\setupcolors [state=start] \setupinteraction[state=start,style=normal] %% Layout : <<< \setuplayout[ width=middle, height=middle, %location=middle, topspace=0.5in, bottomspace=.75in, bottomdistance=.25in, bottom=.25in, backspace=1.0in, cutspace=1.0in, leftmargin=0.55in, rightmargin=0.55in, leftmargindistance=0.1in, rightmargindistance=0.1in, header=0.25in, footer=0.5in, headerdistace=0.25in, footerdistance=0.25in, marking=on, % grid=yes, ] \setuppagenumbering [location=footer] %% >>> %% Typescripts : <<< \setupbodyfontenvironment[default][em=italic] \setupbodyfont[dejavu,10pt] %% >>> %% Logos: <<< \logo [TEX] {Tex} \logo [LATEX] {Latex} \logo [CONTEXT] {Context} \logo [PDFTEX] {pdftex} \logo [LUATEX] {Luatex} \logo [XETEX] {Xetex} \logo [MKII] {MkII} \logo [MKIV] {MkIV} \setupsorting[logo][style=normal] %% >>> \definetype[typeTEX][option=tex, style=type] \definetype[command][color=darkred, style=type] \definetype[options][color=darkblue, style=type] \definetyping[TEX][option=tex, before=\startEXAMPLE,after=\stopEXAMPLE] \definetyping[SIMPLETEX][option=tex] \setupindenting[medium,yes] \setupwhitespace[medium] \setuphead[title][alternative=middle, textstyle=\ss\bf] \setuphead[section,subsubject,subsection] [numberstyle=\ss\bf,textstyle=\ss\bf] \setuplistalternative[a] [distance=0pt,width=1em,stretch=10em, command=\hskip0.5em\ldots\hskip0.5em\relax] \setuplist [section] [margin=10em, alternative=a] \useURL[practex][http://www.tug.org/pracjourn/2006-2/schmitz/] \setupitemize[1][autointro] \setupitemize[indenting=no] %% Frames and Backgrounds : <<< \definetextbackground [EXAMPLE] [ mp=background:random, location=paragraph, rulethickness=1pt, framecolor=darkred, width=broad, height=fit, leftoffset=1em, rightoffset=1em, before={\testpage[3]\blank[2*big]}, after={\blank}, ] \startuseMPgraphic{background:random} path p; for i = 1 upto nofmultipars : p = (multipars[i] topenlarged 8pt bottomenlarged 4pt) randomized 4pt ; fill p withcolor lightgray ; draw p withcolor \MPvar{linecolor} withpen pencircle scaled \MPvar{linewidth}; endfor; \stopuseMPgraphic \defineframedtext [EXAMPLEframe] [rulethickness=1pt, framecolor=darkred, height=6.55cm, width=broad, background=color, backgroundcolor=gray, ] \defineoverlay[randomframe] [\useMPgraphic{background:random:frame}] \startuseMPgraphic{background:random:frame} path p; p = (OverlayBox topenlarged 10pt bottomenlarged 10pt) randomized 4pt ; fill p withcolor lightgray ; draw p withcolor \MPvar{linecolor} withpen pencircle scaled \MPvar{linewidth}; endfor; \stopuseMPgraphic \setupexternalfigures[location={local,global,default}] %% >>> %% Interface <<< \definecolor [colorprettyone] [r=.6,g=.0,b=.0] % red \definecolor [colorprettytwo] [r=.0,g=.6,b=.0] % green \definecolor [colorprettythree] [r=.0,g=.0,b=.6] % blue \definecolor[colorprettyfour][orange] \usemodule[int-load] \loadsetups[cont-en.xml] \loadsetups[t-simpleslides.xml] \definetextbackground [setuptext] [ mp=background:random, location=paragraph, rulethickness=1pt, framecolor=darkgreen, width=broad, leftoffset=1em, rightoffset=1em, align=right, before={\testpage[3]\blank[2*big]}, after={\blank\testpage[2]}, ] %% There gotta be a better way to configure this! \unprotected\def\showSETUPrecord {\getvalue{\e!start setuptext} \tttf \nohyphens \veryraggedright \startXMLmapping [one] \doglobal\newcounter\currentSETUPargument \global\let\maximumSETUPargument\currentSETUPargument \bgroup \doif{\XMLpar{cd:command}{generated}{}}{yes}{\ttsl}% \doifelseXMLop{type}{environment} {\tex{\e!start}}{\startcolor[colorprettytwo]\tex{}}\ignorespaces \XMLflush{cd:sequence}\stopcolor\ignorespaces \egroup \doifelseXMLempty{cd:arguments} {} {\bgroup \setbox0=\hbox{\XMLflush{cd:arguments}}% \global\let\maximumSETUPargument\currentSETUPargument \doglobal\newcounter\currentSETUPargument \ignorespaces\XMLflush{cd:arguments}% \doif{\XMLpar{cd:command}{type}{}}{environment} {\hskip.5em\unknown\hskip.5em \doif{\XMLpar{cd:command}{generated}{}}{yes}{\ttsl}% \tex{\e!stop}\ignorespaces\XMLflush{cd:sequence}}% \endgraf \egroup %\bgroup % \tx % \doif{\XMLpar{cd:command}{interactive}{}}{yes} {\quad INTERACTIVE}% % \doif{\XMLpar{cd:command}{interactive}{}}{exclusive}{\quad INTERACTIVE ONLY}% %\egroup \startXMLmapping [two] \bgroup \doglobal\newcounter\currentSETUPargument \blank[\v!line] %\switchtobodyfont[small] % kan sneller \ignorespaces\XMLflush{cd:arguments}\endgraf %\endgraf \egroup \stopXMLmapping}% \stopXMLmapping \getvalue{\e!stop setuptext}} \def\showSETUPnumber {\doglobal\increment\currentSETUPargument \hbox to 2em {\startcolor[blue] \ifcase\maximumSETUPargument\relax \or*\else\currentSETUPargument \fi\stopcolor \hss}} \def\showSETUPassignment {\showSETUP {{\colorprettythree[}.