UUrrllbbsstt _A_B_S_T_R_A_C_T A script to add a wweebbppaaggee BibTeX entry type, and add support for general uurrll and llaassttcchheecckkeedd fields, to (most) BibTeX ..bbsstt files. Optionally adds basic support for eepprriinntt , ddooii and ppuubbmmeedd fields, and hypertex/hyperref support. The Persistent URL for this page is hhttttpp::////ppuurrll..oorrgg//nnxxgg//ddiisstt//uurrllbbsstt &. Version 0.6‐5, 2011 March 8. Contents * Usage * For example... * Download and installation * Further Information * Version history The standard BibTeX styles have no explicit support for the web, in that they include no ‘webpage’ type, and have no support for adding URLs to references. There are rumours that such support might appear in BibTeX 1.0, but there is no estimate of when that is likely to arrive. The Perl script uurrllbbsstt can be used to add this support to an arbitrary ..bbsstt file which has a reasonably ‘conven‐ tional’ structure. The result is meant to be robust rather than pretty. It has a different goal from Patrick Daly’s ‘custom‐ bib’ package ‐‐ that is intended to create a BibTeX style .bst file from scratch, and supports ‘url’ and ‘eprint’ fields. This package, on the other hand, is intended for the case where you already have a style file that works (or at least, which you cannot or will not change), and edits it to add the new webpage entry type, plus the url, lastchecked and eprint fields. Fuller details are in the manual. 11.. UUssaaggee uurrllbbsstt [[‐‐‐‐eepprriinntt]] [[‐‐‐‐ddooii]] [[‐‐‐‐ppuubbmmeedd]] [[‐‐‐‐iinnlliinneelliinnkkss]] [[‐‐‐‐nnoohhyyppeerrlliinnkkss]] [[‐‐‐‐hhyyppeerrtteexx]] [[‐‐‐‐hhyyppeerrrreeff]] [[iinnppuutt‐‐ffiillee [[oouuttppuutt‐‐ffiillee]]]] if either the input‐file or the output‐file is omitted, they default to stdin and stdout respectively. If the input file already has a URL entry type, then the script objects. The added fields are: * uurrll and llaassttcchheecckkeedd , to associate a URL with a refer‐ ence, along with the date at which the URL was last checked to exist; * ddooii , for a reference’s DOI; * eepprriinntt , for an arXiv eprint reference; and * ppuubbmmeedd for a reference’s PubMed identifier (PMID). If either of the ‐‐‐‐hhyyppeerrtteexx or ‐‐‐‐hhyyppeerrrreeff options is present, then the generated ..bbsstt file includes support for hyperlinks in the generated eprint entries in the bibliogra‐ phy, with the format being either HyperTeX (see arXiv, again), supported by xdvi, dvips and others, or using the support available from the hyperref package. These options have no effect unless one of the ‐‐‐‐eepprriinntt or ‐‐‐‐ddooii options is given: when URLs are included in the bibliography, they are written out using the rrll{{......}} command, and hyperref automatically processes that in the correct way to include a hyperlink. The ‐‐‐‐iinnlliinneelliinnkkss option tells urlbst not to write out the URL as text within the bibliography entry. Instead, urlbst will produce a more conventional‐looking and compact bibliography entry, but the entry’s title will now be a hyperlink to that URL. This hyperlink may be useful to any‐ one who reads your document online (this option can only be used with ‐‐‐‐hhyyppeerrrreeff or ‐‐‐‐hhyyppeerrtteexx ). Any DOI or eprint text which would be produced as a result of the appropriate option will still appear in this mode. The distribution includes preconverted versions of the four standard BibTeX .bst style files. Only the style files which result from conversion of the standard styles are checked in the regression tests. Other style files which are known to work include acm.bst, amsalpha.bst, amsplain.bst, apalike.bst, gerabbrv.bst, ger‐ alpha.bst, gerapali.bst, gerplain.bst, gerunsrt.bst, ieeetr.bst, siam.bst, mla.bst Style files which are known to fail: * Currently (v0.5), there exists a style aacchhiiccaaggoo..bbsstt which seems to fox uurrllbbsstt ; it turns out that there’s a simpler but almost equivalent style cchhiiccaaggoo..bbsstt which works. * Some APA‐like styles, including at least aappaaggeerr..bbsstt , seem to be sufficiently different from the most common styles, that they confuse uurrllbbsstt completely. * The _k_o_m_a_‐_s_c_r_i_p_t styles and the _r_e_f_e_r styles are not designed to produce conventional ..bbbbll files, and uurrllbbsstt does not aim to produce anything useful from these. This might be a good time for me to revisit the rather convoluted logic within the script, to make it a little more robust in the face of variants like these, but don’t hold your breath... The natbib and revtex style files already have URL fields. If you have a BibTeX style file which you think ought to work, but with which the script fails, send it to me, and I’ll try to work out what I’ve missed (no promises, though). Note that the command to invoke the script changed from ‘urlbst.pl’ to plain ‘urlbst’ between versions 0.3 and 0.4. 