The filter module ================= History ------- This module started with a simple idea. I wanted an environment \startmarkdown ... \stopmarkdown to write content in Markdown. Such an environment requires a parser that converts markdown to TeX. A TeX wizard would write such a parser in TeX (which after all is Turing complete). A lua wizard would write it in LPEG (and wonder why some users still use MkII). I, being no wizard myself, found an existing tool that does the job---pandoc. But how could I use pandoc inside ConTeXt? As for almost everything else in ConTeXt, Hans had already done this; albeit for a different tool---the R programming language. The _R module_ (`m-r.tex`) allows the user to execute snippets of R code. I wanted the same for Markdown. I copied the R-module, made a couple of changes, and had a Markdown module ready. But what if tomorrow I wanted to use ReStructured Text instead of Markdown? Or Matlab code instead R? Surely, copying the R-module for each program would be a waste of effort. Each new program requires only a few changes in the R-module; what I needed was a R-module _template_ so that I could fill in the blanks with the appropriate values. And so, the filter module was born. Installation ------------ Writing installation instructions is always boring. If you are using ConTeXt minimals, you can install the module using --extras="t-filter" Depending on your TeX distribution, you may already have the module. To verify, check if kpsewhich t-filter.tex returns a meaningful path. If not, you have to manually install the module. Download the latest version of the module from []( and unzip it either `$TEXMFHOME` or `$TEXMFLOCAL`. Run mktexlsr and mtxrun --generate to refresh the TeX file database (for MkII and MkIV, respectively). If everything went well kpsewhich t-filter will return the path where you stored the file. Unfortunately, that is not enough. For the module to work, TeX must be able to call an external program. This feature is a potential security risk and is disabled by default on most TeX distributions. To enable this feature, you must set shell_escape=t in your `texmf.cnf` file. See this page []( on the ConTeXt wiki for detailed instructions. Basic Usage ----------- The steps involved in calling a filter on the contents of an evironment are: 1. Write the contents to an external file. This file is the input to the filter, and is, therefore, called `\externalfilterinputfile` 2. Run the filter on `\externalfilterinputfile` to generate an output, which is called `\externalfilteroutputfile`. 3. (Optional) Read `\externalfilteroutputfile` in ConTeXt. Lets start from the simplest case: a filter that inputs a text file and outputs a valid ConTeXt file, like `pandoc` to convert from Markdown to ConTeXt. The command line syntax of this filter is pandoc -t context -o outputfile inputfile Using this filter from within ConTeXt is pretty simple: \usemodule[filter] \defineexternalfilter [markdown] [filtercommand={pandoc -t context -o \externalfilteroutputfile\space \externalfilterinputfile}] Yes, its that easy! The only thing to note is that TeX macros gobble spaces, so we have to manually insert a space after `\externalfilteroutputfile`. This defines three things: 1. An environment \startmarkdown ... \stopmarkdown The contents of the environment are processed by `pandoc` and the output is included back in ConTeXt. 2. A macro \inlinemarkdown{...} The argument of the macro is processed by `pandoc` and the output is included back in ConTeXt. 3. A macro \processmarkdownfile{...} The argument to the macro is a filename, which is processed by `pandoc` and the output is included back in ConTeXt. Dealing with slow filters ------------------------- The above definition of a markdown filter creates two additional files: an "input" file and an "output" file, *irrespective of the number of times the environment is called*. For each markdown environment, ConTeXt overwrites the input file and pandoc overwrites the output file. This behavior is the default as I do not want to clutter the current directory with temporary files. The trade off is that for each document run, the filter is invoked as many times as the number of markdown environments. Since getting cross-referencing right normally takes two or three runs, effectively the filter is run two or three times more than required. A filter like `pandoc` is fairly fast, so these extra runs are not noticeable. But some filters, like the R-programming language for which simply startup and exit takes about 0.3 seconds, are slow. In such cases, the additional runs start adding up. A