\lower.5ex\hbox{=}.{\colorprettythree]}} {{\colorprettythree[}..,.\lower.5ex\hbox{=}.,..{\colorprettythree]}}} \def\showSETUPkeyword {\showSETUP {\colorprettythree{[}...{\colorprettythree]}} {\colorprettythree{[}...,...{\colorprettythree]}}} \def\showSETUPargument {\showSETUP {{\colorprettyone\leftargument}..{\colorprettyone\rightargument}} {{\colorprettyone\leftargument}..,...,..{\colorprettyone\rightargument}}} \def\showSETUPdisplaymath {\showSETUP {\$\$...\$\$} {\$\$...\$\$}} \def\showSETUPindex {\showSETUP {{\colorprettyone\leftargument}...{\colorprettyone\rightargument}} {{\colorprettyone\leftargument}..+...+..{\colorprettyone\rightargument}}} \def\showSETUPmath {\showSETUP {\$...\$} {\$...\$}} \def\showSETUPnothing {\showSETUP {...} {}} \def\showSETUPfile {\showSETUP {~...~} {}} \def\showSETUPposition {\showSETUP {(...)} {(...,...)}} \def\showSETUPreference {\showSETUP {[...]} {[...,...]}} \def\showSETUPcsname {\showSETUP {{\c!setup!command!{}}} {}} \def\showSETUPdestination {\showSETUP {[{\colorprettyone\leftargument}..[ref]{\colorprettyone\rightargument}]} {[..,{\colorprettyone\leftargument}..[ref,..]{\colorprettyone\rightargument},..]}} \def\showSETUPtriplet {\showSETUP {[x:y:z=]} {[x:y:z=,..]}} \def\showSETUPword {\showSETUP {{\colorprettyone\leftargument}...{\colorprettyone\rightargument}} {{\colorprettyone\leftargument}.. ... ..{\colorprettyone\rightargument}}} \def\showSETUPcontent {\showSETUP {{\colorprettyone\leftargument}...{\colorprettyone\rightargument}} {{\colorprettyone\leftargument}.. ... ..{\colorprettyone\rightargument}}} %% >>> \def\ShowStyle#1% {\blank[big] \midaligned{\startcombination[2*2] {\externalfigure[styles/#1][page=1,width=0.55\textwidth]} {Title Page} {\externalfigure[styles/#1][page=2,width=0.55\textwidth]} {Normal Slide} {\externalfigure[styles/#1][page=3,width=0.55\textwidth]} {Horizontal Picture} {\externalfigure[styles/#1][page=10,width=0.55\textwidth]} {Vertical Picture} \stopcombination}} \starttext \title{Simple Slides \\ A \CONTEXT\ presentation module} \startEXAMPLE \placelist[section] \stopEXAMPLE \section{Introduction} This module provides an easy|-|to|-|use interface for creating simple slides/presentations in \CONTEXT. The salient features of this module are: \startitemize \item The module is meant for presentations which will be shown on a digital projector. They have no interactive elements (such as buttons or hyperlinks) and no navigational tools (such as table of contents). \item The module comes with several predefined styles; these styles are sober in appearance and meant for academic presentations. It also provides some macros to help in presenting slides with both pictures and text. \item Most styles allow for some degree of user|-|reconfigurability. Designing a new style is also easy. \stopitemize This module provides a simple structure that will be suitable for beginning or intermediate users of \CONTEXT, or someone who does not want to spend too much time playing around with different configuration options for \CONTEXT. As such it focusses on different users than Hans's presentation modules that provide more and fancier features. This module also offers much less features than the \LATEX\ \filename{beamer} package. Its main strength is its ease of use; you should be able to write your first presentation after spending five minutes with this manual. \section{A bit of history} The idea of a module suitable for simple presentations took shape when Thomas started using \CONTEXT\ for preparing his course presentations. \CONTEXT\ comes with a bunch of modules for presentations (the files \filename{s-pre-??.tex} in \filename{$TEXMF/tex/context/base}) which are written by Hans Hagen. Hans usually creates a new presentation style whenever he gives a talk about \CONTEXT. As such, his presentation styles highlight the fancy and bleeding edge features of \CONTEXT, and are not the most suitable starting point for academic presentations. \CONTEXT\ does make creating your own presentation style relatively easy. So Thomas wrote some presentation related macros (see the Prac\TEX\ article {\tt\from[practex]}). With time, he extended these macros into a collection of styles providing different visual effects, and later collected all of them in the \filename{taspresent} module. He gave a talk about the \filename{taspresent} module at the second \CONTEXT\ user meeting at Bohinj, and in the ensuing discussions, Aditya and Thomas decided to modularize and \quotation{\CONTEXT{ize}} some of the internals of the module, giving rise to the current module. Most of the code in the current release has been contributed by Aditya. \section{Installation} The module is installed in the usual way: simply unzip the archive \filename{t-simpleslides-.zip} into one of your \filename{$TEXMF} trees, and from a terminal run \command{mktexlsr} (for \MKII) and \command{mtxrun --generate} (for \MKIV). To verify that everything was installed correctly, run \command{kpsewhich t-simpleslides.tex} from a terminal (for \MKII) and \command{mtxrun --locate t-simpleslides.tex} (for \MKIV); these commands should return the complete path of the files that you just installed. \subsubject{A note about \TEX|-|engines} We have extensively tested this module with \PDFTEX\ and \LUATEX\ (that is, with \MKII\ and \MKIV). In spite of our best efforts, we have not been able to get this module to work reliably with \XETEX. If you are a \XETEX\ guru, and know how to fix some of the errors with \XETEX, we will appreciate the help. \section{Quick start} First you must tell \CONTEXT\ that you want to use this module. To do this simply write: \startTEX \usemodule[simpleslides] \stopTEX The module sets the paper size and font sizes to values that are suitable for presentations. Everything else is left like a default \CONTEXT\ document. The module comes with the following styles that change the visual appearance of the presentation. \startitemize[columns, three] \item \options{BigNumber} \item \options{BottomSquares} \item \options{Boxed} \item \options{Ellipse} \item \options{Embossed} \item \options{Framed} \item \options{FramedTitle} \item \options{HorizontalStripes} \item \options{NarrowStripes} \item \options{PlainCounter} \item \options{RainbowStripe} \item \options{Rounded} \item \options{Shaded} \item \options{SideSquares} \item \options{SideToc} \item \options{Split} \item \options{Sunrise} \item \options{Swoosh} \item \options{ThickStripes} \stopitemize To use a style, say \options{BigNumber}, pass the \options{style=BigNumber} option to the \filename{simpleslides} module: \startTEX \usemodule[simpleslides] [style=BigNumber] \stopTEX Some of the styles have a few variants that can be chosen using \options{color} and \options{alternative} keys. These are explained in \in {Section}[sec:styles]. By default, the Latin Modern Sans font is used. The module makes it easy to use other fonts that come with a typical \TEX\ distribution. The following fonts are provided: \startitemize[columns, three] \item \options{LatinModern} \item \options{LatinModernSans} \item \options{Bookman} \item \options{Chancery} \item \options{Gothic} \item \options{Helvetica} \item \options{Palatino} \item \options{Schoolbook} \item \options{Times} \stopitemize To choose a font, say \options{Helvetica}, pass \options{font=Helvetica} option to the \filename{simpleslides} module as follows. \startTEX \usemodule[simpleslides] [style=BigNumber, font=Helvetica] \stopTEX The default font size is 17pt. Font size can be changed using the \options{size} key. More details about the fonts, including information on how to use your own fonts is given in \in{Section}[sec:fonts]. The complete setup for using this module is \setup{simpleslides} \subsubject{Structure of a presentation} The \filename{simpleslides} module has a very simple model of a presentation. A presentation consists of a title followed by a series of slides; the module provides macros to help create a presentation title page and slides. A minimal presentation is shown below. The result is shown in \in {Figure}[fig:example]. \startEXAMPLE \typefile[option=tex]{example.tex} \stopEXAMPLE \placefigure [top,bottom] [fig:example] {A minimal presentation} \startcombination[2*2] \startEXAMPLEframe[width=0.55\textwidth] \startSIMPLETEX \usemodule[simpleslides] [style=BigNumber] \setupTitle[...] \starttext \SlideTitle{...} ... \SlideTitle{...