FONTLOG for FdSymbol -------------------- This file provides detailed information on the FdSymbol font family. This information should be distributed along with the FdSymbol fonts and any derivative works. Basic Font Information ---------------------- FdSymbol is a font of mathematical symbols designed as a companion to Typotheque's Fedra family, but it might also fit well to other contemporary typefaces. FdSymbol is derived from MnSymbol, designed and released into the public domain by Achim Blumensath. FdSymbol development is currently hosted on: ChangeLog --------- 17 Mar 2011 (Michael Ummels) FdSymbol version 1.000 - First public release 31 Mar 2011 (Michael Ummels) FdSymbol version 1.001 - Added aleph, beth, daleth and gimel Acknowledgements ------------------------- (Here is where contributors can be acknowledged. If you make modifications be sure to add your name (N), email (E), web-address (W) and description (D). This list is sorted by last name in alphabetical order.) N: Michael Ummels E: W: D: Original Designer