better trade off is to store the contents of each environment in a separate file and invoke the filter only if a file *changes in between successive runes*. The second behavior is achieved by adding `continue=yes` option to the definition: \defineexternalfilter [...] [... continue=yes, ...] Reading the input ---------------- By default, after the filter is executed, `\externalfilteroutputfile` is read using `\ReadFile`. To change this behavior, use the `readcommand` option. For example: \defineexternalfilter [...] [.... readcommand=\typefile, ...] types the output file verbatim. The value of read command must be a macro that takes the name of the output file as a (brace-delimited) argument and does something sensible with it. Sometimes, it is desirable to ignore the output, which is done by \defineexternalfilter [...] [.... read=no, ...] Names of temporary files ------------------------ By default, `\externalfilterinputfile` is set to `\jobname-.tmp`, where `` is the first argument of `\defineexternalfilter`. When `continue=yes` is set, `\externalfilterinputfile` equals `\jobname--.tmp`, where `` is the number of filter environments that have appeared so far. In this case, a `\jobname--.tmp.md5` file, which stores the `md5` sum of the input file is also created. A macro `\externalfilterbasefile` stores the name of the input file without the extension. By default, the value of `\externalfilteroutputfile` is `\externalfilterbasefile.tex`. Having a `.tex` extension is not always desirable. For example, if the filter generates a PNG file, a `.png` extension is more descriptive. The name of the output file is changed using the `output` key. For example \defineexternalfilter [...] [filtercommand={...}, output={\externalfilterbasefile.png}] changes the output extension to `.png`. We also need to either set \defineexternalfilter [...] [.... read=no, ...] or set \defineexternalfilter [...] [.... readcommand=\readPNGfile, ...] where `\readPNGfile` is defined as \def\readPNGfile#1{\externalfigure[#1]} Output Directory ---------------- This module creates a lot of temporary files that clutter the current directory. If you prefer the temporary files to be created in another directory, specify the `directory` option, e.g., \defineexternalfilter [...] [... directory=output/, ...] This will create all the temporary files in `output` directory. The name of the directory may be specified with or without a trailing slash. Thus, `directory=output` and `directory=output/` are both valid. The directory path **must be relative to the current directory**. Absolute paths do not work. If you try to use a absolute path like \defineexternalfilter [...] [... directory=/tmp/, ...] you will get an error message t-filter : Fatal Error: Cannot use absolute path /tmp/ as directory and compilation will stop. Standard options --------------- Like most commands in ConTeXt, `\defineexternalfilter` also accepts the `before` and `after` options. These are executed before and after the output file is read using `readcommand`. Typically, these options are used to set the spacing around the environment or enclose the output in a frame, etc. `\defineexternalfilter` also accepts a `setups` option to specify a list of setups (defined using `\startsetup`). These setups may be used to define commands that are needed inside the environment. The order in which these options are executed is: \def\dodoreadprocessedfile {\externalfilterparameter\c!before \begingroup \processcommacommand[\externalfilterparameter\c!setups]\directsetup \externalfilterparameter\c!readcommand\externalfilteroutputfile \endgroup \externalfilterparameter\c!after} Options to a specific environment --------------------------------- Each `\start` macro also accepts options. However, unlike other ConTeXt environment, these options cannot be on a separate line; they must be on the same line as `\start`. For example, suppose I define an environment to run R-code \defineexternalfilter [R] [filtercommand={R CMD BATCH -q \externalfilterinputfile\space \externalfilteroutputfile}, output=\externalfilterbasefile.out, continue=yes] I can hide the output of a particular R-environment by \startR[read=no] ... \stopR A setup to control them all --------------------------- The macro `\setupexternalfilters` sets the default options for all the filters created using `\defineexternalfilter`. This is responsible for the default values of all options. The current defaults are \setupexternalfilters [before=, after=, setups=, continue=no, read=yes, readcommand=\ReadFile, output=\externalfilterbasefile.tex, ] Passing options to filters -------------------------- Sometimes it is useful to pass options to a filter. For example, `pandoc` converts many different formats to ConTeXt (actually, to many different output formats, but that is irrelevant here). Instead of defining a separate environment for each input format, can I define a universal pandoc environment and specify the input format on a case by case basis. For example, \startpandoc ... \stoppandoc for the default Markdown input, \startpandoc[format=rst] ... \stoppandoc for reStructured Text input, and \startpandoc[format=latex] ... \stoppandoc for LaTeX input. In `pandoc`, the input format is specified as pandoc -f format -t context -o outputfile inputfile So, we need a mechanism to access the value of the `format` option to `\startpandoc`. This value is accessed using `\externalfilterparameter{format}`. Thus, the pandoc environment may be defined as \defineexternalfilter [pandoc] [filtercommand={pandoc -f \externalfilterparameter{format} -t context -o \externalfilteroutputfile\space \externalfilterinputfile}, format=markdown] Macro variant ------------- For some cases, a macro `\inline{...}` is more natural to use rather than the environment `\start` ... `\stop`. The `\inline...` variant is meant for simple cases, so it does not accept any options in square brackets. This macro is similar to `\type` macro, and its argument can be written in two ways: either as a group `{...}` or delimited by arbitrary tokens. Thus, all the following are valid: \defineexternalfilter[markdown][...] \inlinemarkdown{both braces{}} \inlinemarkdown+an opening brace {+ \inlinemarkdown!a closing brace }! Processing Existing Files ------------------------- A big advantage of a lightweight markup language like markdown is that it is easy to convert it into other markups--html, rtf, epub, etc. For that reason, I key in markdown in a separate file rather in a start-stop environment of a TeX file. To use such markdown files in ConTeXt, I can just use \processmarkdownfile{} The general macro is `\processfile{...}`, which takes the name of a file as an argument and uses that file as the input file for the filter. The rest of the processing is the same as with `\start` ... `\stop` environment. The `\processfile` macro also takes an optional argument for setup options: \processfile[...]{...} The options in the `[...]` are the same as those for `\defineexternalfilter`. Limitations ------------ - The option `continue=yes` does not work correctly with filters that have a pipe `|` in their definition. This is because internally `continue=yes` calls mtxrun --ifchanged=filename --direct filtercommand and this produces MTXrun | MTXrun | executing: filtercommand MTXrun | MTXrun | Messages and Tracing ------------------- The filter module outputs some diagnostic information on the console output to indicate what is happening. Loading of the module is indicated by: loading : ConTeXt User Module / Filter Whenever a filter is executed, the expanded name of the command is displayed. For example, for the markdown filter we get: t-filter : command : pandoc -w context -o markdown-externalfilter-markdown.tex markdown-externalfilter-markdown.tmp If, for some reason, the output file is not generated, or not found, a message similar to t-filter : file markdown-externalfilter-markdown.tex cannot be found is displayed on the console. At the same time, the string [[output file missing]] is displayed in the PDF output. To debug what went wrong, add \traceexternalfilters in your tex file. This shows the name of all input and output files on the console: t-filter : current filter : markdown t-filter : base file : markdown-externalfilter-markdown t-filter : input file : markdown-externalfilter-markdown.tmp t-filter : output file : markdown-externalfilter-markdown.tex This data, along with the name of the filter command, is useful for debugging what went wrong. Version History -------------- - **2010.09.26**: - First release - **2010.10.09**: - Added `\inline{...}` macro - Changed the syntax of `\processfile`. The filename is now specified in curly brackets rather than square brackets. - **2010.10.16**: - Added `\traceexternalfilters` for tracing - Added a message that shows filter command on console - A message is shown on console when output file is not found. - **2010.10.30**: - Added `directory=...` option to `\defineexternalfilter` and `\setupexternalfilters`. - **2010.12.04**: - Bugfix in `directory` code. The option `directory=../something` was handled incorrectly. - **2011.01.28** - Bugfix. The filter counter was not incremented inside a group. Made the increment global.