22.. FFoorr eexxaammppllee...... To add URL support to the standard ssiiaamm..bbsstt file, you can give the command %% uurrllbbsstt //ppaatthh//ttoo//oorriiggiinnaall//ssiiaamm..bbsstt ssiiaammuurrll..bbsstt Your TeX installation will likely have some way of helping you find where the original ..bbsstt files are. On teTeX‐based systems, for example, the command kkppsseewwhhiicchh ssiiaamm..bbsstt returns the full path of the ssiiaamm..bbsstt file which BibTeX would find. The distributed files aabbbbrrvvuurrll..bbsstt , aallpphhaauurrll..bbsstt , ppllaaiinnuurrll..bbsstt and uunnssrrttuurrll..bbsstt are versions of the standard style files which have been pre‐converted. There is more general discussion of including URLs in bibliographies in the UK TeX FAQ. 33.. DDoowwnnllooaadd aanndd iinnssttaallllaattiioonn Download the file as a tarball or zip file and unpack it. Or you can clone the source repository at bit‐ bucket.org. To install, you should simply copy the distributed uurrllbbsstt script to someplace on the path (such as //uussrr//llooccaall//bbiinn , or ~~//llooccaall//bbiinn , depending on your privi‐ leges and tastes). If you (might) want to use the pre‐converted standard ..bbsstt files, then you’ll need to copy these to somewhere in the BibTeX search path. Type kpsepath bst on Unix to find out the list of places BibTeX searches, and pick either one of the user‐local locations, or a system‐wide one. If you’re installing in a system‐wide location, you’ll need admin privileges, obviously, and you will probably need to use tteexxhhaasshh , mmkktteexxllssrr or its equivalent, to update LaTeX’s filename cache. For further hints here, see the TeX FAQ entries on installing a package and where LaTeX puts files. That should be all you have to do. The urlbst script is distributed with a path which should just work, as long as the Perl binary is in your path, but if you have problems here, then you might want to change the first line to something like ##!! //uussrr//llooccaall//bbiinn//ppeerrll if that’s where your Perl binary is. You can also use the conventional ..//ccoonnffiigguurree;; mmaakkee;; mmaakkee iinnssttaallll to configure and install the package (as root, or using ssuuddoo if you’re installing it in a system location), though you still have to install the ..bbsstt files by hand. This is rather heavyweight for the trivial amount of config‐ uration required, so it’s almost always simpler just to do things by hand. If you need to change some of the uurrllbbsstt defaults, how‐ ever, or if your fingers type ..//ccoonnffiigguurree spontaneously, then you can be reassured that the configure script supports the standard ‐‐‐‐pprreeffiixx option, plus the following options setting defaults: ‐‐‐‐wwiitthh‐‐eepprriinnttss==uurrll , ‐‐‐‐wwiitthhoouutt‐‐eepprriinnttss This makes the ‐‐‐‐eepprriinnttss option to urlbst available by default, and allows you to optionally specify a prefix for creating URLs from eprint numbers. The default for this URL is hhttttpp::////aarrxxiivv..oorrgg//aabbss// ‐‐ this is appropriate for arXiv, obviously, but there are now a variety of other pre‐ print archives appearing, for which this might be inap‐ propriate. If you have comments on this default, or alternatives, please let me know. This option is enabled by default; if you have some reason for dis‐ abling the ‐‐‐‐eepprriinnttss option for urlbst, the give the configure option ‐‐‐‐wwiitthhoouutt‐‐eepprriinnttss ‐‐‐‐wwiitthh‐‐ddooii==uurrll , ‐‐‐‐wwiitthhoouutt‐‐ddooii This makes available the ‐‐‐‐ddooii option to urlbst and, as with the ‐‐‐‐wwiitthh‐‐eepprriinnttss option, allows you to customise the DOI resolver URL. The ‐‐‐‐ddooii option to urlbst is on by default. ‐‐‐‐wwiitthh‐‐hhrreeff==00//11//22 This allows you to specify the type of hyperlinks which are inserted in the bibliography. Values 0, 1 and 2, indicating no hyperlinks, hypertex‐ style links, and hyperref‐style links, respectively. The default is ‐‐‐‐wwiitthh‐‐hhrreeff==00 &. The hhyyppeerrrreeff ‐style option is intended