cmexb ================ 2016, Petr Olsak License: public domain Files: this README cmexb10.tfm cmexb10.pfb Description: This package implements PFB font which is accessible normally by Sauter extrapolation only as bitmap font. The cmexb10.tfm is exactly the output of METAFONT using Sauter extrapolation. The cmexb10.pdf is generated using mftrace. This small package is a part of CSTeX. Notes: CSplain includes ams-math.tex macro where cmexb10 font is used for bold version of math typesetting. If cmexb package is not installed then usage of ams-math.tex and \boldmath yields to auto-generating metric file and bitmap font (Type3) using METAFONT and Sauter extrapolation but all another fonts are typically outlined. This is strange. If cmexb package is installed then all math fonts used by ams-math.tex macro file are in Type1 format (outlined). Installation: Put cmexb10.tfm to tfm tree, cmexb10.pfb to type1 tree of your TeX distribution. Then ensure that the map line cmexb10 CMEXB10