Omega samples
Jonas Öster
Many people have asked for simple examples of how to use
Omega. I am
just a beginner myself, but I have managed to do some work with Omega
and I would like to share it with others. I encourage everyone to
point out any errors or bad solutions in my files. Any improvements
will be incorporated in the files on this page, so that everyone can
benefit from them.
If you have done any useful work with Omega, no matter how simple,
please send me a small sample file, and I will post it on this page.
Vietnamese example
This is an example of how to use Omega to typeset UTF-8-encoded
Vietnamese text. Omega can do this right out of the box. All you have
to do is to tell it to load OCPs to 1) decode UTF-8 to Unicode and 2)
recode Unicode to omlgc font encoding. The text is taken from the
cedilla distribution.
OTP example
This is a small example document with text in Swedish and
Russian. The document uses a custom OTP and also demonstrates how to
use UTF-8-encoded documents. all files in an archive.
Browse files
A screenshot of how the .tex file looks in Yudit (contributed by Primoz Peterlin)
Instructions for modifying Omega virtual fonts
This text was sent to the Omega mailing list by Idris Samawi Hamid.
(I have reformatted the text slightly.)
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