GOST is a bundle of BibTeX styles designed to meet State Standards (GOST) on information, librarianship and publishing issued by Russian Federation and interstate committee of former USSR States. It may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3 of this license or (at your option) any later version. The latest version of this license is in http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX version 2005/12/01 or later. The System of Standards includes: GOST 7.0.5-2008 Bibliographic reference. General requirements and rules of making. GOST 7.1 -2003 Bibliographic record. Bibliographic description. General requirements and rules. GOST 7.80 -2000 Bibliographic record. Heading. General requirements and rules. GOST 7.11 -2004 Bibliographic description and references. Rules for the abbreviation of words and word combinations in foreign European languages ect. The GOST bundle contains 8 BibTeX styles. These include 2 BibTeX styles for documents in 8bit encoding and 2 equivalent styles in UTF8 encoding. Encoding | Unsorted Sorted ---------------------------------------------------------------- 8bit | gost705.bst gost705s.bst utf8 | unicode-gost705.bst unicode-gost705s.bst 4 styles are retained for backward compatibility. They do not conform standards listed above. Encoding | Unsorted Sorted ---------------------------------------------------------------- 8bit | gost780u.bst gost780s.bst utf8 | unicode-gost780u.bst unicode-gost780s.bst To produce 8bit styles, you need to download the files `gost.ins' and `gost.dtx'. Run LaTeX on gost.ins. Similarly, to produce unicoded style, run LaTeX on unicode-gost.ins. Beyond that, GOST bundle contains CS files (codepage and sorting order). Encoding | CSF Sorting order ---------------------------------------------------------------- cp866 | ruscii.csf Cyrillic first, Latin cp1251 | cp1251.csf Cyrillic first, Latin koi8-u | koi8u.csf Cyrillic first, Latin utf8 | utf8cyrillic.csf Cyrillic first, Latin In addition, BibTeX8 distribution comes with few more CSFs. Encoding | CSF Sorting order ---------------------------------------------------------------- cp866 | cp866rus.csf Latin first, Cyrillic How to use 1. Select bibliography style by adding appropriate \bibliographystyle declaration to your source file .tex, e.g. \bibliographystyle{gost705} \bibliography{dabase} 2. Add the field language="ukrainian" or language="russian" to the bibliographic entries in Ukrainian or Russian languages in your database; English is the default language. German, Italian and French are partially supported. 3. To compile list of references from your database use bibtex8.exe rather than bibtex.exe. Depending on the codepage of your bibliographic database, indicate one of the CS files listed above as option to bibtex8.exe. Run LaTeX, then run bibTeX8 and LaTeX again: latex .tex bibtex8 -B -c .csf .aux latex .tex 4. For details on preparing bibliographic database see examples in gost*.pdf. 5. Unicode-gost*.bst styles are primarily intended for use with unicode compilers (xelatex and lualatex). They should be preferred as well when using 8bit compilers (latex and pdflatex) if source file is in utf8 encoding. Customization Every GOST style defines few commands to format some parts of a reference. You can redefine these commands prior to the \bibliography{} command. Initial definitions are listed below. \providecommand*{\url}[1]{{\small #1}} \providecommand*{\BibUrl}[1]{\url{#1}} \providecommand{\BibAnnote}[1]{} \providecommand*{\BibEmph}[1]{\emph{#1}} By default, gost styles separate logical parts of a bibliography record by a period and cyrdash (. "---). It is legitimate to drop that dash by overriding the command \BibDash as follows \providecommand*{\BibDash}{} By default, \BibDash is equivalent to the shorthand "--- introduced by the babel package with the option russian. It prints a so called cyrillic dash (\cyrdash), which is 20% shorter then ordinary LaTeX dash (---), and puts unbreakable space before \cyrdash so that dash never appears in the beginning of a line. Where to get 1. http://ctan.org/tex-archive/biblio/bibtex/contrib/gost 2. http://ctan.org/pkg/gost What's new in version 2012.02.02 1. Support for GOST 7.0.5-2008 is provided. 2. @Online entry is added to format a reference to electronic resource on Internet. 3. Urldate field is added to format the date of last access to Internet resource. Version history 2. 2012.02.02 1. 2005.08.12 Please, send feature requests and bug reports via e-mail: kia999 at mail dot ru polyama at yahoo dot edu Happy BibTeXing!