% +AMDG This document was begun on 12 July 11EX, the feast % of St. Bonaventure, BCD, and it is humbly dedicated to him % and to the Immaculate Heart of Mary for their prayers, and % to the Sacred Heart of Jesus for His mercy. \documentclass{article} \title{DRM Specimen} \author{Donald P.\ Goodman III} \date{\today} \usepackage{array} \usepackage[typeone]{drm} \usepackage[margin=0.5in,paperwidth=841mm,paperheight=1189mm]{geometry} \usepackage{multicol} \usepackage[greek,latin,english]{babel} \usepackage{microtype} \pagestyle{empty} \def\hugongous{\fontsize{48pt}{48pt}\selectfont} \def\ginormous{\fontsize{60pt}{60pt}\selectfont} \def\coltitle#1{% \vskip1em% \hbox to\linewidth{% \ginormous\textleftupfleuron\hfil\scshape#1\hfil\textrightupfleuron% }% }% \def\texttitle#1{% \vskip1em% \hbox to\linewidth{% \hugongous\textleftupfleuron\hfil\scshape#1\hfil\textrightupfleuron% }% }% \def\alphabet{% \vskip-0.5em% \hbox to\linewidth{% \hfil% \large% Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp % Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz% \hfil% }% \vskip-1em% } \def\grkalphabet{% \vskip-0.5em% \hbox to\linewidth{% \hfil% \large\foreignlanguage{greek}{% Aa Bb Gg Dd Ee Zz Hh Jj Ii Kk Ll Mm Nn Xx Oo Pp Rr % Ssc Tt Uu Ff Qq Yy Ww} \hfil% } \vskip-1em% } \def\latintext{\noindent\selectlanguage{latin}Quia Catholic\ae\ veritatis doctor non solum provectos debet instruere, sed ad eum pertinet etiam incipientes erudire, secundum illud apostoli I ad Corinth.\ III, tanquam parvulis in Christo, lac vobis potum dedi, non escam} \def\latintwo{\selectlanguage{latin}; propositum nostr\ae\ intentionis in hoc opere est, ea qu\ae\ ad Christianam religionem pertinent, eo modo tradere, secudum quod congruit ad eruditionem incipientium. Consideravimus namque huius doctrin\ae\ novitios, in his qu\ae\ a diversis conscripta sunt} \def\latinthree{\selectlanguage{latin}, plurimum impediri, partim quidem propter multiplicationem inutilium qu\ae stionum, articulorum et argumentorum; partim etiam quia ea qu\ae\ sunt necessaria talibus ad sciendum, non traduntur secundum ordinem disciplin\ae, sed secundum quo requirebat librorum expositio, vel secundum quod se pr\ae bebat, occasio disputandi;} \def\latinfour{\selectlanguage{latin} partim quidem quia eorundem frequens repetitio et fastidium et confusionem generabat in animis auditorum. H\ae c igitur et alia huiusmodi evitare studentes, tentabimus, cum confidentia divini auxilii, ea qu\ae\ ad sacram doctrinam pertinent, breviter ac dilucide prosequi, secundum quod materia patietur.} \def\greekone{\foreignlanguage{greek}{ >En {\>a}rq\char'254\ {\>~h}n {\l{\'o}goc {\~\>h}n pr{\'o}c t{\'o}n je{\'o}n, ka{\'i} >je{\'o}c {\>\~h}n {\\~h}n {\>e}n {\>a}rq\char'254\ pr{\`o}s t{\`o}n je{\'o}n. p{\'a}nta di' a{\>u}to{\~u} {\>e}g{\'e}neto, ka{\`i} qwr{\`i}c a{\>u}to{\~u} {\>e}g{\'e}neto o{\>u}d{\`e} {\<\'e}n. {\<\`o} g{\'e}gonen \>en a\>ut\char'304\ zw\`h\ \~\>hn, ka\`i\ \hn t\`o\ f\~wc t\~wn \>anjr\'wpwn: ka\`i\ t\`o\ f\~wc \>en t\char'354\ skot\'i\char'370\ fa\'nei, ka\`i\ \ut\`o o\>u\ kat\'elaben. \>Eg\'eneto \>\'anjrwpoc \>apestalm\'enoc par\`a\ jeo\~u, \>\'onoma a\>ut\char'304\ \>Iw\'annhc: o\<\~utoc \~\>hljen e\>ic martur\'ian, \<\'ina martur\'hs\char'371\ per\`i\ to\~u\ fwt\'oc, \<\'ina p\'antec piste\'uswsin di' a\>uto\~u. o\>uk \~\>hn \>eke\~inoc t\`o\ f\~wc, \>all' \<\'ina martur\'hs\char'371\ per\`i\ to\~u\ fwt\'oc.}} \def\greektwo{\foreignlanguage{greek}{ \>\~hn t\`o f\~wc t\`o\ \>alhjin\'on, \>\`o\ fwt\'izei p\'anta \>\'anjrwpon, \>erx\'omenon e\>ic t\`on k\'osmon. \>en t\char'304\ k\'osm\char'304\ \~\>hn, ka\`i\ \uto\~u\ \>eg\'eneto, ka\`i\ \ut\`on o\>uk \>\'egnw. e\>ic t\`a\ \>\'idia \~\>hljen, ka\`i o\\'idioi a\>ut\`on o\>u\ par\'elabon. \<\'osoi d\`e\ \>\'elabon a\>ut\'on, \>\'edwken a\>uto\~ic \>exous\'ian t\'ekna jeo\~u\ gen\'esjai, to\~ic piste\'uousin e\>ic t\`o\ \>\'onoma a\>uto\~, }} \def\greekthree{\foreignlanguage{greek}{ o\<\`i\ o\>uk \>ex a\ud\`e \>ek jel\'hmatoc sark\`oc o\>ud\`e \>ek jel\'hmatoc \>andr\`oc \>all' \>ek jeo\~u\ \>egenn\'hjhsan. Ka\`i \eg\'eneto ka\`i\ \>esk\'hnwsen \>en \ejeas\'ameja t\`hn d\'oxan a\>uto\~u, d\'oxan \alhje\'iac. }} \begin{document} \fontsize{140pt}{140pt}\selectfont \vbox{ \hbox to\linewidth{\hfil% {\drmsym{\char'053}}\hfil% {\drmsym{\char'116}}\hfil% {\drmsym{\char'111}}\hfil% {\drmsym{\char'116}}\hfil% {\drmsym{\char'024}}\hfil% {\drmsym{\char'116}}\hfil% {\drmsym{\char'111}}\hfil% {\drmsym{\char'116}}\hfil% {\drmsym{\char'072}}\hfil}% \vskip-0.5\baselineskip% \hbox to\linewidth{\hfil% \texttc{A DRM Specimen}% \hfil% }% \vskip-0.5\baselineskip% \hbox to\linewidth{\hfil% {\drmsym{\char'073}}\hfil% {\drmsym{\char'121}}\hfil% {\drmsym{\char'112}}\hfil% {\drmsym{\char'121}}\hfil% {\drmsym{\char'027}}\hfil% {\drmsym{\char'121}}\hfil% {\drmsym{\char'112}}\hfil% {\drmsym{\char'121}}\hfil% {\drmsym{\char'110}}\hfil}% } \begin{minipage}[t]{0.23\textwidth} \coltitle{Roman} \alphabet \texttitle{Double Pica (24)} \Huge\latintext \texttitle{Paragon (20)} \huge\latintext\latintwo \texttitle{Great Primer} 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