\tt Sh{\it a or} shh{\it a}} \\ \hline {#gujarati sa #endgujarati} & {\tt s{\it a}} \\ \hline {#gujarati ha #endgujarati} & {\tt h{\it a}} \\ \hline {#gujarati lda #endgujarati} & {\tt ld{\it a or} L{\it a}} \\ \hline {#gujarati kSha #endgujarati} & {\tt kSh{\it a or} x{\it a}} \\ \hline {#gujarati j~na #endgujarati} & {\tt j\char`~n{\it a or} GY{\it a}} \\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{makeimage} % --- end second col & % --- third col of specials/accents inside a tabular \begin{makeimage} \begin{tabular}{|c|c|} \multicolumn{2}{c}{Specials/Accents} \\ \hline {#gujarati Rga #endgujarati} & {\tt R{\it ga}} \\ \hline {#gujarati rga #endgujarati} & {\tt rga {\it or} {\it ga}\char`^r} \\ \hline {#gujarati ga.n #endgujarati} & {\tt {\it ga}.n} \\ \hline {#gujarati aa.c #endgujarati} & {\tt {\it aa}.c} \\ \hline {#gujarati Da.N #endgujarati} & {\tt {\it Da}.N} \\ \hline {#gujarati D.h #endgujarati} & {\tt {\it D}.h} \\ \hline {#gujarati duH #endgujarati} & {\tt {\it du}H} \\ \hline {#gujarati AUM #endgujarati} & {\tt AUM} or {\tt OM} \\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{makeimage} \\ \end{tabular} % end the larger tabular encompassing all four tables \hfill \\ \end{center} \caption {\bf ITRANS: Gujarati to English Transliteration Table.} \label{ienc} \end{table} %------------------------------------------------------------------- \begin{htmlonly} \section{Gujarati Examples} \end{htmlonly} \begin{table}[hp] \vspace*{-1.25in} \hspace*{0in}\mbox{\vbox{ \begin{center} \begin{makeimage} \begin{tabular}{|c|c|} \hline {#gujarati ka kaa ki kii ku kuu #endgujarati} & {\tt ka kaa ki kii ku kuu} \\ \hline {#gujarati sa saa si sii su suu #endgujarati} & {\tt sa saa si sii su suu} \\ \hline {#gujarati khRRi khe khai khaM khaH kha.c kha.N #endgujarati} & {\tt khRRi khe khai khaM khaH kha.c kha.N} \\ \hline {#gujarati De Dai DaM DaH Da.c Da.N #endgujarati} & {\tt De Dai DaM DaH Da.c Da.N} \\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{makeimage} \\ \vspace{0.1in} {Sample Letters} \smallskip \\ \begin{makeimage} \begin{tabular}{|c|c|} \hline {#gujarati bhaagya #endgujarati} & {\tt bhaagya} \\ \hline {#gujarati raajya #endgujarati} & {\tt raajya} \\ \hline {#gujarati vidyaa #endgujarati} & {\tt vidyaa} \\ \hline {#gujarati shishhya #endgujarati} & {\tt shishhya} \\ \hline {#gujarati mukhya #endgujarati} & {\tt mukhya} \\ \hline {#gujarati gaaDyaa #endgujarati} & {\tt gaaDyaa} \\ \hline {#gujarati tyaag #endgujarati} & {\tt tyaag} \\ \hline {#gujarati dhyaan #endgujarati} & {\tt dhyaan} \\ \hline {#gujarati nyaay #endgujarati} & {\tt nyaay} \\ \hline {#gujarati shyaam #endgujarati} & {\tt shyaam} \\ \hline {#gujarati jyot #endgujarati} & {\tt jyot} \\ \hline {#gujarati manushhy #endgujarati} & {\tt manushhy} \\ \hline {#gujarati chaa.ndaNyaa #endgujarati} & {\tt chaa.ndaNyaa} \\ \hline {#gujarati abhyaas #endgujarati} & {\tt abhyaas} \\ \hline {#gujarati kalyaaN #endgujarati} & {\tt kalyaaN} \\ \hline {#gujarati ghaDyaald #endgujarati} & {\tt ghaDyaald} \\ \hline {#gujarati kachchaa #endgujarati} & {\tt kachchaa} \\ \hline {#gujarati khaDDaa #endgujarati} & {\tt khaDDaa} \\ \hline {#gujarati khaD.hDaa #endgujarati} & {\tt khaD.hDaa} \\ \hline {#gujarati gaThThaa #endgujarati} & {\tt gaThThaa} \\ \hline {#gujarati dhakkaa #endgujarati} & {\tt dhakkaa} \\ \hline {#gujarati pattaa #endgujarati} & {\tt pattaa} \\ \hline {#gujarati tippat #endgujarati} & {\tt tippat} \\ \hline {#gujarati pannaas #endgujarati} & {\tt pannaas} \\ \hline {#gujarati sajjan #endgujarati} & {\tt sajjan} \\ \hline {#gujarati pustak #endgujarati} & {\tt