\documentclass[11pt]{amsart} \usepackage[margin=1in]{geometry} \usepackage[parfill]{parskip}% Begin paragraphs with an empty line rather than an indent \usepackage{graphicx} %SetFonts % heuristica+newtxmath \usepackage[sups,osf,scaled=.92]{heuristica} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \usepackage{textcomp} \usepackage[varqu,varl]{zi4}% inconsolata \usepackage[utopia,vvarbb,bigdelims]{newtxmath} %SetFonts \title{\LaTeX\ Support for Heuristica} \author{Michael Sharpe} \date{\today} % Activate to display a given date or no date \begin{document} \maketitle Andrey V. Panov's \emph{Heuristica} font family extends the \emph{Utopia} font family, adding many accented glyphs, Cyrillic glyphs, ligatures, superior and oldstyle fixed-width figures in all styles, and Small Caps in Regular style only. The font package is widely distributed as a free font collection in OpenType, TrueType and Type$1$ formats, but not until now on \textsc{ctan} with complete \LaTeX\ support files in encodings T$1$+TS$1$, LY$1$, T$2$A, T$2$B and T$2$C. The {\tt newtx} package has been modified, as of version $1.26$, to offer a new option {\tt utopia} (or, equivalently, {\tt heuristica}) that uses math italic glyphs taken from Utopia and oldstyle figures from \emph{Heuristica}. Its slanted Greek alphabets are constructed from the {\tt txfonts} slanted Greek letters by reducing their italic angle from $15.5$\textdegree\ to $13$\textdegree, matching Utopia's italic angle. So, for Heuristica text and matching math, you can use\footnote{There is most likely also a way to use {\tt MathDesign} or {\tt fourier} with at least partial compatibility.}: \begin{verbatim} \usepackage[osf,scaled=.92]{heuristica} \usepackage[varqu,varl]{inconsolata} % typewriter \usepackage[type1,scaled=.95]{cabin} % sans serif like Gill Sans \usepackage[utopia,vvarbb,bigdelims]{newtxmath} \end{verbatim} The effect of the option {\tt osf} is to force the default figure style in {\tt heuristica} to be oldstyle 0123456789 while using lining figures $0123456789$ in math mode. The only other option of interest is {\tt sups}, which changes the footnote marker style to use the superior figures from \emph{Heuristica} rather than the default mathematical superscripts. (The {\tt superiors} package offers further options.) \emph{Heuristica} is so austere for a text font and \emph{inconsolata} is so fancy for a typewriter font that you may find they blend together all too well. For more of a distinction replace the {\tt inconsolata} line above with \begin{verbatim} \usepackage{zlmtt} % serifed typewriter font extending cmtt \end{verbatim} As I find Utopia text rather cramped, I've followed the lead of Walter Schmidt's {\tt xutopia} package, constructing the {\tt tfm} files with $5${\tt em} extra space on each side of each character, and increasing the interword space by $20$\%. (See the {\tt autoinst} recipe in the {\tt README}.) \textsc{Macros:} \begin{itemize} \item \verb|\textlf| and \verb|\texttlf| render their arguments in tabular lining figures, no matter what the default figure style. Eg, \verb|\textlf{345}| produces \textlf{345}. \item \verb|\textosf| and \verb|\texttosf| render their arguments in tabular oldstyle figures, no matter what the default figure style. Eg, \verb|\textosf{345}| produces \textosf{345}. \item \verb|\textsu| renders its argument in superior figures, no matter what the default figure style. Eg, \verb|\textsu{345}| produces \textsu{345}. \end{itemize} \textsc{Very Brief, Nonsensical Math Example:}\\ Let $B(X)$ be the set of blocks of $\Lambda_{X}$ and let $b(X) \coloneq |{B(X)}|$ so that $\hat\phi=\sum_{Y\subset X}(-1)^{b(Y)}b(Y)$. \end{document}