} ... \stoptext \stopSIMPLETEX \stopEXAMPLEframe {A minimal example} {\externalfigure[example][page=1,width=0.55\textwidth]}{Title page} {\externalfigure[example][page=2,width=0.55\textwidth]}{First slide} {\externalfigure[example][page=3,width=0.55\textwidth]}{Second slide} \stopcombination \subsubject{Presentation title page} A presentation title page displays the title of the presentation, the names of the authors, and the date. %% TODO: Also add institution and detail. These can be specified using \typeTEX{\setupTitle} as follows: \startTEX \setupTitle [ title={Title of the presentation}, author={Name of authors}, date={Date of presentation}, ] \stopTEX The macro \typeTEX{\placeTitle} places the title page in the presentation. It is possible to change the look of \typeTEX{\placeTitle} using some additional arguments to \typeTEX{\setupTitle}. These are explained in \in {Section}[sec:setuptitle]. \subsubject{Presentation slide} The \filename{simpleslides} module provides a \typeTEX{\SlideTitle} macro, which starts a new slide (basically a new page), and typesets its argument as the title of the slide. It also takes care of increasing the page counters and progress bars, and setting up the background. The content of the slides follows after this command. A slide is a normal \CONTEXT\ page, so you can use any command or environment that you want. Each presentation style sets up a style for itemizations, and provides useful macros for placing pictures. These macros will be explained later. \section{Placing pictures} If you want to place pictures in your slides, you can always use \CONTEXT's \typeTEX{\externalfigure} macro. This module also provides a macro, \typeTEX{\IncludePicture}, for preconfigured picture layouts. Two layouts are provided: \startitemize \item \options{horizontal}: the picture is placed under the title of the slide, so that it fits in the available space. \item \options{vertical}: the slide is divided into two columns; the picture is placed on the left column and text is placed on the right column. \stopitemize These layouts are shown in \in{Figure}[fig:pictures]. \placefigure [top,bottom] [fig:pictures] {Example of \options{horizontal} and \options{vertical} options for \typeTEX{IncludePicture} macro} %FIXME: Change caption to \IncludePicture .. \startcombination[2*2] \startEXAMPLEframe[width=0.55\textwidth] \startSIMPLETEX \usemodule[simpleslides] [...] \starttext ... \IncludePicture [horizontal] [cow] {A Dutch Cow} ... \stoptext \stopSIMPLETEX \stopEXAMPLEframe {A horizontal picture} {\externalfigure[styles/BigNumber-blue] [page=3,width=0.55\textwidth]}{A horizontal picture} \startEXAMPLEframe[width=0.55\textwidth] \startSIMPLETEX \usemodule[simpleslides] [...] \starttext ... \IncludePicture [vertical] [mill] {The windmills are an example of a green energy source} ... \stoptext \stopSIMPLETEX \stopEXAMPLEframe {A vertical picture} {\externalfigure[styles/BigNumber-blue] [page=10,width=0.55\textwidth]}{A vertical picture} \stopcombination A horizontal picture is placed as follows: \startTEX \IncludePicture [horizontal] [filename] % Name of the file that contains the picture {Title of the slide} \stopTEX while a vertical picture is placed as follows: \startTEX \IncludePicture [vertical] [filename] % Name of the file that contains the picture {Text that is placed on the right of the picture} \stopTEX It is possible to change the height and width of the pictures, or highlight them with circles and arrows. These details can be found in \in {Section}[sec:pictures] \page \section[sec:styles]{Changing presentation styles} The \options{style} key to \typeTEX{\setupmodule[simpleslides]} determines the look of the presentation. Some of the styles come with variants, that can be chosen using \options{color} and \options{alternative} keys. The available styles are shown below along with the details of their variants. \subsubject{BigNumber: with \options{color=blue} (also accepts \options{color=red})} This is a style with subdued and quiet colors; its characteristic feature is the page number on the lower right border of the text area. This detail was inspired by the {\em split} style (\filename{s-pre-14}) by Hans. \ShowStyle {BigNumber-blue} \page \subsubject{BottomSquares} This minimalistic style is inspired by a presentation Taco gave at EuroTeX 2006. \ShowStyle {BottomSquares} \page \subsubject{Boxed} This style is inspired by the screen version of the Metafun manual. Watch the small gray circles at the bottom! \ShowStyle {Boxed} \page \subsubject{Ellipse} This style is inspired by {\em funny} style (\filename{s-pre-03}) by Hans. The light red stripe marks the progress. \ShowStyle {Ellipse} \page \subsubject{Embossed} Spread the word, don't be shy! Show your pride in using \CONTEXT. The color theme will probably look familiar; we copied it from the \filename{enattab} manual. \ShowStyle {Embossed} If you are shy, or narcissistic, you can change the emblem by \startTEX \setuplabeltext [simpleslidesemblem={I made this presentation}] \stopTEX \page \subsubject{Framed: with \options{alternative=square}} This style was inspired by the {\em green} style (\filename{s-pre-02}) by Hans. It has a thick blue frame around the entire slide area and a thinner frame around the text