This is the README for the alegreya package, version 2016-08-18. This package provides LaTeX, pdfLaTeX, XeLaTeX and LuaLaTeX support for the Alegreya and Alegreya Sans families of fonts, designed by Juan Pablo del Peral (juan at for Huerta Tipográfica ( To install this package on a TDS-compliant TeX system download the file "tex-archive"/install/fonts/ where the preferred URL for "tex-archive" is Unzip the archive at the root of an appropriate texmf tree, likely a personal or local tree. If necessary, update the file-name database (e.g., texhash). Update the font-map files by enabling the Map file To use, add \usepackage{Alegreya} and/or \usepackage{AlegreyaSans} to the preamble of your document. These will activate Alegreya as the main (serifed) text font and/or Alegreya Sans as the sans-serif font. To use the Sans font as the main text font, use \usepackage[sfdefault]{AlegreyaSans} LuaLaTeX and xeLaTeX users who might prefer type1 fonts or who wish to avoid fontspec may use the type1 option. Options scaled= or scale= may be used to scale the fonts. The default figure style is proportional-lining, but the oldstyle (or osf) option will change the default to OldStyle figures and the tabular (or tf) option will change the default to tabular (monospaced) figures. Font encodings supported are OT1, T1, LY1 and TS1. The black option to either package activates that series as the default bold font. Options thin, light, medium, and extrabold are similarly available but for the Sans family only. Commands \Alegreya, \AlegreyaBlack, \AlegreyaSans, \AlegreyaSansThin, \AlegreyaSansLight, \AlegreyaSansMedium, \AlegreyaSansExtraBold, and \AlegreyaSansBlack select the specified family. Commands \AlegreyaLF, \AlegreyaOsF, \AlegreyaTLF, and \AlegreyaTOsF allow for localized use of non-default figures. Superior or inferior numbers are available using \sufigures, \infigures, \textsu{...} or \textin{...}. Command \useosf switches the default figure style to old-style figures; this is primarily for use after calling a math package with lining figures as the default. The original Truetype fonts were obtained from or and are licensed under the SIL Open Font License, version 1.1; the text may be found in the doc directory. The type1 versions were created using fontforge. The support files were created using autoinst and are licensed under the terms of the LaTeX Project Public License. The maintainer of this package is Bob Tennent (rdt at