\documentclass{itaxpf} \usepackage{hyperref} \hypersetup{% colorlinks = {true}, urlcolor = {blue}, linkcolor = {black}, citecolor = {black}, pdfauthor = {Arne Henningsen}, pdftitle = {Testing LaTeX class and BibTeX style for the journal International Tax and Public Finance (ITAXPF)}, pdfkeywords = {International Tax and Public Finance, BibTeX, LaTeX} } \usepackage{multido} \title{Testing \LaTeX{} Class and Bib\TeX{} Style for the Journal ``International Tax and Public Finance'' (ITAXPF)} \author{Arne Henningsen \and Jim Nobody} \affiliation{University~of~Kiel} \keywords{International Tax and Public Finance, BibTeX, LaTeX} \jelclass{A1, B2, C3} \begin{document} \maketitle \begin{abstract} \multido{}{15}{This is an abstract. } \end{abstract} \section{Introduction} \multido{}{15}{This is an introduction. } \section{Manuscript Formatting} The manuscript formatting instructions are available at \url{http://www.springerlink.com/link.asp?id=102915}.% \footnote{ Footnotes are automatically converted to endnotes. } \section{Citations} \subsection{Citations in Text} \citeauthor{becker64} in a paper on \ldots \citet[p.~12]{schoemaker80} has shown that \ldots A proof is given by \citet{smith86}. An overview is available in table~\ref{tab:citations}. \begin{table}[htbp] \centering \caption{Citations} \label{tab:citations} \begin{tabular}{lll} \hline Author(s) & Year & Citation\\ \hline \citeauthor{becker64} & \citeyear{becker64} & \citet{becker64}\\ \citeauthor{schoemaker80} & \citeyear{schoemaker80} & \citet{schoemaker80}\\ \citeauthor{smith86} & \citeyear{smith86} & \citet{smith86}\\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{table} \subsection{Citations in Parenthesis} This method has been criticised \citep{becker64, schoemaker80, smith86}. $A$ is equal to $B$ \citep{becker64}. $B$ is equal to $C$ \citep{schoemaker80}. \subsection{List of References} Note: The Bib\TeX{} style \texttt{iptax.bst} does not follow exactly the °Sample References° in the °Instructions for Authors°, but follows the lists of references in published articles (although the formatting slightly differs between articles). \listofendnotes \nocite{*} \bibliographystyle{itaxpf} \bibliography{itaxpf-ex} \end{document}