LaTeX and BibTeX Support for Submissions to Economics Journals CONTENTS As of today, following classes and styles are available: 1) American Economic Review aer.bst: BibTeX style. It requires the style files aer.sty (in this bundle) and harvard.sty (CTAN:macros/latex/contrib/harvard/) aertt.bst: This reproduces the incredibly crazy way the AER asks for ``final'' manuscripts to look. It requires the style files aertt.sty (in this bundle), harvard.sty (CTAN:macros/latex/contrib/harvard/), and ulem.sty (CTAN:macros/latex/contrib/misc/) aer.sty: LaTeX style for the AER aertt.sty: LaTeX style for ``final'' manuscripts submitted to the AER author: Peter Williams aer-cje-ex.tex: example LaTeX file aer-cje-ex.bib: bibliography of the example file authors of aer-cje-ex.*: Randall M. Wigle , Nelson H. F. Beebe , and Arne Henningsen aer-natbib-ex.tex: LaTeX file for testing aer.bst with the natbib package author of aer-natbib-ex.tex: Arne Henningsen 2) Agricultural Economics (AgEcon) agecon.cls: LaTeX class agecon.bst: BibTeX style author: Arne Henningsen license: LPPL 3) American Journal of Agricultural Economics ajae.bst: BibTeX style ajae.cls: LaTeX class ajae-ex.tex: example LaTeX file ajae-ex.bib: bibliography of the example file authors: Arne Henningsen and Karsten Heymann license: LPPL 4) Applied Economics (ApEcon) apecon.cls: LaTeX class apecon.bst: BibTeX style author: Arne Henningsen license: LPPL 5) Canadian Journal of Economics cje.bst: BibTeX style. It requires the style files cje.sty (in this bundle) and harvard.sty (CTAN:macros/latex/contrib/harvard/) cje.sty: LaTeX style for the CJE author: Peter Williams aer-cje-ex.tex: example LaTeX file aer-cje-ex.bib: bibliography of the example file authors of aer-cje-e.*: Randall M. Wigle , Nelson H. F. Beebe , and Arne Henningsen 6) Econometrica ecta.bst: BibTeX style. It requires the LaTeX style ``natbib'' (or ``chicago'') author: Sebastian Perez-Duarte OR econometrica.bst: BibTeX style. It requires the style file harvard.sty (CTAN:macros/latex/contrib/harvard/) author: KC Border OR econometrica-fr.bst: BibTeX style. It requires the style file harvard.sty (CTAN:macros/latex/contrib/harvard/) author: Guillaume Horny 7) Economica ecca.bst: BibTeX style ecca.cls: LaTeX class ecca-ex.tex: example LaTeX file ecca-ex.bib: bibliography of the example file author: Arne Henningsen license: LPPL 8) European Review of Agricultural Economics erae.bst: BibTeX style erae.cls: LaTeX class erae-ex.tex: example LaTeX file erae-ex.bib: bibliography of the example file author: Arne Henningsen license: LPPL 9) International Economic Review ier.bst: BibTeX style author: Doug McKee license: LPPL 10) International Tax and Public Finance itaxpf.cls: LaTeX class itaxpf.bst: BibTeX style itaxpf-ex.tex: example LaTeX file itaxpf-ex.bib: bibliography of the example file itaxpf-ex-title.tex: example LaTeX file for a title page author: Arne Henningsen license: LPPL 11) Journal of Political Economy (JPE) jpe.bst: BibTeX style author: Adam Seth Litwin license: LPPL 12) Journal of Rural Studies (JRurStud) jrurstud.cls: LaTeX class (BibTeX style: "elsart-harv.bst", available at author: Arne Henningsen license: LPPL 13) Oesterreichische Gesellschaft für Agraroekonomie (OeGA) (Austrian Association of Agricultural Economists) oegatb.cls: LaTeX class for short papers for publication in the "Tagungsband" oega.bst: BibTeX style oegatb-ex.tex: example file oegatb-ex.bib: bibliography of the example file oegatb-ex.png: figure included in the example file author: Arne Henningsen license: LPPL 14) Post-Communist Economies pocoec.cls: LaTeX class (BibTeX style: tandfx.bst, in this package) author: Arne Henningsen license: LPPL 15) Regional Studies regstud.cls: LaTeX class regstud.bst: BibTeX style author: Arne Henningsen license: LPPL 16) Taylor and Francis Reference Style X tandfx.bst: BibTeX style for "Reference Style X" of Taylor and Francis 17) World Development worlddev.cls: LaTeX class worlddev.bst: BibTeX style author: Arne Henningsen license: LPPL USAGE The usage of most classes and styles is explained inside these files. Example files are provided for a few classes and styles: aer-cje-ex.tex, aer-natbib-ex.tex, ajae-ex.tex, erae-ex.tex, ecca-ex.tex, itaxpf-ex.tex, itaxpf-ex-title.tex, oegatb-ex.tex. Most classes load the natbib package (see CTAN:macros/latex/contrib/natbib/) Other styles generally permit four forms of citation, which are illustrated below: Citation Form Result \cite{wealth} (Smith 1776) \citename{wealth} Smith \citeyear{wealth} (1776) \citeasnoun{wealth} Smith (1776) Further information might be available at BUG REPORTS Please report any bugs and problems at MAINTAINER Arne Henningsen Department of Agricultural Economics University of Kiel Olshausenstr. 40 D-24098 Kiel (Germany) Tel: +49-431-880 4445 Fax: +49-431-880 1397 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I would like to thank Randall M. Wigle for maintaining these files from 1993 to 2006 and all authors for preparing and publishing these files. AVAILABILITY These files are currently available from CTAN:biblio/bibtex/contrib/economic/ and