area. The style has two options for alternative: \options{alternative=stripe} will display a shaded blue area which will grow with each slide; \options{alternative=square} displays a row of blue squares at the bottom which also measure the presentation's progress. \ShowStyle {Framed-square} \page \subsubject{Framed: with \options{alternative=stripe}} \ShowStyle {Framed-stripe} \page \subsubject{FramedTitle} This is a style with loud titles. Its characteristic feature is the {\em scratch counter} at the bottom, which is derived from Section~7.2 of the Metafun manual. \ShowStyle {FramedTitle} \page \subsubject{HorizontalStripes: with \options{color=green} (also accepts \options{color=blue} and \options{color=red})} A sober style with an emphasis on horizontal lines, inspired by the {\em Szeged} theme in \LATEX's \filename{beamer} package. \ShowStyle {HorizontalStripes-green} \page \subsubject{NarrowStripes: with \options{color=green} (also accepts \options{color=blue} and \options{color=red})} A very simple and sober style, with shaded narrow stripes. \ShowStyle {NarrowStripes-green} \page \subsubject{RainbowStripe} A colorful style for daring presenters. The black line which marks the progress is reminiscent of absorption lines in star spectra, so this style may be apt for astrophysical presentations? \ShowStyle {RainbowStripe} \page \subsubject{Rounded} This style has cool colors and lots of white space; it is probably best suited for presentations with relatively little text. \ShowStyle {Rounded} \page \subsubject{Shaded: with \options{color=blue} (also accepts \options{color=green} and \options{color=bluered})} The only ornament to this style is the dark shaded background. It uses \CONTEXT's \type{interactionbar} mechanism to show the progress of the presentation. It provides much space for text. \ShowStyle {Shaded-blue} \page \subsubject{SideSquares} This style is inspired by the colors and corporate look of Thomas's university. It is very sober and offers much space for text and images. There is a rough progress meter built into the blue quadrangles. \ShowStyle {SideSquares} \page \subsubject{SideToc} This Style has a list of Topics in its left margin; the current topic is automatically highlighted. To set a topic and add it to this table simple type \typeTEX{\Topic[TopicName]} in your source file where the new topic begins. \ShowStyle {SideToc} \page \subsubject{Split} This style is inspired by the {\em Copenhagen} theme of the \LATEX's \filename{beamer} package. The narrow blue and black stripes at the top and the bottom of the slides display the date and slide number (top) and the title and author of the presentation. \ShowStyle {Split} \page \subsubject{Sunrise} This style is inspired by the {\em husky} theme of the \LATEX's \filename{powerdot} package. \ShowStyle {Sunrise} \page \subsubject{Swoosh} Take a break from the right angles and straight lines. Use swooshy curves. This style also has a fancy page counter at the bottom. \ShowStyle {Swoosh} \page \subsubject{ThickStripes} This theme is inspired by the {\em Berkeley} style of the \LATEX's \filename{beamer} package. It has a stop watch at the bottom, which keeps track of the number of slides. \ShowStyle {ThickStripes} \page \section[sec:fonts]{Changing presentation fonts} The \options{font} and the \options{size} keys to \typeTEX{\setupmodule[simpleslides]} determine the font and font size for the main text of the presentation. The default font is Latin Modern Sans at 17pt. \startitemize \item The \options{font} key can take the following values. \starttabulate[|l|p|] \NC \options{LatinModern} \NC typesets in Latin Modern Serif \NC \NR \NC \options{LatinModernSans} \NC typesets in Latin Modern Sans \NC \NR \NC \options{Bookman} \NC typesets in \TEX Gyre Bonum (a Bookman clone) \NC \NR \NC \options{Chancery} \NC typesets in \TEX Gyre Chorus \footnote{Please be aware that Chorus is a calligraphic font. It has no italic or bold.