% OTP for composing accented cyrillic vowels % (as used in dictionaries, textbooks etc.) % (c) Jonas Öster 2002 % You may use, modify and redistribute this file % in any way you like. % Usage: this OTP transforms character pairs like % 'a to á where "a" is any vowel used in Modern Russian, % except for CYRILLIC CAPITAL/SMALL LETTER IO, in which % case the accent is removed. % The character codes of the accented characters are from % the OMLGC font encoding. input: 2; output: 2; expressions: % We put accents on these letters... `''@"0410 => @"0a38; % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER A `''@"0430 => @"0a39; `''@"0415 => @"0a3a; % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER IE `''@"0435 => @"0a3b; `''@"0418 => @"0a40; % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER I `''@"0438 => @"0a41; `''@"041e => @"0a46; % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER O `''@"043e => @"0a47; `''@"0423 => @"0a48; % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER U `''@"0443 => @"0a49; `''@"042b => @"0a4a; % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER YERU (y) `''@"044b => @"0a4b; `''@"042d => @"0a4e; % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER E (e oborotnoe) `''@"044d => @"0a4f; `''@"042e => @"0a50; % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER YU `''@"044e => @"0a51; `''@"042f => @"0a52; % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER YA `''@"044f => @"0a53; % ... but not on these. The Omega fonts contain % accented versions, but they are never used in % printed text. `''@"0401 => @"0401; % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER IO `''@"0451 => @"0451; % All other characters are left unchanged. . => \1;