\documentclass{scrartcl} \usepackage{hyperref} \usepackage{shortvrb} \usepackage{metalogo} \usepackage{fontawesome5} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \MakeShortVerb{\|} \begin{document} \title{The fontawesome5 package\thanks{This document corresponds to fontawesome5 version 5.0.6, dated 2018/02/08}} \author{Font Awesome\thanks{More information at \url{https://fontawesome.com}} (The font)\and Marcel Krüger\thanks{E-Mail: \href{mailto:tex@2krueger.de}{\nolinkurl{tex@2krueger.de}}} (The \LaTeX{} package)} \maketitle This package provides \LaTeX{} support for the Font Awesome 5 icons. To use Font Awesome 5 icons in your document, include the package with \begin{verbatim} \usepackage{fontawesome5} \end{verbatim} For every icon a macro is provided: Just use the official icon names\footnote{For a full list see \url{https://fontawesome.com/cheatsheet}.} converted to CamelCase with the prefix |\fa|. For example to use the |hand-point-up| icon, use |\faHandPointUp|. For icons ending with |-alt|, append a |*| instead. An optional argument can be added to select the style (|solid| or |regular|). The default style is |solid|, it can be changed with |\faStyle{...}| Every icon can also be accessed with |\faIcon{the-icon-name}| or |\faIcon[style]{...}|. \subsection*{Example} \begin{verbatim} ... \usepackage{fontawesome5} ... \begin{document} ... A simple icon: \faHandPointUp\\ Multiple versions of the file icon: \faFile~ \faFile*~ \faFile[regular] \faFile*[regular].\\ Alternative syntax: \faIcon{file}~ \faIcon*{file}~ \faIcon[regular]{file}~ \faIcon*[regular]{file}. ... \end{document} \end{verbatim} A simple icon: \faHandPointUp\\ Multiple versions of the file icon: \faFile~\faFile*~\faFile[regular]~\faFile*[regular].\\ Alternative syntax: \faIcon{file}~\faIcon*{file}~\faIcon[regular]{file}~\faIcon*[regular]{file}. \subsection*{Font Awesome Pro} Font Awesome 5 is available in a Free and a Pro version. This package uses the free version by default. If you own a Pro license and have the Font Awesome 5 Pro desktop fonts installed in your system font path, you can use Pro instead. For this, load the package with the |[pro]| option: \begin{verbatim} \usepackage[pro]{fontawesome5} \end{verbatim} Now additional icons and the |light| style can be used. Pro is only supported with \XeLaTeX{} and \LuaLaTeX. \subsection*{Updates} This package corresponds to Font Awesome 5.0.6. In case there is a newer version available on the Font Awesome homepage, check for updates on \url{https://ctan.org/pkg/fontawesome5}. Should there be no corresponding update on CTAN, you can write a mail to \href{mailto:tex@2krueger.de}{\nolinkurl{tex@2krueger.de}}. If you use \XeLaTeX{} or \LuaLaTeX{}, you can also directly download the new Desktop Fonts from \url{https://fontawesome.com} into your \TeX{} tree. If you save them with the filenames\\ {\ttfamily\begin{tabular}{l} FontAwesome5Brands-Regular-400.otf\\ FontAwesome5Free-Regular-400.otf\\ FontAwesome5Free-Solid-900.otf \end{tabular}}\\ you can start using the new files right away. \subsection*{Bugs} For bug reports and feature requests, write to \href{mailto:tex@2krueger.de}{\nolinkurl{tex@2krueger.de}}. \end{document}