Copyright 2009 Karl Berry. You may freely use, modify and/or distribute this file. Inconsolata is a monospaced font designed by Raph Levien; home page: It is released by Raph in both OpenType and Type 1 formats. The (La)TeX support was created by Karl Berry (; CTAN location: The T1 (ec), TS1, OT1, QX, and LY1 (texnansi) encodings are mostly supported, with some missing glyphs (especially in TS1). The fi4 identification string used in some files (and macros) is the fontname prefix. The small documentation is in inconsolata.{tex,pdf}. The fonttable.pdf file shows all the glyphs in the font; it was created with t1testpage. The test.{tex,pdf} files show typical usage. Best to send bug reports and suggestions to Karl for triage, at least; Raph was not involved with anything TeX-specific. The font is released under the SIL OFL; the LaTeX and other support files under an all-permissive license or released to the public domain.