} (a Zapf Chancery clone) \NC \NR \NC \options{Gothic} \NC typesets in \TEX Gyre Adventor (a Gothic clone) \NC \NR \NC \options{Helvetica} \NC typesets in \TEX Gyre Heros (a Helvetica clone) \NC \NR \NC \options{Palatino} \NC typesets in \TEX Gyre Pagella (a Palatino clone) \NC \NR \NC \options{Schoolbook} \NC typesets in \TEX Gyre Schola (a Schoolbook clone) \NC \NR \NC \options{Times} \NC typesets in \TEX Gyre Termes (a Times clone) \NC \NR \stoptabulate \item The \options{size} key can be any valid \TEX\ dimension. \stopitemize \subsubject{Choosing your own font} If you want to set up your own font, pick any value for the \options{font} key (or leave it empty). Use the \options{size} key to choose the font size. Then {\em after} loading the module, choose any font using the normal \CONTEXT\ commands. Make sure to set the bodyfont at size \typeTEX{\NormalSize}. So, if you have your own typescript for a font, your setup will look like this: \startTEX \usemodule[simpleslides][...] .... \usetypescriptfile[type-myfont] % The typescript for your font \usetypescript[Mytypescript] % As set in your typescript file \setupbodyfont[Myfont,\NormalSize] % Note the \NormalSize here \stopTEX Internally, the font size is stored in the macro \typeTEX{\NormalSize}. The main text is set at size \typeTEX{\NormalSize}; the main title is set at \typeTEX{\TitleSize} while the author and date on the title page, and the slide title are set at \typeTEX{\SlideTitleSize}. \typeTEX{\NormalSize}, \typeTEX{\TitleSize}, and \typeTEX{\SlideTitleSize} are defined in terms of the dimensions \typeTEX{\simpleslidesNormalSize}, \typeTEX{\simpleslidesTitleSize}, and \typeTEX{\simpleslidesSlideTitleSize}. \typeTEX{\simpleslidesNormalSize} is equal to the \options{size} option. The module uses some heuristics to select a reasonable value of \typeTEX{\simpleslidesTitleSize} and \typeTEX{\simpleslidesSlideTitleSize}. If you do not like the size of the title page and slide titles, you can change their value to whatever you like. \section[sec:setuptitle]{Changing the title page} It is possible to change the look of \typeTEX{\placeTitle} using \typeTEX{\setupTitle}. This feature is intended for authors creating a new style, but may also be useful for someone who likes to tweak the presentation style. You should normally only set the \options{title}, \options{authors}, and \options{date} keys. If \options{date} is not set, then the module will default to \typeTEX{\currentdate}. \setup{setupTitle} \section{Changing the slide titles} It is possible to change the look of \typeTEX{\SlideTitle} using \typeTEX{\setupSlideTitle}. Like \typeTEX{\setupTitle}, this feature is intended for authors creating a new style. You can use this command to make a minor change in an existing style, if you want. \setup{setupSlideTitle} \section[sec:pictures]{Special macro for including pictures} As explained earlier, the \typeTEX{\IncludePicture} macro facilitates the placement of pictures. It takes four arguments (one of which is optional, and as such wasn't mentioned in the previous description). \setup{IncludePicture} As explained earlier, the first argument determines whether the picture will be placed in horizontal or vertical layout; for examples, see \in {Figure}[fig:pictures]. The second argument is the filename of the picture that you want to include. The third argument is an optional argument useful for highlighting the picture. The fourth argument (in braces) is the text accompanying the picture. For horizontal pictures, this text is placed as a \typeTEX{\SlideTitle}; for vertical pictures this text is placed opposite to the picture, centered horizontally and vertically. The third argument is the most complex. It specifies picture dimensions and highlights. If you want all pictures to share a common value (like \options{color} or \options{shadow}), specify them using \typeTEX{\setupPicture}. \setup{setupPicture} \null\blank Below is a brief explanation of what the different parameters do: \startitemize[packed] \item \options{width} and \options{height} \par Unsurprisingly, these set the width and height of the picture. Normally, the module will automatically scale your pictures to fill the available space, so you only need to set one of these values if you want to override this mechanism. \item \options{highlight} \par This key determines the highlighting of the picture. If you set \options{highlight=yes}, then you can use one of the three available highlights: \options{circle}, \options{arrow}, and \options{focus}. These highlights are shown in \in{Figure}[fig:highlight]. The specific highlight is chosen using the \options{alternative} key. The location of the highlight is specified using the \options{x} and \options{y} keys. The scaling and rotation of the highlights is set using \options{xscale}, \options{yscale}, \options{length} and \options{direction}. \item \options{alternative} \par When \options{highlight=yes}, three different highlights are available: \options{circle}, \options{arrow}, and \options{focus}. \stopitemize \placefigure [top,bottom] [fig:highlight] {Different highlight options available} \startcombination[2*2] {\externalfigure[styles/BigNumber-blue][page=3,width=0.55\textwidth]} {Picture