pustak} \\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{makeimage} \hspace{0.75in} \begin{makeimage} \begin{tabular}{|c|c|} \hline {#gujarati kasturii #endgujarati} & {\tt kasturii} \\ \hline {#gujarati naastik #endgujarati} & {\tt naastik} \\ \hline {#gujarati praapt #endgujarati} & {\tt praapt} \\ \hline {#gujarati swata.ntr #endgujarati} & {\tt swata.ntr} \\ \hline {#gujarati svaata.ntry #endgujarati} & {\tt svaata.ntry} \\ \hline {#gujarati dhvanii #endgujarati} & {\tt dhvanii} \\ \hline {#gujarati goshhT #endgujarati} & {\tt goshhT} \\ \hline {#gujarati yuddh #endgujarati} & {\tt yuddh} \\ \hline {#gujarati yud.hdh #endgujarati} & {\tt yud.hdh} \\ \hline {#gujarati pashchim #endgujarati} & {\tt pashchim} \\ \hline {#gujarati phakt #endgujarati} & {\tt phakt} \\ \hline {#gujarati tarhaa #endgujarati} & {\tt tarhaa} \\ \hline {#gujarati artha #endgujarati} & {\tt artha} \\ \hline {#gujarati kartaa #endgujarati} & {\tt kartaa} \\ \hline {#gujarati gardii #endgujarati} & {\tt gardii} \\ \hline {#gujarati nirNay #endgujarati} & {\tt nirNay} \\ \hline {#gujarati patra #endgujarati} & {\tt patra} \\ \hline {#gujarati trikoN #endgujarati} & {\tt trikoN} \\ \hline {#gujarati shraavaN #endgujarati} & {\tt shraavaN} \\ \hline {#gujarati aashram #endgujarati} & {\tt aashram} \\ \hline {#gujarati shushruushhaa #endgujarati} & {\tt shushruushhaa} \\ \hline {#gujarati gra.nth #endgujarati} & {\tt gra.nth} \\ \hline {#gujarati prajaa #endgujarati} & {\tt prajaa} \\ \hline {#gujarati draakShe #endgujarati} & {\tt draakShe} \\ \hline {#gujarati gRRihasth #endgujarati} & {\tt gRRihasth} \\ \hline {#gujarati prakR^itii #endgujarati} & {\tt prakR\char`^itii} \\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{makeimage} \\ \medskip {Sample Words} \\ \end{center} }} % end hbox and vbox \caption {\bf Examples} \end{table} \begin{table} \vspace*{-1.25in} \begin{center} \begin{makeimage} \begin{tabular}{|c|c|} \hline {#gujarati shubhra #endgujarati} & {\tt shubhra} \\ \hline {#gujarati sahastra #endgujarati} & {\tt sahastra} \\ \hline {#gujarati kriiDaa #endgujarati} & {\tt kriiDaa} \\ \hline {#gujarati svachchh #endgujarati} & {\tt svachchh} \\ \hline {#gujarati svaruup #endgujarati} & {\tt svaruup} \\ \hline {#gujarati Trak #endgujarati} & {\tt Trak} \\ \hline {#gujarati aamhii #endgujarati} & {\tt aamhii} \\ \hline {#gujarati chaturthii #endgujarati} & {\tt chaturthii} \\ \hline {#gujarati RRituu #endgujarati} & {\tt RRituu} \\ \hline {#gujarati aa.cktobar #endgujarati} & {\tt aa.cktobar} \\ \hline {#gujarati novhe.nbar #endgujarati} & {\tt novhe.nbar} \\ \hline {#gujarati gra.cm #endgujarati} & {\tt gra.cm} \\ \hline {#gujarati uu.Nchaa #endgujarati} & {\tt uu.Nchaa} \\ \hline {#gujarati bailagaaDii #endgujarati} & {\tt bailagaaDii} \\ \hline {#gujarati gurudvaaraa #endgujarati} & {\tt gurudvaaraa}\\ \hline {#gujarati gurud.hvaaraa #endgujarati} & {\tt gurud.hvaaraa}\\ \hline {#gujarati niraaldyaa #endgujarati} & {\tt niraaldyaa} \\ \hline {#gujarati GYaan #endgujarati} & {\tt GYaan} \\ \hline {#gujarati meka.cnik #endgujarati} & {\tt meka.cnik} \\ \hline {#gujarati mhais #endgujarati} & {\tt mhais} \\ \hline {#gujarati deNaaryaa #endgujarati} & {\tt deNaaryaa} \\ \hline {#gujarati pratishhThaa #endgujarati} & {\tt pratishhThaa} \\ \hline {#gujarati itihaas #endgujarati} & {\tt itihaas} \\ \hline {#gujarati aasthaabaddh #endgujarati} & {\tt aasthaabaddh} \\ \hline {#gujarati a.ntarraashhTriiy #endgujarati} & {\tt a.ntarraashhTriiy} \\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{makeimage} \end{center} \smallskip \caption {\bf Examples} \end{table} \end{document}