to complement the increasingly stan‐ dard hhyyppeerrrreeff package. The first two options simply change defaults, and if you never use the new eepprriinnttss or ddooii fields, then the defaults don’t matter to you. Since the modified style generates URLs wrapped in the rrll{{}} macro, it is useful to use the resulting bibliography style alongside the uurrll package. Since this tends to work with hhyyppeerrrreeff anyway, where possible, you don’t get any extra goodness by changing the ‐‐‐‐wwiitthh‐‐hhrreeff default at con‐ figuration time. 33..11.. DDooccuummeennttaattiioonn Basic documentation is in the file uurrllbbsstt..tteexx &. This is distributed as a PDF file, but if you want to regenerate it, use %% llaatteexx uurrllbbsstt %% bbiibbtteexx uurrllbbsstt %% llaatteexx uurrllbbsstt %% llaatteexx uurrllbbsstt 44.. FFuurrtthheerr IInnffoorrmmaattiioonn aanndd aacckknnoowwlleeddggeemmeennttss uurrllbbsstt is archived on CTAN at bbiibblliioo//bbiibbtteexx//ccoonn‐‐ ttrriibb//uurrllbbsstt// , and discussed in the TeX FAQ. The source code for the package is maintained at bit‐ bucket.org, which also includes an issue tracker, where you can report bugs (or just mail me). The home page of urlbst might possibly have more recent versions than the one you’re looking at now. Thanks are due to many people for suggestions and requests, and to ’ijvm’ for code contributions. Copyright 2002‐11, Norman Gray. Released under the terms of the GNU General Public Licence. 55.. VVeerrssiioonn hhiissttoorryy 00..66‐‐55,, 22001111 MMaarrcchh 88 Adjust support for inline links (should now work for arXiv, DOI and Pubmed) 00..66‐‐44,, 22000099 AApprriill 2288 Work around BibTeX linebreaking bug (thanks to Andras Salamon for the bug report). 00..66‐‐33,, 22000099 AApprriill 1199 Fix inline link generation (thanks to Eric Chamberland for the bug report). 00..66‐‐22,, 22000088 NNoovveemmbbeerr 1177 We now turn on inlinelinks when we spot format.vol.num.pages, which means we include links for those styles which don’t include a title in the citation (common for articles in physical science styles, such as aip.sty). 00..66‐‐11,, 22000088 JJuunnee 1166 Fixed some broken links to the var‐ ious citation standards (I think in this context this should probably _n_o_t be happening, yes?). The distrib‐ uted **uurrll..bbsstt no longer have the ‐‐‐‐iinnlliinneelliinnkkss option turned on by default. _0_._6_, _2_0_0_7 _M_a_r_c_h _2_6 Added the option ‐‐‐‐iinnlliinneelliinnkkss , which adds inline hyperlinks to any bibliography entries which have URLs, but does so inline, rather than printing the URL explicitly in the bibliography. This is (primarily) useful if you’re pre‐ paring a version of a document which will be read on‐screen. Thanks to Jason Eisner for the suggestion, and much testing. Incorporate hyperref bugfixes from PaweÅ Widera. 00..66bb33 Further reworkings of the inlinelinks support, so that it’s now fired by a format.title (or format.bti‐ tle) line, with a fallback in fin.entry. This should be more robust, and allows me to delete some of the previous version’s gymnastics. 00..66bb22 Reworked iinnlliinneelliinnkkss support; should now be more robust. Incorporate hyperref bugfixes from PaweÅ Widera. 00..66bb11 Added the option iinnlliinneelliinnkkss , which adds inline hyperlinks to any bibliography entries which have URLs, but does so inline, rather than printing the URL explicitly in the bibliography. This is (only) useful if you’re preparing a version of a document which will be read on‐screen. 00..55..22,, 22000066 SSeepptteemmbbeerr 66 Another set of documentation‐ only changes, hopefully clarifying installation. 00..55..11,, 22000066 JJaannuuaarryy 1100 No functionality changes. Docu‐ mentation and webpage changes only, hopefully clarify‐ ing usage and configuration _0_._5_, _2_0_0_5 _J_u_n_e _3 Added support for Digital Object Iden‐ tifiers (DOI) fields in bibliographies. 00..44‐‐11,, 22000055 AApprriill 1122 Documentation improvements ‐‐ there are now examples in the help text! _0_._4_, _2_0_0_4 _D_e_c_e_m_b_e_r _1 Bug fixes: now compatible with mla.bst and friends. Now uses ..//ccoonnffiigguurree (option‐ ally). Assorted reorganisation. _0_._3_, _2_0_0_3 _J_u_n_e _4 Added ‐‐eprint, ‐‐hypertex and ‐‐hyperref options. _0_._2_, _2_0_0_2 _O_c_t_o_b_e_r _2_3 The ‘editor’ field is now sup‐ ported in the webpage entry type. Basic documentation added. _0_._1_, _2_0_0_2 _A_p_r_i_l Initial version Norman Gray 2011 March 8