with \options{highlight=no} (default)} {\externalfigure[styles/BigNumber-blue][page=7,width=0.55\textwidth]} {Picture with \options{highlight=yes} and \options{alternative=circle}} {\externalfigure[styles/BigNumber-blue][page=8,width=0.55\textwidth]} {Picture with \options{highlight=yes} and \options{alternative=arrow}} {\externalfigure[styles/BigNumber-blue][page=9,width=0.55\textwidth]} {Picture with \options{highlight=yes} and \options{alternative=focus}} \stopcombination \subsubject{Units for dimensions} All dimensions are specified relative to the width and height of the image, so you do not have to change the location of your highlights if you change the presentation style. The dimensions \options{x} and \options{y} should be a number between 0 and 10. The \options{x} is scaled by 1/10 times the width of the image; the \options{y} value is scaled by 1/10 times the height of the image. The easiest way to understand this is to look at a scaled grid superimposed on the picture, as in \in{Figure}[fig:grid]. The grid is configured as follows: \startitemize[packed] \item \options{grid} and \options{subgrid} \par These options determine whether or not to show the grid and sub-grid. The \options{grid} divides the height and width of the picture into 10 sections; this is helpful for determining the exact position where you want to place circles and arrows. The \options{subgrid} divides the grid into a finer grid. Each cell is divided into \options{steps} times \options{steps} cells. \item \options{gridcolor} \par This option determines the color in which the grid is drawn. It can be any \CONTEXT\ color identifier. The default value is green. \item \options{steps} \par The number of subdivisions for the \options{subgrid}. The default value is 5. \stopitemize \placefigure [top,bottom] [fig:grid] {Grids for help in determining the location of highlight} \startcombination[2] {\externalfigure[styles/BigNumber-blue][page=4,width=0.55\textwidth]} {Picture with \options{highlight=yes} and \options{grid=yes}} {\externalfigure[styles/BigNumber-blue][page=5,width=0.55\textwidth]} {Picture with \options{highlight=yes}, \options{grid=yes} and \options{subgrid=yes}} \stopcombination \subsubject{Highlighting by a circle} Now lets see how different highlight alternatives are specified. Suppose we want to place the picture of a cow and highlight its head. To help determine the center of the circle, we can first superimpose a fine grid on the picture, and read the value for the center. From \in{Figure}[fig:grid], \options{x=1.4} and \options{y=8.2} seems like a good value. Next we need to decide on the radius of the circle. The radius can either be specified in terms of the \quotation{x units} (1/10th of the picture width) or \quotation{y units} (1/10th of the picture height). Lets try a radius of 1.5 \quotation{x units}. This can be specified as \options{xscale=1.5}. If we wanted something in terms of \quotation{y units}, we could have used \options{yscale}. If both \options{xscale} and \options{yscale} are specified, we will get an ellipse. Thus, to draw the circle highlight shown in \in{Figure}[fig:highlight], we wrote \startTEX \IncludePicture [horizontal] [cow] % Name of the image [highlight=yes, alternative=circle, x=1.4, y=8.2, xscale=1.5, shadow=bottomleft] {The head of a dutch cow} \stopTEX If \options{direction} key is specified, the circle (or the ellipse) will be rotated by that amount (in degrees) in the counter clockwise direction. The color in which the circle is drawn is specified using \options{color} key. The thickness of the line is determined by \options{rulethickness} key. By default, \options{color=orange} and \options{rulethickness} is 1/100th of the picture width. In summary, the different keys related to \options{alternative=circle} are: \startitemize[packed] \item \options{highlight=yes} and \options{alternative=circle} \par These are needed to specify a circle highlight. \item \options{x} and \options{y} \par The center of the circle in terms of scaled units. Their values should be between 0 and 10. \item \options{xscale} and \options{yscale} \par The radius of the circle if only one option is specified. The major and minor radii of the ellipse if both options are specified. \item \options{direction} \par The amount by which the circle is rotated. This only makes sense if we are actually drawing an ellipse. \item \options{rulethickness} \par The line width of the circle. \item \options{color} \par The color of the circle. \stopitemize \subsubject{Highlighting by an arrow} Suppose we want to include