% language=uk % author : Hans Hagen % copyright : PRAGMA ADE & ConTeXt Development Team % license : Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 4.0 International % reference : pragma-ade.nl | contextgarden.net | texlive (related) distributions % origin : the ConTeXt distribution % % comment : Because this manual is distributed with TeX distributions it comes with a rather % liberal license. We try to adapt these documents to upgrades in the (sub)systems % that they describe. Using parts of the content otherwise can therefore conflict % with existing functionality and we cannot be held responsible for that. Many of % the manuals contain characteristic graphics and personal notes or examples that % make no sense when used out-of-context. % % comment : Some chapters might have been published in TugBoat, the NTG Maps, the ConTeXt % Group journal or otherwise. Thanks to the editors for corrections. Also thanks % to users for testing, feedback and corrections. \usemodule[art-01,abr-02] \definecolor[maincolor] [r=.4] \definecolor[extracolor][b=.4] \setupbodyfont [10pt] \usesymbols [cc] \setuptyping [color=extracolor] \setuptype [color=extracolor] \setuphead [section] [color=maincolor] \setupinteraction [hidden] \startdocument [metadata:author=Hans Hagen, metadata:title=LMX Templates, author=Hans Hagen, affiliation=PRAGMA ADE, location=Hasselt NL, title=LMX Templates, extra-1=LMX, extra-2=TEMPLATES, extra-3=HANS HAGEN, support=www.contextgarden.net, website=www.pragma-ade.nl] \startMPpage StartPage; numeric n, m ; n := 3 * 4 ; m := 4 * 4 ; numeric w, h ; w := PaperWidth/n ; h := PaperHeight/m ; numeric max ; max := 20 ; for i=1 upto n : for j=1 upto m : fill unitsquare xysized (w,h) shifted ((i-1)*w,(j-1)*h) withcolor (.5[red,blue] randomized(.75,.75,.75)) ; endfor ; endfor ; path p ; p := Page enlarged -5mm ; pair a[] ; % < a[1] := .80[lrcorner p,urcorner p] ; a[2] := .50[llcorner p,ulcorner p] ; a[3] := .20[lrcorner p,urcorner p] ; pair b[] ; % \ b[1] := ulcorner p ; b[2] := center p ; b[3] := lrcorner p ; path c[] ; % from < (xml) to \ (tex) c[1] := a[1] .. b[1] ; c[2] := a[2] .. b[2] ; c[3] := a[3] .. b[3] ; linecap := butt ; numeric fraction ; for i=1 step 1 until max : fraction := i/max ; draw ((point fraction along c[1]) -- (point fraction along c[2]) -- (point fraction along c[3])) withpen pencircle scaled 5mm withcolor .75[(max+1-i)*green/n,i*yellow/max] withtransparency (1,.5) ; endfor ; draw textext.rt("\ssbf{\documentvariable{extra-1}}") xsized (7w) shifted (.8w,3h) withcolor white ; draw textext.rt("\ssbf{\documentvariable{extra-2}}") xsized (8w) shifted (w,h) withcolor white ; draw textext.ulft("\ssbf{\documentvariable{extra-3}}") rotated 90 ysized (5.9h) shifted (PaperWidth-1.2w,PaperHeight/2+2.95h) withcolor white ; StopPage; \stopMPpage \startsubject[title={Contents}] \placelist[section][criterium=all,interaction=all] \stopsubject \startsection [title={Introduction}] {\em This manual is not finished yet. The main reason is that what is described here is an afternoon experiment resulting in a dozen lines of \LUA\ glue code that builds upon an already existing mechanism. When users like this, I will extend the basic \LMX\ handler to suit the \TEX\ end better. There will also be also support for cache based and in||document templates.)} The acronym \type {lmx} stands for document that are a mix of \LUA\ and \XML\ and is just the three letters \type {xml} reversed. Such documents showed up pretty soon in \MKIV\ while I was exploring ways to present debugging and error information to users using \XML. As a consequence this is one of the older mechanisms available, although I doubt if users start looking for it when they start using \CONTEXT. Anyhow, because we also use \LMX\ for populating web pages, at some point I wondered if using the same approach for \TEX\ files made sense. I'm still not sure about it but who knows where this ends up. Currently code is shared but in the future we might end up with a variant that adds some more flexibility. \stopsection \startsection [title={How it works}] First of all, using this mechanism involves yet another kind of \type {mk}, so now we have: \starttabulate[|TB||] \HL \NC mkii \NC The old version of \CONTEXT, using \PDFTEX,\XETEX, etc. \NC \NR \HL \NC mkiv \NC The new version of \CONTEXT, using \LUATEX. \NC \NR \NC mkvi \NC Similar to \MKIV\ but with named macro parameters. \NC \NR \HL \NC mkix \NC A \MKIV\ file mixed with \LUA\ wrapped in \XML\ processing instructions. \NC \NR \NC mkxi \NC Similar to \MKIX\ but with named macro parameters. \NC \NR \HL \stoptabulate The nice thing about sticking to wrapping in angle brackets is that it plays nice with syntax highlighting. Before we show an example of such a mix, we first point out that loading (and thereby conversion) happens automatically. A \type {mkix} or \type {mkxi} file is just a regular \CONTEXT\ file. In the test suite there is a demo file that can be included like this: \starttyping \input lmxlike-001.mkxi \stoptyping This file is loaded and converted on the fly. No caching takes place, but in due time we can use the cache built into the \LMX\ handlers if needed. The template itself can be fed with variables in the \type {document} namespace: \starttyping \starttext \startluacode document.variables.text = "set" \stopluacode \input lmxlike-001.mkxi \stoptext \stoptyping Instead of a special suffix, you can also force conversion with the \type {macros} directive: \starttyping % macros=mkix \stoptyping Part of the mentioned looks as follows: \starttyping \bTABLE \bTR \bTD cell (,) is \eTD \eTR \eTABLE \stoptyping The \type {} command is conceptually different from (say) \type {\ctxlua} in the sense that the later executes some \LUA\ code at that spot, while in a template a \LUA\ function is constructed out of the whole that gets executed. In fact, we use \LUA\ to construct an input file. For the moment we only mention the predefined \type {inject} command. There are some more but they make more sense for \XML\ and \HTML\ and in due time this will be decoupled so that we can have dedicated helpers. Even the \XML\ and \HTML\ part is somewhat in flux. The previous example can of course also be done differently. It's a matter of taste and usage what method gets used: \starttyping \startluacode context.bTABLE() for i=1,40 do context.bTR() for j=1,5 do context.bTD() context("cell (%s,%s) is %s",i,j,document.variables.text or "unset") context.eTD() end context.eTR() end context.eTABLE() \stopluacode \stoptyping The difference between a \MKIX\ and \MKXI\ file is the same as between a \MKIV\ and \MKVI\ file: the way macros can be defined: \starttyping \def\testmacro#one#two{[#one,#two]} \testmacro{1}{2} \testmacro{one}{two} \testmacro{second}{first} \stoptyping In practice one will seldom need macro definitions in a template file but the possibility is provided. \stopsection \startsubject[title={Colofon}] \starttabulate[|B|p|] \NC author \NC \documentvariable{author}, \documentvariable{affiliation}, \documentvariable{location} \NC \NR \NC version \NC \currentdate \NC \NR \NC website \NC \documentvariable{website} \endash\ \documentvariable{support} \NC \NR \NC copyright \NC \symbol[cc][cc-by-sa-nc] \NC \NR \stoptabulate \stopsubject \stopdocument