a picture of a cow and point out its mouth using an arrow. An arrow is specified by three things, the location of its tip, given by \options{x} and \options{y} keys; the length of the arrow, given by \options{length} key; and the direction of the tail, given by \options{direction} key. Thus, to draw the arrow highlight shown in \in {Figure}[fig:highlight], we wrote \startTEX \IncludePicture [horizontal] [cow] % Name of the image [highlight=yes, alternative=arrow, x=0.4, y=6.8, direction=-90, length=3cm, shadow=bottomleft] {The mouth of a dutch cow} \stopTEX The different keys related to \options{alternative=arrow} are: \startitemize[packed] \item \options{highlight=yes} and \options{alternative=arrow} \par These are needed to specify a arrow highlight. \item \options{x} and \options{y} \par The tip of the arrow in terms of scaled units. Their values should be between 0 and 10. \item \options{length} \par The length of the arrow. This is a dimension. \item \options{direction} \par The amount by which the arrow is rotated. \item \options{rulethickness} \par The line width of the arrow. (Actually the line width of the arrow is twice the given value. This is so that both arrows and circles look good with the same value of rulethickness.) \item \options{color} \par The color of the arrow. \stopitemize \subsubject{Highlighting by focus} Suppose we want place the picture of a cow, focus its head, and dull out rest of the picture. The area to be focused is a circle (or an ellipse) and it can be specified using \options{x} and \options{y} to indicate the center, \options{xscale} and \options{yscale} to indicate the radius, and \options{direction} to indicate the rotation. The keys \options{rulethickness} and \options{color} do not have any effect. The area other than the focussed area is washed out with a transparent color. The degree to which it is washed out is determined by \options{opacity} (default value 0.5), and the color of the unfocussed area is determined by \options{shadowcolor} (default value black). Thus, to draw the focus highlight shown in \in{Figure}[fig:highlight], we wrote \startTEX \IncludePicture [horizontal] [cow] % Name of the image [highlight=yes, alternative=focus, x=1.4, y=8.2, xscale=1.5] {The head of a dutch cow} \stopTEX The different keys related to \options{alternative=focus} are: \startitemize[packed] \item \options{highlight=yes} and \options{alternative=focus} \par These are needed to specify a focus highlight. \item \options{x} and \options{y} \par The center of the circle in terms of scaled units. Their values should be between 0 and 10. \item \options{xscale} and \options{yscale} \par The radius of the circle if only one options is specified. The major and minor radii of the ellipse if both options are specified. \item \options{direction} \par The amount by which the circle is rotated. This only makes sense if we are actually drawing an ellipse. \item \options{opacity} \par The opacity of the unfocussed area. \options{opacity=0} is transparent, while \options{opacity=1} is completely opaque. \item \options{shadowcolor} \par The color of the unfocused area. \stopitemize \subsubject{Adding shadows} When a circle or arrow highlight is used, adding a shadow to the highlight makes them stand out more. The key related to shadows is: \startitemize[packed] \item \options{shadow} \par This key determines whether shadows are placed or not. By default, shadows are disabled. If not set to \options{no}, this key determines where the shadow is placed: at \options{topleft}, \options{topright}, \options{bottomleft}, or \options{bottomright}. Setting this key to \options{yes} puts the shadow at \options{bottomright}. \stopitemize \subsubject{Adding a specific page} To select a specific page from a multi-page pdf file, you can use \options{page=} option. \subsubject{Using your own style} The module makes it easy to write your own style or to tweak one of the provided styles beyond the configuration options provided by the module. Simply copy the style which is closest in appearance to what you want to obtain. Give it a filename \filename{s-myownstyle.tex}, \filename{myownstyle} being any name you like. Put this file into a directory where \CONTEXT\ will find it, either the directory where you will process your presentation or somewhere in your personal \filename{$TEXMF} tree. Then, let the module know that you want to use your own style: \startTEX \usemodule[simpleslides] [style=myownstyle] \stopTEX The module will read your file and apply your settings. \stoptext % vim: foldmethod=marker foldmarker=<<<,>>>